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Utah Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Utah provides a wide variety of Utah-specific reports. Click a report name for details about the report.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Special Programs Data Validation

This Report extracts state-reportable information from Resource / Self Contained, Youth-in-Custody, ELL, and 504 special program records, which allows you to verify the completeness and accuracy of the student data without running a SIF submission.

Report may be run on demand.

Data Clearinghouse

October Fall Enrollment CountSnapshot as of October 1. Required records are DI, SC, S1, S2, S3, AC, and AM.

December Special Ed CountSnapshot as of December 1. Required records are DI, SC, S1, and S2.

Year End S3 and CTEAll activity for the school year. Required records are DI, SC, S1, S2, S3, AC, AM, I1, and I2.

October 15
December 15
July 15

Unique ID Request - Legacy

UT Unique ID Request File Report is an extract sent to the USOE to request a new SSID, or to retrieve, verify, or update a student's existing SSID.

File name format: REQ_[District Number]_[Current Date YYYYDDMM]_Counter Value.cvs

Example: REQ_140_20091124_0001.cvs

Note: If more than one person is running the extract, the counter value may not appear sequentially.

Report may be run on demand.


This report calculates and stores simple and weighted GPAs for students in grade levels 9-12. The students' GPA records are stored in the database in order to be sent via SIF as part of the Utah e-Transcript and Exchange (UTREx) project.

As needed. This report must be run before submitting data to UTREx via SIF.

Student Attendance Summary

This report calculates and stores attendance and membership data for all students in the district, excluding only those students in the Graduated Students school. The students' attendance and membership is stored in the database in order to send the data via SIF as part of the Utah e-Transcript and Exchange (UTREx) project.

As needed. This report must be run before submitting data to UTREx via SIF.

Student Course and Program Membership

This report calculates and stores course and program membership data for all students in the district, excluding only those students in the Graduated Students school. The students' course and program membership is stored in the database in order to send the data via SIF as part of the Utah e-Transcript and Exchange (UTREx) project.

As needed. This report must be run before submitting data to UTREx via SIF.

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