District Setup
To complete the tasks required for District Setup, you must have the permissions to work with district-level data. For further information, see Help > System Help > Sign In to PowerSchool.
To navigate to the District Setup page:
On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
Choose District Office. The district Start Page appears.
Under Setup, click District. The District Setup page appears.
Note: The following information describes the setup required for Connecticut State Reporting. For information about general district setup, see Help > System Help.
Defining CT District Course information
Navigation: District Setup > Courses: Courses > New/Edit Course
Creating a Discipline Log Type
You must create a Discipline log type to add a discipline incident to a student record. The Discipline log type is used to identify incidents with discipline fields required by the State of Connecticut.
Navigation: District Setup > Discipline and Log Entries > Log Types > New/Edit
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports | |
Log Type | Enter “Discipline”. | [Gen]Cat=logtype [Gen]Name | Max 20 | ED166 Discipline Record Extract |
General District Information Required for CT
Navigation: District Setup > District Information: District Info
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Name of District | The district name. | [Prefs]Name=districtname [Prefs]Value | 40 | ED205 |
District Number | The three-digit code for the reporting school district. | [Prefs]Name=districtnumber [Prefs]Value | 3 | PSIS SASID ED166 ED205 Teacher Course Student (TCS) |
Organization Code | The seven-digit numerical code for the reporting school district | [Prefs]Name=organizationcode [Prefs]Name=Value | 7 | CPFA |
Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment Setup |
| N/A | ||
Update Student Test Table | Click this link to run a script to update the StudentTest table, ensuring SchoolID, TermID, and Grade Level fields are properly populated and displays the number of records updated. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) For instructions on completing the CRDC fields, see CRDC District Setup |
Entering Information about District Schools
Navigation: District Setup >District Information: Schools/School Info
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports | |
School Name | Enter the school name. | [Schools]Name | Max 60 | ED205 | |
School Number | Enter the school number. Note: For CT, it corresponds to “Facility Code 1” and states which other fields are potential sources of the data if a school’s SchoolID is already populated with something that is not the CT Facility Code. | [Schools]School_Number | 9 | PSIS SASID ED166 ED205 Teacher Course Student (TCS) | |
Exclude From State Reporting? | Select this checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting. | [Schools] State_ExcludeFromReporting | N/A | PSIS SASID ED166 | |
Grades | Enter the school grade levels (lowest - highest). For more information, see the Appendix. | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | 2 | PSIS SASID CRDC Report | |
Connecticut State Report Information | |||||
ED540 Graduating Class Report Setup Refer to ED540 Setup. | |||||
Outplacement school | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the school is an outplacement school | [S_CT_SCH_X]Outplacement_school | 1 | ED540 - deprecated report | |
Extended Time Instructional Program | Choose Yes or No to indicate if Title I extended time instructional programs are conducted in your school, including before school, after-school, weekend, and summer programs. Note: Adult education, preschool programs, or club activities are excluded from this count. | [S_CT_SCH_X] InstructionalProgram | 1 | ED205 -deprecated report | |
Family Literacy Program | Choose Yes or No to indicate if Title I family literacy programs are conducted in your school. | [S_CT_SCH_X]FamilyLiteracyProg | 1 | ED205 -deprecated report | |
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) | Enter the number of individuals who fit into the designated Title I staffing categories. Note: This field is included in the calculation to determine the FTE amount a school has for Title 1 programs. | [S_CT_SCH_X]FTEStaff | 3 | ED205 -deprecated report | |
PreK Program Status Code | Choose the student’s pre-K program or combination of programs from the pop-up menu. Note: This field is required for students in grade levels P3 and PK. | [S_CT_SCH_X]PreKProgramStatusCode | 2 | ED205 | |
Default Length of PreK Program Day in Hours | Enter the default number of hours that pre-k students attend school. Enter a value rounded to the nearest 15-minute (quarter-hour) increment. | [S_CT_SCH_X]PreKHoursPerDay | 16 | PSIS | |
Default Length of PreK Program Days per Year | Enter the default number of days that pre-k students attend school per year. Note: This field is required if students in grade levels P3 and PK attend the school. | [S_CT_SCH_X]PreKDaysPerYear | 16 | PSIS | |
Grade Levels using Standards Grading | Click Add, and enter a grade level that utilizes standards-based grading. Repeat for each grade level. Note: Enter integer values only | [S_CT_SCH_Standard_Grd_Levels_C]Grade_Level | 11 | Teacher Course Student (TCS) | |
Use Marking Period for TCS | Select Yes if this school uses marking periods for awarding grades and credits instead of a single final grade at the end of the course. This setting can be overridden at the course or section. | [S_CT_SCH_X] UseMarkingPeriodDates | 1 | Teacher Course Student (TCS) (TCS) Alternate Grading Method | |
Lunch Minutes | Select the number of minutes per day each student is provided for lunch. | [S_CT_SCH_X]LunchMinutes | 2 | ||
Recess | Select Yes or No to indicate if a recess of at least 20 minutes per day is provided to your students during full school days. | [S_CT_SCH_X]Recess | N/A | ||
