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WA10 Subject Area-Course Code

Choose the appropriate secondary school code for the staff member from the NCES Code list.

Note: If a code is not entered, 000 is extracted.



00000Not Applicable
01001English/Language Arts I (9th grade)
01002English/Language Arts II (10th grade)
01003English/Language Arts III (11th grade)
01004English/Language Arts IV (12th grade)
01005AP English Language and Composition
01006AP English Literature and Composition
01007IB Language A (English)
01008English as a Second Language
01009Language Arts Laboratory
01013AP Seminar: English
01051English/Literature (freshmen and sophomores)
01052English/Literature (juniors and seniors)
01054American Literature
01055American Literature/History
01056British Literature
01057British Literature/History
01058World Literature
01059Biblical Literature
01060Literature of an Author
01061Literature of a Genre
01062Literature of a Period
01063Literature of a Place
01064Literature of a People
01065Literature of a Theme
01066Strategic Reading
01067Assisted Reading
01068Corrective Reading
01097Literature—Independent Study
01098Literature—Workplace Experience
01101English/Composition (freshmen and sophomores)
01102English/Composition (juniors and seniors)
01104Creative Writing
01105Research/Technical Writing
01147Composition—Independent Study
01148Composition—Workplace Experience
01151Public Speaking
01154Forensics—Individual Event
01156Applied English and Communications
01197Speech—Independent Study
01198Speech—Workplace Experience
01201English Morphology and Grammar
01202History of the English Language
01203English—SAT Preparation
01992English Proficiency Development
01995English Language and Literature—Aide
01997English Language and Literature—Independent Study
01998English Language and Literature—Workplace Experience
01999English Language and Literature—Other
02001Informal Mathematics
02002General Math
02003Particular Topics in Foundation Math
02047Foundation Math—Independent Study
02049Foundation Math—Other
02052Algebra I
02053Algebra I—Part 1
02054Algebra I—Part 2
02055Pre-Algebra II
02056Algebra II
02057Algebra III
02058Particular Topics in Algebra
02061Integrated Math—multi-year equivalent
02067Algebra II + Data
02068Integrated Mathematics III + Data
02071Informal Geometry
02073Analytic Geometry
02074Principles of Algebra and Geometry
02075Particular Topics in Geometry
02101Number Theory
02102Discrete Mathematics
02104Math Analysis
02105Trigonometry/Math Analysis
02107Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry
02108Math Analysis/Analytic Geometry
02109Elementary Functions
02111Linear Algebra
02112Linear Programming
02113Abstract Algebra
02114AP Pre-Calculus
02122Multivariate Calculus
02123Differential Calculus
02124AP Calculus AB
02125AP Calculus BC
02126Particular Topics in Calculus
02131IB Mathematical Studies
02132IB Mathematics
02133IB Mathematics and Computing—SL
02134IB Further Mathematics—SL
02141Particular Topics in Analytic Mathematics
02148Advanced Quantitative Reasoning
02149Pure Mathematics—Other
02151General Applied Math
02152Occupationally Applied Math
02153Technical Math
02154Business Math
02155Business Math with Algebra 
02156Computer Math with Algebra
02157Consumer Math
02158Particular Topics in Applied Math
02201Probability and Statistics
02202Inferential Probability and Statistics
02203AP Statistics
02204Particular Topics in Probability and Statistics
02207Probability and Statistics—Independent Study
02209Probability and Statistics—Other
02991History of Math
02993Mathematics—Test preparation
02994Mathematics Proficiency Development
02997Mathematics—Independent Study
02998Mathematics—Workplace Experience
03001Earth Science
03003Environmental Science
03005Marine Science
03006AP Environmental Science
03008Physical Geography
03009Earth and Space Science
03047Earth Science—Independent Study
03048Earth Science—Workplace Experience
03049Earth Science—Other
03052Biology—Advanced Studies
03053Anatomy and Physiology
03056AP Biology
03057IB Biology
03062Conceptual Biology
03063Particular Topics in Biology
03066PLTW Principles of Biomedical Science
03067PLTW Human Body Systems 
03068PLTW Medical Interventions
03070PLTW Biomedical Innovation
03097Biology—Independent Study
03098Biology—Workplace Experience
03102Chemistry—Advanced Studies
03103Organic Chemistry
03104Physical Chemistry
03105Conceptual Chemistry
03106AP Chemistry
03107IB Chemistry
03108Particular Topics in Chemistry
03147Chemistry—Independent Study
03148Chemistry—Workplace Experience
03152Physics—Advanced Studies
03153Principles of Technology
03154Particular Topics in Physics
03157IB Physics
03159Physical Science
03160IB Physical Science
03161Conceptual Physics
03163AP Physics C—Electricity and Magnetism
03164AP Physics C—Mechanics
03165AP Physics 1
03166AP Physics 2
03197Physics—Independent Study
03198Physics—Workplace Experience
03201Integrated Science
03202Unified Science
03203Applied Biology/Chemistry
03204Science Technology/Engineering
03205Origins of Science
03206IB Design Technology
03209Science, Technology, and Society
03210Technical Science
03211Scientific Research and Design 
03995Life and Physical Sciences—Aide
03997Life and Physical Sciences—Independent Study
03998Life and Physical Sciences—Workplace Experience
03999Life and Physical Sciences—Other
04001World Geography
04002Particular Topics in Geography
04003IB Geography
04004AP Human Geography
04047Geography—Independent Study
04048Geography—Workplace Experience
04051World History—Overview
04052World History and Geography
