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CRDC Student ReEnrollment Record Correlation Extract


This Extract produces student data to correlate current CRDC records with the target student ReEnrollment extension fields. The extracted CRDC data can be mass modified and imported to the ReEnrollment extension tables using Data Import Manager. 

Student’s ReEnrollment DCID found in the extract for the specific reporting period should be used for mapping to correlate the student records when importing the data to the ReEnrollment extension tables. Student DCID found in the extract should be used for mapping to import ‘Exclude Student from CRDC’ value.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which records are used in the extract. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the extract does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The extract selects Student records based on the following criteria:

  • The student must have a ReEnrollment record for selected reporting period.
  • If the Student does not have a ReEnrollment record for the reporting period, the record is not included to the extract.
  • Setup the Count Date parameter for the specific reporting period to return the student’s ReEnrollment record.

Extract Logic

The extract selects Student CRDC-related records according to the following logic:

  • First the data will be selected from ReEnrollment extension fields value (historical data), if it is not blank (null).
  • If the ReEnrollment extension fields are blank (null), the values from the Student extension equivalent fields (current data) will be selected.
  • If  Student extension field value is blank (null), then the extract will return a null value.

Student Data Entry Reference

Refer to the following pages in PowerSchool UI to enter the student CRDC-related data

  • Curent CRDC-related student data is primarily entered on the following pages:

State/province -CT > Connecticut State Information page
State/province -CT > Connecticut State Information > Civil Right Data Collection page
State/province -CT > Confidential Information

  • Historical CRDC-related student data is primarily entered on the following pages:

Transfer Info > Previous Enrollment > Connecticut State Information section
Transfer Info > Previous Enrollment > Civil Right Data Collection section

Extract Input

To generate the Student ReEnrollment CRDC Record Correlation Extract, do the following:

  1. On the Start Page, click System Reports. The Reports page appears. 

  2. Click the State tab. The State Reports page appears. 

  3. Click Student ReEnrollment CRDC Record Correlation Extract. The Student ReEnrollment CRDC Record Correlation Extract page appears. 

  4. Enter information in all of the required fields. 

    Note: Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Select All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Clear All. 

  5. Click Submit to generate the extract. 



Select Schools

Choose one of the following radio buttons:

At District level

  • Select Multiple Schools -  Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on associated with all schools that meet the selection criteria. 

At School level

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on associated with all schools that meet the selection criteria. 

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection. 

  • ·All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria. 

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. 

Count Date

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy in order to run the extract on a specific day.

Note: Count Date parameter should be set for specific reporting period to return existing student’s ReEnrolment record(s).

For example, for CRDC 2015-2016 reportting period, enter 10/01/2015.

Extract Output

Extract output is produced in csv format.  Items 1 through 13 of the output contain the information about student’s demographics, current and previous enrollment. Items 14 through 37 contain the information about student’s CRDC-related data.  Each of the fields displayed in the extract output are described below.

Note: The extract selects Student CRDC-related records according to the following logic:

  • First the data will be selected from ReEnrollment extension fields (historical data,) if it is not blank (null).
  • If the ReEnrollment extension fields are blank (null), the values from the Student extension equivalent fields (current data) will be selected.
  • If Student extension field value is blank (null), then the extract will return a null value.

Item #

Column Name




Student Name

The student’s last and first names.



Student ID

The student’s ID.



Student DCID

The student’s DCID, unique identifier.



Student Number

The student’s district or locally ssigned student number.



ReEnrollment ID

ReEnrollment ID, unique identifier.



ReEnrollment DCID

 ReEnrollment DCID, unique identifier.



ReEnrollment School ID

The number of the school the student was previously enrolled.



ReEnrollment School Name

The name of the school where the student was previously enrolled



ReEnrollment Entry Date

The revious school enrollment entry date.



ReEnrollment Exit Date

The previous school enrollment exit date.



ReEnrollment Grade Level

The grade level the student was in for this enrollment.



Current School ID

The number of the school student is currently enrolled.



Current School Name

The name of current school



Special Education (IDEA)

Indicates whether or not this student served under Special Education Program.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘N’ – Student did not served
  • ‘Y’ -   Student served




Section 504

Indicates whether or not this student served under Section 504.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student did not served
  • 1 -   Student served





Indicates whether or not this student classified as English Learner.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘N’ – Student not classified
  • ‘Y’ -   Student classified




ELL Program Codes

Indicates the type of ELL Program this student is participating.

