Incident Import File Layout
When you submit the ED166 Disciplinary Offense Record extract, the state will return the file with state-assigned incident numbers entered in the State Incident Tracking Number field. After receiving this file, you can import the discipline incidents into PowerSchool.
Before importing the file, verify the following:
- There is no header record in the import file.
- There are no extraneous blank fields or blank padded fields in the import file.
- The file format is comma-delimited and the extension is .txt.
Use the following table for creating the import file.
Column Header | Definition | Related PowerSchool Field |
State Assigned Student ID (SASID) | The state-assigned student number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
Date of Birth | The student's date of birth. | [Students]DOB |
Reporting District | The state-assigned reporting district. | [Prefs]Value (where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber) |
Facility Code | The state-assigned facility/school code. | [S_CT_LOG_X]FacilityCodeOverride [Log]CT_Facility_Code_1 [Schools] Alternate_School_Number [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode1 [Students]SchoolID [Schools]School_Number |
Local Incident Number | The unique identifier assigned to the incident by the district. | [S_CT_LOG_X]LocalIncidentNumber |
Date of Incident | The date the incident occurred. | [S_CT_LOG_X]IncidentDate |
Time of Incident | The time the incident occurred. | [S_CT_LOG_X]IncidentTime |
Bullying | Identify if this incident involves Bullying | [S_CT_LOG_X]BullyingFlag |
Incident Type – part 1 | The primary type of incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]IncidentType1 |
Incident Type – part 2 | The secondary type of incident, if applicable. | [S_CT_LOG_X]IncidentType1 |
Weapon Involvement | The weapon involved in the incident, if applicable. | [S_CT_LOG_X]WeaponInvolvement |
Substance Involvement | The appropriate code if the discipline offense involved the suspicion, possession, or use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. | [S_CT_LOG_X]SubstanceInvolvement |
Victim – Other Student | Y if the student was a victim in the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]OtherStudentVictim |
Victim – Certified Staff | Y if a certified staff member was a victim in the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]CertifiedStaffVictim |
Victim – Substitute Teacher | Y if a substitute teacher was a victim in the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]SubstitueTeacherVictim |
Victim – Other Staff | Y if another staff member was a victim in the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]OtherStaffVictim |
Victim – Non-School | Y if a non-school person was a victim in the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]NonSchoolVictim |
Arrested | Y if a student arrest was part of the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]StudentArrested |
Location of Incident | The location of the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]OffenseLocation |
School Sponsored Activity | Y if the incident occurred at a school-sponsored activity. | [S_CT_LOG_X]SchoolSponsoredActivity |
Sanction Type (part 1) | The most severe type of sanction/discipline the student received for his/her offense. | [S_CT_LOG_X]SanctionType1 |
Education Provided (part 1) | The type of education provided to the student involved in the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]EducationProvided1 |
Number of Days Sanctioned (part 1) | The number of days the student was suspended or expelled. | [S_CT_LOG_X]DaysSanctioned1 |
Number of Days Served (part 1) | The number of days the student served sentence. | [S_CT_LOG_X]DaysServed1 |
Number of Days to Carryover (part 1) | The number of days sanctioned that the student carried over to the new school year. | [S_CT_LOG_X]DaysServedCarryover1 |
Sanction Type (part 2) | The code for the most severe type of sanction/discipline the student received for their secondary offense. | [S_CT_LOG_X]SanctionType2 |
Education Provided (part 2) | The code for the type of education the student received during their secondary out-of-school suspension or expulsion. | [S_CT_LOG_X]EducationProvided2 |
| The number of partial/full days the student is assigned for their secondary offense. | [S_CT_LOG_X]DaysSanctioned2 |
| The number of partial/full days the student served for this secondary offense. | [S_CT_LOG_X]DaysServed2 |
| The number of partial/full days the student will serve in the following school year. | [S_CT_LOG_X]DaysServedCarryover2 |
Referring Party | The party that referred the student for discipline. | [S_CT_LOG_X]ReferringParty |
Party Taking Action | The party responsible for initiating the sanction. | [S_CT_LOG_X]PartyTakingAction |
Memo field | Additional details about the incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]IncidentMemo |
Incident Tracking Number (ITN) | The state-assigned incident number used to track the discipline incident. | [S_CT_LOG_X]StateIncTrackNumber |
District Student ID | The district-assigned student number. | [Students]Student_Number |
Reserve | The log ID assigned to the incident in PowerSchool. | [Log]ID |
End of Record Marker | An X marks the end of each record in the file. | N/A |