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Obsolete - MCAP - Student Registration File

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must be enrolled in the class on the count date specified or identified to be included on the Start Page> Select a Student > State/Province - MD > PARCC/MISA/HS Testing Exemptions and Accommodations page.
    • Course or Section must have been included in MISA reporting or have PARCC/HS Test Code and not excluded from PARCC testing
  • The student must not be excluded from all assessments or state reporting from Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province - MD > PARCC/MISA/HS Testing Exemptions and Accommodations page.
  • Students cannot be identified to be omitted from this assessment from Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province - MD > PARCC/MISA/HS Testing Exemptions and Accommodations page.
  • Enter student's accommodations from Start Page > Select a Student > State/Province - MD > PARCC/MISA/HS Personal Needs Profile.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

This report uses the State Reporting Platform to generate results.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included. Select schools to include in the report
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only
  • All Students

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Fall or Spring Test

Choose the test for which to create the student enrollment file.

  • Fall ELA/Math
  • Spring ELA/Math
  • Spring MISA
  • Spring Social Studies
  • Summer

Count Date

Choose the enrollment date for the classes you want to include

Test FormatChoose Online or Paper.

Use Alternate School Numbers

Choose Yes if you would like to use Alternate School Numbers when processing the report.

Scheduling – Run Now

Leave Run Now selected to run the report now.


Click Submit to run the report now

Scheduling – Please Select When to run

Click Schedule to schedule this report to run nightly. Select Weekdays only.

Please Select Schedule Settings

Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click Repeat and Daily.

Please select daily repeat cycle options.

Click Weekdays.

Please select end date range option

Click No End date or enter the day after the last day of school in the Ends On field.


Click Submit to schedule the report

Back to Top

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Column Letter

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Testing LSS/LEA 24

The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Information.





Testing School Number

The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.





Responsible LSS/LEA 24

The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Information.





Responsible School Number

The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.





State Assigned Student ID (SASID)

The student identification number assigned by the Maryland State Department of Education. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.





Local Student Identifier

The student identification number assigned by the school. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.





Last or Surname

The last name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Last_Name OR

Alpha numeric



First Name

The first name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]First_Name OR

Alpha numeric



Middle Name

The middle name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Middle_Name OR

Alpha numeric


JPreferred First NameThe preferred first name of the student. his field is extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. If different from Legal First Name[Students]First_Name



The birth date of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. Date Format = YYYYMMDD.






Reported Values:

  • F = Female
  • M = Male
  • U = Undefined

The gender of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.

[Students]Gender OR [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender

Alpha numeric



Home LSS

Required for LEA24 Schools




Grade Level When Assessed

Reported Values: 03 or 12

The grade level of the student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> > Transfer Info


Alpha numeric



Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity

Reported Values:

Y If fedethnicity = 1 OR MD_Hispan_Lat = 1, else N.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

[Students]FedEthnicity OR


Alpha numeric



American Indian or Alaska Native

Reported Values:

Y If RaceCd = 1 OR MD_Eth_Amer_Ind = 1, else N.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

[StudentRace]RaceCd OR


Alpha numeric




Reported Values:

Y If RaceCd = 1 OR MD_Eth_Asian = 1, else N.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

[StudentRace]RaceCd OR


Alpha numeric



Black or African American

Reported Values:

Y If RaceCd = 3 OR MD_Eth_Black = 1, else N.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

[StudentRace]RaceCd OR


Alpha numeric



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Reported Values:

Y If RaceCd = 4 OR MD_Eth_Hawaiian = 1, else N.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

[StudentRace]RaceCd OR


Alpha numeric




Reported Values:

Y If RaceCd = 5 OR MD_Eth_White = 1, else N.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

[StudentRace]RaceCd OR


Alpha numeric



LEP Student

Indicates if the student qualifies as an LEP student - Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

Reported Values:

  • N No, not receiving LEP Services
  • Y If [S_MD_STU_X]ELL = 1
  • E If [S_MD_STU_X]ELLL = 2, if exited since 06/01/2015, else N


Alpha numeric



State Field 3

LEP Begin Date

The date the student began receiving LEP services. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

Date Format = YYYYMMDD





State Field 4

LEP End Date

The date the student ended LEP servic. Extracted from es. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

Date Format = YYYYMMDD.





