District Setup
On this page:
The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > District Setup.
- On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
- Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.
- Click District. The District Setup page appears.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
Defining District Courses | ||||
Course Name | Enter the course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | Max 40 | Data Clearinghouse School Course Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Course Number | Enter the course number. | [Courses]Course_Number | Max 11 | Data Clearinghouse Student Course and Program Membership School Course Info Object |
Alternate Course Number | Enter the alternate course number. Note: This is reported as the Core Code – Graduation Core Code in the Data Clearinghouse Report. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number | 10 | Data Clearinghouse School Course Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Credit Hours | Enter the credit hours awarded for this course. | [Courses]Credit_Hours | N/A | School Course Info Object Student Academic Record Object Student Section Enrollment Object |
CIP Code | Enter the CIP code number for the course. Note: This is reported as the CIP Code Number in the Data Clearinghouse Report. | [Courses]Code | 10 | Data Clearinghouse School Course Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Vocational Class | Select the appropriate checkbox if the course is a vocational course. Note: This field appears to the right of CIP Code. Valid values:
| [Courses]Vocational | 1 | Data Clearinghouse |
Department | Click Associate and choose a department for the course. | [Courses]Sched_Department | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Subject Area | Enter the subject area for the course. | [Courses]Sched_CourseSubjectAreaCode | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Exclude course from state reports | Select this checkbox to exclude this course and any sections associated with this course from state reports. | [S_UT_CRS_X]ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | Data Clearinghouse |
Name of District | Enter the name of the district. | [Prefs]Name=districtname [Prefs]Value | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
District Number | Enter the district number. LEA Number | [Prefs]Name=districtnumber [Prefs]Value | 3 | Data Clearinghouse UT Unique ID Request File LEA Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Load Codes/Subcodes | This link appears if the UT Incident Management configuration file has not been loaded. Click the link to access the configuration file. Note: You must set up permissions for Incident Management. See article 61715 on PowerSource for more information. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Load is complete | This message appears if the UT Incident Management configuration file has been loaded. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sub-District | Select the checkbox to enable Sub-District setup on the District Setup page. | [Prefs]Name = UT_SubDistrict | N/A | N/A |
Loading Codes and Subcodes | ||||
Load Codes/Subcodes | Select the checkbox to automatically set up codes and subcodes for incident management. See the Appendix for code values. Verify that you want to load codes before clicking Submit, because the process cannot be reversed. The codes are loaded on the hour or when PowerSchool is launched. However, only the PowerSchool task master application is updated. If more than one PowerSchool application exists in a server array, review additional information about changing task master node designation. The PowerSchool log window displays either a Complete or Failure message when the codes are loaded. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Federal Race and Ethnicity Settings | ||||
Ethnicity Decline to Specify | Do not select the checkbox. Decline to specify is not allowed for Utah. | [Prefs]FRE_AllowDeclineEthnicity [Prefs]FRE_DeclineEthnicityText | N/A | Not Allowed |
Race Decline to Specify | Do not select the checkbox. Decline to specify is not allowed for Utah. | [Prefs]FRE_AllowDeclineRace [Prefs]FRE_DeclineRaceText | N/A | Not Allowed |
Defining Federal Race Categories | ||||
Code | Enter the federal race category code. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=federalrace | N/A | Data ClearingHouse Student Personal Object |
Description | Enter the federal race category description. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=federalrace | N/A | Optional Setup |
Sort Order | When you click Submit, the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings page appears. Enter a sort order for the federal race category. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]Cat=federalrace | N/A | Not Required |
Defining District Race Codes | ||||
Code | Enter the district race code. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Required Setup |
Description | Enter the district race description. | [Gen]ValueT [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Required Setup |
Federal Category | Choose the associated federal race category from the pop-up menu. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Required Setup |
Alt Race Code | Enter an alternate, equivalent race code. Note: This field can be used for SIF. | [Gen]Value2 [Gen]Cat=race | N/A | Not Required |
Incident Management SetupFor additional information about Utah discipline incidents, see the Utah Incident Management Quick Entry. | ||||
Setting Up Incident Management CodesNote: Incident codes and subcodes can be loaded automatically using the Utah configuration file on the District Info page. See the Appendix for Utah Incident Management codes. You must set up permissions for Incident Management. Review additional information about incident management. | ||||
Action Codes | Verify Utah specific Action codes and subcodes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actioncode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Attribute Codes | Verify Utah specific Attribute codes and subcodes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=attributecode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Behavior Codes | Verify Utah specific Behavior codes and subcodes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=behaviorcode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Participant Attribute Codes | Verify Utah specific Participant Attribute codes and subcodes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=participantattributecode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Location Codes | Verify Utah specific Location codes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=locationcode | N/A | N/A |
Object Codes | Verify Utah specific Object codes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=objectcode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Participant Role Codes | Verify Utah specific subcodes. The following codes are available by default: Offender, Victim, Witness, Reporter. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=personcode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Time Codes | Verify Utah specific Time codes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=timecode | N/A | N/A |