Highest Grade | Select the highest grade at which recess is provided. | [S_CT_SCH_X]HighestGrade | N/A | ||
Reporting Store Codes (TCS) | Enter store codes to select the grades extracted for the Teacher Course Student report. Notes:
| [S_CT_ReportingStoreCodes_S]YearId [S_CT_ReportingStoreCodes_S]StoreCodeList | 50 | Teacher Course Student (TCS) | |
Grade Level Outcome Codes (TCS) Notes:
| |||||
TCS Outcome | Enter a default outcome for each grade level that uses Standards grades. | [S_CT_GradeLevelOutcome_S]TCSOutcome | 10 | Teacher Course Student (TCS) | |
TCS Outcome Status | Select the default outcome status from the dropdown that correlates to the default outcome | [S_CT_GradeLevelOutcome_S]TCSOutcomeStatus | 10 | Teacher Course Student (TCS) | |
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) For instructions on completing the school CRDC fields, see CRDC School Setup. |
Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings
Navigation: District Setup > Identity: Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Ethnicity Decline to Specify | Do not select the checkbox; this option is not allowed for Connecticut state reporting. | [Prefs]FRE_AllowDeclineEthnicity [Prefs]FRE_DeclineEthnicityText | N/A | Not Allowed in CT State Reporting |
Race Decline to Specify | Do not select the checkbox; this option is not allowed for Connecticut state reporting. | [Prefs]FRE_AllowDeclineRace [Prefs]FRE_DeclineRaceText | N/A | Not Allowed in CT State Reporting |
Federal Race Category New/Edit | ||||
Code | Enter the federal race category code. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=federalrace | 1 | SASID CRDC |
Description | Enter the federal race category description. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=federalrace | N/A | SASID CRDC |
Sort Order | When you click Submit, the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings page appear. Enter a sort order for the federal race category. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]Cat=federalrace | N/A | SASID |
Scheduling and Reporting Ethnicity Codes
Navigation: District Setup > Enrollment: Scheduling and Reporting Ethnicity Codes
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports | |
Code | Enter the ethnicity code. For code values, see the Appendix. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Value | 2 | Not used in any reports | |
Description | Enter the ethnicity description. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Name | Max 50 | Not used in any reports |
Defining PowerSchool Tests for ELL Tests
Define one record for each ELL test required by the state: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Comprehension.
Navigation: District Setup > Grading: Tests > New/Edit Test
Data | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports | |
Name | Enter the name of the ELL test in this field. You must create one test record for each of the following state-required tests: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Comprehension. | [Test]Name | N/A | ELL | |
Type | Choose State if for ELL tests. | [Test]Test_Type | N/A | ELL | |
Description | Enter a description of the test. When you click Submit, the Test page reappears, with a link to Edit Scores. | [Test]Description | N/A | ELL | |
Test > Edit Scores Define the scale score and raw score for each ELL test required by the state: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Comprehension. | |||||
Name | Enter the name of the score. For each ELL test, create two records: Scale Score and Raw Score. | [TestScore]Name | N/A | ELL | |
Sort Order | Enter the order to display this score on the data entry page. | [TestScore]SortOrder | N/A | ELL | |
Description | Enter a description of this score. | [TestScore]Description | N/A | ELL |
Associating PowerSchool Tests with ELL Tests
Note: For these records, the value field in the [Prefs] table is related to the ID field in the [Test] table.
Navigation: District Setup > Connecticut State Information: ELL Setup
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports | |
Listening Scale Test | Choose the test used to record listening scale scores for students. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ELL_Listen | N/A | ELL | |
Speaking Scale Test | Choose the test used to record speaking scale scores for students. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ELL_Speak | N/A | ELL | |
Reading Scale Test | Choose the test used to record reading scale scores for students. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ELL_Reading | N/A | ELL | |
Writing Scale Test | Choose the test used to record writing scale scores for students. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ELL_Writing | N/A | ELL | |
Comprehension Scale Test | Choose the test used to record comprehension scale scores for students. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ELL_Comp | N/A | ELL |
Setting up Auto-generation of Incident Numbers
Navigation: District Setup > Connecticut State Information: IncidentID Generation
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports | |
Initial Incident ID Number | Enter the number used to start the sequence of incident IDs. Note: You must reset this value to 1 at the beginning of each year to reset the counter before entering any discipline incidents for that year. You can use the Generate Id button to create a local incident number when creating incidents for a student. This setup ensures that incident IDs are generated in sequential order and are not repeated. Incidents are created for students via Start Page > Student > Log Entries. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=CT_Initial_IncidentID | 6 | ED166 |
Importing State Incident Numbers into the Log Table
Note: Use the Data Import System to import the state incident number into the Log table. Do not use the PowerSchool Quick Import process.
