Student Setup
On this page:
The following data elements are required for student setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > Student.
- On the Start Page click the School link.
- Choose the appropriate School from the pop-up menu.
- Click the first letter of the student’s last name.
- Click the student's name in the List. The last accessed student information page opens for the student.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Entering General Demographics | ||||
Name (last, first MI) | Enter the student name in the following format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Students]LastFirst [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name | 35 20 15 20 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
DOB | Enter the date of birth. | [Students]DOB | N/A | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Annual Report of Habitual Truants Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino? | Click Yes if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino. Click No if the student’s ethnicity is not Hispanic or Latino. | [Students]FedEthnicity | 1 | School Enrollment Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer CTE Enrollment Extract High School Assessment Status and Completer Information SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher Student Discipline Extract |
Race: What is the student’s race? | Select the checkbox next to each race that applies to this student. Race is reported as a five position field, with each code assigned a value from 1 through 5. If a checkbox is not selected, a 0 is assigned to that position. For example, a student record with the Asian and African American race checkboxes selected is 02300. | [StudentRace]RaceCd | 5 | School Enrollment Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer CTE Enrollment Extract High School Assessment Status and Completer Information SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher Student Discipline Extract |
Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity | Select the race code previously assigned to this student. | [Students]Ethnicity | 1 | School Enrollment Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher Student Discipline Extract |
Gender | Choose the gender from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for a full list of the codes and descriptions. | [Students]Gender | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Class Level Membership Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
SSN | Enter the social security number. Note: In cases where a social security number is not available for a student, provide a pseudo-number with a "9" in the first digit, the assigned county code in the next two digits, and a unique sequential number in the last six digits. This number must be the same number that will be used to identify any student level information submitted to MSDE, including SSIS and MSPP data. | [Students]SSN | 9 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
Student Number | Enter the 10-Character Student ID Number assigned by the local education agency. | [Students]Student_Number | N/A | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
Entering Immunization InformationNote: Health functionality requires PowerSchool 7.1 or higher. | ||||
Vaccine | Click the vaccine name and, if applicable, choose an Exemption type. Optionally, select Out of compliance and enter a comment. Note: Vaccines and associated doses are set up at the District. For a list of valid vaccines, see Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID (Exemption Type) [HealthStudImmRec]ComplianceyStatus [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionComment | N/A | Immunization |
Date each dose was given | Click the dose cell for the appropriate vaccine. Choose a date using the calendar icon, and then choose a Certificate Type from the pop-up menu. When you click Submit for the page, if the vaccine is bound to a compliance rule, then the student’s compliance is evaluated. Vaccines are set up and bound to a rule at the district level. Immunization Certificate Types are set up at the District via Health Setup. For a list of valid certificate types, see the Health Immunization: Certification Type Codes. Enter dosage dates for the following vaccines:
| [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthStudDoseRec]HealthImmSourceID (Certificate Type) | N/A | Immunization |
Description of Change | Enter the reason for updating the student’s immunization information. | [HealthStudChngRsn]ChngRsnDesc | N/A | Not Required |
View Change History | Click to view the student’s immunization change history. | [HealthStudChngRsn]ChngRsnDesc [HealthStudChngRsn]WhoModified | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Maryland State Information | ||||
Exclude Student from State Reporting | Select Yes to exclude this student from state reporting calculations. | [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership |
State Assigned Student ID (SASID) | Enter the student's state assigned ID number. The Maryland State Department of Education assigns this unique number to identify each student enrolled in a Maryland public school. This number remains with the student as long as the student is a student in a public school in Maryland or reenters a public school in Maryland. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 10 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
Adding State Demographics InformationCompliance > General Information > Student Demographics | ||||
Generation Suffix | Select the three-character data element used to identify records that include a generational suffix as part of the identified name. | [S_MD_STU_X]Generation | 3 | School Enrollment Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher Student Discipline Extract |
Special Education | Select the code identifying the student’s special education status. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Class Level Membership CTE Enrollment Extract Student Course Grade Teacher |
Special Ed Begin Date | Enter the date the special education services started. | [S_MD_STU_X]SpecEd_Begin_Date | 10 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Special Ed End Date | Enter the date the special education services ended. | [S_MD_STU_X]SpecEd_End_Date | 10 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer School Enrollment |
Code 504 Begin Date | Enter the date the student started participating in the Code 504 plan. | [S_MD_STU_X]Sec504_Begin_Date | 10 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Code 504 End Date | Enter the date the student stopped participating in the Code 504 plan. | [S_MD_STU_X]Sec504_End_Date | 10 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Disability Codes | If the student is a special education student, select the disability code for this student. See the Appendix for a full list of the codes and descriptions. | [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability | 2 | Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment |
Secondary Disability | Select the secondary disability code (if any) for this student, if the student is a special education student. See the Appendix for a full list of the codes and descriptions. | [S_MD_STU_X]Secondary_Disability | 2 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Migrant | Select this checkbox if the student is a migratory student. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Migrant | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment |
Special Education Certificate | For Students with a Special Education indicator of Y, select this checkbox if the student's IEP indicates that the student is on track to receive a Maryland High School Certificate. This indicator applies only to grades 9-12. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Ed_Certificate | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Foreign Exchange Student | Select this checkbox if the student is a foreign exchange student. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Foreign_Exchange | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer |
ELL | Select the code that identifies the student’s ELL status. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]ELL | 1 | Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment Class Level Membership High School Assessment Status and Completer Information CTE Enrollment Extract Student Course Grade Teacher Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
First Date in US School | The Date the student first attended a U.S. School | [S_MD_STU_X]First_Date_In_US_School | 8 | CTE Enrollment Report ELL Pretest submission High School Data Collection Report HS Assessment Pretest PARRC – Student Registration File School Assessment Science and (Alt-MSA) Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer |
First Date Received ELL Services | Enter the date the student first received ELL services. | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_Begin_Date | 8 | |
ELL End Date | If the student’s ELL status equals E (Exited), enter the date the student stopped receiving ELL services. | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_End_Date | 8 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
EL Exempt | Select this checkbox if the student is considered EL Exempt for the Attendance EOY submission Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]EL_Exempt | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer |
Opt Out of Directory | Select this checkbox if the student has chosen to Opt out of the directory. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Opt_Out_Directory | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer |
Gifted and Talented | Select the appropriate Gifted and Talented status for the student. If not specified students will be defaulted to N- No. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Gifted_Talented | 1 | MCAP - Student Registration File |
Foster Care Status | Select this checkbox if the student is currently in foster care. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Foster_Care_TF | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer Student Arrest Collection |
Military Connected Indicator | Select the appropriate value to specify if the student has a parent/guardian in the military. If not specified, students will be defaulted to Unknown. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Military_Dependent | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer |
County of Residence | Select the student's county of residence. If out of state, select 99. If left blank, the County of Residence defaults to the District Number (Setup>District>District Info>District Number). | [S_MD_STU_X]County_Code | 2 | MDCS Enrollment File |
Geographic ID | A census block identified by: state/territory (2-digit code), county within a state (3-digit code), tract within a county (6-digit code), and a block within a tract (4-digit code). | [S_MD_STU_X]GeographicID | 15 | |
Defining Title I/Title III Status InformationCompliance > General Information > Title I/Title III Status Fields | ||||
Title 1 | Select this checkbox if the student participates or is eligible to participate in a Title 1 program. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Title_One | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Class Level Membership Student Discipline Extract School Enrollment Student Course Grade Teacher |
