Data Clearinghouse
On this page:
Note: This report is no longer required and should only be used for auditing purposes.
The Data Clearinghouse Report may be run at the school or district level. Options are provided to run the report for only specific record types and should all be checked when running the report for final submission.
All schools should be set for Period to Daily Attendance; Positive attendance with 1 period present = 1 attendance value. This matches the USOE specification that students present at any time are counted as in attendance for the day.
School numbers and SSIDs are not validated in the USOE Clearinghouse edit program, so it is very important that all SSIDs and School Numbers are verified before uploading the Clearinghouse file.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student’s school must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student must be enrolled in the school during the reporting period (the student is not included if they are pre-registered).
Report Input
Follow the list of steps to locate and generate the Data Clearinghouse Report.
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Use | If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Begin Date and Ending Date | Enter the start and end dates for the report. |
Processing Options | Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:
Specific Date/Time | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry. Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute. Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10 AM : 05. |
Sub-District | Choose the District/Sub-District from the pop-up menu that you wish to run the report. Note: This open will be greyed out unless the Sub-District functionality has been enabled on the District Info page. |
Student Records (S1) | Select this checkbox to include the S1 records. The S1 records are pulled from the current and previous student enrollment records. |
SCRAM Records (S2) (requires S1 records) | Select this checkbox to include the S2 records. The S2 records are collected from the special program enrollments for those programs that were associated to a Utah special program category=Self-Contained. |
Youth In Custody Records (S3) (requires S1 records) | Select this checkbox to include the S3 records. The S3 records are collected from the special program enrollments for those programs that were associated to a Utah special program category=Youth In Custody. |
Course Membership Record (AM) (requires S1 records) | Select this checkbox to include the AM records. The AM records are collected from the student schedule (CC). Section enrollments in other schools are also included. |
Course Master Records (AC) (requires AM records) | Select this checkbox to include the AC records. The AC records are collected from all course sections. |
Disciplinary (I1 and I2) Records (requires S1 records) | Select this checkbox to include the I1 and I2 records. The I1 and I2 records are collected from the incident management data collection area. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
District Record – DI
This is the first record in the Clearinghouse update batch and identifies the school, year and LEA. The following data elements are required for the October Fall Enrollment Count, December Special Ed Count, and Year End S3 and CTE updates.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as DI= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 004-005 |
Year Identifier | Always extracted as ,YR= | N/A | A | 4 | 006-009 |
School Year | School Year. Format: CCYY School Year is determined by the last day of the Year term. | [Terms]LastDay | N | 4 | 010-013 |
Month Identifier | Always extracted as ,OK= | N/A | A | 4 | 014-017 |
Which Month | Report End Date entered when running the report. Always Extracted as MMM. Valid values: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC | N/A | A | 3 | 018-020 |
SISASOFDATE | The date and time the report completed. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000 | N/A | N | 23 | 021-043 |
School Record – SC
The SC record identifies a school within an updated batch. It is the first record after a DI record. There must be an SC record for each school reported. All student records that follow the SC are identified as belonging to that school.
The following data elements are required for the October Fall Enrollment Count, December Special Ed Count, and Year End S3 and CTE updates except when listed as optional. Blanks are accepted for optional data.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as SC= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. Note: The Alternative School Number is extracted if populated on the Edit School page at the district level. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | N | 3 | 004-006 |
Days in the School Year | Number of In Session days in the calendar. Cannot be blank and must be greater than 0. | [Schools]inSessionDays | N | 3 | 007-008 |
Last Day of School | Last In Session Day in the school calendar. Format: MMDD Leading 0 must be present for months and days less than 10. | [Schools]lastDayofSchool | N | 4 | 010-013 |
Schedule Year Type | The term associated with the school. Valid values:
Note: Ignored for December and Year End. | Derived based on the following: [Terms]Abbreviation [Terms]Portion | A | 1 | 014-014 |
Schedule Day Type | Daily Schedule Note: Ignored for December and Year End. | [S_UT_SCH_X]ScheduleDayType | A | 1 | 015-015 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 016-017 |
Student Record – S1
The Clearinghouse will expect an S1 record for each student enrollment where membership was obtained within a school at any time during the current school year. There can be multiple S1 Records per student per school.
