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Fitness Dashboard (Teacher's Portal)


This feature will help teachers to know the status of the Fitness test of their students at a glance.

Selection Criteria

This screen displays the list of students assigned to the teacher for the selected section. Selection criteria determine which Test records to be displayed for the student. If no test data is present based on Report input, blank test data is displayed for the student.

Note: Teacher's Portal Manage Fitness Dashboard will now display student data with no fitness information even if the filter is provided.

Display of test data if a student has multiple records, is based on the following criteria:

  1. Test taken on first date.

  2. Filter by Grades 9-12

  3. For SR (Left and Right) → min score

Report Input



Select Schools

Dropdown containing the list of schools the teacher is assigned to take fitness test.


Indicate which Grade student to be included in the report:

Start and End Date

Date Range, default value - Selected year, School start and End Date

Report Output

Item #

Data Element




Student Details

Displays - "Student Name | DOB | Gender"

[Students]Last_Name, [Students]First_Name | [Students]State_StudentNumber | [Students]Gender


Current Grade

Displays Current grade of the student




Student Number

The student's district or locally assigned CT number



Test– Columns

Displays the list of tests as required by CPFA as column header

15 M Pacer (laps), 20 M Pacer (laps), Sit And Reach (inches), Curl Up (reps) , One Mile Run Walk (mm:ss), 90 deg Push up (reps)


Test Details - Rows

Details of the Tests for each students - "Test Date | Test Result | Score"

[Studenttest]Test_Date | [Studenttestscore]numscore | Studenttestscore]alphascore

Note: ! is added to the test details cell with Incorrect test type for age as on test date.

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