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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-276349Public School Information System (PSIS) Data Collection Updates

Title I Program Type field is now available on Add/Edit School page.

PSSR-275444Student Data Collection Updates

Special Program Status Code field value 20 is deprecated and moved to the end of the list.

PSSR-167146Teacher Course Student (TCS) Report Updates

A Teacher Course Student (TCS) validation report for student data is now available to verify the information on the Teacher Course Student (TCS) report.

PSSR-274809Title 1 Data Collection Updates

On the State/Province - CT Title 1 tab for a student, the field ‘Instructional and Support Services' is visible only if the student is marked ‘Yes’ for ‘Title I student’ and at least one Instructional and Support Service must be selected.
Additionally, more instructions are provided for selecting and unselecting multiple services for the ‘Instructional and Support Services' field.

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