The following data elements are required for the October Fall Enrollment Count, December Special Ed Count, and Year End S3 and CTE updates except when listed as optional. Blanks are accepted for optional data.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as S1= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
Student Number | LEA Assigned Student Number. Note: Must not equal 0 (zero). If student’s number is less than 10 digits, justify left and add trailing zeros. | [Students]Student_Number | N | 10 | 004-013 |
Soc. Sec. Number | Student’s social security number. Note: If student does not have an SSN, field must be left blank. Optional for all updates. | [Students]SSN | N | 9 | 014-022 |
Last Name | Student’s last name. Only alpha characters allowed. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | A | 20 | 023-042 |
First Name | Student’s first name. Only alpha characters allowed. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [Students]First_Name | A | 16 | 043-058 |
Middle Name | Student’s middle name. Only alpha characters allowed. Note: Optional for all updates. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [Students]Middle_Name | A | 16 | 059-074 |
Birth Date | Student’s date of birth. Format: YYYYMMDD Must be a valid date. Cannot be a current or future date and age cannot be less than 3 or greater than 23. | [Students]DOB | N | 8 | 075-082 |
Gender | Student’s gender. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender [Students]Gender | A | 1 | 083-083 |
Ethnicity | Indicates if the student is Hispanic or Latino. Valid values:
Blank is not valid. Note: The value of 1 translates to Y. The value of 0 translates to N. | [Students]FedEthnicity | A | 1 | 084-084 |
Amer Indian/Alaskan Native | Indicates if the student is American Indian or Alaska Native. Valid values:
Note: If Yes, Tribal Affiliation cannot be blank. Student must indicate at least and only one race. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = I | A | 1 | 085-085 |
Asian | Indicates if the student is Asian. Valid values:
Note: Student must indicate at least and only one race. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = A | A | 1 | 086-086 |
Black or African Amer | Indicates if the student is black or African American. Valid values:
Note: Student must indicate at least and only one race. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = B | A | 1 | 087-087 |
Hawaiian / Pacific Isl. | Indicates if the student is Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Valid values:
Note: Student must indicate at least and only one race. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = P | A | 1 | 088-088 |
White | Indicates if the student is white. Valid values:
Note: Student must indicate at least and only one race. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = C | A | 1 | 089-089 |
Grade Level | Student’s current grade level. Valid values:
For Special Education students in an ungraded setting, determine grade level basis on the student’s craniological age. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | N | 2 | 090-091 |
Entry Date | Student’s entry date for current school year. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: If student has enrolled multiple times in the same school, use first entry date. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | N | 8 | 091-099 |
Exit Date | Student’s exit date. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: If student has enrolled multiple times in the same school, use last exit date. Required if there is an exit code. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | N | 8 | 100-107 |
Exit Code | School exit code. Note: Required if there is an exit date. | [Students]ExitCode | A | 2 | 108-109 |
School Membership | School’s total aggregate school membership. Note: Include only regular school membership. If student is SPED with no regular membership days and SCRAM membership, then enter PVT in this field. Required at Year End update. | Calculated from Report Start Date to Report End Date, excluding SCRAM membership. Membership days should be reported in 180 days. Calculation for 180 day equivalent is (a * (180 / b)) a = number of days student was in membership (school) b = number of days school was in session | A | 3 | 110-112 |
High School Completion Status | High school completion status for seniors, grade level 12. Note: October upload requires all RT – Retained Seniors or Blank. Otherwise it will be flagged as an error. Required at Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]HSCS | A | 2 | 113-114 |
Part-Time Home School | Part-time status indicator. Valid values:
Note: Optional, reported at Year End updates. | [S_UT_STU_X]PartTime | A | 1 | 115-115 |
Concentrator | Six-digit number for students in career and technical programs. Note: Optional, reported at Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]seop_goal | N | 6 | 116-121 |
Voc-Academ Disadv | Vocational Academically Disadvantaged. Valid values:
Note: Optional, reported at Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]voc_academ_disadv | A | 1 | 122-122 |
Tech Prep | College Technical Prep Student Valid values:
Note: Optional, reported at Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]tech_prep | A | 1 | 123-123 |
Tribal Affiliation | Indian tribal affiliation. Note: If Ethnicity is I then Tribal Affiliation cannot be blank. | [Students]RaceCd | A | 1 | 124-124 |