04053Modern World History
04054IB History
04055Modern European History
04056AP European History
04057AP World History
04058Ancient Civilizations
04059Medieval European History
04060Ancient and Medieval History
04061World Area Studies
04062World People Studies
04063Western Civilization
04064Contemporary World Issues
04065Particular Topics in World History
04066IB Islamic History
04097World History—Independent Study
04098World History—Workplace Experience
04099World History—Other
04101U.S. History—Comprehensive
04102Early U.S. History
04103Modern U.S. History
04104AP U.S. History
04105State-Specific Studies
04106Contemporary U.S. Issues
04107U.S. Ethnic Studies
04108U.S. Gender Studies
04109Particular Topics in U.S. History
04146AP African American Studies (only applies to districts that are piloting this course in 2023-24)
04147U.S. History—Independent Study
04148U.S. History—Workplace Experience
04149U.S. History—Other
04151U.S. Government—Comprehensive
04152Particular Topics in U.S. Government
04153Political Science
04154Comparative Government
04155International Relations
04156United States and World Affairs
04157AP U.S. Government and Politics
04158AP Comparative Government and Politics
04160Principles of Democracy
04162Law Studies
04163Consumer Law
04164Business Law
04165Legal System
04166Particular Topics in Law
04170Civics + Data
04197Government, Politics, and Law—Independent Study
04198Government, Politics, and Law—Workplace Experience
04199Government, Politics, and Law—Other
04202Comparative Economics
04203AP Microeconomics
04204AP Macroeconomics
04206IB Economics
04207Particular Topics in Economics
04247Economics—Independent Study
04248Economics—Workplace Experience
04252Particular Topics in Anthropology
04253IB Social Anthropology
04255Particular Topics in Psychology
04256AP Psychology
04257IB Psychology
04259Particular Topics in Sociology
04260Social Science
04261Social Science Research
04262IB Organization Studies
04297Social Sciences—Independent Study
04298Social Sciences—Workplace Experience
04299Social Sciences—Other
04301Humanities Survey
04303Issues of Western Humanities
04304IB Theory of Knowledge
04305Social Studies
04307Particular Topics in Philosophy
04308Modern Intellectual History
04309IB Philosophy
04310Particular Topics in Humanities
04347Humanities—Independent Study
04348Humanities—Workplace Experience
04994Social Sciences and History—Proficiency Development
04995Social Sciences and History—Aide
04997Social Sciences and History—Independent Study
04998Social Sciences and History—Workplace Experience
04999Social Sciences and History—Other
05001Dance Technique
05002Dance Repertory
05003Expressive Movement
05004Dance Appreciation
05006Dance Survey
05007Dance Improvisation
05008World/Cultural Dance
05009Technical Theater for Dance
05010Social Dance
05011Dance Composition/Composition Seminar
05012IB Dance
05047Dance—Independent Study
05048Dance—Workplace Experience
05051Introduction to the Theater
05052Theatre Arts
05054Exploration in Drama
05059History and Literature of the Theater
05060Musical Theater
05061Theatrical Production and Management
05062IB Theatre
05097Drama—Independent Study
05098Drama—Workplace Experience
05101General Band
05102Concert/Marching Band
05103Concert Band
05104Marching Band
05106Contemporary Band
05107Instrumental Ensemble
05110Individual Technique—Instrumental Music
05112Vocal Ensembles
05113Individual Technique—Vocal Music
05114Music Theory
05115AP Music Theory
05116IB Music
05117Music History/Appreciation
05118Music History
05119Music Appreciation
05121Contemporary Vocal Ensemble
05122Culturally Influenced Ensemble
05123Recording and Production 
05124Technology/Electronic Music
05147Music—Independent Study
05148Music—Workplace Experience
05151Art Appreciation
05152Art History
05153AP Art—History of Art
05154Creative Art—Comprehensive
05155Creative Art—Drawing/Painting
05156Creative Art—Drawing
05157Creative Art—Painting
05158Creative Art—Sculpture
05162Graphic Design
05163Advertising Design
05169Computer-Assisted Art
05170Art Portfolio
05172AP Studio Art—Drawing Portfo-lio
05173IB Art/Design
05174AP Studio Art—Two-Dimensional
05175AP Studio Art—Three-Dimensional
05190Fashion Design
05191Industrial Design
05192Architectural Design
05193Interior Design
05197Visual Art—Independent Study
05198Visual Arts—Workplace Experience
05199Visual Arts—Other
05201Integrated Fine Arts
05295Fine and Performing Art—Aide
05297Fine and Performing Art—Independent Study
05298Fine and Performing Art—Workplace Experience
05299Fine and Performing Art—Other
06101Spanish I
06102Spanish II
06103Spanish III
06104Spanish IV
06105Spanish V
06106Spanish for Native Speakers
06107Spanish Field Experience
06108Spanish Conversation and Culture
06109Spanish Literature
06110IB Language A (non-English)—Spanish
06111IB Language B—Spanish
06112AP Spanish Language
06113AP Spanish Literature
06121French I
06122French II
06123French III
06124French IV
06125French V
06126French for Native Speakers
06127French Field Experience
06128French Conversation and Culture
06129French Literature
06130IB Language A (non-English)—French
06131IB Language B—French
06132AP French Language
06141Italian I
06142Italian II
06143Italian III
06144Italian IV
06145Italian V
06146Italian for Native Speakers
06147Italian Field Experience
06148Italian Conversation and Culture
06149Italian Literature
06150IB Language A (non-English)—Italian
06151IB Language B—Italian
06152AP Italian Language and Culture
06161Portuguese I
06162Portuguese II
06163Portuguese III
06164Portuguese IV
