Testing Accommodations
Testing Accommodations
Code | Description | Values |
AllowAccessibiltyModeHS | Allow Accessibility Mode - HSGOV/MISA | Y - Yes N - No |
PaperTest | Alternative Representation Paper Test | Y - Yes N - No |
ASL | American Sign Language | Y - Yes N - No |
AnswerMasking | Answer Masking | Y - Yes N - No |
AnswersRecorded | Answers Recorded | Y - Yes N - No |
ACRMCAP | Assistive Capturing Response - MCAP | SpeechToText (01) HumanScribe (02) HumanSigner (03) ExternalATDevice (04) |
AT_NonScreenReader | Assistive Technology NonScreen Reader | Y - Yes N - No |
AT_ScreenReader | Assistive Technology Screen Reader | Y - Yes N - No |
BrailleResponseHS | Braille Response - HSGOV/MISA | BrailleWriter (01) BrailleNotetaker (02) |
BrailleTG | Braille Tactile Graphics | Y - Yes N - No |
CC | Closed Caption | Y - Yes N - No |
ColorContrast | Color Contrast | Black-Cream (01) Black-Lblue (02) Black-Lmagenta (03) White-Black (04) Yellow-Blue (05) Dgray-Pgrean (06) |
ColorOverlay | Color Overlay | Y - Yes N - No |
ConstructResponseHS | Constructed Response - HSGOV/MISA | SpeechToText (01) HumanScribe (02) HumanSigner (03) ExternalATDevice (04) |
Dictionary | Dictionary | Y - Yes N - No |
ElectricBrailleMCAP | Electronic Braille Response - MCAP | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_AltACCESS | WIDA Alternate ACCESS Tester | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_BR | WIDA Braille (BR) | NC - Nemeth Contracted ACCESS Grades 1-12 NU - Nemeth Uncontracted ACCESS Grades 1-12 TC - Math/Science Contracted (formerly Technical) ACCESS Grades 6-12 TU - Math/Science Uncontracted (formerly Technical) ACCESS Grades 6-12 |
ELL_ES | WIDA Extended Speaking Test Response Time (ES) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_EM | WIDA Extended Testing Session of a Test Domain Over Multiple Days (EM) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_ET | WIDA Extended Testing Time Within the School Day (ET) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_HI | WIDA Human Reader for Items (HI) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_RI | WIDA Human Reader for Repeat Items (RI) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_HR | WIDA Human Reader for Response Options (HR) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_RR | WIDA Human Reader for Repeat of Response Options (RR) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_SD | WIDA Interpreter Signs Test Directions in ASL (SD) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_LP | WIDA Large Print (LP) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_MC | WIDA Manual Control of Item Audio(MC) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_ModeAdministration | WIDA Mode of Administration | O - Online P - Paper |
ELL_PaperTier | WIDA Paper Tier - If Mode of Administration is Paper | A, B, or C |
ELL_RA | WIDA Repeat Item Audio (RA) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_SR | WIDA Scribed Accommodation (SR) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_RD | WIDA Student Responds Using a Recording Device, Which is Played Back and Transcribed by the Student (RD) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_NS | WIDA Test may be Administered by School Personnel in a Non-School Setting (NS) | Y - Yes N - No |
ELL_WD | WIDA Word Processor or Similar Keyboarding Device to Respond to Test Items (WD) | Y - Yes N - No |
ExtendedTimeHS | Extended Time - HSGOV/MISA | 504 (504) 504 and EL (504EL) IEP504 and EL (Both) EL (EL) IEP (IEP) IEP504 (IEP504) IEP and EL (IEPEL) |
ExtendedTimeMCAP | Extended Time - MCAP | Y - Yes N - No |
FreqBreaks | Frequent Breaks | Y - Yes N - No |
Calculator | Handheld Calculator | Y - Yes N - No |
HumanReadAloudMCAP | Human Read Aloud - MCAP | Y - Yes N - No |
HumanReadAloudTestDirMCAP | Human Read Aloud Test Directions - MCAP | Y - Yes N - No |
Reader_SignerHS | Human Reader or Human Signer - HSGOV/MISA | Human Signer (01) Human Read Aloud (02) |
HumanSignerMCAP | Human Signer - MCAP | Y - Yes N - No |
HumanSingerDir | Human Signer for Test Directions | Y - Yes N - No |
LanguageTransMCAP | Test/Language Transadaptation - ALL Tests | Spanish |
LargePrint | Large Print | Y - Yes N - No |
MathTools | Math Tools | Y - Yes N - No |
MonitorTestResp | Monitor Test Response | Y - Yes N - No |
RBraille | Refreshable Braille | Y - Yes N - No |
SciSSResponseELHS | Science/Social Studies Response EL - SGOV/MISA | SpeechToText (01) HumanScribe (02) |
SelectResponseHS | Selected Response - HSGOV/MISA | SpeechToText (01) HumanScribe (02) HumanSigner (03) ExternalATDevice (04) |
SeparateLocation | Separate or Alternate Testing Location | Y - Yes N - No |
SmallGroup | Small Group | Y - Yes N - No |
SpecialEquip | Special Equipment or Furniture | Y - Yes N - No |
SpecifiedArea | Specified Area Setting | Y - Yes N - No |
StudentReadAloud | Student Read Aloud | Y - Yes N - No |
TempAccomHS | Temporary Accommodations - HSGOV/MISA | SpeechToText (01) Other(99) |
TempAccomMCAP | Temporary Accommodations - MCAP | Enter explanation text up to 255 characters. |
TestDirectionsClarifiedNLHS | Test Directions Clarified Native Language - HSGOV/MISA | Y - Yes N - No |
TestDirectionsNLHS | Test Directions Read Aloud Native Language - HSGOV/MISA | AMH - Amharic ARA - Arabic CHI - Chinese CRE - Creole FRA - French HT - Human Translator POR - Portuguese SPA - Spanish URD - Urdu VIE - Vietnamese |
TestDirectionsNLMCAP | Test Directions Native Language - MCAP | Y - Yes N - No |
Text2SpeechHS | Text-To-Speech - HSGOV/MISA | Y - Yes N - No |
Text2SpeechMCAP | Text-To-Speech - MCAP | GR - Text + Graphics TX - Text |
TimeofDay | Time of Day | Y - Yes N - No |
UniqueAccom | Unique Accommodation | Enter explanation text up to 255 characters. |
WordPredicition | Word Prediction | Y - Yes N - No |