Limited English | Limited English Proficiency indicator. Indicates if the student is an English learner. Note: Students who are listed as Y or O will be counted as ELL. If Y, O, or F ELL Native, and ELL Parent must be present. If Y or O ELL Instruction, must be present. If F ELL Monitored Entry Day, must have a valid date for a year prior to the year where data is being reported. Required if student is ELL. Values of 1-4 will be converted to Y and 5 will be converted to F. | [SpEnrollments]Code1 The latest Entry Date Record where Program Name = ELL. | A | 1 | 125-125 |
Economic Disadv | Identifies student’s status as Economically Disadvantaged. Note: Optional, reported for October and Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]LunchApplic | A | 1 | 126-126 |
Resident Status | Identifies resident status. Note: Students with A, F, or J will not be counted in membership. Required October and Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]resident_status | A | 1 | 127-127 |
Phone Number | Student’s home phone number. Note: Enter 3 digit area code and 7 digit phone number. If not blank, must contain all 10 digits. Optional. | [Students]home_phone | N | 10 | 128-137 |
Migrant | Migrant student indicator. Valid values:
Note: Optional. Reported October and Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]migrant | A | 1 | 138-138 |
Days Attended | The sum of days attended by the student and counted as present in regular and self-contained SPED classes. Reported in 180-day equivalent days. Note: Required for Year End. | Calculated from Report Start Date to Report End Date. Calculation for 180 day equivalent is (a * (180 / b)) a = number of days student was in attendance (school) b = number of days school was in session Blank is an error at year end. Cannot be greater than the sum of school membership and self-contained SCRAM membership and self-contained YIC membership. If the sum of days attended for all students associated with a school is less than 50% of total membership a warning, will be generated. If the sum of days attended for all students associated with a school is 0, an error will be generated. | N | 3 | 139-141 |
Homeless | Student’s homeless status. Blank is an error at year end. Note: Required for October and Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]homeless_code | N | 1 | 142-142 |
First Enroll in US | Date first enrolled in US schools. Format: CCYYMMDD Use the last day of the month if day is unknown. Student was born outside of the US. Must be a valid date and not greater than current date or school entry date. Note: Optional for October and Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]dayofentryintoUSA | N | 8 | 143-150 |
ELL Native Language | Student’s native or first language. Note: Required if students limited English code is Y, O, or F. Blank is acceptable for December 1. | [S_UT_STU_X]primarylanguage | A | 3 | 151-153 |
ELL Parent Language | Parent’s language of preference. Note: Required if students limited English code is Y, O, or F. Blank is acceptable for December 1. | [S_UT_STU_X]ParentLanguage | A | 3 | 154-156 |
ELL Monitored Entry Date | Date limited English changed to F. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: Required if student’s limited English code is F. If limited English is F, the year must be in a school year prior. Must be blank if Limited English code is not F. | [S_UT_STU_X]LEPExitDate | N | 8 | 157-164 |
Student Zip Code | First five numbers in the student’s zip code. All zip codes must start with 84. Note: Required for October and Year End. | [Students]Zip | N | 5 | 165-169 |
MESA Program | Student’s involvement in MESA program. Note: Optional. If entered only Blank, A, B, or C is allowed. | [S_UT_STU_X]MESA | A | 1 | 170-170 |
District of Residence | Student’s district of residence. Valid values: 01-40,42 – Valid regular Utah school district school numbers Must include leading zeros for district numbers less than 10. Note: Optional for regular districts. Required for charter schools. Displayed on October and year end summaries for charter schools. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence [ReEnrollments]DistrictOfResidence or [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name = districtnumber | N | 2 | 171-172 |
School of Record | Student’s school of record. Used for students enrolled in more than one school at the same time. Valid values:
Note: Clearinghouse edit program will look for a blank in one of the schools. If there is more than one blank it will report an error. Optional reported in October and Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]SchoolOfRecord [S_UT_REN_X]SchoolOfRecord | A | 1 | 173-173 |
Gifted | Gifted student indicator. Valid values:
Note: Optional. | [S_UT_STU_X]Gifted | A | 1 | 174-174 |
504 Services | Student receives section 504 services. Valid values:
Note: Optional. | [Students]UT_504 | A | 1 | 175-175 |
ELL Instruction Type | Student receives ELL instruction type. Note: Cannot be blank if Limited English is Y or O. | [SpEnrollments]Code1 The latest Entry Date Record where Program Name = ELL | A | 3 | 176-178 |
NCLB School Choice | School out of area by choice. Valid values:
Note: Optional. | [S_UT_STU_X]NCLBSC | A | 1 | 179-179 |
NCLB Supp Serv Lang | Student receives supplemental services in language. Note: Optional. | [S_UT_STU_X]NCLBSSLA | A | 1 | 180-180 |
NCLB Supp Serv Math | Student receives supplemental services in math. Note: Optional. | [S_UT_STU_X]NCLBSSM | A | 1 | 181-181 |
Statewide Student ID | The number assigned to the student using the Statewide Student Identifier – SSID process. Must be a numeric value greater than 1,000,000. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | N | 10 | 182-191 |
Cumulative GPA | Student’s accumulative GPA. Valid values:
Note: Required for grades 9-12 for Year End. Blank is an error. | Calculated. | N | 4 | 192-195 |
Special Ed Exit Date | Date student exited special education services. Format: YYYYMMDD Student must be completely exited from all special ed services. Note: Required at Year End. | [S_UT_STU_X]SpecialEdExitDate | N | 8 | 196-203 |
Kindergarten Type | Kindergarten type if student is 00. Note: Required if grade level is 00. Must be blank if grade level is not 00. Required for Year End Report. | [S_UT_STU_X]KindergartenType [S_UT_REN_X]KindergartenType | A | 2 | 204-205 |
Military Child | The student is a child of a military parent. Valid values:
Note: Optional. | [S_UT_STU_X]MilitaryChild | N | 1 | 206-206 |
Refugee Student | Refugee status indicator. Valid values:
Note: Optional. | [S_UT_STU_X]Refugee | A | 1 | 207-207 |
Immigrant | Select the checkbox if the student is an immigrant. You must also enter the date the student first enrolled in a school in the US. | [S_UT_STU_X]Immigrant | A | 1 | 208-208 |
Reads at this Grade level | Select this checkbox if this student reads at this grade level. | [S_UT_STU_X]ReadOnGradeLevel [S_UT_REN_X]ReadOnGradeLevel | A | 1 | 209-209 |
Receives Reading Intervention | Select this checkbox if this student receives reading intervention. | [S_UT_STU_X]ReadingIntervention [S_UT_REN_X]ReadingIntervention | A | 1 | 210-210 |
Race Observation By ID | Select this checkbox if this student race was identified by observation. | [S_UT_STU_X]RaceSelfIdentified | A | 1 | 211-211 |
Accompanied Student | The student is in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Valid values:
Note: Required if Homeless is not 0. | [S_UT_STU_X]AccompaniedStudent | A | 1 | 212-212 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 213-214 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number, else [Students]Schoolid [ReEnrollments]Schoolid | N | 3 | 215-217 |
SCRAM Record – S2
SCRAM Record is the Self-Contained Resource Attendance Management Record. The Data Clearinghouse Report should contain an S2 Record for each SCRAM student who was in attendance during the current school year. Program category must be set to SC – Self-contained or RE – Resource. The following data elements are required for the October Fall Enrollment Count, December Special Ed Count, and Year End S3 and CTE updates except when listed as optional. Blanks are accepted for optional data.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as S2= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
Student Number | LEA assigned student number. Note: Must not equal 0 (zero). If student’s number is less than 10 digits, justify left and add trailing zeros. May not equal zero. Students with S2 records must also be listed in the schools S1 extract output. | [Students]Student_Number | N | 10 | 004-013 |
Disability Type | Defines the type of disability. Note: DD cannot be used for students older than nine. | [SpEnrollments]Code1 | A | 2 | 014-015 |
Time | The amount of time the student receives special education related services. Valid values:
Note: If present for Pre-K it will be ignored. | [SpEnrollments]Code2 | N | 1 | 016-016 |
SCRAM Entry Date | The date the student first started receiving special education related services. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: Program enrollments cannot span more than one school year. | [SpEnrollments]Enter_Date | N | 8 | 017-024 |
SCRAM Exit Date | The day following the last day the student received special education services. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: For accurate membership calculations, the special program enrollment MUST have a valid exit date. If the student is still receiving services, the exit date should reflect the day after the last day of school. | [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date or Report End Date | N | 8 | 025-032 |
SCRAM Exit Reason | The reason this student exited special education related services. Note: Required if the exit date is in the past. | [SpEnrollments]ExitCode | A | 1 | 033-033 |
SCRAM Membership | Total aggregate SCRAM membership days. Report self-contained membership days in the S2 record only. Do not include in the S1 record. Note: Required at Year End. | Calculated. Rule: 180 day equivalent is (a * (180 / b)) a = number of days student was in membership (school) b = number of days school was in session The calculation also utilizes the “MembershipValue” field from the PS_ADAADM_MEETING_PTOD view to correctly calculate the membership for students that are not enrolled with a full schedule. | N | 3 | 034-036 |
Regular Percent | Percent of time the student is in regular education classes. Note: Required for all students above pre-k and pre-k students with Environment – E. | [S_UT_SEN_X]RegularEducationPortion | N | 1 | 037-037 |
Environment | The type of educational setting in which the student receives special education services. | [S_UT_SEN_X]EducationalSetting | A | 1 | 038-038 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 039-040 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. Note: [Schools]School_Number of the reporting school is the School Number of the SC record the data is being reported under. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number | N | 3 | 041-043 |
Youth In Custody (YIC) Record – S3
For the October and Year End updates, the Data Clearinghouse Report extracts an “S3” record for each YIC student that has been in attendance within a YIC residential facility; self-contained YIC classroom, or has been provided YIC services while attending class in a mainstream setting (ISI-1 or ISI-2) in a regular high school at any time period covered by the upload.