Values in the extract:

See Appendix for the ELL Program codes





Indicates whether the Gifted and Talented program code applies to this student.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘01’  - Not Gifted, not  Talented
  • ‘03’ -   Gifted served
  • ‘05’ – Talented served
  • ‘07’ - Gifted served, Talented served
  • ‘08’ - Gifted identified, Talented served
  • ‘09’ - Gifted served, Talented identified




IB Diploma Program

Indicates whether or not this student enrolled in an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘N’ – Student not enrolled
  • ‘Y’ -   Student enrolled




Harassed - Sex

Indicates whether or not this student was a victim of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex or gender.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student was not a victim of harassment
  • 1 -   Student was a victim of harassment




Harassed – Race/Color/National Origin

Indicates whether or not this student was a victim of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color or national origin.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student was not a victim of harassment
  • 1-   Student was a victim of harassment




Harassed - Disability

Indicates whether or not this student was a victim of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student was not a victim of harassment
  • 1 -  Student was a victim of harassment




Harassed - Orientation

Indicates whether or not this student was a victim of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student was not a victim of harassment
  • 1 -  Student was a victim of harassment




Harassed - Religion

Indicates whether or not this student was a victim of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student was not a victim of harassment
  • 1 -  Student was a victim of harassment




Attempted ACT

Indicates whether the student took the ACT test.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘Y’  - Student took the test
  • ‘N’ - Student did not take the test




Attempted SAT

Indicates whether the student took the SAT test.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘Y’  - Student took the test
  •  ‘N’ - Student did not take the test




AP Exams Taken

Indicates whether the student took one or more AP exams for all AP courses enrolled in.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘A’  - Student took all the exams
  • ‘S’ - Student took some of the exams
  • ‘N’ - Student took none of the exams




AP Exam Passed

Indicates whether the student passed one or more AP exams.

Values in the extract:

  • ‘A’  - Student passed all the exams taken
  • ‘S’ - Student passed some of the exams taken
  • ‘N’ - Student passed none of the exams taken




HSE (GED) Prep Program

Indicates whether or not this student enrolled in a General Education Diploma Program (High School Equivalency).

Values in the extract:

  • N – Student not enrolled
  • Y -   Student enrolled




HSE (GED) Prep Program Credits

Indicates whether or not this student received credit while enrolled in a General Education Diploma Program (High School Equivalency).

Values in the extract:

  • N – Student did not received credit
  • Y -   Student received credit




Facility Code 1

The Facility Code associated with the school enrollment.




Facility Code 2

The Facility Code associated with the school enrollment for a student who attends two facilities.




Distance Learning

Indicates whether or not this student enrolled in Distance Education courses.

Values in the extract:

  • N – Student not enrolled
  • Y -   Student enrolled




Credit Recovery

Indicates whether or not this student enrolled in a Credit Recovery program.

Values in the extract:

  • N – Student not enrolled
  • Y -   Student enrolled




Transfer to Alternate School

Indicates whether or not this student transferred to an alternate school.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student not transferred
  • 1 -   Student transfered


[S_CT_STU_CRDC_X]TransferAltSch _TF


Exclude form State Reporting

Indicates whether or not student is excluded form State Reporting.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student included
  • 1 -   Student excluded



Exclude from CRDC

Indicates whether or not student is excluded form CRDC Reports.

Values in the extract:

  • 0 – Student included
  • 1 -   Student excluded


Importing Student Data Using Data Import Manager

Use the following steps to import the student data using Data Import Manager.

  1. Modifying the data in the Extract
    • Modify the extract file using Excel or other tool that supports csv format.
    • Verify that the field format for values that start with ‘0’,  like Gifted/Talented, is set to “text” in Excel. Excel translates "01" to a numeric 1, and if the value is changed to 2, it will stay numeric and thus update the file with "2" instead of "02", which will not match the expected codes. To format the cell in the Excel, right-click a cell or column and then pick Format Cells, select text.
    • Save the extract file in csv format.

2. Import the files using Data Import Manager

    1. At the District level, navigate to System > Data Management > Page and Data Management link > Data Import > Data Import Manager.
      At the District level navigate to Special Functions > Importing and Exporting > Data Import Manager.
    2. Click Choose File and select the file to import the data from.
    3. In the Import Into popup, select the table to import the data into.
      Note: Only one table can be updated  at a time.
    4. In the Field Delimiter dropdown, select Commaoption.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Use the dropdown options to map the columns needed to import the data from the extract to the corresponding ReEnrollment extension tables and fields.
    7. Use ReEnrollment DCID to map CRDC-related fields.
    8. Use Student DCID to map ‘Exclude Student from CRDC’ field.
    9. Under Select Options, select radio button Update existing record.
    10. Click Import.

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