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Setting up Communication with UTREx

Administrators can request Student Achievement Backpack files from the USBE UTREx system directly from a student's PowerSchool Student Backpack page. When PowerSchool sends these requests to the UTREx system, the Backpack data is pulled into the student's Student Backpack page. Requesting and pulling a student's backpack file into PowerSchool requires setting up communication between PowerSchool and UTREx.

To set up communication between PowerSchool and UTRex :

  1. On the Start page, click the School link and choose District Office. The District Start Page appears.
  2. In the left panel, under Setup, click System. The System Administrator page appears.
  3. Under State, click Ut Backpack Communication Setup. The Backpack Communication Setup page appears.
  4. In the Client Authentication Credentials field, enter your API credentials.
  5. If the remaining fields are blank, click Restore Defaults. The values below appear.
  6. Click Save.

Default Settings:

Communications SettingsValue

Client Authentication Credentials

Note: Contact USBE to obtain credentials

Example value:


Authentication URL / Port

Note: Do not change this URL

Authentication Path

Note: Do not change this path


State Endpoint URL / Port

Note: Do not change this URL

State Endpoint Path

Note: Do not change this path

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