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Special Program Status Codes

Choose the Special Program Status code for this student from the following options.



00 or Blank

Does not apply to this student.


Use this code the following conditions apply to this student:

Attends a Vocational Agriculture Center in your district.

Receives academic instruction in your district.

Note: This status applies to Facility Code 1.


The student participates in the OPEN Choice Program.

Note: This status applies to Facility Code 1.


The student attends a state-approved full-time Magnet School Program.

Note: This status applies to Facility Code 1.


The student attends your school through an Inter District Cooperative Arrangement.

Note: This status applies to Facility Code 1.


The student pays tuition, comes from a district which does not maintain its own high school, and attends your school through a formal designated High School arrangement.

Note: This status applies to Facility Code 1.


The student attends the vocational Agriculture program at a Designated High School (i.e., the student meets the conditions of both codes 1 and 5).

Note: This status applies to Facility Code 1.


The student attends the Bristol Technical Education Center (Bristol Satellite).


The student is homebound and is being tutored at home or receiving other instructional services at the expense of your district.


The student is in a municipal detention center and is receiving instruction at the expense of your district.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an EIP or other special circumstances, and:

Attends a Vocational Agriculture Center in your district.

Receives academic instruction in your district.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and participates in the OPEN choice Program.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and attends a state-approved full-time Magnet School Program.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and attends your school through an Inter District Cooperative Arrangement.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and the student pays tuition, comes from a district which does not maintain its own high school, and attends your school through a formal Designated High School arrangement.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and attends the Vocational Agriculture program at a Designated High School.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and attends the Bristol Technical Education Center.


The student attends two facilities simultaneously in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances, and the student is homebound and is being tutored at home or receiving other instructional services at the expense of your district.


Reserved for future use.


The student is a truant student that meets the following conditions:

  • The student has not shown up at all since the start of the school year.
  • The student is known to be truant.
  • A formal truancy process is underway, in accordance with your district's local truancy policy.

This code is disabled for selection and appears as greyed out.


Reserved for future use.


Use if the student is outplaced for special education to another public school district (including RESC) in accordance with an IEP or other special circumstances; and is a participant in the OPEN Choice Program.


State Approved FT Magnet - Detention Center (Specific Districts Only) - To be used if the student was placed by court in a detention center and; is enrolled in a State-approved full-time Magnet School Program. Please see Appendix C (PSIS Reference Guide) for a list of State-approved Magnet Schools.

This code is limited to the following Reporting Districts: Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Danbury, East Hartford, Hartford, New Haven, New London, Norwalk, Stamford, Waterbury, Windham, CREC, CES, ACES, LEARN, and EASTCONN.


OPEN Choice - Detention Center - To be used if the student was placed by court in a detention center and; is a participant in the OPEN Choice Program. Refer to Appendix F (PSIS Reference Guide) for guidance regarding reporting of OPEN Choice students.

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