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District Setup

On this page:


The following data elements are required for district setup. 

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The District Management page appears.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Setting Up Attendance


Choose the appropriate value from the pop-up menu.




Refresh Attendance Tracking

EOY Attendance Extract


Enter a value for the threshold.

Enter a percentage of time as the threshold for the Percent tracking method. For the purposes of the EOY Attendance Extract the value for percent does not matter.




Refresh Attendance Tracking

EOY Attendance Extract

Unexcused Tracking Levels settings are not required for Maryland.




Not Required

Illness Tracking Levels settings are not required for Maryland.




Not Required

District Management > Courses and Programs > Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.


Max 40

Class Level Membership

Student Course Grade Teacher

Maryland Course Catalog

Course Number

The course number.


Max 11

Class Level Membership

Student Course Grade Teacher

Maryland Course Catalog

Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.



Class Level Membership

Credit Hours

Enter the number of credits the student will earn upon successful completion of this course.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Maryland Course Catalog

CIP Code

Enter the appropriate Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code for this course.

Refer to the list provided the MSDE for a list of valid CIP codes.



CTE Enrollment Extract

Student Course Grade Teacher


Enter the course department.


Max 12

Class Level Membership

Exclude from State Reporting

Select Yes to exclude this course from state reporting.



Class Level Membership

Exclude from Course Grade Report

Select Yes to exclude this course from the Student Course Grade Teacher report.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Subject Code

If the course is identified as a Core Academic Subject (CAS), enter the subject code assigned to that course. The Core Academic Subjects are:

  • English, Language
  • Arts/Reading
  • Foreign Languages
  • Math
  • Science
  • The Arts
  • Social Studies


Max 12

Class Level Membership

Student Course Grade Teacher

Maryland Course Catalog

Grade Level

Select the appropriate grade level or primary instructional level at which a course is intended



Student Course Grade Teacher

Maryland Course Catalog

MCAP Student Classes file

Time of Year

Select the time of year when this course is offered. This is the default value; you can override this value by entering a Time of Year for one or more course sections.



Class Level Membership

Concentrator Designation

Select Yes if this course is identified as a concentrator course. No is the default.



CTE Enrollment Extract

Instruction Outside of School Flag

Select Yes if this course is taught outside of the school. The default is No.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Outside School Number

If Instruction Outside of School (above) is Yes, enter the Enter the valid 4-digit MSDE school number of the school where the student(s) receive instruction.



Student Course Grade Teacher

AP/Honors Indicator

Select A if this course is an AP course or H if this course is an Honors course. The default is No, indicating the course is a standard course.



Student Course Grade Teacher

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Select Yes if this course is an International Baccalaureate course. The default is No.



Student Course Grade Teacher

HSA Subject Flag

The HSA Pre-Requisite Flag has been repurposed as the HAS Subject Flag. Select one of the following values:

  • A = Algebra
  • B = Biology
  • E = English
  • N = Course not associated with an HSA test



Student Course Grade Teacher

MSA Subject Flag

The Reading/Mathematics Class of Record field has been repurposed for the MSA Subject Flag. Select one of the following values:

  • R = Reading/Language Arts
  • M = Math
  • S = Science
  • N = Class is not associated with an MSA-tested grade or subject
  • 1 = Reading and Math (RM)
  • 2 = Reading and Science (RS)
  • 3 = Math and Science (MS)
  • 4 = Reading, Math and Science (RMS)



Student Course Grade Teacher

Technology Education

Indicator that the course meets the general education graduation requirement for technology education

High Schools only:

  • Y = the course is meets the general education requirement for technology education
  • N = the course does not meet the general education requirement for technology education



Student Course Grade Teacher

Advanced Technology Education

Indicator that the course meets the graduation completion requirement for advanced technology education

High Schools only:

  • Y = the course meets the graduation requirement for advanced technology education
  • N = the course does not meets the graduation requirement for advanced technology education


Student Course Grade Teacher

Non-Traditional Course

Check if this course is a derived version of the traditional course such as a support course or pull-out program.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Include in KRA/ELA Readiness Assessment

Check the box if you would like this course to be included in the KRA reports.



Kindergarten Readiness

MD Test Code Subject

Select the PARCC Test Format


MCAP Student Accommodation File

MCAP Student Classes file


HS GOV/MISA Accommodations Update

Rigorous HS Indicator

Select the indicator for Rigorous High School course. See the Appendix for a full list of the codes and descriptions.


