SASID Register/Unregister/Change Report
Report Description
Use the Connecticut SASID Register/Unregister/Change report to generate the following reports:
SASID Register Report - use this report to register newly enrolled students to the district with the state and to obtain State Assigned Student IDs (SASIDs) for the students. The State of Connecticut requires school districts to register all students in their district.
SASID Unregister Report - use this report to unregister students with the state who transferred or left the district for a known reason. If the student moves to a school or district within your state, you must unregister a student with the state before the student’s new school can register that student.
SASID Change Report - use this report to update student enrollment records with the state when the students are transferred to another grade level or school within your district.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
The student’s school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have enrolled in, been enrolled or exited the school sometime between the start date and end date of the report (entered at report runtime).
The student must have a Register/Unregister/Change status of R, U, or C.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Use | If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running a report. |
Display Header? | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to determine whether to display header fields in the extract. Headers display the name of each data element for each record extracted. Use headers for troubleshooting purposes. |
Extract Format? | Choose whether to extract the records incomma-delimitedformat for troubleshooting purposes or inpositionalformat for submission to the state. |
Process the Register, Unregister, or Change report? | Choose Register, Unregister, or Change from the list to determine which report to generate. The default option is Register. |
Start Date | Enter the start date for the reporting period. |
End Date | Enter the end date for the reporting period. |
Summer Rollup Submission | Select the Summer Rollup Submission checkbox if appropriate. |
For the Change Report, extract the next year grade level. If left as “No” the current grade level will be extracted. | If you are generating the Change report, then choose Yes or No to indicate whether to extract the Next Year Grade level for students. |
OVERRIDE: Use only SASID Register/Unregister/Change flag to determine inclusion, ignoring Enrollment Dates? (However, the student must be enrolled in the current year of 20xx-20xx) | Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
Note: The student had to be enrolled at some point with the school year (as displayed in red in the options text) in order to be included. |
Update Status field to blank for Register? | Choose one of the following (Yes/No) Default is No |
Note: Select the Term Year for which the report is to be generated |
Exclude Students From State Reporting
If you do not want to include a few students to be part of this report, you can set up the SASID Register/Unregister/Change Report to exclude them.
To do the setup:
Log into a CT database
Go to School > Select Students
On the General tab set the Register/Unregister/Change to R, U, or C for the students.
Select the Exclude from State Reporting option for students tagged with an R, U, or C to exclude them from the report.
Click Save.
Run the Report
Go to Reports > State Reports > SASID Register/Unregister/Change Report.
Set date range to include the selected students.
Run the report with the 'Process the Register, Unregister, or Change report?' set to R, U, or C.
The students with tagged with Exclude from State Reporting option are excluded from the report.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field | Field | Begin / |
1 | Record Type | The type of record for this student. | [S_CT_STU_X] SASIDChangeRegUnReg | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 1 |
2 | State Assigned Student ID (SASID) | The state-assigned student ID number for this student. | [Students]State_StudentNumber [S_CT_STU_X]State_Student_ID | Numeric | 10 | 2–11 |
3 | Reporting District | The three-digit code for the reporting school district. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 12–14 |
4 | Reporting District Entry Date | The date the student entered the district. Notes:
| [S_STU_X_CT]DateRegistered [Students]EntryDate | Date | 8 | 15–22 |
5 | Resident Town | The resident town that is fiscally responsible for this student, if the resident town is different from the reporting district. If the resident town and reporting district are the same, this field should be blank. This is applicable to students who attend your school at the expense of another town. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] ResidentTown | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 23–25 |
6 | Facility Code 1 | The school attended by the student; or, if the student changes schools, the new school the student attends. | [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode1 Or [Schools] Alternate_School_Number Or [Schools]School_Number based on the school the student is enrolled in. | Alpha-numeric | 7 | 26–32 |
7 | Facility Code 2 | For a student who attends two facilities, this is the second school attended by that student. This field is required if one of the following is true:
| [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode2 | Alpha-numeric | 7 | 33–39 |
8 | Formal Last Name | The student’s last name. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] BirthLastName or [Students]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 35 | 40–74 |
9 | Formal First Name | The student’s first name. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] BirthFirstName or [Students]First_Name | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 75–94 |
