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Work Assignment Record (WAR) Extract


This extract creates a file with employee work assignment information to be submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The work assignment records consist of two types of records, static records that generally do not change much throughout the year and that generally reflect non-teaching positions, and dynamic records that are based on teaching assignments and which require calculation for some of the data at report run time.

Getting Started – Prerequisite Setup

You must set up the following before running this report for the first time. Failure to complete all required setup will result in no records being included in the report or displayed on any of the Work Assignment pages.

Step 1 – Complete the Years and Terms Mapping

You must complete the Years and Terms State Mapping interface to map the PowerSchool Terms to the state-required Term Codes for each school in your district. This setup is located at Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms. Scroll down to the Massachusetts State Information area at the bottom of the page and click the Years and Terms State Mapping link.

For example, for the 2015-2016 school year, the Term "2015-2016", needs to be mapped to the state-assigned term, "Full School Year (FULL) (01)". You must enter a state Term Code Value for every term you have defined for the school year.

Step 2 – Configure Co-Teaching Roles

You must add state-specific information to any teaching/co-teaching roles you have defined that you want to be included in the Work Assignment Record Report. This setup is located at Start Page > System Administrator > Roles Administration (Security) > Co-Teaching Roles. Either create a new role or select an existing role that you want to be included in the report. You MUST use the locked Lead teacher role as one of the roles to appear on the report as this role is required for all sections and cannot be deleted from a section.

Once you have selected or created a role, you must set the Reference Code field of the role to "MA" (without the quotes). Roles without the MA reference code are ignored for all Work Assignment Record processing. Also set Alt. Code 1 to the Job Classification Code you want associated with the role. For the locked Lead teacher role, you should set Alt. Code 1 to the lead teacher Job Classification Code of "2305" (without the quotes). If your school uses co-teachers, either create a new co-teacher role or edit an existing co-teacher role and set the Reference Code to "MA" and Alt. Code 1 to "2306". If you have additional TEACHING Job Classifications you want included on the report, create additional roles and set the Reference Code to MA and Alt. Code 1 to the correct Job Classification Code for the role. NOTE: You do not need to create roles for virtual or online teachers (Job Classification Codes 2307 and 2308). The report will derive these codes based on the lead and co-teacher job classification codes and the value of the section's Medium of Instruction field. If the Medium of Instruction code for a section is "0608 – Virtual/On-line Distance learning" the report will extract 2307 instead of 2305 or 2308 instead of 2306. See Step 3 below.

Optional Configuration – Once the teaching roles have been setup, the roles will be displayed in a table on the Co-Teaching Roles page. Click the "Configure Table" button in the upper right hand corner of the table. Change the Short Name of the Reference Code field to "State Reporting Indicator" and change the Short Name of the Alt. Code 1 field to "Default Job Classification Code". The short names will then appear at the top of the columns for the two fields when viewing the roles in the table view. This configuration change does not affect the Work Assignment Report in any way, it is purely cosmetic to provide context to the state reporting information shown in the role table.

Step 3 – Configure Virtual/Online Course Sections

Work assignments that are attached to virtual or online courses generally have a different Job Classification Code than courses taught in the school. You must flag any online or virtual course sections as such in order to have the system derive the correct Job Classification Code for those course sections. This setup is located at Schools > School Setup > Sections > Edit Section. Scroll down to the Massachusetts State Information section of the page and set the Medium of Instruction code to "0608 – Virtual/On-line Distance learning"

Setting Up the Work Assignment Infrastructure

Once prerequisite setup is completed, you must perform some basic Work Assignment setup. This work involves setup up of specific data that is used solely by the Work Assignment functionality. This setup can be performed through the User Interface (UI) as described in steps 1 – 3 below or it can be performed using Data Import Manager as described in the "Using Data Import Manager for Setting Up the Work Assignment Infrastructure" section below.

Step 1 – Setup Initial Staff Qualification Subject Areas

The first step in this setup is to create your Staff Qualification Subject Areas. This setup is located in District Setup. Scroll down to the Massachusetts State Information section at the bottom of the District Setup page and click the "Staff Qualifications Subject Areas" link. This will take you to the Staff Qualifications Subject Areas entry screen. Click the New button to add a new qualification subject area.

