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Incident Import File Layout

When you submit the ED166 Disciplinary Offense Record extract, the state will return the file with state-assigned incident numbers entered in the State Incident Tracking Number field. After receiving this file, you can import the discipline incidents into PowerSchool.

Before importing the file, verify the following:

  • There is no header record in the import file.
  • There are no extraneous blank fields or blank padded fields in the import file.
  • The file format is comma-delimited and the extension is .txt.

Use the following table for creating the import file.

Column Header


Related PowerSchool Field

State Assigned Student ID (SASID)

The state-assigned student number.


Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.


Reporting District

The state-assigned reporting district.

[Prefs]Value (where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber)

Facility Code

The state-assigned facility/school code.



[Schools] Alternate_School_Number




Local Incident Number

The unique identifier assigned to the incident by the district.


Date of Incident

The date the incident occurred.


Time of Incident

The time the incident occurred.



Identify if this incident involves Bullying


Incident Type – part 1

The primary type of incident.


Incident Type – part 2

The secondary type of incident, if applicable.


Weapon Involvement

The weapon involved in the incident, if applicable.


Substance Involvement

The appropriate code if the discipline offense involved the suspicion, possession, or use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.


Victim – Other Student

Y if the student was a victim in the incident.


Victim – Certified Staff

Y if a certified staff member was a victim in the incident.


Victim – Substitute Teacher

Y if a substitute teacher was a victim in the incident.


Victim – Other Staff

Y if another staff member was a victim in the incident.


Victim – Non-School

Y if a non-school person was a victim in the incident.



Y if a student arrest was part of the incident.


Location of Incident

The location of the incident.


School Sponsored Activity

Y if the incident occurred at a school-sponsored activity.


Sanction Type (part 1)

The most severe type of sanction/discipline the student received for his/her offense.


Education Provided (part 1)

The type of education provided to the student involved in the incident.


Number of Days Sanctioned (part 1)

The number of days the student was suspended or expelled.


Number of Days Served (part 1)

The number of days the student served sentence.


Number of Days to Carryover (part 1)

The number of days sanctioned that the student carried over to the new school year.


Sanction Type (part 2)

The code for the most severe type of sanction/discipline the student received for their secondary offense.


Education Provided (part 2)

The code for the type of education the student received during their secondary out-of-school suspension or expulsion.


  1. of Days Sanctioned (part 2)

The number of partial/full days the student is assigned for their secondary offense.


  1. of Days Served (part 2)

The number of partial/full days the student served for this secondary offense.


  1. of Days Carryover (part 2)

The number of partial/full days the student will serve in the following school year.


Referring Party

The party that referred the student for discipline.


Party Taking Action

The party responsible for initiating the sanction.


Memo field

Additional details about the incident.


Incident Tracking Number (ITN)

The state-assigned incident number used to track the discipline incident.


District Student ID

The district-assigned student number.



The log ID assigned to the incident in PowerSchool.


End of Record Marker

An X marks the end of each record in the file.


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