MCAP - Student Accommodations File
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
How the 'Default Answer Masking to Yes' works:
The parameter of 'Default Answer Masking to Yes' is available to allow the user to generate the report with an override of 'Y' for the Answer Masking columns (EL, EL, EM, and EN).
- If 'Yes' is selected the report will default columns EK, EL, EM, and EN to 'Y' for students who have no value in the Student - State/Province - MD >Testing Accommodations > Answer Masking. If a value is entered here, it is reported.
- If 'No' is selected the report will return the value in the Student - State/Province - MD > Testing Accommodations > Answer Masking. If nothing is entered here, blank is reported.
How the Student records are selected for report when Testing File Type Active Students (Insert/Update) is selected :
- The student is actively enrolled in a school not excluded from State Reporting and did not exit between the report start and end dates.
- The student is in grades 03 through 12.
- The student must not be excluded from State Reporting on the State/Province - MD page.
- The student must not be excluded from Testing on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.
- The student has a MCAP testing status of I, U, or blank on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page. Testing status of blank will be reported as I
- A testing status that is blank will be reported as I
How the Student records are selected for report when Testing File Type Inactive Students (Delete) is selected :
- The student has an exit date that is on or between the report start and end dates or the student's MCAP Testing Status of D on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.
- The student is in grades 03 through 12.
- The Student's school not excluded from State Reporting
- The student must not be excluded from State Reporting on the State/Province - MD page.
- The student must not be excluded from Testing on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.
Updating Student Test Status :
Once the data in the Student Accommodation file is correct, run the report a final time with the Update Student Test Status set to Yes. This will update the student's MCAP Test Satus on the Testing, Status, Exemptions and Accommodations page.
- When report run for Active Students and the student's MCAP test status is I or Blank it will update to U (Update)
- When report run for Inactive Students and the student's MCAP test status will update to 'Blank'
Required Set-up:
- Enter student accommodations from Start Page> Select a Student > State/Province - MD > Testing Accommodations.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
This report uses the State Reporting Platform to generate results.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report. |
Report Start Date | Choose the Start Date for enrollments you want to include |
Report End Date | Choose the End Date for enrollments you want to include |
Default Answer Masking to Yes | Choose Yes to default Answer Masking to 'Yes' for students who do not have a value in the State/Province - MD > Testing Accommodations > Answer Masking. |
Use Alternate School Numbers | Choose Yes if you would like to use Alternate School Numbers when processing the report. |
Testing File Type | Choose Active Students (Insert/Update) or Inactive Students (Delete) |
Ship Report to Organization | Choose District Office or School |
Update Student's Test Status | Choose No or Yes |
Customer Code | The unique ID given to identify the project. |
Scheduling – Run Now | Leave Run Now selected to run the report now. |
Submit | Click Submit to run the report now |
Scheduling – Please Select When to run | Click Schedule to schedule this report to run nightly. Select Weekdays only. |
Please Select Schedule Settings | Enter the Start Date and Start time. Click Repeat and Daily. |
Please select daily repeat cycle options. | Click Weekdays. |
Please select end date range option | Click No End date or enter the day after the last day of school in the Ends On field. |
Submit | Click Submit to schedule the report |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Column Letter | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length |
A | Update Indicator | Identifies rows to be added or updated for testing accommodations. Valid Values:
| [S_MD_STU_X]Test_Status | Alpha | 1 |
B | Customer Code | The unique ID given to identify the project (i.e. MARYLAND22-23). Populated from the Custom Code parameter on the report page. | Alpha | ||
C | Organization Code | The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Information. Plus The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School. | [Pref]DistrictNumber + [Schools]SchoolNumber | Numeric | 6 |
D | Student ID | The student identification number assigned by the Maryland State Department of Education. Extracted from the Maryland State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Numeric | 10 |
E | Local ID | The student identification number assigned by the school. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. | [Students]Student_Number | Numeric | 10 |
F | First Name | The first name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. | [Students]First_Name OR | Alpha numeric | 15 |
G | Last Name | The last name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. | [Students]Last_Name OR | Alpha numeric | 25 |
H | Middle Name | The middle name of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. | [Students]Middle_Name OR | Alpha numeric | 15 |
I | Date of Birth | The birth date of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. Date Format = MM/DD/YYYY. | [Students]DOB | Date | 8 |
J | Enrolled Grade | Reported Values: 03 through 12 The grade level of the student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> > Transfer Info | [Students]Grade_Level | Alpha numeric | 2 |
K | Student Email | Left Blank | |||
L | Reporting School | The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Information. Plus The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School. | [Pref]DistrictNumber + [Schools]SchoolNumber | Numeric | 6 |
M | Gender | Reported Values:
The gender of the student. Extracted from the Edit Demographics page. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection> General Demographics. | [Students]Gender OR [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender | Alpha numeric | 1 |
N | American Indian or Alaskan Native | Reported Values: Y If RaceCd = 1 OR MD_Eth_Amer_Ind = 1, else N. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [StudentRace]RaceCd OR [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Amer_Ind_TF | Alpha numeric | 1 |
O | Asian | Reported Values: Y If RaceCd = 2 OR MD_Eth_Asian = 1, else N. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [StudentRace]RaceCd OR [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Asian_TF | Alpha numeric | 1 |
P | Black or African American | Reported Values: Y If RaceCd = 3 OR MD_Eth_Black = 1, else N. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [StudentRace]RaceCd OR [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Black_TF | Alpha numeric | 1 |
Q | Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander | Reported Values: Y If RaceCd = 4 OR MD_Eth_Hawaiian = 1, else N. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [StudentRace]RaceCd OR [S_MD_STU_X]Race_Hawaiian_TF | Alpha numeric | 1 |
R | White | Reported Values: Y If RaceCd = 5 OR MD_Eth_White = 1, else N. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [StudentRace]RaceCd OR [S_MD_STU_X]Race_White_TF | Alpha numeric | 1 |
S | Multi-Race | Blank | |||
T | Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity | Reported Values: Y If fedethnicity = 1 OR MD_Hispan_Lat = 1, else N. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. | [Students]FedEthnicity OR [S_MD_STU_X]Hispan_Lat_TF | Alpha numeric | 1 |
U | LEP | Indicates if the student qualifies as an LEP student - Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_X]ELL | Alpha numeric | 1 |
V | Economic Disadvantaged Status | Indicates if the student qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Lunch
| [Students]LunchStatus [Reenrollments]LunchStatus | Alpha numeric | 1 |
