Field History Tracking
About Field History Tracking
A security setting is now available in Group Security that allows you to edit field tracking records.
Editing Historical Records
Historical records are created automatically each time a new value is entered into a historically tracked field and the page is submitted. To view/edit a historical record, click the black box icon that appears next to the field. A pop-up window appears containing a table with the following information:
Table Column | Description |
Effective Date | The starting date that the field value was effective. This value can be changed by clicking the Edit icon in the Action column. |
Value | The field value that was effective from the Effective Date until the next record was created. This value can be changed by clicking the Edit icon in the Action column. |
User (who modified) | The user who modified the historical record. This field automatically updates when the record is created or edited. |
Date Submitted (when modified) | The date and time the record was updated. This field automatically updates when the record is created or edited. |
Action | Click the pencil icon to edit the Effective Date and/or Value. Click the trash icon to delete the historical record. |
Note: Only one new historical record can be automatically created per day. For example, if a student's Homeless code is changed from 00 to 01, PowerSchool automatically creates a historical record detailing the code change that took place on that day. If, on the same day, the user changes the code from 01 to 02, PowerSchool changes the record that was automatically created. Instead of adding a new record, the same record displays the change from 00 to 02, rather than creating a second record. If, however, the change from 01 to 02 is made on a DIFFERENT day from the original change of 00 to 01, PowerSchool creates a new historical record, displaying both changes as different records for different days.
Adding a New Historical Record
To add a new historical record directly from the UI page:
- Click the black box icon that appears next to the field. The Field Tracking History: [Field Name] pop-up window appears.
- At the top of the pop-up window, click the Add New Records button. The Add New Records pop-up window appears.
- Enter an Effective Date for the new record.
- If different from the originally selected field, choose a field name.
Note: This field automatically populates with the field that was originally selected. - Enter a value for the new record.
- Click the plus icon (+) to save the new record.
Editing Historical Records from Field Tracking Page
The Field Tracking page allows you view, edit, and add multiple historical records at once. Note that changes to current records must be made in the original UI page. The Field Tracking page only allows you to modify or add past historical records. To update a current field value, navigate to the original page where the field appears.
When the PowerSchool update containing historical tracking is implemented, PowerSchool automatically creates the first historical record for all historically tracked fields based on the information present in the UI. This appears as the first record on the Field Tracking page. All historically tracked fields display on the initial record. All records created after the initial record contain only the fields that have been updated.
To edit a field:
Navigate to Student Selection > State/Province - CT > Field Tracking to view the page. The Field Tracking page contains a basic filter that allows you to search by field, Effective Date, User, or Date Submitted. It also contains a table with the following information that can be viewed or edited:
Table Column | Description |
Effective Date | The starting date that the applicable field values were effective. |
User | The user who modified the historical record. This field automatically updates when the record is created or edited. |
Date Submitted | The date and time the record was updated. This field automatically updates when the record is created or edited. |
Field(s) | The field names and field values that were effective from the Effective Date until the next record was created. This value can be changed by clicking the Edit button in the Action column. |
Actions | To edit a historical record:
Click the Delete button to delete the historical record. Note that this deletes all records for that effective date. To delete a single record, navigate to the UI where that field appears and delete the record from there. |
Adding New Historical Records
To add new historical records:
- Click Add. The Add History Records pop-up window appears.
- Enter an Effective Date for the historical record.
- Select the fields to add history records from the multi-select list.
- Click Show selected to display the fields for editing.
- Enter/edit the historical values for each of the selected fields
- Save the changes.
Historically Tracked Field List
The following table indicates all fields that are historically tracked. For more detailed information on these fields, see Student Setup and CRDC Student Setup.
