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PowerSchool SIF Utah SMP 23.1.1 Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-309048Add Retaliation Flag to DisciplineIncident Participation List

A new Retaliation flag has been added to DisciplineIncident. When the value of Yes is selected in Incident Management, then Y is published. If No is selected, then N is published. When there is no selection, No will be published. If both Yes and No are selected, then the value will be blank and an error will occur with the report, indicating that the data needs to be fixed.

PSSR-304029Calendar Summary Error with Extra Days

In the Calendar Summary object, if a term has been changed on the start or end date and there are extra days in the Calendar_Date table, these additional days are included in the Instructional Days elements and can show dates outside of the term dates. This has been corrected to only look at dates with the term dates.

PSSR-266017No-Show Student With Padded Calendar

For a no-show student where a school has a padded calendar at the beginning of the year, if the student’s entry and exit date are within the padded time, the dates will publish as the student’s entry date.

PSSR-311003StudentAttendanceSummary Returning No Data.

With the latest SMP, there was an issue with Student Attendance Summary returning no data. This has been corrected and will now return the correct value of a student. With the new SMP, there are two methods to generate data for Student Attendance Summary.

  1. All records will be auto-calculated every time the request is received. This uses the same calculations as the Student Attendance Summary report and removes the necessity to use this report.
  2. If there is a Student Attendance Summary override record (see the State/Province-UT page) AND the entry date and school match the same information as the Transfer Info page, this record will be used as an override and published.
PSSR-310217StudentDemographicRecord Oracle Error With Conditional Requests

During a state data collection, sometimes they include conditional request data on StudentDemographicRecord. This causes an error in Oracle and it fails. This has been corrected and data will now be returned successfully.

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