On the Add screen, enter the Subject Area Description. The field allows for very long descriptions but it is recommended the descriptions be kept short and meaningful such as "Advanced Math and Calculus" or "Biology". Check the Active box to make this Qualification Subject Area active for this reporting period. Click the Submit button to save the record. You can continue to add Qualification Subject Areas by repeating this step of you can move on to Step 2. Associate Courses and come back to this step later to create more Qualification Subject Areas.

Step 2 – Associate Courses

Once you have created one or more Qualification Subject Areas, you need to associate specific courses to those subject areas. To associate courses with a Qualification Subject Area, click the Pencil icon in the Edit column next to the subject area you would like to edit. The Associate Another Course and Associated Courses grid boxes will appear. The Associated Courses grid box will display a list of courses already associated with the Qualification Subject Area if any. This grid box will also display the internal database ID of the Qualification Subject Area you are working with, in the lower-left corner of the grid.

To add a new course association, click into the Course Name (Course Number) box in the Associate Another Course grid box and start typing either a course name or a course number. A list of courses that contain the string you are typing will appear as a drop-down list and the list will change dynamically as you type. When you find a course that you want to add, click the course to populate the Course Name (Course Number) field and then click the Plus Sign icon in the Add column of the grid to save the course association (the Plus Sign will turn green once a course is selected and is ready to be saved). Once a course has been saved to the associated course list, the course will no longer appear in the selection list drop-down displayed while searching for a course.

Continue performing Steps 1 and 2 until all Qualification Subject Areas are defined and courses are associated with each Qualification Subject Area. Note: Course Associations can be removed by clicking the red Minus Sign in the Delete column of the Associated Courses grid for the course you want to be removed.

Step 3 – Correlate Defined Qualifications with Teachers

Correlate Qualification Subject Areas with Teachers for Teaching Assignments (Dynamic Records)

Once you have created the list of Qualification Subject Areas and associated courses with them, you must then correlate the Subject Area Qualifications to the teachers who possess those Subject Area Qualifications.

Associating more than one subject area qualification with a course/teacher combination is not recommended. If more than one subject area qualification is associated with a course/teacher combination, the Work Assignment Records page for the teacher will not reflect the Highly Qualified (HQ) or Subject Matter Competency (SMC) field values set in Step 3 below because the page cannot determine which set of values to display for the single assignment when there are multiple values defined. Also, the Work Assignment Record Extract report will not extract the values configured in Step 3 below for the assignment in the report for the same reason. If you do decide to maintain multiple subject area qualifications per teacher assignment, you must enter override values for the HQ and SMC fields on the Work Assignment Record page in order for the values to be included in the Work Assignment Record Extract report for the assignment record.

To correlate the defined qualifications with the teachers in your schools, navigate to Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information and click on the Subject Area Qualifications link at the bottom of the page in the Massachusetts State Information section. This will bring up the teacher Subject Area Qualifications page. This page contains three grid boxes: Currently Defined Subject Area Qualifications, Add a Subject Area Qualification, and Suggested subject areas from teacher's schedule for the selected year. If this is your first time on this screen, the first two and possibly all three grids will be empty.

Subject Area Qualifications can be added in two ways on this page. If the teacher you have selected teaches any courses that have already been associated with a Subject Area Qualification, the subject area will appear in the Suggested subject areas from teacher's schedule for the selected year grid box. If you want to add one or all of the suggested subject areas to the teacher, click the green Plus Sign in the Add New Result column next to the subject area that you want add.

A new window will open for entering additional information related to this teacher's qualifications in relation to the Subject Area you are assigning to this teacher. Select the teacher's Highly Qualified Teacher Status (HQ) from the drop-down list as it relates to the Subject Area chosen for this teacher. Select the teacher's Subject Matter Competency (SMC) from the drop-down list as it relates to the Subject Area chosen for this teacher. Enter the Effective Date and Expiration Date for this Subject Area Qualification. For example, if the HQ and SMC status is based on a license or certificate the teacher has earned, enter the date the license or certificate was awarded and the date it expires. Click the Submit button to save the record.

If there are no suggested Subject Area Qualifications listed, or if you want to add a new Subject Area Qualification for this teacher, click into the Description text box in the Add a Subject Area Qualification grid box and start typing the name of one of the previously defined Qualification Subject Areas. A list of Qualification Subject Areas that contain the string you are typing will appear as a drop-down list and the list will change dynamically as you type. When you find a Qualification Subject Area that applies to this teacher and you want to add it to the teacher, click the Qualification Subject Area to populate the Description field and then click the Plus Sign icon (the Plus Sign will turn green once a Qualification Subject Area is selected) in the Add New Result column of the grid.

