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Teacher Course Student (TCS) Report

CT_GradeUsingStandard.Report Description

This report contains teacher, course, student, grade/outcome, and credit data for all students who were enrolled in the district for a minimum of 90 total calendar days during the school year for which the report is being run.

Use this report to extract the data needed to meet Connecticut state TCS reporting requirements when your schools use Standards based grades and/or award a single traditional final grade and grant credit for the course one time at the end of the course.

The final grades and credits that are extracted for each course are determined based upon the store codes entered for the Reporting Store Codes that are configured on the Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School > Reporting Store Codes (TCS) page.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student enrollment must be in a school selected on the report parameter page.

[CC] Record Selection

  • The CC record must be within the current school year of the school where the course is being taken.

  • Associated section must not be excluded from the TCS report. ([Courses]exclude_state_rpt_yn = 1).

  • The CC record must occur during the year of the selected term.

Historical Grade [StoredGrades] record selection

  • The record must not be excluded from TCS ([S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]ExcludeFromTCS).

  • The record must either:

    • Have a Section ID associated with a selected CC record.

    • Have a SectionID = 0, TermID within the selected school year, and SchoolID of a selected student enrollment record.

Standards-based Grades Selection

  • The student enrollment record grade level must be less than or equal to the Highest grade using Standards Grading (S_CT_SCH_Standard_Grd_Levels_C[Grade_Level]) of the school where the course is taken [CC]SchoolID.

Note: If a student does not receive a grade for a course that ordinarily is awarded a grade (example: student not enrolled long enough to complete sufficient course work) but a grade such as EX (Exempt) or NG (No Grade) is recorded for the student, these grades should be stored using a unique Store Code that is not included in the TCS Final Grade Store Code setup so they will not be picked up in the report. The SCED code associated with the Teacher of Record (101) indicates the entire course weight and credit earned  and the SCED code associated with the Co-Teacher (103) will be worth 0 with 0 earned.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

  • All Students – Includes all students included in the selected school(s) who meet the student selection criteria.

  • The Selected # Students Only – Includes only those students from the current selection of students and the selected school(s) who meet the student selection criteria.

Course Code

Choose one of the following based on where the state-defined course number is entered on the Edit Course District Information page (Start Page > District Setup > Courses):

  • SCED Course Code – Choose this value if your school stores the state-defined course number in the SCED Course Code field.

  • Alt Course Code – Choose this value if your school stores the state-defined course number in the Alternate Course Number field.

Section Number

Choose one of the following based on where the state-defined section number is entered on the Edit Section page (Start Page > School Setup > Sections):

  • Section Number – Choose this value if your school stores the state-defined section number in the Section Number field.

  • State Section Number – Choose this value if your school stores the state-defined course number in the Section Number (Teacher Course Student Record) field.

Dropped Courses

Choose one of the following:

  • Exclude All Drop courses – choose this option if you don’t want any drop courses, including those with posted final grades, included in the report.

  • Include Only Dropped Course w/ TCS Store Code Final Grade – choose this option if you want to exclude all dropped courses except those that have a final grade posted using a store code that is configured as a final grade store code for the TCS report.

  • Include All Dropped Courses – choose this option if you want to include dropped courses for verification purposes.

Enrollment Duration

Choose one of the following:

  • Include only students who have been enrolled at least 90 calendar days

  • Include all students who have been enrolled

Final Grades

Choose one of the following:

  • Exclude courses without a Final Grade

  • Include courses without a Final Grade

Display Headers?

Select Yes or No if you want to turn headers on or off in the report.

Include identifying information with each record for troubleshooting*

Select Yes to include students’ and teachers’ last name and first name at the end of the record to help identify problems.

Do NOT use when generating a marking period report.

When you run the report with "Include identifying information with each record for troubleshooting" selected, the following information is displayed:

The student Grade_Level, EnrollmentSchoolID; section Course Name, course Potential Credit; adjacent column holding just the credit value from the SCED code, when is a secondary code structure; “Group” or “Group Code”, student CC most recent Date Enrolled and Date Left and a total of days enrolled in the class. This helps you verify if the data is correct.

Include Session Membership Attended*

Select Yes or No if you want to include the session membership attended in the report.

Include Session Membership*

Select Yes or No if you want to include session membership in the report.

Summer Grades

Date from which summer grades to be included.

