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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235224End-of-Year Process Updates

When running the End of Year process, the Register/Unregister/Change Status field is set automatically to the proper value for a student.

  • When a student's grade level or school changes, the field is set to C.
  • When a student's grade level and school remain the same, the field is set to blank.
  • When a student graduates, the field is set to U.
PSSR-223674SASID Register/Unregister/Change Report Updates

The SASID Change report now returns Exit Code 01 from a student's prior enrollment record when their current Facility 1 Code differs from the Facility 1 Code on the prior enrollment record.

PSSR-227621SASID Register/Unregister/Change Updates

The Transfer Student Out page will now automatically display the SASID Register/Unregister/Change field to "Temporary exit/withdrawal (U)."

PSSR-219319Teacher Course Student (TCS) Updates

A new field "Summer Grade" is added to the Edit and New Stored Grade pages.

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