A new window will open for entering additional information related to this teacher's qualifications in relation to the Subject Area you are assigning to this teacher. Select the teacher's Highly Qualified Teacher Status (HQ) from the drop-down as it relates to the Subject Area chosen for this teacher. Select the teacher's Subject Matter Competency (SMC) from the drop-down list as it relates to the Subject Area chosen for this teacher. Enter the Effective Date and Expiration Date for this Subject Area Qualification. For example, if the HQ and SMC status is based on a license or certificate the teacher has earned, enter the date the license or certificate was awarded and the date it expires. Click the Submit button to save the record.

Step 4 – Set the Maximum FTE for Each Staff Member

For the Work Assignment Record Extract Report to be able to calculate the correct FTE for each dynamic work assignment record, the report needs to know what the maximum total FTE is for a staff member. To set this value, navigate to Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Information and scroll down to the Massachusetts State Information section at the bottom of the page. Enter a value in the WAR Max FTE field. The value must be greater than zero (0) but must not exceed 1.500.

If no value is set for the WAR Max FTE, the Work Assignment Record Extract report will use a default value of 1.000 when calculating the FTE for individual assignments. Additionally, FTE will not be calculated for assignments that were not active on the dates entered, for example, for a trimester or quarter that started and ended, and neither the Historic Report Date nor the Report Date was within the dates of the term for the assignment. FTE on those assignments must be manually overridden or a report must be run for a date that covers those assignments and the resulting file used as a source for importing those values into the [S_MA_STC_WARDynamicOverride_X]FTE field.

Using Data Import Manager for Setting Up the Work Assignment Infrastructure

Data Import Manager can be employed as an alternative setup method to manually setting up the infrastructure as described in steps 1 – 3 above. The information presented in this section will help guide you through utilizing Data Import Manager for these tasks.

The use of a non-production test server is highly recommended for performing the steps outlined in this section to ensure you are familiar with the procedure before undertaking these steps on a production server.

Extension Tables Used

The tables and fields utilized for the setup described in the previous section are database extension tables. These tables and fields are:

  • S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_S – This table is a standalone table used to store the Staff Qualification Subject Areas as outlined in Step 1 of the previous section. The fields in this table that must contain data are:
    • Active – 0 (zero) or null in this field indicates the subject area is not currently active while a 1 (one) indicates an active subject area.
    • SubjAreaDescription _ a short description of the subject area.
  • S_MA_StaffQualSubj_RelCRS_C – this table is a child table of the standalone S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_S table and stores the data needed to link the course with the associated subject area. The fields in this table that must contain data are:
    • S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_SID – the ID of the subject area from the parent table.
    • CoursesDCID – the DCID of a course associated with the subject area.
  • S_MA_USR_StaffQualSubjArea_C - this table is a child table of the standalone S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_S table and stores the data needed to link the teachers with the correct subject areas. The fields in this table that must contain data are:
    • UsersDCID – the DCID of the teacher associated with this record.
    • EffectiveDate – the date this qualification is first applicable for this teacher and this subject area.
    • ExpirationDate – the date this qualification is no longer valid for this teacher and this subject area.
    • HighlyQualifiedStatus – a code indicating whether or not the teacher is highly qualified in the subject area.
    • S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_SID – the ID of the subject area from the parent table.
    • SubjectMatterCompetency – a code indicating the teacher's competency in the subject area.

Importing Subject Areas

The following steps should be followed to import subject areas into PowerSchool. Note: For all import and export operations you can choose to use a header row or not. You may also choose the line and/or field delimiters to use in the import or export files. The choices made do not generally affect the import or export operations, but you must use the SAME choices for all of the steps outlined below once the choices have been made for Step 1.