06165Portuguese V
06166Portuguese for Native Speakers
06167Portuguese Field Experience
06168Portuguese Conversation and Culture
06169Portuguese Literature
06170IB Language A (non-English)—Portuguese
06171IB Language B—Portuguese
06181Romance/Italic Language I
06182Romance/Italic Language II
06183Romance/Italic Language III
06184Romance/Italic Language IV
06185Romance/Italic Language V
06186Romance/Italic Language for Native Speakers
06187Romance/Italic Language Field Experience
06188Romance/Italic Language Conversation and Culture
06189Romance/Italic Literature
06190IB Language A (non-English)—Romance/Italic Language
06191IB Language B—Romance/Italic Language
06199Romance/Italic Languages—Other
06201German I
06202German II
06203German III
06204German IV
06205German V
06206German for Native Speakers
06207German Field Experience
06208German Conversation and Culture
06209German Literature
06210IB Language A (non-English)—German
06211IB Language B—German
06212AP German Language
06241Germanic Language I
06242Germanic Language II
06243Germanic Language III
06244Germanic Language IV
06245Germanic Language V
06246Germanic Language for Native Speakers
06247Germanic Language Field Experience
06248Germanic Language Conversation and Culture
06249Germanic Literature
06250IB Language A (non-English)—Germanic Language
06251IB Language B—Germanic Language
06259Germanic Languages—Other
06261Celtic Language I
06262Celtic Language II
06263Celtic Language III
06264Celtic Language IV
06265Celtic Language V
06266Celtic Language for Native Speakers
06267Celtic Language Field Experience
06268Celtic Language Conversation and Culture
06269Celtic Literature
06270IB Language A (non-English)—Celtic Language
06271IB Language B—Celtic Language
06281Greek I
06282Greek II
06283Greek III
06284Greek IV
06285Greek V
06286Greek for Native Speakers
06287Greek Field Experience
06288Greek Conversation and Culture
06289Greek Literature
06290IB Language A (non-English)—Greek
06291IB Language B—Greek
06301Latin I
06302Latin II
06303Latin III
06304Latin IV
06305Latin V
06311IB Classical Languages—Latin
06313AP Latin (Vergil, Catullus, and Horace)
06321Classical Greek I
06322Classical Greek II
06323Classical Greek III
06324Classical Greek IV
06325Classical Greek V
06331IB Classical Languages—Greek
06359Classical Languages—Other
06401Chinese I
06402Chinese II
06403Chinese III
06404Chinese IV
06405Chinese V
06406Chinese for Native Speakers
06407Chinese Field Experience
06408Chinese Conversation and Culture
06409Chinese Literature
06410IB Language A (non-English)—Chinese
06411IB Language B—Chinese
06412AP Chinese Language and Culture
06421Japanese I
06422Japanese II
06423Japanese III
06424Japanese IV
06425Japanese V
06426Japanese for Native Speakers
06427Japanese Field Experience
06428Japanese Conversation and Culture
06429Japanese Literature
06430IB Language A (non-English)—Japanese
06431IB Language B—Japanese
06432AP Japanese Language and Culture
06441Korean I
06442Korean II
06443Korean III
06444Korean IV
06445Korean V
06446Korean for Native Speakers
06447Korean Field Experience
06448Korean Conversation and Culture
06449Korean Literature
06450IB Language A (non-English)—Korean
06451IB Language B—Korean
06481East Asian Language I
06482East Asian Language II
06483East Asian Language III
06484East Asian Language IV
06485East Asian Language V
06486East Asian Language for Native Speakers
06487East Asian Language Field Experience
06488East Asian Language Conversation and Culture
06489East Asian Literature
06490IB Language A (non-English)—East Asian Language
06491IB Language B—East Asian Language
06499East Asian Languages—Other
06501Vietnamese I
06502Vietnamese II
06503Vietnamese III
06504Vietnamese IV
06505Vietnamese V
06506Vietnamese for Native Speakers
06507Vietnamese Field Experience
06508Vietnamese Conversation and Culture
06509Vietnamese Literature
06510IB Language A (non-English)—Vietnamese
06511IB Language B—Vietnamese
06521Filipino I
06522Filipino II
06523Filipino III
06524Filipino IV
06525Filipino V
06526Filipino for Native Speakers
06527Filipino Field Experience
06528Filipino Conversation and Culture
06529Filipino Literature
06530IB Language A (non-English)—Filipino
06531IB Language B—Filipino
06581Southeast Asian Language I
06582Southeast Asian Language II
06583Southeast Asian Language III
06584Southeast Asian Language IV
06585Southeast Asian Language V
06586Southeast Asian Language for Native Speakers
06587Southeast Asian Language Field Experience
06588Southeast Asian Language Conversation and Culture
06589Southeast Asian Literature
06590IB Language A (non-English)—Southeast Asian Language
06591IB Language B—Southeast Asian Language
06599Southeast Asian/Austral-Asian Languages—Other
06601Russian I
06602Russian II
06603Russian III
06604Russian IV
06605Russian V
06606Russian for Native Speakers
06607Russian Field Experience
06608Russian Conversation and Culture
06609Russian Literature
06610IB Language A (non-English)—Russian
06611IB Language B—Russian
06641Balto-Slavic Language I
06642Balto-Slavic Language II
06643Balto-Slavic Language III
06644Balto-Slavic Language IV
06645Balto-Slavic Language V
06646Balto-Slavic Language for Native Speakers
06647Balto-Slavic Language Field Experience
06648Balto-Slavic Language Conversation and Culture
06649Balto-Slavic Literature
06650IB Language A (non-English)—Balto-Slavic Language
06651IB Language B—Balto-Slavic Language
06659Balto-Slavic Languages—Other
06661Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language I
06662Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language II