W | Student With Disability/504 | Indicates if the student qualifies as a student with disabilities. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics OR Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information.
| [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education [S_MD_REN_X]Special_Education | Alpha numeric | 1 |
X | Primary Disability Type | The major or overriding disability condition that best describes a person's impairment. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Reported Values: If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 1 AND [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘14’, then ‘AUT’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ’03’ OR ‘12’, then ‘DB’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘15’, then ‘DD’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘06’, then ‘EMN’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘02’ then ‘HI’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘01’, then ‘ID’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘10’, then ‘MD’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘07’, then ‘OI’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘08’, then ‘OHI’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘09’, then ‘SLD’ OR if [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability = ‘04’, then ‘SLI’ OR if [S_MD_LOG_X]DisabilityCode = ‘13’, then ‘TBI’ OR if [S_MD_LOG_X]DisabilityCode = ‘05’, then ‘VI’, ELSE Blank. | [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education AND [S_MD_STU_X]Primary_Disability | Alpha numeric | 3 |
Y | LEP Reading Exempt | Indicates if the student qualifies as an LEP Exempt student. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information> PARCC/MISA/HS Testing Exemptions and Accommodations. Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_X]parcc_lepReadingExempt | Alpha numeric | 1 |
Z | HomeLEA | Required for LEA24 Schools. The LEA entered should, in most cases, be the system that placed the child in the non-public setting and is the LEA where the student resides. PowerSchool reports this field as a blank. | Numeric | 50 | |
AA | Ship Report Organization | The Organization where the Individual Student Repot(IRS) is to be shipped. The two-digit local education agency code (LEA). Extracted from the District Information page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Information. Plus The four-digit code that identifies the school building. Extracted from the Edit School page. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School. | [Pref]DistrictNumber + [Schools]SchoolNumber | Numeric | 6 |
AB | Growth Identifier | Blank | |||
AC | LEP Eligible Begin Date | The date the student began receiving LEP services. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Date Format = MM/DD/YYYY | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_Begin_Date | Date | 8 |
AD | LEP Eligible End Date | The date the student ended LEP servic. Extracted from es. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Date Format = MM/DD/YYYY. | [S_MD_STU_X]ELL_End_Date | Date | 8 |
AE | Special Education End Date | The date special education services ended Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. If [S_MD_STU_X]Special_Education = 2, then [S_MD_STU_X]SpecEd_End_Date, if exited since 06/01/2015 Date Format = MM/DD/YYYY. | [S_MD_STU_X]SpecEd_End_Date | Date | 8 |
AF | EL Entry Date into US | The date special education services ended. Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Maryland State Information. Date Format = MM/DD/YYYY. | [S_MD_STU_X]First_Date_In_US_School | Date | 8 |
AG | Extended Time - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ExtendedTimeMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AH | Extended Time - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ExtendedTimeMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AI | Extended Time - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ExtendedTimeMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AJ | Extended Time - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ExtendedTimeMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AK | Frequent Breaks - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = FreqBreaks and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AL | Frequent Breaks - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = FreqBreaks and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AM | Frequent Breaks - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = FreqBreaks and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AN | Frequent Breaks - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = FreqBreaks and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AO | Handheld Calculator - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Calculator and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AP | Handheld Calculator - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Calculator and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AQ | Handheld Calculator - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Calculator and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AR | Handheld Calculator - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Calculator and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AS | Math Tools - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MathTools and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AT | Math Tools - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MathTools and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AU | Math Tools - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MathTools and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AV | Math Tools - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MathTools and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AW | Separate or Alternate Testing Location - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SeparateLocation and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AX | Separate or Alternate Testing Location - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SeparateLocation and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AY | Separate or Alternate Testing Location - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SeparateLocation and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
AZ | Separate or Alternate Testing Location - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SeparateLocation and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BA | Small Group - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SmallGroup and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BB | Small Group - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SmallGroup and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BC | Small Group - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SmallGroup and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BD | Small Group - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SmallGroup and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BE | Special Equipment or Furniture - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecialEquip and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BF | Special Equipment or Furniture - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecialEquip and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BG | Special Equipment or Furniture - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecialEquip and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BH | Special Equipment or Furniture - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecialEquip and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BI | Specified Area Setting - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecifiedArea and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BJ | Specified Area Setting - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecifiedArea and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BK | Specified Area Setting - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecifiedArea and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BL | Specified Area Setting - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = SpecifiedArea and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BM | Student Read Aloud - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = StudentReadAloud and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BN | Student Read Aloud - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = StudentReadAloud and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BO | Student Read Aloud - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = StudentReadAloud and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BP | Student Read Aloud - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = StudentReadAloud and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BQ | Temporary Accommodation - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TempAccomMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BR | Temporary Accommodation - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TempAccomMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
