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Special Programs Data Validation Report



The Special Program Data Validation Report extracts state-reportable information from Resource / Self Contained, Youth-in-Custody, ELL, and 504 special program records, which allows you to verify the completeness and accuracy of the student data without running a SIF submission.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student’s school must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must be enrolled in the school during the reporting period (the student is not included if they are pre-registered).

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Indicate which Schools to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • Running the report from a school- Select the school to include in the report.
  • Running the report from the District - Select one or more schools to include in the report.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Start Date

Enter the start date for the reporting period.

End Date

Enter the end date for the reporting period.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


Extract files use the following naming convention: 

  • UTREx_Prog_Validation[Timestamp].zip
    • SPResourceContainedElements_[Timestamp].csv
    • SPYouthInCustody_[Timestamp].csv
    • SPELLElements_[Timestamp].csv
    • SP504Elements_[Timestamp].csv


    • SPResourceContainedElements_201805171429.csv
    • SPYouthInCustody_201805171429.csv
    • SPELLElements_201805171429.csv
    • SP504Elements_201805171429.csv

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Resource / Self-Contained Elements

FileName: SPResourceContainedElements_[Timestamp].csv

Data Element



School IDThe school number.[SpEnrollments]ProgSchoolID

Student Name

The student’s preferred name.


Student NumberThe student’s locally assigned identifier.[Students]Student_Number

The number assigned to the student using the Statewide Student Identifier – SSID process.

Grade LevelThe student’s grade level.[Students]Grade_Level
AgeThe student's age as derived by their birthday.[Students]DOB
Program NameIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Program IDIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Entry DateThe student’s entry date for the program enrollment[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date
Exit DateThe student’s exit date for the program enrollment.[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date

Exit Reason

The student’s exit reason for the special program.[SpEnrollments]ExitCode
Disability Type

Defines the type of disability.


The amount of time spent in resources or self-contained classroom.


Total aggregate membership days.


Rule: 180 day equivalent is

(a * (180 / b))

a = number of days student was in membership (school)

b = number of days school was in session

The calculation also utilizes the “MembershipValue” field from the PS_ADAADM_MEETING_PTOD view to correctly calculate the membership for students that are not enrolled with a full schedule.

Regular Percent

Percent of time the student is in regular education classes.

Note: Required for all students above pre-k and pre-k students with Environment – E.

EnvironmentThe type of educational setting in which the student receives services.[S_UT_SEN_X]EducationalSetting
Is One PercentIndicates whether a student was administered the 1% alternative assessment (UAA/DLM) rather than the standard state assessment (SAGE).[S_UT_SEN_X]IsOnePercent
Extended School Year

Indicates that the LEA is required by the student IEP team to provide Extended School Year (ESY) services at any time during the prior school year. Valid for grades Pre K-12.

Special Ed Exit DateThe student’s Special Ed Exit Date.[S_UT_STU_X]SpecialEdExitDate

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Youth-In-Custody Elements

FileName: SPYouthInCustody_[Timestamp].csv

Data Element



School IDThe school number.[SpEnrollments]ProgSchoolID

Student Name

The student’s preferred name.


Student NumberThe student’s locally assigned identifier.[Students]Student_Number

The number assigned to the student using the Statewide Student Identifier – SSID process.

Grade LevelThe student’s grade level.[Students]Grade_Level
AgeThe student's age as derived by their birthday.[Students]DOB
Program NameIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Program IDIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Entry DateThe student’s entry date for the program enrollment[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date
Exit DateThe student’s exit date for the program enrollment.[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date

Exit Reason

The student’s exit reason for the special program.[SpEnrollments]ExitCode
Custody Type

Defines the type of custody.

Valid Values:

  • DCFS=Division of Child and Family Services
  • DJJS=Division of Juvenile Justice Services
  • BOIA=Bureau of Indian Affairs

The amount of time the student receives youth in custody related services.

Note: If present for Pre-K it will be ignored.


The type of educational setting in which the student receives youth in custody related services.

YIC MembershipTotal aggregate YIC membership days.


DJSS Facility

The applicable DJJS Facility if the custody = DJJS.

Note: This only applies to YIC records with a custody type of DJJS

Neglected or DelinquentIndicates if the student is neglected and delinquent.[S_UT_SEN_X]IsNeglectedAndDelinquent

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ELL Elements

FileName: SPELLElements_[Timestamp].csv

Data Element



School IDThe school number.[SpEnrollments]ProgSchoolID

Student Name

The student’s preferred name.


Student NumberThe student’s locally assigned identifier.[Students]Student_Number

The number assigned to the student using the Statewide Student Identifier – SSID process.

Grade LevelThe student’s grade level.[Students]Grade_Level
AgeThe student's age as derived by their birthday.[Students]DOB
Program NameIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Program IDIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Entry DateThe student’s entry date for the program enrollment[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date
Exit DateThe student’s exit date for the program enrollment.[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date

Exit Reason

The student’s exit reason for the special program.[SpEnrollments]ExitCode
English Proficiency

The student’s Limited English Proficiency level.

Note: P, E, I, and A values will be converted to Y – Student is ELL. This includes UALPA levels in the extract. Values of 1-4 will be converted to Y and 5 and 6 will be converted to F.

Instruction TypeThe ELL student’s instruction type.[SpEnrollments]Code2
Test DateThe date when the student was tested.[S_UT_SEN_X]TestDate
ELL Native LanguageThe student’s native or first language.[S_UT_STU_X]PrimaryLanguage
ELL Parent LanguageThe student's parent's language of preference.[S_UT_STU_X]ParentLanguage
ELL Monitored Entry DateIndicates the date the student's limited English changed to F.


Reason for ChangeThe reason why the student’s English Proficiency was changed.[S_UT_SEN_X]ReasonForChange

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504 Elements

FileName: SP504Elements_[Timestamp].csv

Data Element



School IDThe school number.[SpEnrollments]ProgSchoolID

Student Name

The student’s preferred name.


Student NumberThe student’s locally assigned identifier.[Students]Student_Number

The number assigned to the student using the Statewide Student Identifier – SSID process.

Grade LevelThe student’s grade level.[Students]Grade_Level
AgeThe student's age as derived by their birthday.[Students]DOB
Program NameIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Program IDIndicates the special program the student is enrolled in.[SpEnrollments]ProgramID
Entry DateThe student’s entry date for the program enrollment[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date
Exit DateThe student’s exit date for the program enrollment.[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date

Exit Reason

The student’s exit reason for the special program.[SpEnrollments]ExitCode
AutismIndicates if the student is autistic.[S_UT_SEN_X]Autism
Brain Injury or Concussion ImpairmentIndicates if the student has a brain injury or suffers from concussion impairment.[S_UT_SEN_X]BrainInjConcussionImprmnt
Hearing ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more hearing impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]HearingImprmnt
Learning ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more learning impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]LearningImprmnt
Major Bodily Function ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more major bodily function impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]MajorBodilyFunctionImprmnt
Medical Health ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more medical health impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]MedicalImprmnt
Mental Health ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more mental health impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]MentalHealthImprmnt
Orthopedic ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more orthopedic impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]OrthopedicImprmnt
Other ImpairmentIndicates if the student has one or more undefined impairments.[S_UT_SEN_X]OtherImprmnt

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