Students with multiple ENTRY/EXITS in the YIC setting, multiple “S3” records should be included in the update. If a student changes CUSTODY TYPE or TIME code during the year, an “S3” must be sent in for each one. Only 1 “S3” can be active for a student at any given time – for multiples, the ENTRY/EXIT dates cannot overlap.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as S3= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
Student Number | LEA assigned student number. Note: Must not equal 0 (zero). If student’s number is less than 10 digits, justify left and add trailing zeros. May not equal zero. Students with S3 records must also be listed in the schools S1 extract output. | [Students]Student_Number | N | 10 | 004-013 |
Custody Type | Defines the type of custody. The valid values are:
| [S_UT_SEN_X]YICCustodyType | A | 4 | 014-017 |
Time | The amount of time the student receives youth in custody related services. Valid values:
Note: If present for Pre-K it will be ignored. | [SpEnrollments]Code2 | N | 1 | 018-018 |
Environment | The type of educational setting in which the student receives youth in custody related services. The valid values are:
| [S_UT_SEN_X]EducationalSetting | A | 1 | 019-019 |
YIC Entry Date | The date the student first started receiving youth in custody related services. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: Program enrollments can span more than one school year. | [SpEnrollments]Enter_Date | N | 8 | 020-027 |
YIC Exit Date | The day following the last day the student received special education services. Format: YYYYMMDD Note: If student is still receiving services, this field is blank. Valid date must be present if YIC exit code is entered. | [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date or Report End Date | N | 8 | 028-035 |
YIC Exit Reason | The reason this student exited special education related services. Note: Required if exit date is entered. | [SpEnrollments]ExitCode | A | 1 | 036-036 |
YIC Membership | Total aggregate YIC membership days. | Calculated. Rule: 180 day equivalent is (a * (180 / b)) a = number of days student was in membership (school) b = number of days school was in session The calculation also utilizes the “MembershipValue” field from the PS_ADAADM_MEETING_PTOD view to correctly calculate the membership for students that are not enrolled with a full schedule. This value is also stored in: [Students]Membershipshare Note: School membership (S1) [plus] self-contained SCRAM membership (S2) [plus] self-contained YIC membership (S3) cannot exceed 180 days. | N | 3 | 037-039 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 040-041 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. Note: [Schools]School_Number of the reporting school is the School number of the SC record the data is being reported under. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number | N | 3 | 042-044 |
Course Master Record – AC
Course Master Record is used to define the school’s course master file. The course, section, and period fields are combined to form a unique key for each class period within a school. Any duplicates will flag an error. The following data elements are required for the October Fall Enrollment Count and Year End S3 and CTE updates except when listed as optional. Blanks are accepted for optional data.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as AC= | N/A | N | 3 | 001-003 |
Course & Section | A unique course and section number to identify class within a school. | [Sections]Course_Number [Sections]Section_Number | A/N | 12 | 004-015 |
Period | Indicates the period the class is taught. | Based on [Section_Meeting]Cycle_Day_Letter and [Section_Meeting]Period_Number | N | 2 | 016-017 |
Where Taught Dist | LEA where the course is taught. If where taught school is blank, then where taught district must be blank. If present it will be validated against the CACTUS table. Note: Optional for reporting. | [Sections]WhereTaughtDistrict | N | 2 | 018-019 |
Where Taught Schl | School where the course is taught. Used if course is taught at another school. If where taught district is blank, then where taught school must be blank. If present, it will be validated against the CACTUS table. Note: Optional for reporting. | [Sections]WhereTaught | N | 3 | 020-022 |
Teacher 1 | CACTUS ID of teacher of record. Note: Validated against CACTUS database. | [S_UT_USR_X]CactusID | N | 9 | 023-032 |
CIP Code Number | Vocational CIP code number. Note: Used for CTE Classes only. If entered, must be complete. Reported in Year End report. | [Courses]code | A | 06 | 032-037 |
Semester Length | Vocational Semester Length. Possible values: Blank
Note: Used for CTE classes only. Reported in Year End report. | Based on [Courses]Vocational, [Terms]Portion, and [Terms]Abbreviation | N | 1 | 038-038 |
Course Title | Course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | A/N | 20 | 039-058 |
Core Code | Graduation course code. Note: Validated against CACTUS database. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number | N | 11 | 059-069 |