10 | Formal Middle Name | The student’s middle name or initial. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] BirthMiddleName or [Students]Middle_Name | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 95–114 |
11 | Generation Suffix | The student’s name suffix, if applicable. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] GenerationSuffix | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 115–118 |
12 | Date of Birth | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB | Alpha-numeric | 8 | 119–126 |
13 | Hispanic or Latino | A value of 1 is reported if the student’s race is Hispanic or Latino. Otherwise, value is 0. | [Students]FedEthnicity | Numeric | 1 | 127 |
14 | American Indian or Alaska Native | A value of I is reported if the student’s race is American Indian or Native Alaskan. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = I | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 128 |
15 | Asian | A value of A is reported if the student’s race is American Indian or Native Alaskan. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = A | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 129 |
16 | Black or African American | A value of B if the student’s race is Black or African American. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = B | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 130 |
17 | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | A value of P is reported if the student’s race is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = P | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 131 |
18 | White | A value of W is reported if the student’s race is White. | [StudentRace]RaceCd = W | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 132 |
19 | Gender Code | The student’s gender (M or F). | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] BirthGender or [Students]Gender | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 133 |
20 | Grade Code | The student’s grade level as of the reporting period. If a value is entered for the Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Grade Code, then that value is reported. Otherwise, the Grade Level value is reported. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X] PreKKGGradeCode [S_CT_REN_X]PK_KGGrade [Students]Sched_NextYearGrade | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 134–135 |
21 | District Student ID | The student’s district or locally assigned ID number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 136–155 |
22 | Last Name as it appears in SIS | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 35 | 156–190 |
23 | Town of Birth | The name of the town where the student was born. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] TownOfBirth | Alpha-numeric | 50 | 191–240 |
24 | Mother’s Maiden Name | The maiden name of the student’s mother. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] MothersMaidenName | Alpha-numeric | 35 | 241–275 |
25 | Polio Vaccination Date | The date of the student’s first polio vaccination. Note: This value can also be entered on the Emergency/Medical page. Changing the value on either page updates the value in both locations. | [Students]immunizaton_polio | Alpha-numeric | 8 | 276–283 |
26 | Secondary ID | This field is reserved for future use. | Reserved | Alpha-numeric | 9 | 284–292 |
27 | Reporting District Exit Date | The date the student left the district.
| [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate [S_CT_STU_X]LeaveDate [S_CT_REN_X]LeaveDate | Numeric | 8 | 293–300 |
28 | Exit Type | The code that identifies the reason the student left the district. | [Students]ExitCode | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 301–302 |
29 | Exit Status | The exit status for the student’s current enrollment (temporary or permanent withdrawal). | [S_CT_STU_X]ExitStatus [S_CT_REN_X]ExitStatus | Numeric | 2 | 303–304 |
30 | Number of Days of Membership | The number of instructional days that the student is enrolled in the school during the current school year. Membership days begin accruing on the student’s first date of enrollment for the current school year and end with the report end date. | [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Numeric | 3 | 305–307 |
31 | Number of Days in Attendance | The number of instructional days that the student was present at the school during the current school year. Attendance days are reported in whole numbers and must be equal to or less than the student’s membership days. | [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate [Attendance]StudentID [Attendance]Att_Date | Numeric | 3 | 308–310 |
32 | Facility/Grade Exit Date | The date the student withdrew from the facility identified in the Facility Code 1 field. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Numeric | 8 | 311–318 |
33 | Facility/Grade Entry Date | The date the student entered the facility and grade level. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | Numeric | 8 | 319–326 |
34 | Nexus District | The district has the legal responsibility to pay for a special education student. | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]NexusDistrict | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 327–329 |
35 | Nexus District Exit Date | The date the special education student withdrew from the Nexus district. | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]NexusExitDate or [Students]ExitDate | Alpha-numeric | 8 | 330–337 |
36 | Nexus District Entry Date | The date the special education student entered the Nexus district. | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]NexusEntryDate | Alpha-numeric | 8 | 338–345 |
37 | End of Record Marker | This field marks the end of the record. | Always “X” | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 346 |
Note: For SASID Unregister Report Student Demographic information (Student Name, Gender, Race) will be blank