District Management > Courses and Programs > Courses > View Master Course List > Select a Course > Maryland Course Catalog

SCED Course Code

Select the appropriate SCED Course Code for the course.

See the SCED Course Code listing for a complete list of all SCED Course Codes and detailed descriptions for their content.



Maryland Course Catalog

Course Level

An indicator of the general nature and difficulty of instruction provided throughout the course.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Maryland Course Catalog

Course Level Characteristic

Additional characteristic associated with the general nature or rigor of instruction throughout a course. This data element supplements the Course Level data element and describes an additional dimension of a courses contents.

See the Appendix for valid values.

[S_MD_CRS_MCC_X]Course_Level_Characteristic4Maryland Course Catalog

SCED Grade Span - Lowest Grade

Select one of the following values:




Maryland Course Catalog

Highest Grade

Select one of the following values:




Maryland Course Catalog

SCED Sequence of Course

Enter the first part in the sequence or order of a series of courses, if there are multiple parts.



Maryland Course Catalog

SCED Sequence Total

Enter the second part in the sequence or order of a series of courses, if there are multiple parts



Maryland Course Catalog

LEA Course Description

Enter a description of the course content and/or goals and may include reference to the state or national content standards. Required if the course indicated grade is a 9- 12 level course.



Maryland Course Catalog

Course Grade Point Average Applicability

Select this if this course is being included in the computation of the student’s grade point average.



Maryland Course Catalog

Course Content Standards

Indicator of the content standards used to align course curriculum and assess whether or not students meet grade level expectations.

Select one of the following values:

  • NS = National Standards
  • SS = State Standards
  • LS = Local Standards
  • CO = Combination
  • NA = No Standards



Maryland Course Catalog

High School Course Requirement

Select this to indicate that this course is required for high school diploma.



Maryland Course Catalog

K12 End of Course Requirement

Select this to indicate that this course and an end of course examination required by the SEA or LEA.



Maryland Course Catalog

Family and Consumer Sciences Course Indicator

Select this to indicate that this course is associated with the Family and Consumer Sciences plan of study.



Maryland Course Catalog

Technology and Advanced Technology Education

Select one of the following values:

  • GTE = General Technology Education
  • ATE = Advanced Technology Education
  • NONE = None



Maryland Course Catalog

Delivery Type

The primary setting or medium of delivery for the course.

Select one of the following values:

  • FF = Face to Face
  • ON = Online
  • IS = Independent Study
  • DC = Dual Credit
  • HB = Hybrid/Blended



Maryland Course Catalog

Instructional Language

The language of instruction used to teach the program or course.

Select one of the following values:

  • EN = English
  • SP = Spanish
  • AR = Arabic
  • CH = Chinese
  • FR = French
  • ASL = American Sign Language
  • IT = Italian
  • PG = Portuguese
  • GR = German
  • GK = Greek
  • LN = Latin
  • JP = Japanese
  • RN = Russian
  • TK = Turkish
  • OT = Other



Maryland Course Catalog

National Collegiate Athletic Association Eligibility

Select this to indicate that this course is approved for determining NCAA eligibility.



Maryland Course Catalog

IPEDS School Code for Institute of Higher Education

Select the IPEDS School code for the associated instruction of higher education where the college-level or dual-credit course takes place.



Maryland Course Catalog

Select 'Yes' to use Student Contacts for State Reporting.

Note: This is a District setting and is applied to all schools.

Local Education Agency (2-digit code)

Enter the 2-digit local education agency.



CTE Enrollment Extract

Student Attendance —Early EOY, and Summer

High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Annual Report of Habitual Truants

Class Level Membership

Student Discipline Extract

School Enrollment

School Enrollment

SASID Extract

Student Course Grade Teacher

Code setSelect the Code set type.[CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode


Enter the entry code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Student Attendance —Early EOY, and Summer

Display ValueEnter the code display value.[CODESET]DisplayValue


Enter the entry code description.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Required Setup

Sort OrderEnter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.[CODESET] UIDisplayOrderN/A
Start DateEnter a start date to activate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveStartDate8
End DateEnter an end date to inactivate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8

Ethnicity Codes

Define ethnicity codes.