Title III Limited English Proficient Participation Status | Select the appropriate Title III Status for the student. If not specified students will be defaulted to N- No. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Title_III_Status | 1 | MCAP - Student Registration File |
Targeted Assistance Program (TAS) | Select this checkbox if the student is served by a Title I Targeted Assistance Program. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Targeted_Assistance | 1 | Student Attendance —EOY and Summer Student Course Grade Teacher |
Homeless | Select this checkbox if the student is considered homeless. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Homeless | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence | If Homeless equals 'Yes', select the code that identifies the homeless student’s primary nighttime residence. | [S_MD_STU_X]Homeless_Primary_Residence | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Homeless Served – McKinney | If Homeless equals 'Yes', select this checkbox if the homeless student is served with Mckinney-Vento funds. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Homeless_McKinney | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Homeless Served – Other | If Homeless is 'Yes', select this checkbox if the homeless student is served with funds other than Mckinney-Vento. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Homeless_Other | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status | If Homeless equals 'Yes', select this checkbox if the homeless student is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Homeless_Youth | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Immigrant | If the student
Select this checkbox to identify the student as an immigrant. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Immigrant | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Defining State Race/Ethnicity Identification InformationCompliance > General Information > Race/Ethnicity Identification Fields | ||||
Hispanic or Latino | Select 'Yes' if this student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino. | [S_MD_STU_X]Hispan_Lat_TF | 1 | School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Historic Ethnicity Value | The Ethnicity value previously entered on the Student Demographics page displays in this field. | [Students]Ethnicity | 1 | School Enrollment SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
American Indian or Alaska Native | Select this checkbox if the student’s ethnicity is American Indian or Alaskan Native. | [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Amer_Ind_TF | 1 | School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Asian | Select this checkbox if the student’s ethnicity is Asian. | [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Asian_TF | 1 | School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Black or African American | Select this checkbox if the student’s ethnicity is Black or African American. | [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Black_TF | 1 | School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Select this checkbox if the student’s ethnicity is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. | [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Hawaiian_TF | 1 | School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
White | Select this checkbox if the student’s ethnicity is White. | [S_MD_STU_X]Race_White_TF | 1 | School Enrollment CTE Enrollment Extract SASID Extract Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Student Discipline Extract Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Entering Current Enrollment Status Information | ||||
Accountability School Override | If the accountability school is different from the reporting school, enter the accountability school number. | [S_MD_STU_X]Accountability_Sch_Override [S_MD_REN_X]Accountability_Sch_Override | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer | |
Entry Status | Choose the Entry Status from the pop-up menu. This is only used for districts that are using 2 digit numeric entry codes. | [S_MD_STU_X]Entry_Status | 1 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer School Enrollment |
Exit Status | Choose the Exit Status from the pop-up menu. This is used only for districts that are using 2 digit numeric exit codes. | [S_MD_STU_X]Exit_Status | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY and Summer School Enrollment |
Promotion Code | Select the promotion code for this student from the list provided. | [S_MD_STU_X]Promotion_Code | 1 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY, and Summer |
Full-time Status | If the student attends a Pre-kindergarten or Kindergarten program in your school district. Select Yes if the student attends the program full time. Leave this field blank for all other grade levels. | [S_MD_STU_X]Full_Time_Status | 1 | School Enrollment |
State Aid Eligibility | Select the code that identifies a student as eligible or ineligible for state aid. | [S_MD_STU_X]State_Aid_Eligibility | 2 | School Enrollment |
Evening High School | Select 'Yes' if the student is attending an evening high school program. | [S_MD_STU_X]Evening_High_Student | 1 | School Enrollment |
Part-time Day Student | Select Yes if the student is a part-time student who meets the eligibility requirements or COMAR 13A.02.06. Note: Select 'No' if the student attends evening high school. | [S_MD_STU_X]Part_Time_Day_Student | 1 | School Enrollment |
Number of Courses | If the student is a part-time student in a public day school, this is the number of courses in which the student is enrolled as of September 30. If the student is an evening high school student, this is the number of courses in which the student is enrolled as of September 30. | [S_MD_STU_X]Number_Of_Courses | 3 | School Enrollment |
Number of College Courses | If the student is enrolled in a college course(s), this is the number of college courses in which the student is enrolled as of September 30. This number should not be greater than 4. | [S_MD_STU_X] Number_College_Courses | 1 | Attendance Extract |
Year for first time 9th Grader | Enter the 4-digit year of the student's first entry into the 9th grade in any school. This is not the year for the first time the student entered the LEA. This field applies only to grades 9-12. | [S_MD_STU_X]First_Year_Ninth_Grade | 4 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Student Type | Select the appropriate Student Type. If not specified students will be defaulted to P - Public. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Student_Type | 1 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Defining CTE | ||||
Concentrator Designation | Select Yes if the student is enrolled in a course identified as a concentrator course. No is the default. On the CTE Enrollment Extract, Yes is assigned a C value and No is assigned a 0 value. | [S_MD_STU_X]Concentrator_Designation | 1 | CTE Enrollment Extract |
Single Parent | Select Yes if this student qualifies as a single parent. No is the default. When this field is extracted for the CTE Enrollment Extract, a Yes value is assigned a value of 4. A No value is assigned a value | [S_MD_STU_X]Single_Parent | 1 | CTE Enrollment Extract |
Technical Assessment | Select Yes if a technical assessment (industry certification and/or the awarding of college credit) is available to the student prior to graduation. This is designated by program area (CIP). No is the default. | [S_MD_STU_X]Tech_Assess | 1 | CTE Enrollment Extract |
Technical Assessment Attempted | Select Yes if the individual student attempted/took the technical assessment (industry certification). No is the default. | [S_MD_STU_X]Tech_Assess_Attempt | 1 | CTE Enrollment Extract |
Technical Skill Attainment | Select Yes if an individual student has passed an assessment aligned to industry standards and/or earned college credit aligned to the program. No is the default. | [S_MD_STU_X]Tech_Assess_Attain | 1 | CTE Enrollment Extract |
Defining Pre-K Income ReportingCompliance > General Information > Pre-K Income Reporting Fields | ||||
Pre-K Tier Status | Select the correct Pre-K Tier Status for Pre-K students only. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]PreK_Tier_Status | 1 | Attendance Extract (Sep. 30th) |
Federal Poverty Level | Enter the Federal Poverty Level for Pre-K students only. Permitted values 1-999. If 0 or null is entered for students in grades 92-93 the Attendance Extract (Sep. 30th) report returns 001. | [S_MD_STU_X]Federal_Poverty_Level | 3 | Attendance Extract (Sep. 30th) |
Defining Maryland High School Assessment Status and Completer Information | ||||
Entering Pretest Info | ||||
Test Month | Select the month the test will be taken. | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]Pretest_Alg_Month [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_bio_month [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_eng_month [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_gov_month | 1 | HSA Pretest |
Year | Enter the four digit year of the test | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_alg_year [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_bio_year [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_eng_year [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_gov_year | 4 | HSA Pretest |
Week (For Summer Use Only) | Choose Week 1 or Week 2 from the dropdown. Note: only used for summer testing. | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_alg_week [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_bio_week [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_eng_week [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_gov_week | 1 | HSA Pretest |
Special Orders | Choose an option from the drop down menu if necessary | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_alg_spec [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_bio_spec [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_eng_spec [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_gov_spec | 1 | HSA Pretest |
MASAA Student | Select the appropriate option | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_alg_MASAA [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_bio_MASAA [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_eng_MASAA [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_gov_MASAA | 1 | HSA Pretest |
Test Format | Select the appropriate option | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_alg_format [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_bio_format [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_eng_format [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_gov_format | 1 | HSA Pretest |
Defining Additional Pretest Information | ||||
Reporting School | For summer use. Use this field if the student’s reports need to be sent to a different school than the school in which the student is currently registered | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_rptg_school | 4 | HSA Pretest |
Delete | Select this checkbox to remove records from Pearson Access. | [S_MD_STU_PRE_X]pretest_delete | 6 | HSA Pretest |
Adding HSC DataEnter the High School Assessment and Completer information for the selected student that is required by the State of Maryland. | ||||
High School Program Completion | Select the code that identifies the high school program the student completed.
