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Import Academic and Career Plan Programs and Credentials


The Academic and Career Plan feature helps you generate the Student Achievement Report. The Academic and Career Historic Data Import is now available to import the student Historical data in the Academic and Career Plan.


  1. Ensure District Setup → Academic and Career Plan Setup is complete.

  2. Ensure data is updated for all fields in the attached templates CareerPlan Credentials.csv and CareerPlan programs.csv

  3. Date format has to be in mm/dd/yyyy format only.

  4. IsLocked and Passed should be updated as “Y” or “N“ ( case sensitive)

  5. A maximum of 10000 records can be imported at once per file.

  6. The import file name must contain the keywords "Credentials" and "Programs" respectively. The file format should be .csv.

  7. Enable file downloads in browser settings before importing.

  8. To extract the zip file user has to use 7-Zip software only.

Run the Import

Navigation: District Management → Compliance → Data Import System.

  1. Select the import files for Credential and Programs.

  2. Click Submit.

Output and Errors

View imported records and errors:

  1. For successfully imported records.

    1. Credential records are not editable if flagged as Is Locked.

    2. Credential records Site data is mapped to Locality Other Location.

  2. Error files ( is available in Downloads.

List of Error Messages in Credential and Program error files and their interpretations.

Error Message



Record inserted successfully.


Record inserted successfully.

Please check required fields are updated.

Blank fields values.

Ignores current record and moves to next

Invalid Entry with <field names>

Incorrect reference ID. Not present in master tables

Ignores current record and moves to next

Error while inserting other records into database.

Database issue or last field column is blank.

Stops processing.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.