Step 1 – Create a data file containing the data to be imported

  1. Using a text editor, create a file with a header row containing two header columns labeled "Active" and "SubjAreaDescription." The header row is optional and this part of the step can be skipped if you do not want to user headers (see note above). You can separate (delimit) the two columns using commas or tabs.
  2. Set the first column, S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.Active, to a value of "1" for each row in the file to be imported. This value indicates that the subject area is a valid teacher certification subject area for the current school year.
  3. Enter a certification subject area in the second column, S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.SubjAreaDescription, such as "Elementary Education," "Biology," etc. Enter a subject area for every certification held by the teachers in the district. Since you are importing new entries into a standalone table, the file does not need to contain an ID for each row of data. PowerSchool will assign the ID to each row of data as the data is imported into the database. Make sure to save the file after all subject areas have been entered into the file. When complete, the file should look similar to the following example (depending on the delimiter character you have chosen to use and whether or not you have decided to use headers):

1,Elementary Education

Step 2 – Import the Subject Areas into PowerSchool

  1. Login to PowerSchool as someone with administrator privileges. Security Role is assigned with Data Export Manager Export/Edit Access.
  2. Select District Office as the context.
  3. From the left menu, select Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Data Import Manager.
  4. Under Select Source and Target, click the Choose File button, and select the file you just created in step 1 above.
  5. Click the down arrow on the selection box next to Import Into, and select "S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S" as the destination table for the import.
  6. The Field Delimiter and Character Set fields will appear. Select the delimiter (Tab or Comma) used to delimit the columns in the file and the character encoding set the text editor used to created the file.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the Map Columns Screen. Map the S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.Active and S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.Active columns to the corresponding fields in the database table. If using headers as noted above, the fields will be automatically mapped. You can choose to save the new mapping as a template (click Save Template and following the on screen prompts) before proceeding or just click Next to proceed to the Select Options screen.
  8. On the Select Options screen, if you are using headers, check the box next to Check to exclude the first row (contains headers). Make sure Do not process record is selected for If a record in the import file matches an existing record in the database, how would you like that record processed?. Also, ensure the box is not checked for Check to confirm that records should be deleted if blank rows exist in the import file. All columns in a table must be present in the import file.
  9. Click Import to process the file and import the data into the table. Refresh the screen to see status of import. Note the import status and ensure that all records were imported successfully.

Importing Associated Course Data to Correlate the Subject Areas with the Courses

Step 3 – Export the Subject Area IDs Generated by PowerSchool from Step 2

  1. From the left menu, select Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Data Export Manager.
  2. Select Category, Database Extensions.
  3. Select S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S as the table to Export From. Click Next.
  4. Select all three fields (S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.ID, S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.Active and S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.SubjAreaDescription) in the table by checking the box next to each field. Click Next.
  5. On the Select/Edit Records screen, ensure that Export All Rows is selected. Click Next.
  6. Select the desired line, field delimiters, and the character encoding set you want used for the export file. Click Export.
  7. Save the file because the ID data will be needed for a later step. The file should look similar to the following example (depending on the delimiter character you have chosen to use and whether or not you have decided to use headers).

1452,1,Elementary Education
1455,1, Mathematics

Step 4 – Export Needed Course Data

You can filter the courses you export by searching for specific courses using the drop downs in the Search Course box prior to exporting.

  1. From the left menu, select System > Direct Database Export (DDE).
  2. Select Courses as the Current Table: Click Select all N Records in this table or enter your search criteria, and then click Search all N Records in this table if you have chosen to filter the records prior to exporting the data.
  3. Click Export Records.
  4. On the Export Records screen, select Course_Number and Course_Name as the fields to export.
  5. Select the desired line and field delimiters and check the Export DCID box.
  6. Click Submit and save the resulting file. The file should look similar to the following example (depending on the delimiter character you have chosen to use and whether or not you have decided to use headers).

27,ALG400,Advanced Algebra
199,ENG200, English
46,BIO101,Biology of Plants
1298,CHE300,Chemistry Lab
77,CHE301,Organic Chemistry.
3422,ELE101,Elementary Studies
7,BIO201,Biology Lab

Step 5 – Create the Import File that Associates Subject Areas to Courses

  1. Using the files created in Steps 3 and 4 above for reference, create a new file that contains the S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.ID field value from Step 3 and the Courses DCID from Step 4 (if you are using headers, the second column header should be CoursesDCID for use later, but the column should contain the DCID from the file in Step 4).
  2. If there are multiple courses associated with a subject area, you will create a separate row in the file for each course. For example, using the example file in Step 3, you would have 2 rows in the new file for ID 1453 (Biology) because there are two biology courses for the subject area (Biology of Plants and Biology Lab).
  3. There should be a row in the file for every applicable course that needs to be associated with a subject area. Using the example files from Steps 3 and 4, the new file should look something like the example below (depending on the delimiter character you have chosen to use and whether or not you have decided to use headers):