06663Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language III
06664Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language IV
06665Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language V
06666Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language for Native Speakers
06667Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language Field Experience
06668Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language Conversation and Culture
06669Turkic/Ural-Altaic Literature
06670IB Language A (non-English)—Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language
06671IB Language B—Turkic/Ural-Altaic Language
06679Turkic/Ural-Altaic Languages—Other
06681Iranian/Persian Language I
06682Iranian/Persian Language II
06683Iranian/Persian Language III
06684Iranian/Persian Language IV
06685Iranian/Persian Language V
06686Iranian/Persian Language for Native Speakers
06687Iranian/Persian Language Field Experience
06688Iranian/Persian Language Conversation and Culture
06689Iranian/Persian Literature
06690IB Language A (non-English)—Iranian/Persian Language
06691IB Language B—Iranian/Persian Language
06699Iranian/Persian Languages—Other
06701Hebrew I
06702Hebrew II
06703Hebrew III
06704Hebrew IV
06705Hebrew V
06706Hebrew for Native Speakers
06707Hebrew Field Experience
06708Hebrew Conversation and Culture
06709Hebrew Literature
06710IB Language A (non-English)—Hebrew
06711IB Language B—Hebrew
06712IB Classical Languages—Hebrew
06721Arabic I
06722Arabic II
06723Arabic III
06724Arabic IV
06725Arabic V
06726Arabic for Native Speakers
06727Arabic Field Experience
06728Arabic Conversation and Culture
06729Arabic Literature
06730IB Language A (non-English)—Arabic
06731IB Language B—Arabic
06732IB Classical Languages—Arabic
06759Semitic and Near/Middle Eastern Languages—Other
06761Swahili I
06762Swahili II
06763Swahili III
06764Swahili IV
06765Swahili V
06766Swahili for Native Speakers
06767Swahili Field Experience
06768Swahili Conversation and Culture
06769Swahili Literature
06770IB Language A (non-English)—Swahili
06771IB Language B—Swahili
06772Non-Semitic African Language II
06773Non-Semitic African Language III
06774Non-Semitic African Language IV
06775Non-Semitic African Language V
06776Non-Semitic African Language for Native Speakers
06777Non-Semitic African Language Field Experience
06778Non-Semitic African Language Conversation and Culture
06779Non-Semitic African Literature
06780IB Language A (non-English)—Non-Semitic African Language
06781IB Language B—Non-Semitic African Language
06798Non-Semitic African Language I
06799African (non-Semitic) Languages—Other
06801American Sign Language I
06802American Sign Language II
06803American Sign Language III
06804American Sign Language IV
06805American Sign Language V
06819American Sign Language—Other
06821American Indian Language I
06822American Indian Language II
06823American Indian Language III
06824American Indian Language IV
06825American Indian Language V
06826American Indian Language for Native Speakers
06827American Indian Language Field Experience
06828American Indian Language Conversation and Culture
06829American Indian Literature
06830IB Language A (non-English)—American Indian Language
06831IB Language B—American Indian Language
06839American Indian Language—Other
06981Foreign Language I
06982Foreign Language II
06983Foreign Language III
06984Foreign Language IV
06985Foreign Language V
06986Foreign Language for Native Speakers
06987Foreign Language Field Experience
06988Foreign Language Conversation and Culture
06989Foreign Language Literature
06990IB Language A (non-English)—Foreign Language
06991IB Language B—Foreign Language
06995Foreign Language and Literature—Aide
06997Foreign Language and Literature— Independent Study
06998Foreign Language and Literature— Workplace Experience
06999Foreign Language and Literature—Other
07001Religious Foundations
07002Comparative Religion
07003Eastern Religions
07004Western Religions
07006Old Testament
07007New Testament
07008Bible History
07010Religious Figures
07011Liturgy and Prayer
07012Prayer and Spirituality
07013Ethics and Morality
07014Justice, Peace, and Faith
07015Faith and Lifestyle
07995Religious Education and Theology—Aide
07997Religious Education and Theology— Independent Study
07998Religious Education and Theology— Workplace Experience
07999Religious Education and Theology—Other
08001Physical Education
08002Team Sports
08003Individual/Dual Sports
08004Recreation Sports
08005Fitness/ Conditioning Activities
08006Corps Movement
08007Adapted Physical Education
08009Weight Training
08010Aquatics/Water Sports
08013Specific Sports Activities
08014Physical Education Equivalent
08015Off-Campus Sports
08016Lifetime Fitness Education
08017Sports Physiology
08047Physical Education— Independent Study
08048Physical Education— Workplace Experience
08049Physical Education—Other
08051Health Education
08052Health and Fitness
08053Community Health
08054Special Needs Health Education
08055Safety and First Aid
08056Health for Parenting Teens
08057Health and Life Management
08058Substance Abuse Prevention
08097Health Education—Independent Study
08098Health Education—Workplace Experience
08099Health Education—Other
08151Drivers’ Education—Classroom Only
08152Drivers’ Education— Classroom and Laboratory
08197Drivers’ Education— Independent Study
08198Drivers’ Education— Workplace Experience
08199Drivers’ Education—Other
08201Physical Education/Health
08202Physical Education/Drivers’ Education
08203Health/Drivers’ Education