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Program_Completion | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Career and Technology Education CIP | Select the CIP code for the Career and Technology Education program in which this student participated. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CIP_Code | 6 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Foreign Language | Use Calculation is the default. Indicate if the student receives a Rigorous HS Indicator in Foreign Language. Valid values are:
See the Appendix for calculation and setup. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Complete_Foreign_Lang_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Mathematics | Use Calculation is the default. Indicate if the student receives a Rigorous HS Indicator in Mathematics. Valid values are:
See the Appendix for calculation and setup. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Complete_Mathematics_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Science | Use Calculation is the default. Indicate if the student receives a Rigorous HS Indicator in Science. Valid values are:
See the Appendix for calculation and setup. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Complete_Science_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Approved Advanced Tech Ed | Use Calculation is the default. Indicate if the student receives a Rigorous HS Indicator in Approved Advanced Tech Ed . Valid values are:
See the Appendix for calculation and setup. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Complete_Adv_Tech_Ed_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
GPA Greater than 3.0 | Use Calculation is the default. Calculates the value based on the unweighted GPA when the GPA Calculation Method for 'Grade 12 and Cumulative GPA’ is defined in District Management > Compliance > High School Assessment Setup. This field identifies the Rigorous HS Indicator - GPA data element. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]GPA_Over_3_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
SAT Greater than 1000 | Select 'Yes' if the student has a total SAT score greater than 1000. No is the default. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]SAT_Over_1000_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
ACT Greater than 20 | Select 'Yes' if the student has a total ACT score greater than 20. No is the default. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]ACT_Over_20_YN | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Apprenticeship Participation | Indicate Yes or No as to whether the student is currently in an apprenticeship program. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Apprenticeship_Particip | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Number of Apprenticeship hours | Report the number of hours a student acquired towards their apprenticeship to the nearest whole number | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Apprenticeship_Hrs | 3 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Entering Additional Information | ||||
AYP Reporting System | Select the school system used for AYP Reporting. Note: This field is required only for Algebra and English content areas. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AYP_Rep_System | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
AYP Reporting School | Select the valid MSDE-assigned school number for AYP Reporting. Note: This field is required only for Algebra and English content areas. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AYP_Rep_School | 4 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Defining MCA/CCR Information | ||||
CCR Review | ||||
Meets CCR Standard (calculated) | The value is calculated and will be one of the following:
Value '00' is calculated when none of the other options are met. Value '01' is calculated when the following occur:
Value '02' identifies the option type and is calculated as follows:
Value '03' is calculated when both an '01' and '02' option type are met. | N/A | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
(GPA of 3.0 or greater) | Determines whether the student has a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater. Used to determine the 'Academic Success - Met or Not Met' data element.
The calculation uses the Unweighted GPA Calculation Method identified in the District Management > Compliance > High School Assessment Setup. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Elg_Status_GPA | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Math | ||||
MCA Graduation Requirement - Math | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment graduation requirement in Math. Valid values are:
The value of '14 - Met through participation requirement' is the reported when the 'Calculated Value:' is Passed or Failed and 'MCA Graduation Requirement - Math' is blank. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MHSA_Grad_Require_Math | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Subject Assessment Status - Math | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment CCR Subject Assessment Status - Math. Valid values are:
Blank reports as '00'. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Sub_Assmnt_Status_Math | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Subject Eligibility Status – Math Interim | An indicator of how the student met the CCR Subject Eligibility Status – Math Interim. Valid values are:
Blank reports as '00' | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Sub_Elg_Status_Math | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Math Mastery - ALG1 Proficiency | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment CCR Math Mastery - ALG1 Proficiency. Valid values are:
The value of '01 - Met by scoring proficient or above on the Algebra 1 MCAP assessment' is the reported when the 'Calculated Value:' is Passed and 'CCR Math Mastery Requirement' is blank. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Elg_Status_alg1 | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Math Mastery - Course Grade | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment CCR Math Mastery - Course Grade. Valid values are:
The 'Use Calculation' will determine the value based on the highest Algebra I Stored Grade. The Grade used to calculate the value appears as the Calculated Value to the right of the field. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Elg_Status_alggrade | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Bridge Project Status - Math | An indicator of the student's status on the Bridge Plan for Academic Validation in Math. Valid option are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Proj_Status_Math | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Algebra Assessment | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If no Passing tests, Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
Algebra Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Algebra Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Algebra Assessment Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
2nd Algebra Assessment | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that correspond with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
2nd Algebra Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
2nd Algebra Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
2nd Algebra Assessment Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
English/Language Arts (ELA) | ||||
MHSA Graduation Requirement - ELA | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment graduation requirement in English/Language Arts (ELA). Valid Values are:
The value of '14 - Met through participation requirement' is the reported when the 'Calculated Value:' is Passed or Failed and 'MHSA Graduation Requirement - ELA' is blank. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MHSA_Grad_Require_ELA | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Subject Assessment Status - English | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment CCR Subject Assessment Status - English. Valid values are:
Blank reports as '00'. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Sub_Assmnt_Status_Eng | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Subject Eligibility Status – English Interim | An indicator of how the student met the CCR Subject Eligibility Status – English Interim. Valid values are:
Blank reports as '00' | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Sub_Elg_Status_English | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR ELA10 Proficiency | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment CCR ELA10 Proficiency. Valid values are:
The value of '01 - Met by scoring proficient or above on the ELA 10 MCAP assessment' is the reported when the 'Calculated Value:' is Passed and 'CCR ELA10 Proficiency' is blank. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Elg_Status_ela10 | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Bridge Project Status - ELA | An indicator of the student's status on the Bridge Plan for Academic Validation in English/Language Arts (ELA). Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Proj_Status_ELA | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
English/Language Arts (ELA) Assessment | Displays the test from student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
ELA Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
ELA Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
ELA Assessment Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
2nd English/Language Arts (ELA) Assessment | Displays the test from student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report2nd | |
2nd ELA Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
2nd ELA Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
2nd ELA Assessment Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Science | ||||
MCA Graduation Requirement - Science | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment graduation requirement in Science. Valid Values are:
The value of '14 - Met through participation requirement' is the reported when the 'Calculated Value:' is Passed or Failed and 'MCA Graduation Requirement - Science' is blank. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MHSA_Grad_Require_Sci | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Bridge Project Status - Science | An indicator of the student's status on the Bridge Plan for Academic Validation in Science. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Proj_Status_Sci | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Biology Assessment | Displays the test from student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report2nd | |
Biology Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Biology Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Biology Assessment Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Government | ||||
MHSA Graduation Requirement - Government | An indicator of how the student met the Maryland High School Assessment graduation requirement in Government. Valid Values are:
The value of '14 - Met through participation requirement' is the reported when the 'Calculated Value:' is Passed or Failed and 'MHSA Graduation Requirement - Government' is blank. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MHSA_Grad_Require_Gov | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Bridge Project Status - Government | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Proj_Status_Gov | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Government Assessment | Displays the test from student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report2nd | |
Government Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Government Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Government Assessment Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
MCAP Geometry Score | This field is view only. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_Geometry_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP Geometry Level | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_Geometry_Level | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP Geometry Assessment Date | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_Geometry_Assess_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP Algebra II Score | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_AlgebraII_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP Algebra II Level | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]PARRC_AlgebraII_Level | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP Algebra II Assessment Date | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_AlgebraII_Assess_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP English 11 Score | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_English11_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP English 11 Level | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_English11_Level | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