Duration Codes | Verify Utah specific Duration codes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=durationcode | N/A | N/A |
Action Change Codes | There are no Utah specific Action Change codes. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Action Attributes | Verify Utah specific Action Attribute codes and subcodes. | [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=actionattribute [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Defining Incident Types | ||||
Name | Verify that the incident type UT State Reporting is set up. This incident type must not be removed. Note: The Local Use Only incident type can be modified for non-UT reporting. | [Incident_LU_Code]Incident_Category [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type=incidenttypecode | N/A | Data Clearinghouse Discipline Incident Object |
Creating Ethnicity Codes for Scheduling/Reporting | ||||
Code | Enter the ethnicity code. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=ethnicity | 1 | Not Required |
Description | Enter the ethnicity description. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=ethnicity | Max 50 | Not Required |
Defining District Schools | ||||
School Name | Enter the name of the school. | [Schools]Name | N/A | School Info Object |
School Address | Enter the school’s street address. | [Schools]SchoolAddress | N/A | School Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
School City | Enter the city in which the school is located. | [Schools]SchoolCity | N/A | School Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
School State/Province | Choose Utah from the school state/province pop-up menu. | [Schools]SchoolState | 2 | All Reports |
School Postal/Zip Code | Enter the zip code for the school. | [Schools]SchoolZip | N/A | School Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
School Phone Number | Enter the school’s phone number. | [Schools]SchoolPhone | N/A | School Info Object |
School Number | Enter the school number. Note: Once entered the school number cannot be edited. | [Schools]School_Number | 3 | All Reports |
Alternate School Number | If applicable, enter the alternate school number. If the alternate school number is not used for the school, no action is necessary. Note: This number will be used in the Data Clearinghouse School Record if specified. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | 3 | Data Clearinghouse UT Unique ID Request File |
StatePrId | Enter the state assigned identifier for this school. | [Schools]SIF_StatePrID | N/A | School Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Grades | Enter the lowest and highest grade level for the school. | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | N/A | School Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Exclude From State Reporting? | Select this checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting. | [Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | All Reports |
Principal’s Name | Enter the name of the principal. | [Schools]Principal | N/A | School Info Object Student Academic Record Object |
Principal’s Phone | Enter the principal’s phone number. | [Schools]PrincipalPhone | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Principal’s Email | Enter the principal’s email address. | [Schools]PrincipalEmail | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Assistant/Vice-Principal’s Name | Enter the assistant/vice-principal’s name. | [Schools]AsstPrincipal | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Assistant/Vice-Principal’s Phone | Enter the assistant/vice-principal’s phone number. | [Schools]AsstPrincipalPhone | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
County Name | Enter the name of the county where the school is located. | [Schools]CountyName | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Cumulative Simple GPA calculation method used (Required) | Click the gpa calculation methods link and choose a method to calculate the simple GPA for the SIF GPA report. | [S_UT_SCH_X]Simple_GPA_Calc_Method | N/A | SIF GPA |
Cumulative Weighted GPA calculation method to be used (Optional) | Click the gpa calculation methods link and choose a method to calculate the weighted GPA for the SIF GPA report. | [S_UT_SCH_X]Weighted_GPA_Calc_Method | N/A | SIF GPA |
Schedule Year Type | Choose the term associated with the school. Valid values:
| [S_UT_SCH_X]ScheduleYearType | 1 | |
Schedule Day Type | Choose the school’s Schedule Day Type. See Schedule Day Type Codes for valid values. | [S_UT_SCH_X]ScheduleDayType | 1 | Data Clearinghouse School Info Object |
Setting Up Special Programs | ||||
Program Name | Enter the special program name. Valid values must be as specified below:
Click the Utah Schools click here link on the page for more information. | [Gen]Cat=specprog [Gen]Name | Max 50 | Data Clearinghouse Student Participation Object Special Programs Data Validation Report |
Qualifies as a special education program | Select this checkbox to indicate if this class qualifies as a special education program. | [Gen]Cat=specprog [Gen]spedindicator | N/A | Data Clearinghouse |
Program Category | Choose a program category to map a new or previously defined special program. Valid values:
Note: Special programs mapped to Self-Contained category will exclude membership and attendance of a student enrolled in those special programs. | [Gen]Cat=specprog [Gen]ValueT | N/A | Data Clearinghouse |
Defining Grade Scales | ||||
Name | Enter or edit the Grade Scale name. | [GradeScaleItem]Name | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Description | Enter a description for the grade scale. | [GradeScaleItem]Description | N/A | Not Required |
Grade | Enter or edit the Grade Scale name. | [GradeScaleItem]Name | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Description | Enter a description for the grade scale item. | [GradeScaleItem]Description | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Grade Points | Enter the number of grade points awarded for this grade. | [GradeScaleItem]Grade_Points | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Creating GPA Calculation MethodsNote: Four GPA calculation methods are included with the PowerSchool application: Simple, Weighted, Simple Percent, and Weighted Percent. The Simple and Weighted methods can be used for the SIF GPA report, or custom methods may be used. | ||||
Method Name | Enter a name for the GPA calculation method. | [Gen]Name where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | SIF GPA |
Description | Enter a description for the GPA calculation method. | [Gen]ValueT2 where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Formula | Enter a formula for the GPA calculation method. | [Gen]ValueT where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | SIF GPA |