08204Physical Education/Health/ Drivers’ Education
08245Physical, Health, and Safety Education—Aide
08247Physical, Health, and Safety Education— Independent Study
08248Physical, Health, and Safety Education— Workplace Experience
08249Physical, Health, and Safety Education—Other
09001Introduction to Junior ROTC
09002Military Junior ROTC—unspecified branch
09003ROTC Drill
09004Military Leadership
09051Army Junior ROTC I
09052Army Junior ROTC II
09053Army Junior ROTC III
09054Army Junior ROTC IV
09101Naval Junior ROTC I
09102Naval Junior ROTC II
09103Naval Junior ROTC III
09104Naval Junior ROTC IV
09151Air Force Junior ROTC I
09152Air Force Junior ROTC II
09153Air Force Junior ROTC III
09154Air Force Junior ROTC IV
09201Marine Corps Junior ROTC I
09202Marine Corps Junior ROTC II
09203Marine Corps Junior ROTC III
09204Marine Corps Junior ROTC IV
09995Military Science—Aide
09997Military Science— Independent Study
09998Military Science— Workplace Experience
09999Military Science—Other
10001Introduction to Computers
10002Computing Systems
10003Computer and Information Technology
10004Computer Applications
10005Business Computer Applications
10007IB Information Technology in a Global Society
10008Particular Topics in Computer Literacy
10011Computer Science Principles
10012Exploring Computer Science
10013PLTW Computer Science Essentials
10014PLTW Computer Science A
10015PLTW Computer Science Principles
10016PLTW Cybersecurity
10017PLTW Simulation and Modeling
10018PLTW Artificial Intelligence
10019AP Computer Science Principles
10047Computer Literacy— Independent Study
10048Computer Literacy— Workplace Experience
10049Computer Literacy—Other
10051Information Management
10052Database Management and Data Warehousing
10053Database Applications
10054Data Systems/ Processing
10055Particular Topics in Management Information Systems
10097Management Information Systems— Independent Study
10098Management Information Systems— Workplace Experience
10099Management Information Systems—Other
10101Network Technology
10102Networking Systems 
10103Area Network Design and Protocols
10104Router Basics
10105NetWare Routing
10106Wide Area Telecommunications and Networking
10107Wireless Networks
10108Network Security
10109Essentials of Network Operating Systems
10110Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
10111Particular Topics in Networking Systems
10112Local Area Networking
10147Networking Systems— Independent Study
10148Networking Systems— Workplace Experience
10149Networking Systems—Other
10151Business Programming
10152Computer Programming
10153VISUAL BASIC Programming
10154C++ Programming
10155JAVA Programming
10156Computer Programming— Other Language
10158AP Computer Science A
10160IB Computing Studies
10161Particular Topics in Computer Programming
10197Computer Programming— Independent Study
10198Computer Programming— Workplace Experience
10199Computer Programming— Other
10201Web Page Design
10202Computer Graphics
10203Interactive Media
10204Particular Topics in Media Technology
10205Computer Gaming and Design
10206Mobile Applications
10247Media Technology— Independent Study
10248Media Technology— Workplace Experience
10249Media Technology—Other
10251Computer Technology
10252Computer Maintenance 
10253Information Support and Services
10254IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software 
10255CISCO—The Panduit Network Infrastructure Essentials (PNIE)
10256Particular Topics in Information Support and Services
10297Information Support and Services— Independent Study
10298Information Support and Services— Workplace Experience
10299Information Support and Services—Other
10301Computer Forensics
10302Cyber Crime
10995Computer and Information Sciences—Aide
10997Computer and Information Sciences— Independent Study
10998Computer and Information Sciences— Workplace Experience
10999Computer and Information Sciences—Other
11001Introduction to Communication
11002Communication Technology
11003Telecommunications (Communication)
11004Particular Topics in Communication
11047Communication— Independent Study
11048Communication— Workplace Experience
11049Communication— Other
11051Audio/Visual Production
11052Commercial Photography
11053Photographic Laboratory and Darkroom
11054Photo Imaging
11056Particular Topics in Audio/Video Technology and Film
11097Audio/Video Technology and Film—Independent Study
11098Audio/Video Technology and Film—Workplace Experience
11099Audio/Video Technology and Film—Other
11103Broadcasting Technology
11104Publication Production
11105Particular Topics in Journalism and Broadcasting
11106Emerging Technologies in Journalism
11107Radio Production
11147Journalism and Broadcasting— Independent Study
11148Journalism and Broadcasting— Workplace Experience
11149Journalism and Broadcasting— Other
11151Digital Media Technology
11152Desktop Publishing
11153Digital Media Design and Production
11154Commercial Graphic Design
11155Graphic Technology
11156Photography and Printing Technology
11158Print Press Operations
11159Particular Topics in Printing Technology
11197Printing Technology— Independent Study
11198Printing Technology— Workplace Experience
11199Printing Technology—Other
11995Communication and Audio/Video Technology—Aide
11997Communication and Audio/Video Technology— Independent Study
11998Communication and Audio/Video Technology— Workplace Experience
11999Communication and Audio/Video Technology—Other
12001Business/Office Career Exploration
12002Office Procedures— Comprehensive
12003Office and Administrative Technologies 
12004Office Services
12006Word Processing