Student Attendance —Early EOY, and Summer

School Enrollment

Code setSelect the Code set type.[CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode


Enter the exit code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Student Attendance —Early EOY, and Summer

Display ValueEnter the code display value.[CODESET]DisplayValue


Enter the exit code meaning.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Required Setup

Sort OrderEnter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.[CODESET] UIDisplayOrderN/A
Start DateEnter a start date to activate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveStartDate8
End DateEnter an end date to inactivate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveEndDate88

Entering Immunization Information

Health Setup > Immunizations > Vaccines > Add/Edit Vaccines

Health code values are loaded automatically with the PowerSchool installer. The vaccinations, doses, exemption types and certification types will only be seeded if none already exist at the district level. If additional vaccines, doses, exemption types or certification types are required for your district, follow the setup instructions below.

Vaccine Name

The following vaccines are set up for Maryland:

    • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP/DTP/Tdap/DT/Td)

    • Polio

    • Haemophilus influenza type b (HIB)

    • Hepatitis B (HepB)

    • PCV

    • Rotavirus

    • Meningococcal (MCV4)

    • HPV

    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

    • Varicella (Chicken Pox)

    • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) booster

    • FLU

    • COVID19

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for a complete list of vaccine values.




Vaccine Code

Enter the vaccine code or abbreviation.

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this vaccine, if applicable. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.

Note: Do not populate this field with a value other than what is specified in Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes. If you add a vaccine that is not listed there, leave the State Report Code blank.




Number of Doses

Enter the number of doses required for this vaccine. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.

Note: If your district requires more doses than what was set up by PowerSchool, you can increase the number of doses manually.





Enter a description of the vaccine.




This vaccine is optional

Select if the vaccine is not required.



Required Setup

Rules Engine

The rules engine is available to automatically determine whether a student is compliant for a vaccine.

Each vaccine can only be bound to one rule. Once a vaccine is bound to a rule, the Unbind rule checkbox is available in the Edit Vaccine dialog box.




Exemption Name

The following exemption types are set up for Maryland:

  • Medical - Permanent

  • Medical - Temporary

  • Religious Objection

See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Codes for a complete list of immunization exemption type values.




Exemption Code

Enter the exemption type code or abbreviation.




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this exemption type, if applicable.




Certificate Name

The following certificate types are set up for Maryland:

Valid value:

  • 896

  • Immunization Database

  • See Health Database

  • See Health Record

  • Shot Record from Physician

  • Welligent




Certificate Code

Enter the certificate type code or abbreviation.

Valid value:

  • 896
  • immunization_db
  • health_db
  • health_rec
  • physician_rec
  • welligent




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this certificate type, if applicable.

Valid value:

  • 896
  • immunization_db
  • health_db
  • health_rec
  • physician_rec
  • welligent




Default Certificate

Select to indicate that this is the default certificate associated with immunization records. Certification Type 896 is the current default.




Defining Log Entries

District Management > Behavior > Log Entry Fields > Edit Log Entry Field

Log Entry Fields

Define the fields that appear on the log entry page.



Student Discipline Extract

Data for Popup or Radio Buttons

Enter the data for popup or radio buttons.





Log Type

Enter a log type of Discipline.

Note: You must create a Discipline Log Type record to add a discipline incident to a student’s record using the Student Log Entry option. The Discipline Log Type is used to retrieve the discipline fields required by the State of Maryland.



Max 20

Student Discipline Extract

School Number

Enter the 4-digit number assigned to the school building.

For more information, see the list of valid school numbers supplied by MSDE.



Student Attendance —Early EOY, and Summer

Annual Report of Habitual Truants

Class Level Membership

Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment

School Enrollment

SASID Extract

Student Course Grade Teacher

CTE Enrollment Extract

Class Level Membership

High School Assessment Status and Completer Information


Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




Student Attendance —Early and EOY

School Enrollment

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) School

Indicates a school is Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).



Attendance Extract (Early, End of Year, Sep 30)

Define the SOL tests for the district.


Enter the name of the test. You should start the test name with SOL.



High School Assessment Status and Completion Extract


Select the type of test.

Note: For an SOL test, select State.



High School Assessment Status and Completion Extract


Enter a description of the test.



High School Assessment Status and Completion Extract

Define the test score categories.

Score Name

You must create a Passed test category. This category is used to determine if a test is Pass Advanced, Pass Proficient, Locality Awarded, or Not Passed.



GPA for CCR Review and Rigorous HS Indicator
Unweighted GPA Calculation Method: Grade 10

A select option of the available district defined GPA Calculation Methods. The 'CCR GPA Grade 10 (only valid at the end of grade 10)' GPA that displays on the student's CCR Review section of the HS Assessment and completer Information > MCA/CCR tab.

The GPA Calculation Method is created by the district in the District Management > Academics > GPA Calculation Methods. The method selected must be an unweighted method.