Teacher 2 ID | CACTUS ID of second teacher. Note: Optional for reporting. Validated against CACTUS database. | [S_UT_SEC_X]SecondTeacher [S_UT_USR_X]CactusID | N | 9 | 070-078 |
Teacher 3 ID | CACTUS ID of third teacher. Note: Optional for reporting. Validated against CACTUS database. | [S_UT_SEC_X]ThirdTeacher, [S_UT_USR_X]CactusID | N | 9 | 079-087 |
College Granting Cr | College granting concurrent enrollment credit. Note: Optional unless core code contains 13 in position 7 and 8. Validated against district numbers of state colleges. | [S_UT_SEC_X]CollegeGranting | N | 2 | 088-089 |
Where Taught Campus | Where concurrent enrollment is taught. Valid values:
Note: Optional unless core code contains 13 in position 7 and 8. | [S_UT_SEC_X]CollegeCampus | A | 1 | 090-090 |
Instruct Setting | Note: Required for core codes designated for grades 7-12. | [S_UT_SEC_X]CrseInstrSetting | A | 2 | 091-092 |
Instruct Hrs Sched | Total number of hours scheduled for instruction rounded to the nearest integer. | This optional field is left blank. | N | 3 | 093-095 |
Term | The term for the class/section. | [Sections]TermID | A/N | 4 | 096-099 |
Cycle | The cycle for the class/section. | [Section_Meeting]Cycle_Day_Letter | A/N | 1 | 100-100 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 101-102 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. Note: [Schools]School_Number of the reporting school is the School Number of the SC record the data is being reported under. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number | N | 3 | 103-105 |
Course Membership Record – AM
Course Membership Record is used to define a student’s schedule. Every AM transaction must have a matching AC transaction. For students in grades 00 to 05, there can be only one AM record. At year end, every student with at least 10 days total membership should have at least one AM Record. The following data elements are required for the October Fall Enrollment Count and Year End S3 and CTE updates except when listed as optional. Blanks are accepted for optional data.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as AM= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
Student Number | LEA Assigned Student Number. Note: Must not equal 0 (zero). If student’s number is less than 10 digits, justify left and add trailing zeros. Students with AM records must also be listed in the schools S1 extract output. | [Students]Student_Number | N | 10 | 004-013 |
Course Number | Course and section number. | [Sections]Course_Number [Sections]Section_Number | N | 12 | 014-025 |
Period | Period taught. | Based on [Section_Meeting]Cycle_Day_Letter and [Section_Meeting]Period_Number | N | 2 | 026-027 |
Aggregate Memb | Total aggregate days of membership for the student in the course. Calculation for 180-day equivalent is (a * (180 / b)) a = number of days student was in membership (school) b = number of days school was in session Note: This field is bypassed beginning 2011-2012. | Number of in Session days for [Section_Meeting]Cycle_Day_Letter between [CC]DateEnrolled and [CC]DateLeft Converted to 180 days equivalency. | N | 3 | 028-030 |
Course Entry Date | The first day the student began instruction in the course. Format: YYYYMMDD | [CC]DateEnrolled | N | 8 | 031-038 |
Course Exit Date | The day following the last day the student exited the course. Format: YYYYMMDD If present, it must be within the current school year. | [CC]DateLeft | N | 8 | 039-046 |
Days Attended | Total number of days the student attended the class. Calculation for 180-day equivalent is (a * (180 / b)) a = number of days student was in attendance (school) b = number of days school was in session Note: Required for Year End report. Blank is accepted for October if Instructional Setting in the AC record is CC, EC, or ON, or Where Taught Campus in the AC record is C, Required for year end. Note: This field is bypassed beginning 2011-2012. | Number of in Session days for [Section_Meeting]Cycle_Day_Letter between [CC]DateEnrolled and [CC]DateLeft minus [StoredGrades]Absences Converted to 180 days equivalency. | N | 3 | 047-049 |
Credits Attempted | Number of high school credits attempted for grades 9-12. Must be complete. 0000 is acceptable, Blank is an error. Required at Year End for grades 9-12. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs Rule: If [Students]Grade_Level >= 9 then extract value otherwise 0000 | N | 4 | 050-053 |
Grade Earned | The grade earned for the course. Note: Optional | [StoredGrades]Grade | N | 5 | 054-058 |
Actual Membership | Actual CTE membership. Note: This field should reflect the actual days of membership and not the 180-day equivalent. | Only output if [Courses]Vocational=1 (CTE Courses) If [S_UT_SEC_X]VocMult < 1 equals Number of days of this enrollment Otherwise Equals Number of days of this enrollment * [S_UT_SEC_X]VocMult | N | 3 | 059-061 |
Concurr Enrolled | Indicates if student is attempting to take class for college credit. Valid values:
If the AC record for this AM reference has 13 in position 7 and 8 of the core code, this field may be used but can be left blank. | [S_UT_CC_X]Concurrent | A | 1 | 062-062 |
Instruct Hrs Memb | Total number of hours the student was in membership in this class, rounded to the nearest integer. Round total minutes student was in membership divided by 60. Note: Optional. | This optional field is left blank. | N | 3 | 063-065 |
Instruct Hrs Attend | Total number of hours the student was in attendance in this class, rounded to the nearest integer. Round total number of minutes student was in attendance divided by 60. Note: Optional. | This optional field is left blank. | N | 3 | 066-068 |
Credits Earned | Number of high school credits earned for the class. Must be complete. 0000 is acceptable, Blank is an error. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs Rule: If [Students]Grade_Level >= 9 then extract value otherwise 0000 | N | 4 | 069-072 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 073-074 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. Note: [Schools]School_Number of the reporting school is the School Number of the SC record the data is being reported under. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number | N | 3 | 075-077 |
Incident Record – I1
The Incident Record is reported at the end of the year with all disciplinary data for the school. An “I1” record must be submitted for each independent incident involving disciplinary action, followed by an “I2” record for each student involved in the incident. Blanks are not accepted.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as I1= | N/A | A | 3 | 001-003 |
Incident ID | A numeric value from 1 – 99999 that uniquely identifies each incident record for the school. | [PSRW_IncidentType]Incident_ID | N | 10 | 004-013 |
Gang Related | Indicates whether the incident was gang related. This value is determined by the “Gang Related” incident attribute. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentAttribute]Short_Desc | A | 1 | 014-014 |
Incident Date | The date the incident occurred, extracted in the format YYYYMMDD. | [PSRW_Incident]Incident_TS | N | 8 | 015-022 |
Incident Description | The description of the incident. This value is reported from the “Title” field on the incident. | [PSRW_Incident]Incident_Title | A | 250 | 023-272 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 2 | 273-274 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number, else [Incident]School_Number | N | 3 | 275-277 |
Incident Association Record – I2
The Incident Association Record is reported at the end of the year with all disciplinary data for the school. An “I1” record must be submitted for each independent incident involving disciplinary action, followed by an “I2” record for each student offender and student victim involved in the incident.
Note: The values for many of the fields in this record are extracted from a PowerSchool view that is not available in Direct Database Export (DDE).
* - An asterisk on a field indicates that the fields is optional and currently extract as blank fillers.
Data Element | Description | [View]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
Record ID | Always extracted as I2= | N/A | A | 03 | 001-003 |
Incident ID | A numeric value from 1 – 99999 that uniquely identifies each incident record for the school. | [PSRW_IncidentType]IncidentID | N | 10 | 004-013 |
Student Number | LEA assigned student number. Only students assigned the participant role of Offender or Victim in an incident are reported. | [PSRW_IncidentParticipant]Participant_Number | N | 10 | 014-023 |
Caused Incident | Indicates if this student caused the incident. This value is determined by the “Caused Incident” participant attribute for this student. Valid values:
| [PSRW_ParticipantAttr]Sub_Category | A | 01 | 024-024 |
Injured | Indicates if the student in this record was injured in the incident. This value is determined by the “Injury” participant attribute for this student. Valid values:
| [PSRW_ParticipantAttr]Sub_Category | A | 01 | 025-025 |
Gang Prev Prog | Indicates if the student was part of a gang prevention program at the time of the incident. This value is determined by the “Gang Preventative Program” participant attribute for this student. Valid values:
| [PSRW_ParticipantAttr]Sub_Category | A | 01 | 026-026 |
Discipline Method (Optional field) | Indicates the disciplinary action taken for the student. This value is determined by the Action code assigned to the student’s behavior. Valid values:
| [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction] Incident_Category | A | 01 | 027-027 |
Number of Days | The number of days the discipline action (suspension, expulsion) was in effect. This value is determined by the Actual Duration assigned to the action. If the Actual Duration is blank, then the Assigned Duration is reported. Valid values: 000-180. 000 is only valid if the Discipline Method is blank. | [PSRW_IncidentAction]Duration_Actual [PSRW_IncidentAction]Duration_Assigned | N | 03 | 028-030 |