MCAP English 11 Assessment Date | This field is view only | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]MCAP_English11_Assess_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
SAT Results | ||||
SAT Mathematics Score | Update with the Students Highest section score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]SAT_Math_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
SAT Math Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]SAT_Math_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
SAT Reading/EBRW Score | Update with the Students Highest section score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]SAT_Reading_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
SAT Reading/EBRW Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]SAT_Reading_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
ACT Results | ||||
ACT Mathematics Score | Update with Highest subject test score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]ACT_Math_Score | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
ACT Math Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]ACT_Math_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
ACT English & Reading Score | Update with Highest subject test score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]ACT_Eng_Reading_Score | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
ACT English & Reading Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]ACT_Eng_Reading_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
AP Results | ||||
AP Math Test | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AP_Math_Test | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
AP Math Score | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AP_Math_Score | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
AP Math Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AP_Math_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
AP ELA Test | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AP_ELA_Test | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
AP ELA Score | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AP_ELA_Score | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
AP ELA Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AP_ELA_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
IB Results | ||||
IB Math Test | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]IB_Math_Test | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
IB Math Score | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]IB_Math_Score | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
IB Math Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]IB_Math_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
IB ELA Test | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]IB_ELA_Test | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
IB ELA Score | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]IB_ELA_Score | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
IB ELA Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]IB_ELA_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Next Generation Accuplacer | ||||
Reading Next Generation Accuplacer | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If there are no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
Reading Next Generation Accuplacer Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Reading Next Generation Accuplacer Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Reading Next Generation Accuplacer Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Writing Next Generation Accuplacer | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If there are no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
Writing Next Generation Accuplacer Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Writing Next Generation Accuplacer Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Writing Next Generation Accuplacer Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Arithmetic Next Generation Accuplacer | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If there are no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
Arithmetic Next Generation Accuplacer Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Arithmetic Next Generation Accuplacer Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Arithmetic Next Generation Accuplacer Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics Next Generation Accuplacer | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If there are no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics Next Generation Accuplacer Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics Next Generation Accuplacer Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics Next Generation Accuplacer Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Advanced Algebra & Functions Next Generation Accuplacer | Displays the test from the student's Test Results that corresponds with the setup in the Maryland High School Assessment Setup. Displays the Passing test with the highest score. If there are no Passing tests, the Failing test's highest score is displayed. | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | |
Advanced Algebra & Functions Next Generation Accuplacer Score | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Advanced Algebra & Functions Next Generation Accuplacer Level | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Advanced Algebra & Functions Next Generation Accuplacer Date | NA | High School Status Data Collection Report | ||
Accuplacer Elementary Algebra Score (previous years) | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_El_Algebra_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Elementary Algebra Test Date (MMYYYY) (previous years) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_El_Algebra_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer College Math Score (previous years) | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_College_Math_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer College Math Test Date (MMYYYY) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_College_Math_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Reading Score | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_Reading_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Reading Test Date (MMYYYY) (previous years) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_Reading_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Writing Score (previous years) | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_Writing_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Writing Test Date (MMYYYY) (previous years) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_Writing_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Sentence Skills Score | Exam Score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_Sentence_Skills_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Accuplacer Sentence Skills Test Date (MMYYYY) (previous years) | Month and Year of Assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Accu_Sentence_Skills_Test_Date | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Transition | ||||
Transition Course - Math | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Transition_Course_Math | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Transition Course - ELA | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Transition_Course_ELA | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment | ||||
Re-assessment - Math | Indicator of assessment used for re-assessment. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_Math | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - Math Code | Indicator of assessment used for re-assessment. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_Math_Code | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - Math Score | Exam Score for re-assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_Math_Score | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - ELA | Indicator of completing re-assessment Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_ELA | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - ELA Code | Indicator of assessment used for re-assessment Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_ELA_Code | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - ELA Score | Exam Score for re-assessment | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_ELA_Scor | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - Accuplacer Writing | Exam score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_Accu_Writing | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Re-assessment - Accuplacer Sentence Skills | Exam score | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Re_Assessment_Accu_Sentence | 3 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Designation | ||||
CCR Grade 11 - Math | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Math_Flag | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Grade 11 - ELA | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_ELA_Flag | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Grade 12 - Math | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_Math_Flag_12 | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
CCR Grade 12 - ELA | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]CCR_ELA_Flag_12 | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment | ||||
Technical Skills Assessment 1 (TSA) Result | A description of the student's results on the technical skills assessment. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_1_TSA_Result | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 1 (TSA) Code | The six digit code assigned to the Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) by the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Office. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_1_TSA_Code | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 2 (TSA) Result | A description of the student's results on the technical skills assessment. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_2_TSA_Result | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 2 (TSA) Code | The six digit code assigned to the Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) by the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Office. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_2_TSA_Code | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 3 (TSA) Result | A description of the student's results on the technical skills assessment. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_3_TSA_Result | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 3 (TSA) Code | The six digit code assigned to the Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) by the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Office. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_3_TSA_Code | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 4 (TSA) Result | A description of the student's results on the technical skills assessment. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_4_TSA_Result | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Technical Skills Assessment 4 (TSA) Code | The six digit code assigned to the Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) by the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Office. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Tech_Assess_4_TSA_Code | 6 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
9th Grade Tracker | ||||
9th Grade Tracker | “Y” or “N” indicator that at the end of a 9th grade student’s first year, the student is on track towards meeting LEA graduation requirements. This field applies to 9th grade students only. Valid options are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Grade_09_Tracker | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
