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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download from PowerSource.

For release dates, refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases

ReferenceSummaryRelease Note
PSSR-223692Common SCED Code Updates

The SCED code section of Course, Sections, and All Enrollments now contain the following:

  • SCED Code Classification System is added with options for Prior to Secondary and Secondary.
  • When Prior to Secondary is selected, the Grade Span field is editable.
  • When Secondary is selected, the Available Carnegie Unit Credit field is editable.
  • SCED Sequence of Course is displayed as 1 'of' 4, 2 'of' 5, and so on.
  • The complete SCED code information displays on the screen under the label SCED Completed Course Code.
PSSR-224637Discipline Log Updates

The following options are added to Discipline Logs:

  • Party Taking Action: 15 Guidance Counselor
  • Location of Incident: Other > 50 Accumulation of Sanctions ‐ No Location
  • Referring Party: 29 Other professional education staff

A new validation rule is added:

  • 1811 Racial slurs/hate crimes: Does not require a victim anymore. Do not need the 'The incident type or bullying indicator selected requires a victim to be reported.' validation anymore.
PSSR-220835Field Tracking

Additional Reference: PSSR-209050
The State/Province - CT page now displays icons beside all tracked fields. The icons indicate the changes made to the field. In addition, there is a new tab on the page that displays overall field changes for the selected student.

PSSR-216762Previous Values Tracking

Additional References: PSSR-201936, PSSR-218344, PSSR-216762, PSSR-20963, PSSR-209634, PSSR-205084
A new Previous Values tracking system is available that tracks changes to allow previous values to be updated from the PowerSchool user interface.

  • The records are consolidated into one record per day per student.
  • An icon is placed after the textbox or pop-up menu for each field being tracked.
  • The icon allows users to view/edit/create/delete the previous values.
  • There is, at maximum, a 10-second delay for the previous values to be captured/generated.
  • Data can be imported using the PowerSchool Data Import Manager.
PSSR-223695SASID Register/Unregister/Change Updates

The Register/Unregister/Change Status field is added to the Create a New School Enrollment page. When enrolling a student, the Register/Unregister/Change Status field is set to R by default and when transferring a student out of school, the field is set to U by default.

PSSR-225506SASID Testing Demographics Record Layout Report Update

The SASID Testing Demographics Record Layout report no longer references the old Audit tables of Eligible for Free/Reduced Price Meals and Recently Arrived English Learner (EL).

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