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Connecticut Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Connecticut provides a wide variety of Connecticut-specific reports.

Click a report name in the table below to see details about the report.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Civil Rights Data Collection

2017-2018 CRDC Report

Use this report to extract a PDF and CSV file to be used for submitting data to the CRDC website for LEA and Schools

February 2016 to April 2016

Connecticut State Reports

SASID Register/Unregister/Change

Use the Connecticut SASID Register/Unregister/Change report to generate the following reports:

  • SASID Register Report - use this report to register newly enrolled students to the district with the state and to obtain State Assigned Student IDs (SASIDs) for the students. The State of Connecticut requires school districts to register all students in their district.
  • SASID Unregister Report - use this report to unregister students with the state who transferred or left the district for a known reason. If the student moves to a school or district within your state, you must unregister a student with the state before the student’s new school can register that student.
  • SASID Change Report - use this report to update student enrollment records with the state when the students are transferred to another grade level or school within your district.

As needed

ED166 Disciplinary Offense Record Extract

Collects disciplinary actions that result in a sanction type of in-school or out-of-school suspension or expulsion. In addition, all serious offenses, weapons, and drug/alcohol/tobacco offenses are reported, regardless of the sanction type.

The report is divided into these sections:

  • District/school information
  • Student information
  • Student offenses
July 15 of the current school year

Public School Information System (PSIS) Report

The Public School Information System (PSIS) was developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) in 2002 to comply with federal law H.R.1, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which requires the need for student-based data. PSIS also provides a statewide individual student identification database.




SASID Testing Demographics Record Layout Report  

Teacher Course Student (TCS) Report

This report contains teacher, course, student, grade/outcome and credit data for all students who were enrolled in the district for a minimum of 90 total calendar days during the school year for which the report is being run.

Use this report to extract the data needed to meet Connecticut state TCS reporting requirements when your schools use Standards based grades and/or award a single traditional final grade and grant credit for the course one time at the end of the course.

The final grades and credits that are extracted for each course are determined based upon the store codes entered for the Reporting Store Codes that are configured on the Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School > Reporting Store Codes (TCS) page.

Open most of the year with final revisions due mid-July. Collections are based on October and End of Year data.

Teacher Course Student (TCS) Report - Alternate Grading Method

This report contains teacher, course, student, grade/outcome and credit data for all students who were enrolled in the district for a minimum of 90 total calendar days during the school year for which the report is being run.

Use this report to extract the data needed to meet Connecticut state TCS reporting requirements when your schools use Standards based grades and/or award multiple traditional grades and grant partial credit for the course at multiple intervals while the course is in session (course marking period grades).

The grades and credits that are extracted for each course are determined based upon the Term Bins set up for your school terms  and the corresponding store codes entered for the Reporting Store Codes (TCS) that are configured on the Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School page > Reporting Store Codes (TCS) page.

Open most of the year with final revisions due mid-July. Collections are based on October and End of Year data.

ED205 Title I Report

The ED205 form is the data collection tool that generates the reports that are included in the statewide federal performance report for Title I activities. The Title I Student field on the Connecticut State Information page is used to identify Title I students, Start Page > Student > State/Province – CT.

The ED205 is comprised of three schedules:

  • Schedule 1: District and contact information
  • Schedule 2: Demographic, staffing and project information
  • Schedule 3: Program Evaluation for Nonpublic Schools or Local Neglected Programs that received Title I funds or services

Opens mid-October through mid-December

English Language Learner (ELL) Database Collection Record Extract

Extracts student test scores in five test categories: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Comprehension. If the student has not taken any of the tests, a reason is reported. The test date must fall within the current school year for the student to be included on the extract

September to mid-October

Legacy Reports

Public School Information System (PSIS) Report - Legacy

The Public School Information System (PSIS) was developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) in 2002 to comply with federal law H.R.1, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which requires the need for student-based data. PSIS also provides a statewide individual student identification database.





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