Calculation Type | Choose cumulative from the pop-up menu. Review additional information about GPA calculation settings. | [Gen]Value where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | SIF GPA |
Grade Scale | To use a specific grade scale for the GPA calculation method, choose a grade scale from the pop-up menu. Review additional information about GPA calculation settings. | [Gen] where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Terms | Enter one or more term codes to narrow the selection of grades. Review additional information about GPA calculation query options. | [Gen]queryterms where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Grade Levels | Enter one or more grade levels to narrow the selection of grades. Review additional information about GPA calculation query options. | [Gen]querygrades where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
School years | Enter one or more school years to narrow the selection of grades. Review additional information about GPA calculation query options. | [Gen]queryyears where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Credit types | Enter one or more credit types to narrow the selection of grades. Review additional information about GPA calculation query options. | [Gen]querycredittypes where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Only include grades That count in GPA | Select the checkbox to only include grade records marked to be included in the GPA. Review additional information about "only include grades" options. | [Gen]queryflaggpa where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Only include grades That count in class rank | Select the checkbox to only include grade records marked to be counted in class rank. Review additional information about "only include grades" options. | [Gen]queryflagclassrank where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Only include grades That count in honor roll | Select the checkbox to only include grade records marked to be counted in honor roll. Review additional information about "only include grades" options. | [Gen]queryflaghonorroll where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Only include grades With potential credit | Select the checkbox to only include grade records associated with potential credit. Review additional information about "only include grades" options. | [Gen]queryflagpotcredit where [Gen]Cat=gpacalcmethod | N/A | Optional |
Creating TestsNote: Review additional information about setting up tests. | ||||
Name | Enter a name for the test. | [Test]Name | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Type | Choose at type from the pop-up menu | [Test]Description | N/A | Optional |
Description | Enter a description for the test. | [Test]Test_Type | N/A | Optional |
Defining Test ScoresNote: Review additional information about setting up tests. | ||||
Name | Enter a name for the test. | [TestScore]Name | N/A | Student Academic Record Object |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order for the test score. | [TestScore]SortOrder | N/A | Optional |
Description | Enter a description for the test score. | [TestScore]Description | N/A | Optional |
Creating Sub-DistrictsUse the Sub-district Configuration page only if your organization runs a single version of PowerSchool with multiple districts. You can use this option to create the CST_SUBDISTRICTS and CST_SCHOOLSUBDISTRICTS database tables to store sub-district data. Note: For this functionality to be visible, the “Sub-District” Pref option must be enabled on the District Info page at Start Page> District Setup> District Info. | ||||
District Number | Enter the number assigned to this district by the state. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Number | N/A | UTREx ClearingHouse |
Name | Enter the name of the district. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Name | N/A | N/A |
Abbreviation | Enter an Abbreviation to identify this district. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Abbr | N/A | N/A |
Address | Enter the mailing street address for the district. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Address | N/A | N/A |
City | Enter the city for the district’s mailing address. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_City | N/A | N/A |
State | Enter the two-digit state abbreviation for the district’s mailing address. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_State | N/A | N/A |
Zip Code | Enter the zip code (five or nine-digit) for the district’s mailing address. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_ZipCode | N/A | N/A |
Phone Number | Enter the district’s phone number with area code. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Phone | N/A | N/A |
Fax Number | Enter the district’s fax number with area code. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Fax | N/A | N/A |
Superintendent | Enter the name of the district’s superintendent. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Superintendant | N/A | N/A |
Superintendent Phone Number | Enter the district superintendent’s phone number with area code. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Superintendant_Phn | N/A | N/A |
Superintendent Fax Number | Enter the district superintendent’s fax number with area code. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Superintendant_Fax | N/A | N/A |
Superintendent Email | Enter the district superintendent’s email address. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Superintendant_Eml | N/A | N/A |
Schools | In the Available Schools list, click to select each school in the list that belongs to this district. Click the Right Arrow button to move the schools to the Assigned Schools list. | [CST_SchoolSubDistricts]SchoolID [CST_SchoolSubDistricts]SubdistrictID | N/A | UTREx ClearingHouse |
Managing ELL Language CodesELL Language Code Management > Add New Code/Edit Note: PowerSchool regularly updates language codes, but this page allows for the creation of new ELL language codes in case the code is needed prior to a state reporting update release. | ||||
Code Value | Enter the ELL code value. | [PS_COMMON_CODE]Code | 30 | Optional |
Description | Enter a description of the language code. | [PS_COMMON_CODE]Description | 400 | Optional |
Sort Order | Enter the sort order for the code. | [PS_COMMON_CODE]SortOrder | 4 | Optional |
Effective Start Date | Enter the date the code goes into effect. | [PS_COMMON_CODE]Effective_StartDate | N/A | Optional |
Effective End Date | Enter the date the code is no longer effective. | [PS_COMMON_CODE]Effective_EndDate | N/A | Optional |
Creating Entry Codes
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode | |
Code | Enter the entry code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the entry code description. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate | 8 |
Creating Exit Codes
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | |
Code | Enter the exit code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 |