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Maryland Direct Certification System Enrollment File (MDCS)

On this page:

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • All students enrolled as of the count date will be selected.
  • If using a current student selection, the student must be in the current student selection
  • Students cannot be identified to be excluded from state reporting from Start Page> Select a Student> State/Province - MD > Maryland State Information page.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

This report uses the State Reporting Platform to generate results.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included. Select schools to include in the report
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Click the button to run for the Selected Students or All Students

Count Date

Select the enrollment date for the classes you wish to include

Use Alternate School Numbers

Select Yes if you would like to use Alternate School Numbers when processing the report.

Include Column HeadingsSelect Yes to include column headings in the file.

Scheduling – Run Now

Leave Run Now selected to run the report now.


Click Submit to run the report now

Scheduling – Please Select When to run

Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run nightly. Check the weekdays only box

Please Select Schedule Settings

Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click the Repeat and Daily buttons.

Please select daily repeat cycle options.

Click the Weekdays only box.

Please select end date range option

Click the No End date or you may complete the Ends On field with the day after you last day of school.


Click Submit to schedule the report

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Column Letter

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


County Number

This field contains the two-digit County code for student's county of residence. County 99 should be used for out-of state students.

[S_MD_STU_X]County_Code or [Prefs]DistrictNumber




Sponsor Number

This field contains the two-digit local education agency code (LEA). This field is extracted from the District Information page, Start Page > District Setup > District Information.





Site Number

This field contains the four-digit code that identifies the school building. This field is extracted from the Edit School page, Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.





Social Security Number

This field contains the student's nine-digit social Security number. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.






This field contains the birth date of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. Date Format = YYYYMMDD.





Last Name

This field contains the last name of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Last_Name OR

Alpha numeric



First Name

This field contains the first name of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]First_Name OR

Alpha numeric



Middle Name

This field contains the middle name of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Middle_Name OR

Alpha numeric




Reported Values:

  • F = Female
  • M = Male
  • X = Non-binary
  • O = Other

This field contains the gender of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.


Alpha numeric



Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

  • A = Asian
  • B = Black
  • C = White
  • H = Hispanic
  • N = Native American
  • P = Pacific Islands/Alaskan
  • U = Unknown
  • O = Other (multi ethnicity non-hispanic)

[Students]FedEthnicity OR


[StudentRace]RaceCd OR






State Student Identifier (SASID)

This field contains the student identification number assigned by the Maryland State Department of Education. This field is extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.




LCase NumberStudents SNAP or TCA Case Number for Direct Verification.[S_MD_STU_X]Case_NumberAlpha numeric9


Local Student Identifier

This field contains the student identification number assigned by the school. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.






This field contains the address of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Mailing_Street or [Students]Street

Alpha numeric




This field contains the address of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Mailing_Street or [Students]Street

Alpha numeric




This field contains the city of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Mailing_City or [Students]City

Alpha numeric


 Q StateThis field contains the state of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.[Students]Mailing_State or [Students]StateAlpha2
 R Zip CodeThis field contains the zip code of the student. This field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page, Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.[Students]Mailing_Zip or [Students]zipNumeric5
SEnrollment Start DateThis field contains the student enrollment / reenrollment start date. This field is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection> Transfer Info.[Students]EntryDate or [Reenrollments]EntryDate
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