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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates



Release Note

PSSR-274571New Field - Enrollment Validation Type

The following new field was added for 21-22 UTREx reporting:

  • Enrollment Validation Type
    • S_UT_STU_X.EnrollmentValidationType
    • Path:
      • Start Page> [Select Student]> State / Province UT
      • Start Page> [Select Student]> Transfer Info> Edit Current Enrollment
    • S_UT_REN_X.EnrollmentValidationType
    • Path:
      • Start Page> [Select Student]> Transfer Info> Edit Previous Enrollment
    • Valid Values:
      • A - 100% Attendance Validated
      • L - 100% Learner Validated
      • M - Mixed
      • S - 100% Somewhere Else

A will be reported via SIF is the source field is blank.

PSSR-267317Student Attendance Summary Report Update for UTREx Reporting

UT Student Attendance Summary Report: Version 1.8

The Student Attendance Summary report has been updated and will now calculate the following:

  • Excused Absences
  • Unexcused Absences
  • Days Missed due to Suspension

The report will also write the calculated values to the following fields so it can be reported via SIF:

  • Total absences - S_SAS_X.Absences
    • Not reported but used to calculate other reported values
  • Excused Absences - StudentAttendanceSummary.ExcusedAbsences
  • Unexcused Absences - StudentAttendanceSummary.UnexcusedAbsences
  • Days Missed due to Suspensions - S_SAS_X.DaysMissedSuspension

The report will determine Excused, Unexcused and Suspension codes and values based on how the Attendance Code Category is mapped. The report will also use the attendance conversion when determining how much of an absence or suspension a student received on any given day.

Attendance Code Categories MUST exist and be mapped to each of the following three categories:

  • Excused
  • Unexcused
  • Suspension
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