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MCAP - Student Sessions File


Selection Criteria

How Active Students are selected for the report:

  • The student is actively enrolled in a school not excluded from State Reporting and did not exit between the report start and end dates.
  • The student is in grades 03 through 12.
  • The student must not be excluded from State Reporting on the State/Province - MD page.
  • The student must not be excluded from Testing on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.
  • The student has a MCAP testing status of U on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.

Note: To ensure that active students have a MCAP Test Status of U on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page, the MCAP - Student Accommodation Report can be run for Active Students with the Update Student's Test Status option set to Yes.

How Active Student's Class records are selected for the report when Testing File Type Active Classes (Insert/Update) is selected:

  • Student is actively enrolled in a Course/Section (enrollment exit date is not prior to the selected Session Date).
  • The Student's class enrollment record has a MCAP testing status of I, U, or blank.
  • The Course or Section has a MD Test Subject of ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies.
  • Course is not excluded from State Reporting.
  • Section is not excluded from State Reporting.
  • The Student is not Omitted from the test subject on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.
  • The Student has an Include/Omit Status of I or U for the testing subject on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page, when not enrolled in a Course with the corresponding testing subject.

How Active Student's Class records are selected for report when Testing File Type Inactive Classes (Delete) is selected:

  • The student has Course/Section with an enrollment exit date that is is not prior to the selected Session Date or the Student's class enrollment record has a MCAP testing status of D.
  • The Course or Section has a MD Test Subject of ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies.
  • Course is not excluded from State Reporting.
  • Section is not excluded from State Reporting.
  • The Student has and Include/Omit Status of D for the testing subject on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page, when not enrolled in a Course with the corresponding testing subject.

Updating Student Class MCAP Test Status:

Once the data in the Student Class file is correct, run the report a final time with the Update Student Class Test Status set to Yes. This will update the student's Class MCAP Test Status on the class enrollment record or the test subject Include/Omit status on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.

  • When the report is run for Active Classes and the student is enrolled in a class with a MCAP Class test status of I or Blank the MCAP Class test status will be updated to U (Update).
  • When the report is run for Active Classes and the student has a test subject with an Include/Omit status of I or Blank on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page, the Include/Omit status will update to U.
  • When the report is run for Inactive Classes and the student is enrolled in a class with a MCAP test status of D or the student has exited the class the MCAP Class test status will be updated to 'Blank'.
  • When The report is run for Inactive Classes and the student has a test subject with an Include/Omit status of D on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page, the Include/Omit status will update to O.

Required Set-up:

  • Course/Sections have a MD Test Subject if applicable.
  • Student's Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page is marked for any tests to exclude or include in testing outside of Course/Section enrollment.

Report Input


Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included. Select schools to include in the report
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only
  • All Students

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Administration YearChoose the administration year.
Administration TestChoose the administration test.
Session DateChoose the session date.
Class SelectionChoose Specific Date and Period or Testing Course Information
Session PeriodChoose the testing Period
Testing File TypeChoose Active Classes (Insert/Update) or Inactive Classes (Delete)
Session Start DateChoose the session start date.
Session End DateChoose the session end date.
Session Start TimeChoose the session start time (can be left blank).
Session End TimeChoose the session end time (can be left blank).
Update Student's Test StatusChoose No or Yes
Use Alternate School NumbersChoose Yes if you would like to use Alternate School Numbers when processing the report.

Scheduling – Run Now

Leave Run Now selected to run the report now.


Click Submit to run the report now

Scheduling – Please Select When to run

Click Schedule to schedule this report to run nightly. Select Weekdays only.

Please Select Schedule Settings

Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click Repeat and Daily.

Please select daily repeat cycle options.

Click Weekdays.

Please select end date range option

Click No End date or enter the day after the last day of school in the Ends On field.


Click Submit to schedule the report

Report Output

Column LetterData ElementDescription[Table]FieldName

Field TypeField Length

Identifies rows to be inserted for student sessions.  Defaults to Insert.

BStudent SIDThe student identification number assigned by the Maryland State Department of Education. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.[Students]State_StudentNumberNumeric10
CStudent First NameThe first name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.[Students]First_Name OR
Alpha numeric15
DStudent Last NameThe last name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics.[Students]Last_Name OR
Alpha numeric25
EOrg Code

The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Information.


The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.

[Pref]DistrictNumber +


FSessionThe name of the session.

If Class Selection is Specific Date and Period, then Session Name is Teacher Last Name, First Initial, and Period of the class in the specified Date and Period.

If Class Selection is Testing Course Information, then Session name is Teacher Last Name, First Initial, Course Name and Section Number of the scheduled class for the associated test.

Alpha numeric250
GAdministrationIndicates the administration you are creating the session within.

Selected on report parameter page.

HTest CodeIndicates the test the student(s) within the session will be registered for.  The last character indicates the mode of testing (Paper(P) or Online(E))

Calculated value returned in the following format: Test Subject Code + Grade Level + Test Descriptor + Test Year + Paper or Online

The following fields may be used: ([S_MD_SEC_X/S_MD_CRS_X]Test_Code_Subject, [Students/Reenrollment]Grade_Level, [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_Code= ‘PaperTest’

Example: ELA10mdelamathfall21E


Indicates the mode of testing.  Valid values are:

  • Paper (P)
  • Online (E)

[S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_Code= ‘PaperTest’ is 'Yes' = Paper (P)

[S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_Code= ‘PaperTest’ is 'No' = Online (E)

[S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_Code= ‘PaperTest’ is 'Blank' = Online (E)

If 'PaperTest' is not selected = Online (E)

JStart DateIndicates the date the session should be available for students to log into TestNav.Entered on report parameter page.Date10
KEnd DateIndicates the date the session should be available for students to log into TestNav.Entered on report parameter page.Date10
LStart Time

Indicates the time the session should be available for students to log into TestNav.

Note: Per MSDE, if a value is not specified, the organization test admin default values are applied for the start time.

Entered on report parameter page.


MEnd Time

Indicates the time the session should be available for students to log into TestNav.

Note: Per MSDE, if a value is not specified, the organization test admin default values are applied for the end time.

Entered on report parameter page.

NDays of Testing

Submitted as null.

Note: Per MSDE, if a value is not specified, the organization test admin default values are applied for the testing days.

OTime zone

Submitted as null.

Note: Per MSDE, if a value is not specified this will default to the time zone of the user uploading the file.

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