Student With Disabilities

Indicates if the student qualifies as a student with disabilities. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

  • Y - Student receiving special education services. If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 1
  • N - Student not receiving special education services.
  • E - Student exited special education services. If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 2
  • 2 - Code 504 student. If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 4
  • 3 - Student exited special education service, but enrolled in 504. If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 3



Alpha numeric



Primary Disability Type

The major or overriding disability condition that best describes a person's impairment. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

Reported Values:

If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 1 AND

[S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘14’, then ‘AUT

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ’03’ OR ‘12’, then ‘DB

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘15’, then ‘DD

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘06’, then ‘EMN

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘02’ then ‘HI

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘01’, then ‘ID

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘10’, then ‘MD

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘07’, then ‘OI

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘08’, then ‘OHI

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘09’, then ‘SLD

OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘04’, then ‘SLI

OR if [S_MD_LOG_X]DisabilityCode = ‘13’, then ‘TBI

OR if [S_MD_LOG_X]DisabilityCode = ‘05’, then ‘VI’,

ELSE Blank.

[S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education AND


Alpha numeric



Special Education End Date

The date special education services ended Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 2, then [S_MD_STU_X]SpecEd_End_Date, if exited since 06/01/2015

Date Format = YYYYMMDD.



AALEP Reading Exempt

Indicates if the student qualifies as an LEP Exempt student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS Testing Exemptions and Accommodations.

Reported Values:

  • N = No
  • Y = Yes
[S_MD_STU_X]parcc_lepReadingExemptAlpha numeric1
ABEL Entry Date into US

The date special education services ended. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.

Date Format = YYYYMMDD.


Indicates if the student qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Lunch

  • F = Free
  • R = Reduced
  • N = No, not eligible to receive free or reduced price meals
  • Blank



Alpha numeric1

Session Name

Local course name. Extracted from Start Page > School > Courses > Edit Course.

Reported Values:

If [S_MD_CRS_X]MISA_Include OR [S_MD_SEC_X]MISA_Include = 1, then Course_Name, else null.



Alpha numeric



Class Name

Local section name. Extracted from Start Page > School > Courses > Edit Section.

Reported Values:

If student is scheduled in an identified course or section then Course_Number and Section_Number separated by a “.”, else null.



Alpha numeric



Test Code

Indicates the test the student is registering for:

Fall ELA/Math

  • ALG01 = Algebra I
  • ALG02 = Algebra II
  • GEO01 = Geometry
  • ELA10 = Grade 10 ELA/Literacy

Spring ELA/Math

  • MAT03 = Grade 3 Math
  • MAT04 = Grade 4 Math
  • MAT05 = Grade 5 Math
  • MAT06 = Grade 6 Math
  • MAT07 = Grade 7 Math
  • MAT08 = Grade 8 Math
  • ALG01 = Algebra I
  • ALG02 = Algebra II
  • GEO01 = Geometry
  • ELA03 = Grade 3 ELA/Literacy
  • ELA04 = Grade 4 ELA/Literacy
  • ELA05 = Grade 5 ELA/Literacy
  • ELA06 = Grade 6 ELA/Literacy
  • ELA07 = Grade 7 ELA/Literacy
  • ELA08 = Grade 8 ELA/Literacy
  • ELA10 = Grade 10 ELA/Literacy

Spring MISA

  • SCI05 = Grade 5 MISA
  • SCI08 = Grade 8 MISA

Spring Social Studies

  • SOC08 = Grade 8 Social Studies


  • ALG01 = Algebra I
  • ELA10 = Grade 10 ELA/Literacy



















Test Format

Reported Values:

  • P = Paper
  • O = Online

Student with these Accommodations will have Test Format = P:
Color Contrast = 7
Braille With Tactile Graphics = 01
Alternate Representation - Paper Test = 1
Large Print = 1
Answers Recorded in Test Book = 1

Per State Report page parameter setting or per accommodation selection

Alpha numeric



Frequent Breaks

Student is allowed to take breaks, at their request, during the testing session. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Frequent_Breaks = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Separate/Alternate Location

Student tested in specially assigned location. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If Separate_Location = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Small Testing Group

Student is tested in a separate location with a small group of students with matching accessibility features or accommodations/testing needs as appropriate. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If Separate_Location = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Specialized Equipment or Furniture

Student is provided specialized equipment or furniture needed for a successful testing environment. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Separate_Location = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Specified Area or Setting

Student is tested in a specialized area or setting. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Separate_Location = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Time Of Day

Student is tested during a specific time of day based on their individual needs. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Separate_Location = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Answer Masking

Specifies the type of masks the user can create to cover portions of the question until needed. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Separate_Location = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves

The student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Read_Aloud_Themselves = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Color Contrast

Defines preference to invert the foreground and background color. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

  • 01 = black-cream
  • 02 = black-lblue
  • 03 = black-lmagenta
  • 04 = white-black
  • 05 = yellow - blue
  • 06 = dgray-pgreen
  • 07 = Color Overly, else NULL


Alpha numeric



ASL Video

American Sign Language content is provided to the student by a human signer through a video. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If ASL_Video = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Assistive Technology (AT) Screen Reader Application