CalculatedN/AUsed to help determine Career and College Readiness.
Unweighted GPA Calculation Method: Grade 11

A select option of the available district defined GPA Calculation Methods. The 'CCR GPA Grade 11 (only valid at the end of grade 11)' GPA that displays on the student's CCR Review section of the HS Assessment and completer Information > MHSA/CCR tab.

The GPA Calculation Method is created by the district in the District Management > Academics > GPA Calculation Methods. The method selected must be an unweighted method.

CalculatedN/AUsed to help determine Career and College Readiness.
Unweighted GPA Calculation Method: Grade 12 and Cumulative GPA

A select option of the available district defined GPA Calculation Methods. The  'CCR GPA Grade 12 (only valid at the end of grade 12)' GPA that displays on the student's CCR Review section of the HS Assessment and completer Information > MHSA/CCR tab.

This GPA Calculation method is also used for the HSC Data page 'GPA Greater than 3.0' calculation. This option is for the 'Rigorous HS Indicator - GPA' Data Element of the High School Status Data Collection report.

The GPA Calculation Method is created by the district in the District Management > Academics > GPA Calculation Methods. The method selected must be an unweighted method.

CalculatedN/AUsed to help determine Career and College Readiness and Rigours .

Associated Test

Select the test used for the ACT test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Composite Score

Select the test score used for the ACT Composite score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Composite Score Type

Enter the score type field that the ACT Composite Score is in.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information


Associated Test

Select the test used for the SAT test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Math Score

Select the test score used for the SAT Math score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated English Score

Select the test score used for the SAT English score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Composite Score Type

Enter the score type field that contains the SAT Scores.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Math Assessments

Associated Test

Select the test used for the Math Assessment test





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the Math Assessment score





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Enter the score type field that contains the Math Assessment Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value needed for a passing score on the Math Assessment




4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information


Enter the field that contains the Math Assessment level.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

English/Language Arts (ELA) Assessments

Associated Test

Select the test used for the ELA Assessment test





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the ELA Assessment score





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Enter the score type field that contains the ELA Assessment Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value needed for a passing score on the ELA Assessment




4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information


Enter the field that contains the ELA Assessment level.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Science Assessments

Associated Test

Select the test used for the Science Assessment test





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the Science Assessment score




High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Enter the score type field that contains the Science Assessment Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value needed for a passing score on the Science Assessment




4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information


Enter the field that contains the Science Assessment level.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Government Assessments

Associated Test

Select the test used for the Government Assessment test





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the Government Assessment score





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Choose the score type field that contains the Government Assessment Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value required for a passing score on the Government Assessment




4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information


Enter the field that contains the Government Assessment level.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha





High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Next Generation Accuplacer

Associated Test

Select the test used for the reading Accuplacer test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the reading Accuplacer score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Choose the score type field that contains the reading Accuplacer Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value required for a passing score on the reading Accuplacer


4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Test

Select the test used for the writing Accuplacer test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the writing Accuplacer score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Choose the score type field that contains the writing Accuplacer Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value required for a passing score on the writing Accuplacer


4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Test

Select the test used for the arithmetic Accuplacer test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the arithmetic Accuplacer score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Choose the score type field that contains the arithmetic Accuplacer Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value required for a passing score on the Arithmetic Accuplacer


4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics

Associated Test

Select the test used for the quantitative, reasoning, algebra and statistics Accuplacer test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the quantitative, reasoning, algebra and statistics Accuplacer score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Choose the score type field that contains the quantitative, reasoning, algebra and statistics Accuplacer Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value required for a passing score on the quantitative, reasoning, algebra and statistics Accuplacer


4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information
Advanced Algebra and Functions

Associated Test

Select the test used for the advanced algebra and functions Accuplacer test



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Associated Score

Select the test score used for the advanced algebra and functions Accuplacer score



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Score Type

Choose the score type field that contains the qadvanced algebra and functions Accuplacer Score.

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Alpha



High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Passing ScoreEnter the value required for a passing score on the advanced algebra and functions Accuplacer


4High School Assessment Status and Completer Information

Use the Letter Grade Mapping option to map the state-required letter grades to its respective PowerSchool grade for each school in your district. The mapped values are used to determine the grades extracted when the Student Course Grade Teacher. On the High School Status Data Collection (HSSDC) extract, the Letter Grade Mapping is used to determine if a student receives a Rigorous HS Indicator.

You must complete this page for each school in your district before generating the Student Course Grade Teacher or High School Status Data Collection (HSSDC) extract.

To create a new record, follow these steps.