12008Particular Topics in Administration
12009Business Communications
12047Administration—Independent Study
12048Administration—Workplace Experience
12051Introductory Business
12052Business Management
12054Business Law (Business and Marketing )
12055Business Principles and Management 
12056International Business and Marketing
12057Human Resources and Labor Relations
12058Human Resources Management
12060Business Ethics
12097Management—Independent Study
12098Management—Workplace Experience
12101Banking and Finance
12105Business Economics
12106Risk Management and Insurance
12108Cost Accounting
12109Income Tax Accounting
12110Payroll Accounting
12111Particular Topics in Accounting
12147Finance—Independent Study
12148Finance—Workplace Experience
12151Marketing Career Exploration
12154Marketing—Real Estate
12156Marketing—Food/Beverage Industry
12161Retail Marketing
12162Internet Marketing
12163Sports and Entertainment Marketing
12164Principles of Marketing
12165Principles of Advertising
12166Marketing Management
12167Marketing—Other Specialization
12168Marketing —Commodities
12169Social Media Marketing
12197Marketing—Independent Study
12198Marketing—Workplace Experience
12201Cashier/Checker Operations
12202Principles of Selling
12247Sales—Independent Study
12248Sales—Workplace Experience
12995Business and Marketing—Aide
12997Business and Marketing—Independent Study
12998Business and Marketing—Workplace Experience
12999Business and Marketing—Other
13001Exploration of Manufacturing Occupations
13003Industrial Arts
13004Industrial Safety/First Aid
13052Materials and Processes
13053Metal and Wood Processing/ Production
13054Wood Processing/ Production
13055Metal Processing/ Production
13056Plastics Processing/ Production
13057Ceramic Processing/ Production
13058Particular Topics in Processing and Production
13097Processing/ Production— Independent Study
13098Processing/ Production— Workplace Experience
13099Processing/ Production—Other
13101Production Systems
13102Electro-Mechanical Systems
13103Research and Development
13147Systems/Research—Independent Study
13148Systems/Research—Workplace Experience
13201Metalwork Occupations
13204Particular Topics in Machining
13205Sheet Metal
13206Particular Topics in Sheet Metal
13208Particular Topics in Welding
13209Particular Topics in Metalwork
13257Metalwork—Independent Study
13258Metalwork—Workplace Experience
13301Appliance Repair
13302Equipment Maintenance and Repair
13303Industrial Maintenance
13357Repair—Independent Study
13358Repair—Workplace Experience
13997Manufacturing—Independent Study
13998Manufacturing—Workplace Experience
14001Exploration of Health Care Occupations
14002Health Care Occupations—Comprehensive
14003Medical Law and Ethics
14053Home Health Care
14054Dental Science
14055Emergency Medical Technology
14056Surgical Technology
14057Vision Care
14060Physical Therapy
14061Respiratory Therapy
14062Care of Athletes
14063Particular Topics in Therapeutic Services
14097Therapeutic Services—Independent Study
14098Therapeutic Services—Workplace Experience
14099Therapeutic Services—Other
14101Dental Laboratory Technology
14102Medical Lab Technology
14103EKG Technology
14105Particular Topics in Diagnostic Services
14147Diagnostic Services—Independent Study
14148Diagnostic Services—Workplace Experience
14149Diagnostic Services—Other
14151Medical/Clerical Assisting
14152Pharmacy Assisting
14153Medical Office Procedures
14154Medical Terminology
14155Particular Topics in Health Information
14156Medical Coding and Transcription
14157Health Informatics and Data Management
14197Health Information—Independent Study
14198Health Information—Workplace Experience
14199Health Information—Other
14201Central Service Technology
14202Health Support Services
14203Health Unit Coordination
14204Particular Topics in Health Support Services
14247Health Support Services—Independent Study
14248Health Support Services—Workplace Experience
14249Health Support Services—Other
14251Health Science
14254Particular Topics in Health Sciences
14255Biomedical Innovation
14297Health Sciences—Independent Study
14298Health Sciences—Workplace Experience
14299Health Sciences—Other
14995Health Care Sciences—Aide
14997Health Care Sciences—Independent Study
14998Health Care Sciences—Workplace Experience
14999Health Care Sciences—Other
15001Exploration of Public Service Careers
15051Criminal Justice
15053Particular Topics in Law Enforcement
15054Law Enforcement
15055Forensic Science
15056Crime Scene Management
15057Criminal Law and Procedures
15058Ethics in Criminal Justice
15097Law Enforcement—Independent Study
15098Law Enforcement—Workplace Experience
15099Law Enforcement—Other
15101Public Safety
15102Security Services
15103Particular Topics in Security
15104Public Safety Telecommunications
15147Security and Protection—Independent Study
15148Security and Protection—Workplace Experience
15149Security and Protection—Other
15151Fire Science
15152Fire Fighting
15153Particular Topics in Fire Management
15197Fire Management—Independent Study
15198Fire Management—Workplace Experience
15199Fire Management—Other
15201Public Administration
15202Community Protection
15203Public Policy
15247Government Service—Independent Study
15248Government Service—Workplace Experience
15249Government Service—Other
15995Public, Protective, and Government Service—Aide
15997Public, Protective, and Government Service—Independent Study
15998Public, Protective, and Government Service—Workplace Experience
15999Public, Protective, and Government Service—Other
16001Exploration of Hospitality Careers
