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ED165 Connecticut School Data Report



The ED165 Connecticut School Data Report is used to collect a wide variety of data elements at the school level for state and federal reporting. Some types of data that are included in the ED165 are:

  • Truancy
  • Pre-kindergarten experience
  • Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment results
  • Teacher attendance
  • School Calendar

Selection Criteria

  • Students must be enrolled within the user-defined report dates, or the school year the report is run for if the report dates are null.
  • Students must not be excluded from state reporting
  • Truancy calculation does not apply for students over eighteen or below five years old.
  • Truancy at the student-level is NOT required for students in Pre-Kindergarten.

  • The reporting of truancy is not required for students over 18 years old on the collection snapshot date.

  • For students in Kindergarten, truancy determination should begin only after the student turns 5 years old. For example:

    • A 4-year old Kindergarten student has four unexcused absences within 30 days in the fall. After the student turns 5 in December, they do not have any subsequent 30-day period with four unexcused absences. In total the student has 8 unexcused absences in the whole school year. The student is NOT truant.

    • A 4-year old Kindergarten student has four unexcused absences within 30 days in the fall. After the student turns 5 in December, they do not have any subsequent 30-day period with four unexcused absences. In total the student has 11 unexcused absences in the whole school year but only 7 of those are after the student turns 5. The student is NOT truant.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

  • Select the school– Select the current school.

The report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

This report can only be run at the school level.

Select Students

All students – Run the report for all students in the current selected school that meet the selection criteria.

Number of Hours of Instruction Per Year Grades 1-12 & Full-day K

Enter the number of hours of instruction Per Year Grades 1-12 & Full-day K.
Number of Hours of Instruction Per Year: Half/Extended-day K

Enter the number of hours of instruction Per Year: Half/Extended-day K.

Staff Attendance: Total FTE days absentEnter the total number of FTE days the staff was absent.
Staff Attendance: FTE classroom teacher countEnter the FTE classroom teacher count.
Did your district avail itself of the opportunity to reduce your school's scheduled number of days and hours to no less than 177 days and 885 hours?Select Yes or No.

Start Date for Truancy

Select the start date for Truancy.

End Date for Truancy

Select the end date for Truancy.

Calculate using State Truancy Absences

Select Yes to calculate using State Truancy Absences

Select No if you do not want to calculate using State Truancy Absences

Include identifying information for Truancy troubleshooting

Select Yes or No.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. For documentation of XML report output from the state department of education, see

See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element





District Name

The name of the district.[Prefs]DistrictNameAlphanumeric

School Name

The name of the school.



Contact Person

The name of the contact person.N/ABlank


The telephone number of the contact person.N/ABlank

Contact Person’s Email

The email address of the contact person.N/ABlank

Readiness to Learn

The number of Kindergarten students enrolled, who regularly attended a Head Start program, nursery school, licensed daycare center, or public preschool program.[S_CT_STU_X] PrekEducationalExperienceNumeric

Truant Students

The number of students who were classified as truant during the previous school year. Include students who were truant before dropping or transferring out of your school.

  • If ‘Calculate using State Truancy Absences’ is ‘No’, then the Absent Attendance code with ‘Unexcused’ category are considered.
  • If ‘Calculate using State Truancy Absences’ is 'Yes’, then the Absent Attendance code with 'TruancyAbs’ category are considered.

Did your district avail itself of the opportunity to reduce your school's scheduled number of days and hours to no less than 177 days and 885 hours?

Whether or not the district availed itself the opportunity to reduce their school's scheduled number of days and hours to no less than 177 days and 885 hours.N/AYes/No

Number of Days of Instruction

The total number of Days of Instruction.



Number of Hours of Instruction Per Year Grades 1-12 & Full-day K:

The total number of Hours of Instruction Per Year Grades 1-12 & Full-day KN/ANumeric

Number of Hours of Instruction Per Year: Half/Extended-day K:

The total number of Hours of Instruction Per Year: Half/Extended-day CareN/ANumeric

Total FTE days absent

The total FTE days the staff was absent.N/ANumeric

FTE classroom teacher count

The FTE classroom teacher count.N/ANumeric

Number of students tested on all four items

The total number of students tested on all four items.N/ANumeric

Number of students medically exempted

The total number of students medically exempted.N/ANumeric

Number of students from line “a” meeting the aerobic endurance standard (One-Mile Run/Walk or PACER)

The total number of students from line “a”meeting the aerobic endurance standard (One-Mile Run/Walk or PACER)N/ANumeric

Number of students from line “a” meeting the flexibility standard (BackSaver Sit-and-Reach)

The total number of students from line “a” meeting the flexibility standard (BackSaver Sit-and-Reach)N/ANumeric

Number of students from line “a” meeting the upper body strength and endurance standard (900 Push-Up)

The total number of students from line “a” meeting the upper body strength and endurance standard (900 Push-Up)N/ANumeric

Number of students from line “a” meeting the abdominal muscle strength and endurance standard (Curl-Up)

The total number of students from line “a” meeting the abdominal muscle strength and endurance standard (Curl-Up)N/ANumeric

Number of students meeting the standards on all 4 test items

The total number of students meeting the standards on all 4 test itemsN/ANumeric
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