BS | Temporary Accommodation - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TempAccomMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
BT | Temporary Accommodation - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TempAccomMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
BU | Time of Day - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TimeofDay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BV | Time of Day - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TimeofDay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BW | Time of Day - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TimeofDay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BX | Time of Day - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TimeofDay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
BY | Unique Accommodation - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = UniqueAccom and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
BZ | Unique Accommodation - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = UniqueAccom and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
CA | Unique Accommodation - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = UniqueAccom and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
CB | Unique Accommodation - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = UniqueAccom and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 255 |
CC | TTS - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Text2SpeechMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CD | TTS - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code =Text2SpeechMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CE | TTS - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Text2SpeechMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CF | TTS - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Text2SpeechMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CG | Assistive Capturing Responses - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ACRMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CH | Assistive Capturing Responses - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ACRMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CI | Assistive Capturing Responses - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ACRMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CJ | Assistive Capturing Responses - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ACRMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CK | Dictionary - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Dictionary and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CL | Dictionary - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Dictionary and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CM | Dictionary - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Dictionary and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CN | Dictionary - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = Dictionary and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CO | Human Signer - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSignerMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CP | Human Signer - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSignerMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CQ | Human Signer - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSignerMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CR | Human Signer - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSignerMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CS | Human Read Aloud - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CT | Human Read Aloud - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CU | Human Read Aloud - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CV | Human Read Aloud - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudMCAPL and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CW | Human Signer Test Directions - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSingerDir and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CX | Human Signer Test Directions - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSingerDir and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CY | Human Signer Test Directions - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSingerDir and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
CZ | Human Signer Test Directions - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanSingerDir and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DA | Human Read Aloud Test Directions - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudTestDirMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DB | Human Read Aloud Test Directions - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudTestDirMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DC | Human Read Aloud Test Directions - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudTestDirMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DD | Human Read Aloud Test Directions - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = HumanReadAloudTestDirMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DE | Language Transadaptation - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LanguageTransMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DF | Language Transadaptation - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LanguageTransMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DG | Language Transadaptation - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LanguageTransMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DH | Language Transadaptation - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LanguageTransMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DI | Test Directions Native Language - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TestDirectionsNLMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DJ | Test Directions Native Language - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TestDirectionsNLMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DK | Test Directions Native Language - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TestDirectionsNLMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DL | Test Directions Native Language - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = TestDirectionsNLMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DM | Word Prediction - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = WordPrediction and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DN | Word Prediction - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = WordPrediction and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DO | Word Prediction - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = WordPrediction and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DP | Word Prediction - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = WordPredcition and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DQ | Answers Recorded - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswersRecorded and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DR | Answers Recorded - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswersRecorded and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DS | Answers Recorded - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswersRecorded and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DT | Answers Recorded - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswersRecorded and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DU | Monitor Test Response - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MonitorTestResp and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DV | Monitor Test Response - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MonitorTestResp and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DW | Monitor Test Response - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MonitorTestResp and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DX | Monitor Test Response - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = MonitorTestResp and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DY | American Sign Language - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ASL and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