Screen Reader Application used to deliver online test form for students who are blind. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If AT_ScreenReader = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Assistive Technology Non-Screen Reader Application

Assistive Technology (AT) Application used to deliver an online test form for students who use assistive technology other than screen readers. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If AT_NonScreenReader = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Closed Captioning

Closed captioning and subtitling are both processes of displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If ELA_Closed_Captioning = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Refreshable Braille Display

Student uses external device which converts the text from the Screen Reader into Braille. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If ELA_Refreshable_Braille = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Alternate Representation – Paper Test

Indicates a paper test needs to be provided for a student registered within a school that is testing online. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If PARCC_Accomm_Paper = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Large Print

A Large Print test booklet is provided with text increased 150% to an 18-point font. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If PARCC_Accomm_LargePrint = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Braille with Tactile Graphics

A hard copy Braille test booklet is provided with embedded tactile graphics. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

  • 01 = UE/Unified English Braille

(02 is not valid for this test, and so null will be submitted when the 02 is selected)


Alpha numeric



Human Signer for Test Directions

A human signer will sign the test directions to a student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Human_Signer_TestDirections 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Answers Recorded in Test Book

The student records answers directly in the test book. Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator in a student answer book or answer sheet. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Answers_Recorded = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Braille Response

A student who is blind or visually impaired and their response is captured by a Braille Writer or Notetaker. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = Braille Writer
  • 02 = Braille Notetaker, else null


Alpha numeric



Calculation Device and Mathematics Tool (Filler)





Constructed Response

A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Constructed Response item types. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = Speech-to-Text
  • 02 = Human Scribe
  • 03 = Human Signer
  • 04 = External AT Device, else null


Alpha numeric



Selected Response or Technology Enhanced Items

A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Selected Response or Technology Enhanced items types. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = Speech-to-Text
  • 02 = Human Scribe
  • 03 = Human Signer
  • 04 = External AT Device, else null


Alpha numeric



Mathematics Response

A student's response is captured by an external Speech to Text device, external AT device, Human Scribe or Signer for Selected Response or Technology Enhanced items types. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = Speech-to-Text
  • 02 = Human Scribe
  • 03 = Human Signer
  • 04 = External AT Device, else null


Alpha numeric



Monitor Test Response

The test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors proper placement of student responses on a test book/answer sheet. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If Monitor_Test_Response = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Word Prediction

The student uses a word prediction external device that provides a bank of frequently - or recently -used words as a result of the student entering the first few letters of a word. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If Word_Prediction = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Administration Directions Clarified in the Student’s Native Language

The test administrator clarifies general administration instructions only for English Learners. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Directions_Clarified = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated as Needed in the student’s Native Language

The test administrator reads aloud, and repeats as needed, test directions in students’ native language. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If Directions_Read_Aloud not null, else null


Alpha numeric



Response – EL

The student's response is captured by an external speech-to-text device or human scribe. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

01 = Speech-to-Text
02 = Human Scribe, else null


Alpha numeric



Spanish Transadaptation

Student's testing based on another language other than English. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile.

Reported Values:

Y If Math_Translation_Text = 1, else null


Alpha numeric



Word to Word Dictionary (English/Native Language)

Student uses a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If WordtoWord_Dictionary = 1, else null


Alpha numeric




Student is provided a computer read aloud of content but does not support browser navigation. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = Text-to-Speech Text and Graphics
  • 02 = Text-to-Speech Text Only



Alpha numeric



Human Reader or Human Signer

The same test form will appear for the Proctor to Read Aloud or Sign the test to the student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = HumanSigner
  • 02 = HumanReadAloud, else null


Alpha numeric



Unique Accommodation

An accommodation required for a student with a disability or an English Learner that is not listed in the MAM but is identified in the student’s IEP, 504 plan, or EL plan (if approved by the state). Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

Y If Unique_Accommodation = 1 else null


Alpha numeric



Emergency Accommodation

An emergency accommodation for a student who incurs a temporary disabling condition that interferes with test performance shortly before or during the MISA assessment window - Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • 01 = Human Scribe
  • 99 = Other, else null


Alpha numeric



Extended Time

Extended Time is provided to the student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS - Personal Needs Data Profile

Reported Values:

  • EL = EL
  • IE - 504 = IEP504
  • Both =Both IEP504 and EL, else null

    When 'EL' THEN 'EL'

    When 'IEP' THEN 'IEP504'

    When '504' THEN 'IEP504'

    When 'IEP504' THEN 'IEP504'

    When '504EL' THEN 'Both'

    When 'IEPEL' THEN 'Both'

    When 'Both' THEN 'Both'

    ELSE Null


Alpha numeric


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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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