9th Grade Credits Accumulated Override | Use this field to override the accumulated credits from historical grades. If this field is blank, the credits accumulated are calculated. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Grade_09_Credit_Accumulated OR [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | 5 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
9th Grade Semester Core Course Failures | Enter the number of semester core course failures by a 9th grade student during the first year of high school. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]grade_09_sem_crs_fails | 2 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success | ||||
Readiness for PS Success - AP | "Y" or "N" indicator that the student met a score of 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement Exam. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_AP | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success - IB | "Y" or "N" indicator that the student met a score of 4 or higher on an International Baccalaureate Program Exam. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_IB | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success - SAT | "Y” or N” indicator that the student met a score on the SAT of 530 or higher in math and 480 or higher in ERBW. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_SAT | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success - ACT | "Y” or N” indicator that the student received an ACT Composite score of 21 or better. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_ACT | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success - ASVAB | "Y” or N” indicator that the student met the designated standard on the ASVAB examination. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_ASVAB | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success - Seal of Biliteracy | "Y” or N” indicator that the student earned the "Seal of Biliteracy". | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_Seal | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Readiness for PS Success - Apprenticeship | Indicator of the type of apprenticeship program the student completed. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Ready_For_PS_Success_Apprn | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Dual Enrollment | ||||
Dual Enrollment - Participated | "Y" or "N" indicator that the student participated in a dual enrollment opportunity. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Dual_Enroll_Participated | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Dual Enrollment - Earned Credit | "Y" or "N" indicator that the student earned credit for a dual enrollment opportunity. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Dual_Enroll_Earned_Credit | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Dual Enrollment - Math | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Dual_Enroll_Math | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Dual Enrollment - ELA | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Dual_Enroll_ELA | 1 | High School Status Data Collection Report |
Adding HS Assessment InformationEnter the High School Assessment Status and Scale Score for the following content areas:
| ||||
Regular HSA Status | For each content area, select the best or highest scale score and status for students taking the assessment. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Gov | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Modified HSA Status | For each content area, select the best or highest scale score and status for students taking the assessment. Eligible students must meet federal guidelines to participate in this assessment. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Mod_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Mod_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Mod_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Mod_Gov | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Modified HSA Status Plus+ | These fields are reserved for future use. The State of Maryland will begin collecting this assessment data in the 2009 school year. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Plus_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Plus_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Plus_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Status_Plus_Gov | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Bridge Plan/Waiver Student | For each content area, select the code that indicates whether or not the student is participating in a Bridge Plan to meet the graduation requirements. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Plan_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Plan_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Plan_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Bridge_Plan_Gov | 2 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Bridge Plan Project Code | For each content area where the Bridge Plan Completer field is set to Yes, enter the 3-digit project code for up to seven projects that the student completed for the Bridge Plan. If the student completed less than seven Bridge Plans, use three zeroes as placeholders. For example, for a student who completed 2 projects for the Algebra Bridge Plan, you would enter 010012000000000000000. Leave this field blank for all other students. | [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Proj_Cd_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Proj_Cd_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Proj_Cd_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Proj_Cd_Gov | 21 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Bridge Plan Completer Results | For each content area, select Yes if the student met the HSA requirement through the Bridge Plan. Select No if the student did not meet the HAS requirement through the Bridge Plan. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Results_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Results_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Results_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Results_Gov | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Linking Study Student (2008 only) | For each applicable content area, select Yes if the student participated in the Linking Study for the May 2008 administration by taking both the Regular HSA and Modified HSA assessments. Select No if the student did not participate in the Linking Study for the May 2008 administration by taking both the Regular HSA and Modified HSA assessments. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Linking_Alg [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Linking_Bio [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Linking_Eng2 [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Linking_Gov | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
AltMSA Identified Student | If the student is enrolled I grade 09–12, select the student’s alternate MSA high school student status. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]AltMSA_Student | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Pursuing Certificate of Completion | This field defaults to Yes if the Special Education Certificate checkbox is selected on the Maryland State Reporting page. This field defaults to No if the Special Education Certificate checkbox is not selected on the Maryland State Reporting page. To change this field, you must update the Special Education Certificate checkbox. | [Students]MD_Cert_Comp | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Met All Local Graduation Requirements | Select Yes if the student met all local requirements for graduation. Note: This indicator excludes the high school assessment requirement.
| [S_MD_STU_HSSC_X]Met_All_Grad_Require | 1 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Defining KRA/ELA Readiness Assessment | ||||
Prior Care - Informal Care | Informal Care Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_Informal_Care | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Prior Care - Head Start | Head Start Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_Head_Start | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Prior Care - Prekindergarten Public School | Prekindergarten Public School Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_PreK | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Prior Care - Child Care Center | Child Care Center Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_Chld_Care_Cntr | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Prior Care - Family Child Care | Family Child Care Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_NP_Family | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Prior Care - Nonpublic Nursery School | Nonpublic Nursery School Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_Nursery | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Prior Care - Kindergarten Repeated | Kindergarten Repeated Valid values are: 1 – Half Day | [S_MD_STU_X]KRA_PC_KG_Repeat | 1 | Kindergarten Readiness Assessment |
Defining ELL and Immigrants (ELL) | ||||
Country of Birth | Select the Country of Birth from the list. | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_countryOfBirth | 2 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Home Language | Select the Home Language from the list. | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_homeLanguage | 3 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) | Select the Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) from the list. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Lang_Inst_Ed_Program | 6 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Date Parent Refused Services | Enter the course name for which this grade was earned. | [S_MD_STU_X]dateParentRefusedServices | 8 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Interrupted Schooling | Enter the course name for which this grade was earned. | [S_MD_STU_X]InterruptedSchooling | 1 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Literacy in L1 | Enter the course name for which this grade was earned. | [S_MD_STU_X]LitercaylnL1 | 1 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
First Time Placement Test Taken | Enter the course name for which this grade was earned. | [S_MD_STU_X]firstTimePlacementTest | 1 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Date Placement Test was Taken | Enter the course name for which this grade was earned. | [S_MD_STU_X]datePlacementTestTaken | 8 | ELL Enrollment and Pretest |
Defining Testing Accommodations | ||||
Accommodation | Enter the testing accommodation needed. Click Here for the list of accommodations. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accomodation_Code | 30 | MCAP Student Accommodation File HS GOV/MISA Testing Files |
Reported Value | Enter the reported value for the accommodation. Click Here for the list of report value for the accommodations. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported_Value | 255 | MCAP Student Accommodation File |
Additional Information | Enter the additional information for the accommodation. This is non-reported and currently only used for Extended Time Length. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Additional_Info | 255 | |
ELA | Check to indicate accommodation is for ELA tests. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA | 1 | MCAP Student Accommodation File |
MATH | Check to indicate accommodation is for Math tests. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math | 1 | MCAP Student Accommodation File |
Science | Check to indicate accommodation is for Science tests. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI | 1 | MCAP Student Accommodation File |
Social Studies | Check to indicate accommodation is for Social Studies tests. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS | 1 | MCAP Student Accommodation File |
HS GOV | Check to indicate accommodation is for High School Government tests. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]HS_GOV | 1 | HS GOV/MISA Testing Files |
HS MISA | Check to indicate accommodation is for High School MISA tests. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]HS_MISA | 1 | HS GOV/MISA Testing Files |
WIDA | Check to indicate accommodation is for ELL Prestest. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]ELL | 1 | ELL Prestest Submission |
Defining Testing Status, Exemptions, and Accommodations | ||||
MCAP Testing Status | Enter the students MCAP Testing Status. This is used for the MCAP Students & Accommodations file to indicate if the student is to be Inserted, Updated or Deleted from testing.
