Public School Information System (PSIS) Report - Legacy
Report Description
The Public School Information System (PSIS) was developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) in 2002 to comply with federal law H.R.1, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which requires the need for student-based data. PSIS also provides a statewide individual student identification database.
This report can be run at the school or district level.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] table based on the following criteria:
- The student must be in the current selection or enrolled in a school included in the selected value for the Use parameter.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student must have a school enrollment record that starts on or before and ends after the selected enrollment level date (chosen at report run time as a report parameter – either report start date or report end date).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Use | If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running a report. |
Processing Options | Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:
Specific Date/Time | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry. Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute. Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10:05 AM. |
Display Header? | Choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu to determine whether to display header fields in the extract. Headers display the name of each data element for each record extracted. Use headers for troubleshooting purposes. |
Extract Format? | Choose whether to extract the records in comma-delimited format for troubleshooting purposes or in positional format for submission to the state. |
Which date to use for determining enrollment level values? | Choose whether to use the Start Date or End Date to select students from [Students] and [Reenrollments], based on matching enrollment dates, for the report. This parameter controls which students appear on the report based on the enrollment entry and exit dates bounding either the report start date or the report end date. For example, if you selectreportStart Date, the student must have an enrollment record that started on or before the Start Date and that ended after the Start Date. |
Start Date | Enter the start date for the report date range. |
End Date | Enter the end date for the report date range. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. For more information about the report output from the state Department of Education, see
See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Begin / End Position |
1 | State Assigned Student ID (SASID) | The student’s state-assigned student ID number. | [Students] State_StudentNumber [Students] CT_State_Student_ID | Numeric | 10 | 1–10 |
2 | Reporting District | The three-digit code for the reporting school district. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 11–13 |
3 | Nexus District | The district legally responsible to pay for a special education student. | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X] NexusDistrict [S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_NEXUSDISTRICT [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_NEXUSDISTRICT | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 14–16 |
4 | Resident Town | The resident town that is fiscally responsible for this student, if the resident town is different from the reporting district. If the resident town and reporting district are the same, then this field should be blank. This applies to students who attend your school at the expense of another town. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] ResidentTown [S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_ResidentTown [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_ResidentTown | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 17–19 |
5 | Facility Code 1 | The school attended by the student; or, if the student changes schools, the new school the student will attend. | [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode1 [S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_FACILITYCODE1 [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_FACILITYCODE1 | Alpha-numeric | 7 | 20–26 |
6 | Facility Code 2 | For a student who attends two facilities, enter the second school attended by that student. You must enter this field if one of the following is true:
| [S_CT_STU_X]FacilityCode2 [S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_FACILITYCODE2 [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_FACILITYCODE2 | Alpha-numeric | 7 | 27–33 |
7 | Formal Last Name | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 35 | 34–68 |
8 | Formal First Name | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 69–88 |
9 | Formal Middle Name | The student’s middle name or initial. | [Students]Middle_Name | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 89–108 |
10 | Generation Suffix | The student’s name suffix, if applicable. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] GenerationSuffix | Alpha-numeric | 4 | 109–112 |
11 | Date of Birth | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB | Alpha-numeric | 8 | 113–120 |
12 | Grade Code | The student’s grade level as of the reporting period. If a value is entered for the Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten-Grade Code, then that value is reported. Otherwise, the Grade Level value is reported. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X] PreKKGGradeCode [S_CT_REN_X]PK_KGGrade | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 121–122 |
13 | Dominant Language Code | The student’s primary language. | [Students]primarylanguage | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 123–125 |
14 | English Learner (EL) | Indicates (Y/N) if the student qualifies as an English Learner. | [S_CT_STU_Language_X] ELLIndicator S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_ELLINDICATOR [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_ELLINDICATOR | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 126 |