DZ | American Sign Language - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ASL and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EA | American Sign Language - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ASL and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EB | American Sign Language - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ASL and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EC | Closed Caption - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = CC and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
ED | Closed Caption - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = CC and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EE | Closed Caption - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = CC and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EF | Closed Caption - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = CC and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EG | Refreshable Braille Display - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = RBraille and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EH | Refreshable Braille Display - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = RBraille and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EI | Refreshable Braille Display - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = RBraille and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EJ | Refreshable Braille Display - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = RBraille and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EK | Answer Masking - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswerMasking and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EL | Answer Masking - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswerMasking and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EM | Answer Masking - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswerMasking and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EN | Answer Masking - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AnswerMasking and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EO | Assistive Technology Screen Readers - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_ScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EP | Assistive Technology Screen Readers - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_ScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EQ | Assistive Technology Screen Readers - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_ScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
ER | Assistive Technology Screen Readers - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_ScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
ES | Assistive Technology NonScreen Readers - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_NonScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
ET | Assistive Technology NonScreen Readers - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_NonScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EU | Assistive Technology NonScreen Readers - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_NonScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EV | Assistive Technology NonScreen Readers - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = AT_NonScreenReader and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EW | Electronic Braille Response - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ElectricBrailleMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EX | Electronic Braille Response - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ElectricBrailleMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EY | Electronic Braille Response - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ElectricBrailleMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
EZ | Electronic Braille Response - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ElectricBrailleMCAP and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FA | Color Contrast - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorContrast and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FB | Color Contrast - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorContrast and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FC | Color Contrast - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorContrast and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FD | Color Contrast - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorContrast and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FE | Color Overlay - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorOverlay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FF | Color Overlay - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorOverlay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FG | Color Overlay - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorOverlay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FH | Color Overlay - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = ColorOverlay and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FI | Braille Tactile Graphics - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = BrailleTG and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FJ | Braille Tactile Graphics - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = BrailleTG and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FK | Braille Tactile Graphics - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = BrailleTG and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FL | Braille Tactile Graphics - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = BrailleTG and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FM | Alternate Representation Paper Test - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = PaperTest and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FN | Alternate Representation Paper Test - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = PaperTest and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FO | Alternate Representation Paper Test - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = PaperTest and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FP | Alternate Representation Paper Test - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = PaperTest and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FQ | Large Print - ELA | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LargePrint and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_ELA = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FR | Large Print - Math | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LargePrint and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_Math = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FS | Large Print - Science | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LargePrint and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SCI = 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |
FT | Large Print - Social Studies | Reported Values:
| [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Reported Value Where: [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]Accommodation_code = LargePrint and [S_MD_STU_PNP_C]MCAP_SS= 1 | Alpha numeric | 1 |