| [S_MD_STU_X]Test_Status | 1 | MCAP Student Accommodation File |
Exclude from all MCAP Testing | Select this to exclude the student from all MCAP tests. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, Null = No | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_exclude | 1 | MCAP Student Accommodation File HS GOV/MISA Testing Files |
Grades 3 - 8 ELA Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_ELA_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File |
Grades 3 – 8 Math Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_MAT_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File |
Grades 3 – 8 MISA Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]preid_SCI_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File HS GOV/MISA Test Files |
Grade 8 Social Studies Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]SOC_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File |
ELA 10 Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]preid_ELA10_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File HS GOV/MISA Test Files |
Algebra I Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_ALGI_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File |
Algebra II Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_ALGII_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File |
Geometry Testing | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_GEO_IncExc | 1 | MCAP Student Classes File |
HS GOV | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]preid_HSGov_IncExc | 1 | HS Gov/MISA Test files |
HS MISA | Select this to:
Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_X]preid_HSBio_IncExc | HS Gov/MISA Test files | |
English language learner (ELL) | Select this to indicate the student should be given accommodations based on their ELL Status. Local Use Only. Valid values are: 1 = Yes | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_ELL | 1 | |
504 | Select this to indicate the student should be given accommodations based on their 504 Status. Local Use Only. Valid values are: 1 = Yes | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_504 | 1 | |
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) | Select this to indicate the student should be given accommodations based on their IEP Status. Local Use Only. Valid values are: 1 = Yes | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_IEP | 1 | |
Obsolete - Entering ELLPretest FileSubmission Information | ||||
Mode of Administration | Select the appropriate test option from the list. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_ELL_X] Test_Online_Paper_Unkown | 6 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Paper Tier - If Mode of Administration is Paper | Select the appropriate tier option from the list. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Tier_Information_Paper_Tests | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Alternate ACCESS Tester | Check if the student is an Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Tester | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X] Alternate_ACCESS_ELLs | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Manual Control of Item Audio (MC) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Manual_Control_Item_Audio | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Repeat Item Audio (RA) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Repeat_Item_Audio | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Extended Speaking Test Response Time (ES) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Extended_Speaking_Test_Resp | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Large Print (LP) - Large Print from MCAP - Personal Needs Profile | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_LargePrint | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Braille (BR) | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Braille | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Interpreter Signs Test Directions in ASL (SD) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Interpreter_Signs_Test_Dir | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Human Reader for Response Options (HR) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]ReadAloud_Listening_Test_Resp | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Human Reader for Repeat of Response Options (RR) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Repeat_Listening_Test_Resp | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Human Reader for Items (HI) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Human_Reader_for_Items | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Human Reader for Repeat of Items (RI) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Repeat_Test_Human_Reader | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Scribe Response (SR) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Scribe_Response | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Word Processor or Similar Keyboarding Device to Respond to Test Items (WD) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Device_Response_Test_Item | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Student Responds Using a Recording Device, Which is Played Back & Transcribed by the Student (RD) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Student_Responds_Device | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Test may be Administered by School Personnel in a Non-School Setting (NS) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Test_Administered_NonSchool | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Extended Testing Time Within the School Day (ET) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Extended_Testing_Within | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
Extended Testing Session Over Multiple Days for a Single Domain (EM) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Extended_Testing_Mult_Days | 1 | ELL Pretest File Submission |
The following items are no longer submitted in the ELL Enrollment Pretest | ||||
No Additional Services (NAS) | Check if the student has no additional services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]No_Additional_Services | 1 | |
Content Area Tutoring (CAT) | Check if the student receives Content Area Tutoring services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Content_Area_Tutoring | 1 | |
Content-Based ESL (CBE) | Check if the student receives Content-Based ESL services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Content_Based_ELL | 1 | |
Developmental Bilingual (DBE) | Check if the student receives Developmental Bilingual services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Dev_Bilingual | 1 | |
Heritage Language (HLA) | Check if the student receives Heritage Language services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Heritage_Language | 1 | |
Pull-Out ESL (POE) | Check if the student receives Pull-Out ESL services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Pull_Out_ESL | 1 | |
Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) | Check if the student receives Sheltered English Instruction services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Sheltered_English_Instruction | 1 | |
Structured English Immersion or SDAIE (SEN) | Check if the student receives Structured English Immersion or SDAIE services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Structured_English_Immersion | 1 | |
Transitional Bilingual (TBI) | Check if the student receives Transitional Bilingual services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Transitional_Bilingual | 1 | |
Dual Language & Two-Way Immersion (TWI) | Check if the student receives Dual Language & Two-Way Immersion services. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Dual_Language_TwoWay_Immersion | 1 | |
Not Applicable (NA) | Check if this is not applicable to the student. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Not_Applicable | 1 | |
Inclusionary Support (IS) | Check if the student’s services are Inclusionary Support. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Inclusionary_Support | 1 | |
Pull-Out for Individualized Support (PO) | Check if the student’s services are Pull-Out for Individualized Support. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]PullOut_Individualized_Support | 1 | |
Self-Contained (SC) | Check if the student’s services are Self-Contained. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Self_Contained | 1 | |
Student Responds Orally Using External Augmentative & Alternate Communication Device or Software (AC) | Check if the Student Responds Orally Using External Augmentative & Alternate Communication Device or Software. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_STU_ELL_X]Student_Responds_Orally | 1 | |
Translation of the Mathematics Assessment in Paper | Select this to assign the form administered for paper testing based on another language other than English. Local Use Only. Valid values are: 1 = SPA | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_TranslationMath | 1 | |
Obsolete - Indicating PARCC/MISA/HS Personal NeedsAny Accommodation entered on this page must also be entered on the Testing Accommodations page. Entries made on the PARCC/MISA/HS Personal Needs Profile page will not be reported in the HS GOV/MISA files. | ||||
Frequent Breaks | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Frequent_Breaks | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Separate/Alternate Location | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X] Separate_Location | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Small Testing Group | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Small_Group | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Specialized Equipment or Furniture | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X] Special_Equipment | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Specified Area or Setting | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X] Specified_Area | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Time Of Day | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]TimeOfDay | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Answer Masking | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Answer_Masking | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Read_Aloud_Themselves | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Color Contrast | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Color_Contrast | MCAP Student Registration File | |
Human Reader for ELA/L | Select this to indicate the test is Read Aloud. Valid values are: 1 = HumanReadAloud | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_Reader | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Human Signer for ELA/L | Select this to indicate the test is Signed. Valid values are: 1 = HumanSigner | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_Signer | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