15 | EL Program Code | The English Learner Program for which this student qualifies. | [S_CT_STU_Language_X] ELLCode S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_ELLCODE [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_ELLCODE | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 127–128 |
16 | Special Education | Indicates (Y/N) for any student who has an active Individual Education Program (IEP) and receives special education instruction in the reporting period. If there is no field tracking history with changes to Special Education current value for Special Education is shown in the report [S_CT_STU_SPED_X]SpecialEducation. If there are history tracking records previous to the end date of the reporting period with changes to Special Education, the value shown for Special Education is taken from the NEW value of the historical record whose transaction date is closer to reporting period end date [S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_SSpecialEducation. If all history tracking records with changes to Special Education are after the reporting period end date the value shown for Special Education is taken from the OLD value of the historical record whose transaction date is closer to reporting period end date [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_SpecialEducation. | [S_CT_STU_SPED_X] SpecialEducation [S_CT_STU_HT_C]N_SpecialEducation [S_CT_STU_HT_C]O_SpecialEducation | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 129 |
17 | Eligible for free/reduced-price meals | Indicates (Y/N) if the student is eligible for free/reduced meals. | [Students]lunchstatus | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 130 |
18 | Enrolled at No Local Expense Code | Indicates if the student is enrolled in the school at no local expense. If 00 displays or this field is blank, the student receives some local funding. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_CT_STU_X] EnrollNoLocalExpense | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 131–132 |
19 | Special Program Status Code | The special program in which this student participates. | [S_CT_STU_X] SpecialProgramStatusCode | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 133–134 |
20 | PreK Program Status Code | If the student is enrolled in a pre-kindergarten program, this is the student’s specific program or combination of programs. Note: If the ‘PreK Program Status Code’ on the student’s PreK/Kdg tab is set to ‘Not Pre-Kindergarten’, which is stored as a blank, it will default and output the code set in the field ‘Default Value of PreK Program Status Code’ in the school record associated with the student. | [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X] PreKProgramCode | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 135–136 |
21 | Length of PreK Program Day in Hours | If the student is enrolled in a pre-kindergarten program, this is the amount of time the student spends in that program. Values are rounded to the nearest 15-minute increment. If a value is entered for the student in the “Length of PreK Program Day in Hours” field (State/Province – CT page), then that value is extracted. Otherwise, the default value for the school is extracted from the Schools/School Info page. | [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X] PreKHoursPerDay [S_CT_SCH_X] PreKHoursPerDay | Alpha-numeric | 5 | 137–141 |
22 | Number of PreK Program Days per Year | If the student is enrolled in a pre-kindergarten program, this is the number of days per school year that the student spends in the program. If a value is entered for the student in the “Number of PreK Days per Year” field (State/Province – CT page), then that value is extracted. Otherwise, the default value for the school is extracted from the Schools/School Info page. | [S_CT_STU_PreKKG_X] PreKDaysPerYear [S_CT_SCH_X] PreKDaysPerYear | Alpha-numeric | 3 | 142–144 |
23 | District Student ID | The student’s district or locally assigned ID number. | [Students]Student_Number | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 145–164 |
24 | Group Name | This optional field is typically used to pass on to Harcourt for sorting of CMT labels. | [S_CT_STU_X]GroupName | Alpha-numeric | 20 | 165–184 |
25 | Group code | This optional field is typically used to pass on to Harcourt for sorting of CMT labels. | [S_CT_STU_X]GroupCode | Alpha-numeric | 10 | 185–194 |
26 | Migrant | A value of “Y” is reported if the student qualifies as a migrant student. The student must be from a family that is identified as having moved within the past 36 months across state or district boundaries to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture, fishing, or related food processing activities. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] Migrant | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 195 |
27 | Gifted and Talented | The Gifted and Talented code applicable for the student. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] GiftedTalented | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 196–197 |
28 | Homeless | Indicates if the student is homeless. If this field equals 00 or is blank, then the student is not homeless. | [S_CT_STU_Demographics_X] Homeless | Alpha-numeric | 2 | 198–199 |
29 | Number of Days of Membership | The number of instructional days that the student is enrolled in the school during the current school year. Membership days begin accruing on the student’s first date of enrollment for the current school year and end with the report end date. | [Students]CT_Mem_Days or calculated based on: [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Numeric | 3 | 200–202 |
30 | Number of Days in Attendance | The number of instructional days that the student was present at the school during the current school year. Attendance days are reported in whole numbers and must be equal to or less than the student’s membership days. | [Students]CT_Atten_Days or calculated based on: [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate [Attendance]StudentID [Attendance]Att_Date | Numeric | 3 | 203–205 |
31 | End of Record Marker | Denotes the end of a record. | Always “X” | Alpha-numeric | 1 | 206 |