  1. On the Letter Grade Mapping page, click the Edit link next to the school whose grades you are mapping.
  2. Click the New button. The New Mapping page appears.
  3. In the From PowerSchool Grade lists, hold down the Ctrl key and click each PowerSchool letter grade that corresponds to the State Value/Description. For example, for Passing Status (P), you would select Excellent progress (A), Good progress (B), Reasonable progress (C), and Unsatisfactory progress (D).
  4. When all state grade values are mapped, click the Submit button to add the record to the list.

Click the Edit link to modify a Letter Grade Mapping record.

Grade Scale ID

The grade scale selected displays.

[S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C] GradeScaleItemDCID


Student Course Grade Teacher


Incomplete (I)

Hold down the Ctrl key and click each letter grade that corresponds to an Incomplete grade value.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Failing (F)

Hold down the Ctrl key and click each letter grade that corresponds to a Failing grade value.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Passing (P)

Hold down the Ctrl key and click each letter grade that corresponds to a Passing grade value.



Student Course Grade Teacher

Counts Towards Rigorous HS Indicator (B or greater)

Hold down the Ctrl key and click each letter grade that is valid for a Rigorous HS Indicator.




Use the Term Grade Mapping option to map the state-required Term Period to its respective store code and Term ID for each school in your district. The mapped values are used to determine the grades extracted when the Student Course Grade Teacher extract is generated. On the High School Status Data Collection (HSSDC) extract, the Term Grade Mapping is used to determine if a student receives a Rigorous HS Indicator.

You must complete this page for each school in your district before generating the Student Course Grade Teacher extract.

To create a new record, follow these steps:

  1. In the TermID field, enter the current term ID that determines the term in which the course was taken.
  2. In the Store Code field, enter the store code that identifies the set of grades to be extracted for a student that took this course in this term.
  3. In the Course Term field, enter the state-required term period that correlates to the store code and term ID.
  4. In the Completion Date field, enter the date the course term ends.
  5. Click the Submit button to add the record to the list.

To modify a Term Grade Mapping record, click the Edit link.

School Number

Enter the school number.



Student Course Grade Teacher


Term ID

Enter the term in which this course was taken.



Student Course Grade Teacher


Store Code

Enter the code identifying the set of grades to be extracted for any student that took the course in this term. For example, you might use “S1” to store Semester 1 grades.



Student Course Grade Teacher


Course Term

Enter the state-assigned term period that correlates to the store code and term ID. .



Student Course Grade Teacher


Completion Date

Enter the completion date for the course term.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY



Student Course Grade Teacher


Use the GPA Grade Mapping option state GPA value to local PowerSchool grade scales. The mapped values are used to determine the grade extracted when the Student Course Grade Teacher extract is generated.

You must complete this page for each grade scale used by your district before generating the Student Course Grade Teacher extract.

To create a new record, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Edit button to that corresponds to the Grade Scale Name to be mapped.
  2. Click the New button to map the selected grade scale.
  3. For each PowerSchool Grade listed, enter the state-required GPA value in the Store GPA Value field.
  4. When finished, click the Submit button to add the record to the list.
  5. Repeat these steps for each grade level used by the district.

To edit a GPA Grade Mapping record, click the Edit link.

Grade Scale Name

Each grade scale used in the district displays.

[S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C] GradeScaleItemDCID


Student Course Grade Teacher

PowerSchool Grade

Each PowerSchool Grade valid for the selected grade scale displays in this list.

[MD_GPA_Grade_Mapping]letter_grade_id_001 through [MD_GPA_Grade_Mapping]letter_grade_id_110


Student Course Grade Teacher

State GPA Value

Enter the state GPA value that corresponds to each PowerSchool Grade value in the selected grade scale.

[MD_GPA_Grade_Mapping]gpa_value_001 through [MD_GPA_Grade_Mapping]gpa_value_110


Student Course Grade Teacher

Use the Online IEP Setup to Map the Parent/Guardian 1 and Parent/Guardian 2 fields to be used in the extract. The mapped values are used to determine the Parent/Guardian 1 and 2 fields when the Online IEP extract is generated.

You must complete this page for before generating the Online IEP extract.

To map the fields, follow these steps.

  1. The Report Field is the field being extracted on the report.

  2. The Student Field is where you need to enter the field the data should come from. This field might be from the student table or it could be a custom field you have created.

  3. The Format is how the data was entered in the Student Field. This does not apply to all fields being exported.

  4. When finished, click the Submit button to add the record to the list.

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