ASL Video | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]ASL_Video | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Assistive Technology - Screen Reader Application | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]AT_ScreenReader | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Assistive Technology - Screen Reader Application | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]AT_NonScreenReader | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Closed Captioning for ELA/L | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]ELA_Closed_Captioning | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Refreshable Braille Display for ELA/L | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]ELA_Refreshable_Braille | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Alternate Representation - Paper Test | Select this to indicate the student should be given a paper and pencil test accommodation. Valid values are: 1 = Yes | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_Paper | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Large Print | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_X]MCAP_accomm_LargePrint | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Braille with Tactile Graphics | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Braille_Tactile_Graphics | 2 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Human Signer for Test Directions | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Human_Signer_TestDirections | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Answers Recorded in Test Book | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Answers_Recorded | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Braille Response | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Braille_Reponse | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Calc_Device_Math_Tools | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
ELA/L Constructed Response | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]ELA_Constructed_Response | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
ELA/L Selected Response or Technology Enhanced Items | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]ELA_Selected_Response | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Mathematics Response | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Math_Response | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Monitor Test Response | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Monitor_Test_Response | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Word Prediction | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X] Word_Prediction | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
General Administration Directions Clarified in the student’s Native Language | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Directions_Clarified | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated as Needed in the student’s Native Language | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Directions_Read_Aloud | 3 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Spanish Transadaptation of the Science Assessment | Used to assign the form administered for testing based on another language other than English. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Science_Translation_Text | 3 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Mathematics Response - EL | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Math_Response_EL | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Spanish Transadaptation of the Mathematics Assessment | Valid values are: SPA = Spanish or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Math_Translation_Text | 3 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Word to Word Dictionary (English/Native Language) | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]WordtoWord_Dictionary | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
MCAP Text-to-Speech Math and ELA | Valid values are:
Obsolete but converted to report correctly:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Text_to_Speech | 2 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Text-to-Speech (any MISA or Social Studies) | Select for Text-to-Speech on any MISA or Scocial Studies test. | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]MISA_Text_To_Speech | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Human Reader or Signer (Math Tests Only) | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Math_Reader_Signer | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Unique Accommodation | Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Unigue_Accomodtion | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Emergency Accommodation | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Emergency_Accomodtion | 2 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Extended Time | Valid values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Extended_Time | 6 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Extended Time Length | Enter the amount of extended time. Valid Values are:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Extended_Time_Length | 5 | |
Allow Accessibility Mode Testing | Allow Accessibility Mode allows a student access to third party software for use with their accommodations during testing. Valid values are: 1 = Yes or Null | [S_MD_STU_PNP_X]Allow_Accessibility_Mode | 1 | MCAP Student Registration File |
Updating Stored Grades | ||||
Course Name | Enter the course name for which this grade was earned. | [StoredGrades]Course_Name | Max 40 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Course Number | The course number for which this grade was earned. | [StoredGrades]Course_Number | Max 11 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Section Number | Enter the course section number for which this grade was earned. | [StoredGrades]Section_Number | Max 10 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Grade | Enter the letter grade that the student earned for this course. | [StoredGrades]grade | 5 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
GPA Points | Enter the number of GPA points the student earned for the entered grade. | [StoredGrades]gpa_points | 4 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Potential Credit Hours | Enter the number of potential credits the student can earn upon successful completion of this course. | [StoredGrades]potentialcrhrs | 4 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Earned Credit Hours | Enter the number of credits the student earned upon successful completion of this course. | [StoredGrades]earnedcrhrs | 4 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Exclude this Historical Grade from State Reporting | Select Yes to exclude this historical grade record from state reporting. The default is No. | [S_MD_SGR_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Course Semester or Term | Select the course semester or term in which this historical grade value was earned by the student. If this field is left blank, the Term is extracted from the Term Grade Mappings table (District >Term Grade Mapping). | [S_MD_SGR_X]Course_Term | 2 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Instruction Outside of School Flag | Select Yes if this course is taught outside of the school. The default is No. | [S_MD_SGR_X]Outside_Of_School | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
AP/Honors Indicator | Select A if this course is an AP course or H if this course is an Honors course. The default is No, indicating the course is a standard course. | [S_MD_SGR_X]AP_Honors_Indicator | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
International Baccalaureate (IB) | Select Yes if this course is an International Baccalaureate course. The default is No. | [S_MD_SGR_X]International_Baccalaureate | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
HSA Pre-Requisite Flag | Select Yes if this course is a pre-requisite for HSA. The default is No. | [S_MD_SGR_X]HSA_Subject_Flag | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Reading/Mathematics Class of Record | Select one of the following values: R — Reading/Language Arts if this course is a class of record for compliance with the NCLB Reading/ Language Arts assessment requirements at the elementary, middle, and high school levels M — Math if this course is a class of record for compliance with the NCLB Mathematics assessment requirements at the elementary, middle, and high school levels N — Not applicable if this course does not meet either NCLB assessment requirement. | [S_MD_SGR_X]MSA_Subject_Flag | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Course taken during Summer School | Select this if the course was taken during summer school. | [S_MD_SGR_X]Summer_School | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Attempted Course Certification Obsolete as of January 11, 2020 | Applies to CTE identified classes only. Indicates that the student attempted an associated course certification assessment | [S_MD_SGR_X]Attempted_Course_Cert | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Earned Course Certification Obsolete as of January 11, 2020 | Applies to CTE identified classes only. Indicates that the student earned an associated course certification. | [S_MD_SGR_X]Earned_Course_Cert | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Rigorous HS Indicator | Select the indicator for the Rigorous High School course:
| [S_MD_SGR_X]Rigorous_HS_Indicator | 2 | Student Course Grade Teacher HSSDC |
Entering Test Scores | ||||
Student Test Score | Enter the score the student earned on the following High School Assessment tests for the Algebra, Biology, English, and Government content areas.
| [StudentTestScore]NumScore | 3 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Student Test Percent | Enter the test score percentage for the following assessments:
| [StudentTestScore]PercentScore | 3 | High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Adding Discipline Log InformationIf the Log Type equals Discipline, enter required student discipline information. | ||||
Log Type | You must select 'Discipline' from the list to create the discipline incident record. The discipline entry fields display. | [Log]Log_Type | N/A | Student Discipline Extract |
Date & Time | These fields default to the current date and time. You can change these fields if necessary | [Log]Date_&_Time | N/A | Student Discipline Extract |
Author | This field defaults to the name of the person creating the incident record. | [Log]Author | N/A | Student Discipline Extract |
Incident Date | Enter the date the discipline offense occurred. Note: The date format is mmddyyyy. You must use leading zeroes for the month and day, as appropriate | [Log]Discipline_IncidentDate | 8 | Student Discipline Extract |
