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SIF Dashboard


The SIF Dashboard helps facilitate data flow between Utah school districts and the UTREx, Utah's statewide student record tracking and reporting system. The SIF Dashboard enables districts to view the data that has been published to the UTREx and what time the last data was sent.

The SIF Dashboard is updated by the UT SMP and provides the following:

  • Full XML Data object is sent for every event.

  • Event data is compared to what is stored; if data has not changed, nothing is published.

  • Data only publishes for a single zone.

  • The basic URL is hard coded into the SIF agent and the UTREx zone.

  • Request/Response can be done from any zone with the SMP enabled; however, only the state zone will update the dashboard and send events.

Minimum versions required:

  • PowerSchool SIS State Reporting Release

  • PowerSchool SIF Agent 3.3.6 and SMP Plugin 2.6.1. 

Dashboard Setup

To set up the SIF Dashboard, the latest PowerSchool State Reporting Release must be installed on each PowerSchool Application server.

Step 1: Enable the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) and create a profile

  1. On the Start page, from the School menu, choose District Office.

    • Navigate to System, System Settings and click Plugin Management Configuration.

    • Select the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) checkbox, and then click Enable.

    • Click PowerSchool DataExchange (DEX). The plugin options appear.

    • Click Profile Configuration, and then click Add Profile.

    • Under Profile Name, enter any name. The name UTREx is recommended.
      Note: Ensure the profile name is self-explanatory as it displays on every page that contains the SIF Dashboard link.

    • Under Profile Type, choose SIF_UT.

    • Under Enabled, select On.

    • Click Save.

Step 2: Select Communication and LEA Settings

  1. Navigate to System, General Setup.

    • Under General Options, for System Enabled select On.

    • Under Communication Settings, for School Years select 2022-23.

    • Click Save.

    • Under Action, click Configure.

    • For LEA Enabled, select On.

    • Click Save, and then click Close.

Step 3: Open the SIF Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Start Page. The profile name you entered in Step 1f, above, appears in the left-hand menu under Reports, Data Exchange.
    Note: If the Data Exchange section does not appear in the left-hand menu, the menu has been customized and the customization(s) will need to be updated to show the link.

    • Click the profile name. The SIF Dashboard appears.

Elements on the SIF Dashboard Page

Note that the selections in the School and Term menus at the top of the Start Page determine the data that is displayed on the dashboard page. If the School is set to District Office, all data across the district is displayed. If the School is set to a specific school, only data for that school and term is displayed

The main SIF Dashboard displays the following information:

  • Publish Data – The SIF Objects that are published to the UTREx.

  • Publishing – A count of the events that are queued for the SIF Agent to publish.

  • Review button – Clicking this button will take you to reports that show data that has been published for the SIF Object. There are 3 report views:

  • Statistical Summary – A summary of the total counts for each school.

    • Published Data – A list of the data that has been published for this category with some of the key fields.

    • Errors – Currently not used.

  • Errors –  Currently not used.

  • Validations – Currently not used.

  • Published –  A count of all records that have been published for each SIF Object.

  • Last Activity – Displays the most recent date/time that an object was published for this category.

SIF Elements on the Student and Staff Pages

After the SIF Dashboard is set up, the left-hand menus on the student and staff pages display a Data Publishing section with a link labeled Publishing.

Note: If the Data Publishing section does not appear on the left-hand menu, the menu has been customized and the customization(s) will need to be updated to show the link.

When you click the Publishing link, the following information is displayed for the student or staff member:

  • Category – The SIF Object that is published for the student or staff member. Each category has its own section. To see additional details, click the category name, and additional details about the record are displayed. 

  • Status – The status of the record.

  • Description – A brief description of each record. Click the check mark to see the full XML with more details.

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