This runtime parameter filters the data from Historical grades having met the below criteria:

  1. Historical Grade → Summer Grade flag set to 1

  2. Date stored field in Historical grade is on or after the defined summer Grades Date

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The Teacher Course Student report will also display the data for the co-teacher with Course credit earned as 0.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


State Assigned Student ID (SASID)

The student’s state-assigned identifier.

The report will trim spaces from the value.


Spaces are trimmed but published as blank if the resulting value is larger than 10 characters.




Reporting District

The three-digit code identifying the district reporting the teacher course student data.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = districtnumber




District Student ID

The locally assigned student number.

[Students] Student_Number

Alpha numeric



Date of Birth

The student’s birth date.





Educator Identification Number (EIN)

The state-assigned teacher number used to identify the teacher who taught this course.

The report will trim spaces from the value.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.


Spaces are trimmed but published as blank if the resulting value is larger than 10 characters.

When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_TeacherEIN




Teacher Type

The three-digit code indicating the type of teacher assigned to the student for a given course.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.

[S_CT_SSF_X] TeacherType

When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_TeacherType

If the role of the teacher is defined as co-teacher in a section, then the co-teacher type will be 103, 203, 303, 403 based on the level of the teacher defined in teacher's profile.




District Teacher ID

The district-assigned teacher number used to identify the teacher that taught this course.


Alpha numeric



Course Facility Code

The school number for the school where this course is taught.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.


[Schools] Alternate_School_Number


When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_CourseFacilityCode




SCED Course Code

The state-assigned completed SCED course code for this course record.

Note: The value is extracted from either the Alternate Course Number field or the SCED Course Code field, based on the SCED Code parameter selection at report runtime.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.

[S_CT_CRS_X] SCEDCourseCode


When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_SCEDCourseCode

Alpha numeric



District Course Code

The district course code assigned to this course record.


Alpha numeric



Section Code

The section number assigned to this course section record.

Note: The value is extracted from either the Section Number field or the State Section Number (Teacher Course Student Extract) field, depending on the selection at report runtime.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.



When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_SectionCode

Alpha numeric



Outcome/ Grade

The grade the student earned upon completion of this course.


The grade records included in the extract are determined by the store codes defined on the Edit School page.

For students who are assigned Standards instead of Stored Grades a default value set on the Edit School page is used as a default.

An override option is available under the students All Enrollments page.

Sections that should not be included can be excluded on the Sections page.




Alpha numeric



Facility 1 Code

The seven-digit Facility 1 Code for the student as reported in the Public School Information System (PSIS).

[S_CT_STU_X] FacilityCode1






Session Start Date

The date the class/section began, in the format MMDDYYYY

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.

[S_CT_TRM_X]ClassFirstDayDate or


When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X] O_SessionBeginDate




Session End Date

The date the class/section ended, in the format MMDDYYYY

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.

[S_CT_TRM_X]ClassLastDayDate or


When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X] O_SessionEndDate




Outcome/ Grade Status

An indicator to clarify the Outcome/Grade field that describes the circumstances under which the student exited from membership in a class section.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.




When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X] O_OutcomeStatus

Alpha numeric



Course Credits Earned

The number of Carnegie credits the student earned in the course, expressed as a number with 2 decimal places.


Set to 0.00 for Standards based grades or withdrawn courses.

Set to 0.00 for co-teachers




Number of Membership Sessions

The number of times the class met. If the [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_MembershipSessions field is empty then the value is derived from the number of times the class met between "ClassFirstDayDate" and "ClassLastDayDate" override fields from S_CT_TRM_X table, if available. Otherwise, these counts will be based on days between the Session Start Date and Session End Date.

[S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_MembershipSessions, if populated.







Number of Membership Sessions Attended

The number of membership sessions a student in the course attended.

[S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_SessionsAttended , if populated.


Calculated based on the school calendar, periods, section schedule, and daily attendance.

Note: If a course section meets for more than one period on the same day, the multiple periods are calculated as a single session for the day. Absence in any one of those periods is counted as an absence for that session.




Dual Enrollment Code

The code associated with the higher learning dual enrollment program for which the student is earning college credit.

For historical grade records with no associated section (SectionID=0), the report will pull from the StoredGrades extension table as specified in the [Table]FieldName column.


When [StoredGrades]SectionID= 0: [S_CT_SGR_TCS_X]O_DualEnrollPrgmCode

Alpha numeric




This field is not currently used.


Alpha numeric



End of Record Marker

X displays in this field.

Set to “X”

Alpha numeric


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