Disability Code | This field defaults to the disability code identified for this student on the Maryland State Information page. Update if necessary. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Disability_Code or [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability | 2 | Student Discipline Extract |
Offense Code | Choose the code that identifies the disciplinary incident that the student committed. If the incident involves more than one offense, report the most serious offense. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Infraction_Code | 3 | Student Discipline Extract |
Disposition Code | Choose the code that identifies the disciplinary action for this offense. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Disposition_Code | 3 | Student Discipline Extract Civil Rights Data Collection - Part 2 |
Length of Removal | Enter the total number of partial/full days the student served for their offense. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Length_Removal | 5 | Student Discipline Extract |
Physical Injury | Indicate if physical injury was sustained. Valid values are: 1 = Yes, 0 OR Null = No | [S_MD_LOG_X]Physical_Injury | 1 | Student Discipline Extract |
Education Services Provided | Enter the appropriate option. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Ed_Services | 1 | Student Discipline Extract |
Title 1 Indicator | This field defaults to the Title I indicator for this student on the Maryland State Information page. You can change this code if applicable. Valid Values are:
If No Override is selected, the value is populated from [S_MD_STU_X]Title_One in the Discipline Extract report. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Title_One_YN [S_MD_STU_X]Title_One | 1 | Student Discipline Extract |
ELL | This field defaults to the ELL status for this student on the Maryland State Information page. You can override this code if applicable. Valid values are:
If 3 - No Override is selected, the value is populated from [S_MD_STU_X]ELL in the Discipline Extract report. | [S_MD_LOG_X]ELL [S_MD_STU_X]ELL | 1 | Student Discipline Extract |
FARMS Indicator (for FY18 and beyond) | This field displays the student FARMS status when a log entry is saved. FARMS status is based on Incident Date. You can change this code if applicable. Valid values are:
If No Override is selected, the value is populated from [Students]LunchStatus or [Reenrollments]LunchStatus in the Discipline Extract report. The state page status shown above this field is based on the date of the log entry, if the log entry date is in a previous enrollment, The FARMS indicator will pull from the previous enrollment's Maryland State Information > Lunch Status. | [S_MD_LOG_X]FARMS_Expanded [Students]LunchStatus [Reenrollments]LunchStatus | 1 | Student Discipline Extract High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
Migrant Indicator | This field defaults to the Migrant indicator for this student on the Maryland State Information page. You can change this code if applicable. Valid Values are:
If No Override is selected, the value is populated from [S_MD_LOG_X]Migrant in the Discipline Extract report. | [Log]Migrant_YN [S_MD_LOG_X]Migrant | 1 | Student Discipline Extract |
504 Indicator | This field defaults to the 504 Plan indicator for this student on the Maryland State Information page. You can change this code if applicable. Valid Values are:
If No Override is selected, the value is populated from [S_MD_STU_X]Title_One in the Discipline Extract report. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Sec504_Plan_YN [S_MD_STU_X]Sec504_Plan | 1 | Student Discipline Extract |
Special Education | This field defaults to the Special Education indicator for this student on the Maryland State Information page. You can change this code if applicable. Valid Values are:
If No Override is selected, the value is populated from [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education in the Student Arrest Collection, Discipline Extract and EL Posttest reports. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Special_Education [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education | 1 | N/A |
Foster Care Status Override | Select an option of No or Yes to override the student's current foster care status from the State/Province - MD page: Valid values are:
If No Override is selected, the value is populated from [S_MD_STU_X]Foster_Care_TF in the Student Arrest Collection report. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Foster_Care_TF OR [S_MD_STU_X]Foster_Care_TF | 1 | Student Arrest Collection |
Teacher Referral | Enter the name of the teacher who referred this student. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Teacher_Referral | 30 | N/A |
Location Code | Select the code that identifies the location where the discipline incident occurred. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Location_Code | 2 | N/A |
Suspension Days | Select the number of days the student was suspended. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Suspension_Num_Days | 2 | N/A |
Suspension Date | Enter the date the student was suspended. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Suspension_Date | 8 | N/A |
Administrator Code | Enter the code that identifies the administrator who initiated the student suspension. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Administrator_Code | 30 | N/A |
Day of Week | Enter the code identifying the day of the week the suspension started. | [S_MD_LOG_X]Suspension_Day_Of_Week | 1 | N/A |
Date of Arrest | Date of the student arrest. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Date_of_Arrest | 8 | Student Arrest Collection |
Arrest Type | The offense type that led to the arrest. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Type | Student Arrest Collection | |
Arresting Offense | Identifies the offense leading to the arrest. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Offense | 3 | Student Arrest Collection |
Location of Arrest | The location of the arrest. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Location | 8 | Student Arrest Collection |
Arresting Officer | Indicates which officer made the arrest. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Officer | 2 | Student Arrest Collection |
Arresting Officer's Primary Assigned School? | Indicates if arresting officer is primarily assigned to the school where the arrest occurred. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Officer_Is_Prim_Sch | 1 | Student Arrest Collection |
Primary Assigned School of Arresting Officer | If arresting officer is not primarily assigned to the school, indicates where they are assigned. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Officer_Prim_Sch_Name | 200 | Student Arrest Collection |
School-based incident led to law enforcement referral | Indicates if school‐based incident led to a law enforcement referral. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Law_Enf_Referral | 1 | Student Arrest Collection |
School-based incident led to DJS referral | Indicates if school‐based incident lead to DJS referral. Valid values are:
| [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]DJS_Referred | 1 | Student Arrest Collection |
DJS Referral by Whom | If incident led to DJS referral, report the position of the person that made the referral. Valid options are:
| [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]DJS_Referred_By_Position | 200 | Student Arrest Collection |
Final Outcome | The final outcome of the process. The disciplinary actions arising from the incident which led to the arrest or referral. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Outcome | 2 | Student Arrest Collection |
Length of Juvenile Placement or Detention | If juvenile placement or juvenile detention, report the number of days the student was in juvenile placement or juvenile detention. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Juvenile_Detent_Length | 3 | Student Arrest Collection |
Length of Removal From Regular Education Program | Report the number of days the student was removed from his/her regular education program after the arrest. | [S_MD_LOG_ARREST_X]Days_Removed_After | 3 | Student Arrest Collection |
Selecting Lunch Status | ||||
Lunch Status | Choose the lunch status from the pop-up menu. | [Students]LunchStatus | 1 | Student Attendance— Early, EOY, and Summer High School Assessment Status and Completer Information Class Level Membership Student Course Grade Teacher CTE Enrollment Extract Student Discipline Extract |
Case Number | Enter the student's SNAP or TCA Case Number for Direct Verification. | [S_MD_STU_X]Case_Number | 9 | MDCS Enrollment File |
Defining Enrollment Course Certification | ||||
Attempted Course Certification Obosleted SR_21.1.2.0 | Applies to CTE identified classes only. Indicates that the student attempted an associated course certification assessment. | [S_MD_CC_X]Attempted_Course_Cert | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
Earned Course Certification Obosleted SR_21.1.2.0 | Applies to CTE identified classes only. Indicates that the student earned an associated course certification. | [S_MD_CC_X]Earned_Course_Cert | 1 | Student Course Grade Teacher |
MCAP Test Status | Indicates the MCAP Test Status for the class. | [S_MD_CC_X]Test_Status | 1 | MCAP Class Submission |
Updating Transfer InformationNote: Enrollments are created during the End-of-Year process and at the following locations: Start Page > Special Functions > Enroll New Student Start Page > Student Selection > Functions | ||||
Entry Date | Enter the entry date for the school enrollment. Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment. | [Students]EntryDate [Reenrollments]EntryDate | 10 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer School Enrollment SASID Extract |
Entry Code | Choose the entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments. | [Students]EntryCode [Reenrollments]EntryCode | N/A | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer School Enrollment |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date for the school enrollment. Note: The date is the day after the last day of school enrollment. | [Students]ExitDate [Reenrollments]ExitDate | 10 | Student Attendance —Early, EOY and Summer School Enrollment SASID Extract |
Exit Code | Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past. | [Students]ExitCode [Reenrollments]ExitCode | N/A | Student Attendance —Early, EOY and Summer School Enrollment |
Grade Level | Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]Grade_Level [Reenrollments]Grade_Level | 2 | Student Attendance — Early, EOY, and Summer Student District Extract School Enrollment SASID Extract Student Course Grade Teacher CTE Enrollment Extract Class Level Membership High School Assessment Status and Completer Information |
MSDE School Code Number | This field contains the number identifying the school in which the student is enrolled. | [Students]SchoolID or [ReEnrollments]SchoolID | 4 | Annual Report of Habitual Truants |