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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-246166Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) Updates

A new Learning Model by Grade screen is available at the district office. This data is used by the Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) report.

PSSR-246098Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) Report

The new Learning Model and Enrollment Data Collection (weekly) report is now available.

PSSR-245626SCED Code Updates

When creating multiple historical grades, you can add the SCED code information.

PSSR-248785Student Membership and Attendance (monthly) Extract Updates

Runtime performance has been improved for the Student Membership and Attendance (Monthly) extract.

PSSR-248784Student Membership and Attendance (monthly) Extract Updates

The Student Membership and Attendance (Monthly) extract will no longer report negative values for attendance.

PSSR-201109Student Membership and Attendance (monthly) Extract Updates

The format of the Student Membership and Attendance (monthly) extract is now in the exact format provided by the state.

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