Data Element | [Table]Field Name | Related Report(s) |
Student > State/Province - CT > General | ||
Exclude from State Reporting | [Students] State_ExcludeFromReporting | |
State Assigned Student ID | [Students]State_StudentNumber | |
Resident Town | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]ResidentTown | PSIS/SASID |
Date of Entry to US | ||
Native Language | [Students]PrimaryLanguage | |
Facility Code 1 | [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode1 | PSIS/SASID CRDC |
Facility Code 2 | [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode2 | PSIS/SASID |
Enrolled at No Local Expense Code | [S_CT_STU_X]EnrollNoLocalExpense | PSIS |
Special Program Status Code | [S_CT_STU_X]SpecialProgramStatusCode | PSIS/SASID |
Migrant | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]Migrant | PSIS/SASID |
Homeless | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]Homeless | PSIS/SASID |
Un-accompanied Youth | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]UnaccompinedYouth | PSIS/SASID |
Student > State/Province - CT > SASID Register/Unregister/Change | ||
Register/Unregister/Change flag | [S_CT_STU_X]SASIDChangeRegUnReg | |
Student > State/Province - CT > Confidential | ||
State Override Gender | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]BirthGender | |
State Override Last Name | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]BirthLastName | |
State Override First Name | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]BirthFirstName | |
State Override Middle Name | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] BirthMiddleName | |
Student > State/Province - CT > Nexus | ||
Nexus District | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]NexusDistrict | PSIS/SASID |
Special Education | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]SpecialEducation | PSIS/SASID CRDC |
Student Designation | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]StudentDisabilityDisignation | PSIS/SASID |
Nexus District Entry Date | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]NexusEntryDate | PSIS/SASID |
Nexus District Exit Date | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]NexusExitDate | PSIS/SASID |
Student > State/Province - CT > PreK/Kdg | ||
Pre-K Program Status Code | [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X]PreKProgramCode | PSIS/SASID |
Length of PreK Program Day in Hours | [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X]PreKHoursPerDay | PSIS/SASID |
Number of PreK Program Days Per Year | [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X]PreKDaysPerYear | PSIS/SASID |
Student > State/Province - CT > Title I | ||
Title I Student | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X]TitleIStudent | PSIS/SASID |
Instructional and Support Services | [S_CT_STU_X]InstructionalSuppServices | PSIS/SASID |
Student > State Province - CT > ELL | ||
English Learner | [S_CT_STU_Language_X]ELLIndicator | PSIS/SASID CRDC |
EL Program Code | [S_CT_STU_Language_X]ELLCode | PSIS/SASID |
Date of Mastery | [S_CT_STU_Language_X]ELLDateOfMastery | |
Student > State Province - CT > NTC | ||
Graduation Date | [S_CT_STU_X]GraduationDate | |
Student > State/Province - CT > CRDC | ||
Exclude from CRDC | [S_STU_CRDC_X]ExcludeFromCRDC_TF | |
HS Equivalency Exam Prep Program | [S_STU_CRDC_X]GEDPrepProgram_YN | CRDC |
HS Equivalency Exam Prep Program Credential | [S_STU_CRDC_X]GEDPrepProgramCred_YN | CRDC |
Section 504 | [S_STU_CRDC_X]Section504_YN | CRDC Future PSIS/SASID |
Credit Recovery Program | [S_STU_CRDC_X]CreditRecovery_YN | CRDC |
IB Program | [S_STU_CRDC_X]IBDiplomaProgram_YN | CRDC |
AP Exams Taken | [S_STU_CRDC_X]APExam | CRDC |
AP Exams Passed | [S_STU_CRDC_X]APExamPassed | CRDC |
Transfer to Alternative School | [S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]TransferAltSch_TF | CRDC |
Harassed/Bullied on Basis of Sex | [S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]Harass_Sex_TF | CRDC |
Harassed/Bullied on Basis of Race, Color, National Origin | [S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]Harass_Race_TF | CRDC |
Harassed/Bullied on Basis of Disability | [S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]Harass_Disability_TF | CRDC |
Harassed/Bullied on Basis of Sexual Orientation | [S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]Harass_Orientation_TF | CRDC |
Harassed/Bullied on Basis of Religion | [S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]Harass_Religion_TF | CRDC |
DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a student enrolled in any distance education courses? | [S_STU_CRDC_X]DistanceLearning_YN [S_CT_REN_CRDC_X]DistanceLearning_YN | |
HSEE-2. Does this student participate in a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program (for ages 16-19) operated by this LEA? | [S_STU_CRDC_X]GEDPrepProgram_YN [S_CT_REN_CRDC_X]GEDPrepProgram_YN |