16051Exploration of Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services
16052Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services—Comprehensive
16053Food Service
16054Nutritional Science
16055Restaurant Management and Operations
16056Culinary Art Specialty
16057Particular Topics in Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services
16097Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services—Independent Study
16098Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services—Workplace Experience
16099Restaurant, Food, and Beverage Services—Other
16101Exploration of Lodging Careers
16103Institutional Maintenance
16104Particular Topics in Lodging
16147Lodging—Independent Study
16148Lodging—Workplace Experience
16151Introduction to Travel and Tourism
16152Travel and Tourism—Comprehensive
16153World Travel and Tourism
16155Particular Topics in Travel and Tourism
16197Travel and Tourism—Independent Study
16198Travel and Tourism—Workplace Experience
16199Travel and Tourism—Other
16201Exploration of Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions
16202Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions—Comprehensive
16203Particular Topics in Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions
16204Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions Management
16297Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions—Independent Study
16298Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions—Workplace Experience
16299Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions—Other
16995Hospitality and Tourism—Aide
16997Hospitality and Tourism—Independent Study
16998Hospitality and Tourism—Workplace Experience
16999Hospitality and Tourism—Other
17001Construction Careers Exploration
17004Framing Carpentry
17005Particular Topics in Carpentry
17009Building Maintenance
17010Home Maintenance
17011Wall Finishings
17013Commercial Construction
17014Concrete Foundations
17015Construction Estimating
17016Construction Management
17017Particular Topics in Construction
17047General Construction—Independent Study
17048General Construction—Workplace Experience
17049General Construction—Other
17051Air Conditioning
17054Air Conditioning/Refrigeration
17055Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
17056Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
17057Particular Topics in HVACR
17059Plumbing and Heating
17097Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing—Independent Study
17098Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing—Workplace Experience
17099Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing—Other
17101Exploration of Electricity/Electronics
17103Residential Wiring
17104Industrial Electricity
17105Particular Topics in Electricity
17107Particular Topics in Electronics
17109Particular Topics in Electricity/Electronics
17110Analog and Digital Circuits
17111Analog Circuits
17112Digital Circuits
17147Electricity/Electronics—Independent Study
17148Electricity/Electronics—Workplace Experience
17995Architecture and Construction—Aide
17997Architecture and Construction—Independent Study
17998Architecture and Construction—Workplace Experience
17999Architecture and Construction—Other
18001Introduction to Agriculture and Natural Resources
18003Agriculture and Natural Resources—Comprehensive
18004Biological Applications in Agriculture
18005Particular Topics in Environmental Service Systems
18051Plant Production/Science
18052General Horticulture
18053Ornamental Horticulture
18054Turf and Landscape Management
18055Soil Science
18056Particular Topics in Plant Systems
18097Plant Systems—Independent Study
18098Plant Systems—Work-based Experience
18099Plant Systems—Other
18101Animal Production/Science
18102Small Animal Care
18103Large Animal Care
18104Equine Science
18105Veterinary Science
18106Particular Topics in Animal Systems
18107Animal Nutrition
18108Animal Genetics
18109Integrated Pest Management
18147Animal Systems—Independent Study
18148Animal Systems—Work-based Experience
18149Animal Systems—Other
18201Agribusiness Management
18202Agricultural Entrepreneurship
18203Agricultural Leadership
18204Particular Topics in Agribusiness
18205Agriculture Computers and Technology
18247Agribusiness—Independent Study
18248Agribusiness—Work-based Experience
18301Agricultural Production
18302Agricultural Processing
18303Plant Processing
18304Animal Processing
18305Food Product Processing
18307Agriculture and Society
18308Agricultural Biotechnology
18309Particular Topics in Agricultural Production/Processing
18310Sustainable/Alternative Agriculture
18347Agricultural Production and Processing—Independent Study
18348Agricultural Production and Processing—Work-based Experience
18349Agricultural Production and Processing—Other
18401Agriculture Mechanics/Equipment/Structures
18402Agriculture Mechanics and Equipment
18403Agriculture Structures
18404Agriculture Welding
18405Particular Topics in Agricultural Mechanics and Construction
18406Water Treatment
18447Agricultural Mechanics and Construction—Independent Study
18448Agricultural Mechanics and Construction—Work-based Experience
18449Agricultural Mechanics and Construction—Other
18501Wildlife Management
18503Forestry Harvesting
18504Natural Resources Management
18505Particular Topics in Natural Resources
18506Alternative Energy
18547Natural Resources—Independent Study
18548Natural Resources—Work-based Experience
18549Natural Resources—Other
18995Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources—Aide
18997Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources—Independent Study
