CalendarSummary Object
Element Name | Description | [Table]Field | Notes |
@RefID | The ID of the calendar to which this information relates. | N/A | Handled by the SIF Agent. |
@SchoolInfoRefID | The ID of the school to which this calendar information relates. | N/A | Handled by the SIF Agent. |
@SchoolYear | The ID of the school year to which this calendar information relates. | N/A | Handled by the SIF Agent. |
LocalID | The locally assigned ID of this calendar. | [Terms]Abbreviation | N/A |
Description | Textual description of the calendar. | [Terms]Name | N/A |
DaysInSession | The total number of days the school was, or is anticipated to be in session. | [Terms]FirstDay [Terms]LastDay [Calendar_Day]InSession | Derived by the Agent. A sum of the in-session days that fall between the full year term start and end dates. |
StartDate | First calendar date whether or not instruction was provided. | [Terms]FirstDay | N/A |
EndDate | Last calendar date whether or not instruction was provided. | [Terms]LastDay | N/A |
FirstInstructionDate | First in-session day of the school calendar. | [Calendar_Day]InSession | Derived by Agent. The earliest day within the full year term start and end dates where [Calendar_Day]InSession=1. |
LastInstructionDate | Last in-session day of the school calendar. | [Calendar_Day]InSession | Derived by Agent. The last day within the full year term start and end dates where [Calendar_Day]InSession=1. |