In School | Indicates if the disciplinary action took place in school or out of school. This value is reported as “Y” if the Action code assigned to the student’s behavior is “Suspended” and the Action subcode is ISS (In school). Valid values:
| [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]Sub_Category | A | 01 | 031-031 |
Services Offered | Indicates if services were offered for the student. This value is determined by the “Serviced Offered” attribute on the student’s disciplinary action. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Subt_Category | A | 01 | 032-032 |
Referred to Police | Indicates if the incident was referred to the police. This value is determined by the “Referred to Police” attribute on the student’s disciplinary action. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Subt_Category | A | 01 | 033-033 |
Referred to Court | Indicates if the incident was referred to court. This value is determined by the “Referred to Court” attribute on the student’s disciplinary action. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Subt_Category | A | 01 | 034-034 |
Referred to Program | Indicates if the incident was referred to a program. This value is determined by the “Referred to Program” attribute on the student’s disciplinary action. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Subt_Category | A | 01 | 035-035 |
Alternative Placement | Indicates if alternative placement was provided/administered to the student for the incident. This value is determined by the “Alternative Placement” attribute on the student’s disciplinary action. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Subt_Category | A | 01 | 036-036 |
Hearing Officer Removal | Indicates if a hearing officer removed the student. This value is determined by the “Hearing Officer Removal” attribute on the student’s disciplinary action. Note: A “Y” for this field is only valid for students with a SCRAM record. Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]Subt_Category | A | 01 | 037-037 |
PI Infraction Type | The primary infraction type (or incident type) for this student in the incident. This value is determined by the Behavior code and Behavior subcode assigned to the student. If there are multiple behaviors assigned to the student, then the primary behavior is reported. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehavior] State_Detail_Report_Code | N | 02 | 038-039 |
PI Weapon | The primary weapon used in the incident. This value is determined by the Object code assigned to the student. If there are multiple objects assigned to the student, the first listed object is reported. Valid values:
| [PSRW_ParticipantBehavior] State_Detail_Report_Code | N | 01 | 040-040 |
PI Role | The primary role of this student in the incident. This value is determined by the participant role assigned to the student, either Offender or Victim. In addition, if the “Also Victim” participant attribute code is checked, then the value is reported as “B.” Valid values:
| [PSRW_IncidentParticipantObject] State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | A | 01 | 041-041 |
SI1 Infraction Type * | The secondary infraction type (or incident type) of the student for the incident. | Not Reported | N | 02 | 042-043 |
SI1 Weapon * | The secondary weapon used in the incident. | Not Reported | N | 01 | 044-044 |
SI1 Role * | The secondary role of the student in the incident. | Not Reported | A | 01 | 045-045 |
SI2 Infraction Type * | An additional secondary infraction type (or incident type) of the student for the incident. | Not Reported | N | 02 | 046-047 |
SI2 Weapon * | An additional secondary weapon used in the incident. | Not Reported | N | 01 | 048-048 |
SI2 Role * | An additional secondary role of the student in the incident. | Not Reported | A | 01 | 049-049 |
SI3 Infraction Type * | An additional secondary infraction type (or incident type) of the student for the incident. | Not Reported | N | 02 | 050-051 |
SI3 Weapon * | An additional secondary weapon used in the incident. | Not Reported | N | 01 | 052-052 |
SI3 Role * | An additional secondary role of the student in the incident. | Not Reported | A | 01 | 053-053 |
SI4 Infraction Type * | An additional secondary infraction type (or incident type) of the student for the incident. | Not Reported | N | 02 | 054-055 |
SI4 Weapon * | An additional secondary weapon used in the incident. | Not Reported | N | 01 | 056-056 |
SI4 Role * | An additional secondary role of the student in the incident. | Not Reported | A | 01 | 057-057 |
LEA Number | District Number. State assigned and approved LEA Number. | [Prefs]DistrictNumber | N | 02 | 058-059 |
School Number | State assigned and approved school number. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number, else [Incident]School_Number | N | 03 | 060-062 |
Serious Bodily Injury | Identifies whether or not the student caused serious bodily injury. | [PSRW_PARTICIPANTATTR] State_Detail_Report_Code | N | 01 | 063-063 |