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PowerSchool SIF Massachusetts SMP 21.2.1 Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-256393Oracle Errors Requesting Data

With newer versions of Oracle, some of the queries used to request data fail with an ORA-00600 error. These queries have been restructured and now send the requested data to the state without the error.

PSSR-250859Publish DOE032 for Students Who Are Five and Younger

Due to a change in the DESE requirements, the SIF Agent was publishing DOE034 for any student in Kindergarten or above. This was a misunderstanding of the requirements. The SIF Agent now publishes DOE032 for any student who is younger than six-years-old and DOE034 for any student who is six and older.

PSSR-241526DiscplineIncident: Update Publishing to Use Incident Management

DisciplineIncidents will now publish from Incident Management.

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