Navigation: District Setup > Connecticut State Information: Data Import System
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports | |
File to Import | Click Browse to select the path and name of the file you want to import. The file must be in comma-delimited format. Note: These changes are permanent. It is recommended to back up your data prior to importing the state incident number file. Verify the data in the file is valid before importing. Click Import to begin the import process. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
ED540 Setup
Note: This section is no longer required since the ED540 report is no longer collected by the state.
Map the Subject Areas for Part A to Subject Areas from Graduation Sets created in PowerSchool:
Set up Graduation Sets at the school level, Start Page > School Setup > Graduation Sets.
Enter Subject Areas when creating the requirements for the Graduation Set, Start Page > School Setup > Graduation Sets > Edit Requirements.
Associate these Subject Areas with courses, Start Page > District Setup > Courses.
Associate Graduation Sets with students, Start Page > Student > Graduation Progress.
Navigation: District Setup > Connecticut State Information: ED540 Setup
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports | |
Please select a Graduation Set to Map | Choose a graduation set | [Schools]CT_Grad_Set_Num | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
English | Choose a requirement to map to English. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Eng | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Mathematics | Choose a requirement to map to Mathematics. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Math | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Social Studies | Choose a requirement to map to Social Studies. | [Schools]CT_Sub_SS | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Science | Choose a requirement to map to Science. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Sci | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
World Language | Choose a requirement to map to World Language. | [Schools]CT_Sub_WL | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
The Arts | Choose a requirement to map to The Arts. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Art | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Vocational ED | Choose a requirement to map to Vocational Ed. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Vocat | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Arts/Vocational ED | Choose a requirement to map to Arts/Vocational Ed. | [Schools]CT_Sub_AV | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Physical Ed | Choose a requirement to map to Physical Ed. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Phys | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Health | Choose a requirement to map to Health. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Heal | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Community Service | Choose a requirement to map to Community Service. | [Schools]CT_Sub_CS | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Other | Choose a requirement to map to Other. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Other | N/A | ED504 deprecated report | |
Electives | Choose a requirement to map to Electives. | [Schools]CT_Sub_Elect | N/A | ED504 deprecated report |
Mapping Grade Scale Outcome Statuses
For each grade in the grade scale, select a corresponding outcome status.
Navigation: District Setup > Connecticut State Information: TCS Grade Scale Status Mapper > Edit > Edit Grade Scale Status Mapping
Data Element | Additional Information | Length | Used in these Reports | ||
Outcome Status | Click the edit (pencil) icon for the grade and in the dialog that appears, select an Outcome Status. | [S_CT_GSI_X]TCSGradeStatus | 10 | Teacher Course Student (TCS) |
Setting up Learning Model by Grade
For each grade in the grade scale, select a corresponding Learning Model.
Navigation: District Setup > Connecticut State Information: Learning Model by Grade Setup
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
In-Person | Radio button | [S_InstructionModeByGrades_S] InstructionMode | 3 | Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) |
Hybrid | Radio button | [S_InstructionModeByGrades_S] InstructionMode | 3 | Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) |
Remote | Radio button | [S_InstructionModeByGrades_S] InstructionMode | 3 | Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) |
Creating Entry Codes
Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode
For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode | |
Code | Enter the entry code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the entry code description. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate | 8 |
Creating Exit Codes
Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode
For more information, see Code Sets and Entry and Exit Codes pages in SIS Administration Guide.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | |
Code | Enter the exit code. | [CODESET]Code | 2 |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | |
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. | [CODESET]Description | N/A |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 |
Mapping Relationship Code Set Values
For each relationship, enter a corresponding reported value.
Navigation: District Setup > Code Sets
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName |
Relationship | Click the edit (pencil) icon for the relationship code and in the dialog that appears, enter a reported value. Note: Valid Parent Type codes | [CodeSet]ReportedValue |
Guardians Mapping
Navigation: Start Page, District Setup, Configure Guardian Mapping
New/Edit Guardian Mapping Record.
This data entry screen maps the Data elements from the which [Table]FieldName. This field value is extracted for the Student Contact Report.
Table names are limited to either of the following:
Begins with 'U_'.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName |
Record Type | Record type can be one of the following: Mother, Father, Guardian | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]RecordType |
Parent Name | [Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]ParentName |
Parent Type | Parent type can be one of the following: M, F, LG | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]ParentType |
Student Code | The state student number.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]StudentCode |
Student's email address.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]Email | |
Address | Student's mailing address.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]Address |
City | Student's city.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]City |
State | Student's state.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]State |
ZipCode | Student's zipcode.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]Zipcode |
Home Phone | Student's home phone number.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]HomePhone |
Work Phone | Student's mother's work phone.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]WorkPhone |
Cell Phone | Student's mobile phone number. [Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]CellPhone |
Language | Native language.[Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]GuardianLanguage |
Student Lives Here | This flag indicates that the student lives here. [Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]StudentLivesHere |
Can receive parent portal notifications | The guardian can receive parent portal notifications. [Table]FieldName from which this field is to be extracted in the student Contact report | [s_ct_guardianmapping_s]ParentNotifications |