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Students Enrolled at No Local Expense Codes

Choose the Students Enrolled at No Local Expense code for this student from the following options.



00 or Blank

Use 00 or leave this field blank if none of the codes below apply AND if there are local costs documented for the student.


Not available for use.


Use this code for a student whose educational costs are funded entirely with non-local funds, including:

  • Students whose educational expenses are being funded by one of Connecticut's Native American Tribes
  • Students from out of state who pay tuition

    Do NOT use this code for students attending your schools at the expense of another Connecticut town.
    Do NOT use this code for OPEN Choice students.


Use this code for a student whose parents are paying for any portion (up to and including all) of their educational costs, regardless of how small the fee/tuition. This code does not apply to extra-curricular activities. This code applies to all students, P3 through grade 12.


Use this code to identify any students attending a magnet school where all of the following apply:

  • The Resident Town has no record/enrollment for the student
  • The Resident Town has no agreement to send students to the magnet school
  • There is no tuition/fee for the Resident Town


Use this code to identify any students whose educational costs are fully funded by federal grant monies, with no local contribution including in-kind.

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