18998Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources—Work-based Experience
18999Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources—Other
19051Child Care
19052Child Development
19053Elder Care
19054Caregiving Service
19055Particular Topics in Child and Elder Care
19097Child and Elder Care—Independent Study
19098Child and Elder Care—Workplace Experience
19099Child and Elder Care—Other
19103Hair Styling
19105Cosmetology—Nail Specialization
19106Cosmetology—Facial Specialization
19107Particular Topics in Cosmetology
19147Cosmetology—Independent Study
19148Cosmetology—Workplace Experience
19151Teaching Profession
19152Educational Methodology
19153Early Childhood Education
19154Particular Topics in Education
19155Instructional Technology
19197Education—Independent Study
19198Education—Workplace Experience
19201Clothing and Textiles
19202Clothing/Textile Maintenance
19203Apparel Construction
19204Apparel and Textile Services
19205Home Furnishing
19206Home Furnishings Production
19207Particular Topics in Apparel and Furnishings
19297Apparel and Furnishings—Independent Study
19298Apparel and Furnishings—Workplace Experience
19299Apparel and Furnishings—Other
19301Counseling and Mental Health
19995Human Services—Aide
19997Human Services—Independent Study
19998Human Services—Workplace Experience
19999Human Services—Other
20001Exploration of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
20051Truck and Bus Driving
20052Heavy Equipment Operation
20054Boat Operation
20055Pilot Training
20097Operation—Independent Study
20098Operation—Workplace Experience
20102Power and Mechanics
20103Introduction to Automobiles
20104Automotive Mechanics—Comprehensive
20105Particular Topics in Automotive Mechanics
20106Automotive Service
20107Diesel Mechanics—Comprehensive
20108Particular Topics in Diesel Mechanics
20109Small Vehicle Mechanics
20110Small Engine Mechanics
20111Marine Mechanics
20112Heavy Equipment Mechanics
20113Aircraft Power Plant
20114Aircraft Airframe
20115Automotive Detailing and Reconditioning
20116Automotive Body Repair and Refinishing—Comprehensive
20117Particular Topics in Automotive Body Repair and Refinishing
20118Boat Repair/Refinishing
20119Hybrid Engines
20120Motorsports Technology
20147Mechanics and Repair—Independent Study
20148Mechanics and Repair—Workplace Experience
20149Mechanics and Repair—Other
20152Warehouse Operations
20197Distribution and Logistics—Independent Study
20198Distribution and Logistics—Workplace Experience
20199Distribution and Logistics—Other
20995Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics—Aide
20997Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics—Independent Study
20998Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics—Workplace Experience
20999Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics—Other
21001Pre-Engineering Technology 
21002Engineering Applications
21003Engineering Technology
21004Principles of Engineering
21006Engineering Design
21007Engineering Design and Development
21008Digital Electronics
21010Computer Integrated Manufacturing
21011Civil Engineering
21012Civil Engineering and Architecture
21013Aerospace Engineering
21014Biotechnical Engineering
21015Particular Topics in Engineering
21016Engineering Analysis
21017PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design
21018PLTW Principles of Engineering
21019PLTW Aerospace Engineering
21020PLTW Biological Engineering
21021PLTW Civil Engineering and Architecture
21022PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing
21023PLTW Digital Electronics
21024PLTW Environmental Sustainability
21025PLTW Engineering Design and Development 
21047Engineering—Independent Study
21048Engineering—Workplace Experience
21051Technological Literacy
21052Technological Processes
21053Emerging Technologies
21054Technological Innovation
21055Assessing Technology
21056Technological Inquiry
21057Aerospace Technology
21058Particular Topics in Technology Applications
21059Modeling and Simulation Technology
21060Wind Energy
21061Wind Turbine Construction and Operation
21097Technology—Independent Study
21098Technology—Workplace Experience
21101Drafting Careers Exploration
21107CAD Design and Software
21108Blueprint Reading
21147Drafting—Independent Study
21148Drafting—Workplace Experience
21995Engineering and Technology—Aide
21997Engineering and Technology—Independent Study
21998Engineering and Technology—Workplace Experience
21999Engineering and Technology—Other
22001Standardized Test Preparation
22002State Test Preparation
22003Study Skills
22004Dropout Prevention Program
22006Study Hall
22051Office Aide
22052Guidance Aide
22053Library/AVC Aide
22054Tutoring Practicum
22102School Orientation
22103School Governance
22104Community Service
22105Values Clarification
22110AP Seminar
22112AP Research
22151Career Exploration
22152Employability Skills
22153Diversified Occupations
22161Data Science
22162Data Science Applications
22201Family and Consumer Science—Comprehensive
22202Food and Nutrition
22203Food Science
22204Child Development/Parenting
22206Life Skills
22208Family Living
22209Personal Development
22210Consumer Economics/Personal Finance
22211Home Décor
22212Home Maintenance(Family Consumer Science)
22245Family and Consumer Science—Aide
22247Family and Consumer Science—Independent Study
22249Family and Consumer Science—Other
22995Miscellaneous— Aide
22997Miscellaneous— Independent Study
22998Miscellaneous— Workplace Experience
99999All Subjects
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