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Creating Incidents

The following data elements are required for discipline incidents. Discipline incidents are created at the school or district level, rather than at the student level.

To create incidents, security groups must be granted access to Utah State Reporting. Refer to System Help in PowerSchool for more information on how to set up group-level permissions.

Incident Description

Discipline incidents can be created at the school or district level. If an incident occurs on school grounds, creating the incident while logged into that school is recommended. If the incident occurs within the district but is not related to a particular school, then it is recommended to create the incident at the district level.

Follow the steps below to create a new incident and populate the Incident Description portion of the incident.

  1. Log into the school or district associated with the incident.

  2. Navigate to Start Page, Special Functions, Incident Management, and click Create New Incident.

  3. Choose Incident Type “Utah State Reporting” for incidents that require state reporting.  
    Note: When the Incident Type "UT State Reporting" is selected, only UTREx reportable Action/Behavior/Duration codes will be available for selection.

  4. Populate the Incident Date and Time, based on when the incident occurred.

  5. Choose Time Frame from the drop-down list. 

  6. Populate the Title and Description as needed for local use.

  7. Choose Location Code from the Location drop-down list. 

  8. Either add additional information, see below, or click Submit Incident to save the changes.

Incident Builder - Participants

Follow the steps below to populate the Participants portion of an incident. See the Appendix for code values.

Adding Student and Staff Participants

Follow these steps to add a student or staff member who is in the PowerSchool system.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.

  2. Click the Plus (+) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.

  3. Enter criteria for the search and click Search. The Results section is populated with matching participants.

  4. Highlight the appropriate participant in the search results.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Choose a role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu. There must be at least one student Offender in order for the incident to be reported.

  7. Click the Plus (+) button under Attributes. A Participant Attribute code pop-up menu appears.

  8. Choose the appropriate Participant Attribute code from the menu. 

  9. Click Add Participant Attributes.

  10. Either add additional information, see below, or click Submit Incident to save the changes.

Victim Reporting: If a victim has been defined in an incident, in order to publish correctly, the behavior they were subjected to must be associated with them.

Adding Other Participants

Follow these steps to add a participant who is not in the PowerSchool system.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.

  2. Click the Plus (+) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.

  3. Click Create Other.

  4. Populate the First, Middle, Last names, position, age, and gender fields. This information should be defined, if known, for both Offenders and Victims, but is not needed for Witnesses. Reporters do not need to be defined.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Choose a role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu. There must be at least one Offender per incident.

  7. Click the Plus (+) button under Attributes. A Participant Attribute code pop-up menu appears.

  8. Choose the appropriate Participant Attribute code from the menu.

  9. Click Add Participant Attributes.

  10. Either add additional information, see below, or click Submit Incident to save the changes.

Victim Reporting: If a victim has been defined in an incident, in order to publish correctly, the behavior they were subjected to must be associated with them.

Incident Builder - Incident Elements

Follow these steps to add behaviors, actions, objects, and/or attributes to the incident. See the Appendix for corresponding code values.

Adding a Behavior

See the Appendix for Behavior code values.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.

  2. Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.

  3. Choose Add Behavior from the pop-up menu.

  4. Choose the appropriate Behavior Code from the pop-up menu and then choose the appropriate behavior subcode from the subsequent menu, if applicable.

  5. Select the Primary Behavior checkbox for the most severe offense (even if there is only one behavior in the incident).
     Note: If the incident has multiple behaviors, the most egregious behavior should be checked as the Primary Behavior. 

  6. Click Add Behavior. The behavior appears under the Incident Elements heading.

  7. Click and drag the behavior to the appropriate offender. The behavior appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under Incident Elements. The primary behavior is reported for each incident. 

    If an offender has more than one behavior, and you need to report a specific behavior, it is recommended that you define only that behavior rather than adding multiple behaviors to one incident.

    Victim Reporting: If a victim has been defined in an incident, in order to publish correctly, the behavior they were subjected to must be associated with them.

Adding an Action

See the Appendix for Action code values.

  1. Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.

  2. Choose Add Action from the pop-up menu.

  3. Choose the appropriate Action Code from the pop-up menu and then choose the appropriate behavior subcode from the subsequent menu, if applicable.

  4. Populate the Action Date Range field (Begin Date & End Date). The action end date reported is the next in session day after the Action Date Range End Date.
    Note: Both Action Start and End Date are required. Both Action Begin and End date must be greater than or equal to the incident date.

  5. Add additional information as applicable. 

  6. Choose the Action Attribute(s), as applicable. 

  7. Click Add Action. The action appears under the Incident Elements heading.

  8. Click and drag the action to the appropriate behavior or offender. The action appears under the behavior or offender and is no longer listed under Incident Elements.

  9. When you have added all the required behaviors and actions, click Submit Incident to save the changes.

Adding an Object

See the Appendix for Object code values.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.

  2. Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.

  3. Choose Add Object from the pop-up menu.

  4. Choose the weapon used by the offender from the pop-up menu. If the offender used no weapon, choose "No Weapon."
    Note: Define each weapon once. It is not necessary to create the weapon for the student and for the incident.

  5. Click Add Object. The object appears under the Incident Elements heading.

  6. Click and drag the object to the appropriate offender. The object appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under Incident Elements.

  7. Click Submit Incident to save the changes.

Adding an Attribute 

See the Appendix for Attribute code values.

  1. Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.

  2. Choose Add Attribute from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select the applicable attribute checkboxes, if applicable. These attributes must be defined for the incident, if applicable, and as a participant attribute for the offender.

  4. Click Add Attributes. Each attribute appears under the Incident Elements heading.

  5. Click Submit Incident to save the changes.

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