Step 6 – Import the File from Step 5 into the S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJ_RELCRS_C Table

  1. From the left menu, select Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Data Import Manager.
  2. Under Select Source and Target, click the Choose File button and select the file you just created in step 5 above.
  3. Click the down arrow on the selection box next to Import Into and select S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJ_RELCRS_C as the destination table.
  4. The Field Delimiter and Character Set fields will appear. Select the delimiter (Tab or Comma) used to delimit the columns in the import file and the character encoding set the text editor used to created the file.
  5. Click Next to proceed to the Map Columns Screen. Map the S_MA_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_S.ID and CoursesDCID columns to the corresponding fields in the database table. You can choose to save the new mapping as a template (click Save Template and following the on screen prompts) before proceeding or just click Next to proceed to the Select Options screen.
  6. On the Select Options screen, if you are using headers, check the box next to Check to exclude the first row (contains headers). Make sure, Do not process record, is selected for If a record in the import file matches an existing record in the database, how would you like that record processed?. Also, ensure the box is not checked for Check to confirm that records should be deleted if blank rows exist in the import file. All columns in a table must be present in the import file.
  7. Click Import to process the file and import the data into the table. Note the import status and ensure that all records were imported successfully.
  8. Verify that the subject areas and course associations are now present by navigating to District Setup > Staff Qualification Subject Areas. You should see all of the subject areas you imported in Step 2 and a count of the number of courses associated with that subject area that were imported during Step 5. If you click the pencil icon (edit) for one of the subject areas, you will see a list of the courses associated with that subject area.

Prepare Data for Associating Subject Areas with Teachers

You will need the DCID from the Users table to import into the S_MA_USR_ STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_C table.

Step 7 – Export a List of Users DCIDs

Note: You can filter the courses you export by searching for specific courses using the drop downs in the Search Course box prior to exporting.

  1. From the left menu select System > Direct Database Export (DDE).
  2. Select Users as the Current Table:. Click Select all N Records in this table or enter your search criteria and then click "Search all N Records in this table" if you have chosen to filter the records prior to exporting the data.
  3. Click Export Records.
  4. On the Export Record screen, select LastFirst and HomeSchoolID as the fields to export. These fields are only used for identification reference and will not be imported into another table.
  5. Select the desired line and field delimiters and check the Export DCID box.
  6. Click Submit and save the resulting file.
  7. Edit the file you just created and delete any row in the file that is not for a staff member with a teaching assignment that requires a dynamic work assignment record. Save the edited file.

Step 8 – Create the Import File that Associates Certifications/Qualifications to Teachers

  1. Using the files created in Steps 3 and 7 above for reference, create a new file that contains the following columns: UsersDCID, EffectiveDate, ExpirationDate, HighlyQualifiedStatus, SubjectMatterCompetency and S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_SID.
  2. Create a row in this new file for every staff member remaining in the file from step 7. The first column, UsersDCID, of this new file will contain the staff members DCID from Step 7 above. The last column of this new file, S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_SID, will contain the subject area ID from step 3.
  3. If a staff member teaches or is certified in multiple subjects, add additional rows in this new file for that staff member. You will create a separate row in the file for each subject area a staff member teaches. For example, if a staff member teaches English and Biology that staff member will have two rows in the file. The UsersDCID will be the same for the two rows, but the S_MA_StaffQualSubjArea_SID will be different.
  4. Fill the remaining columns with appropriate data. You may want to consider setting the EffectiveDate to the same date for all records using a date prior to the first day of the current school year. You can do the same thing with the ExpirationDate by setting the date to a future date outside the current school year. If a staff member's certification or qualification started sometime after the first day of the current school year, or if you know the true expiration date of the certification or qualification, those dates can be adjusted individually either in the file now or through the PowerSchool user interface after the file has been imported. Also, set the HighlyQualifiedStatus and SubjectMatterCompetency for each staff member's certifications or qualifications.
  5. When finished, the file should look something like the example below (depending on the delimiter character you have chosen to use and whether or not you have decided to use headers):


Importing the Certifications/Qualifications and Subject Areas to Associate them to the Staff

Step 9 – Import the Certifications/Qualifications and Subject Areas

  1. From the left menu, select Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Data Import Manager.
  2. Under Select Source and Target, click the Choose File button and select the file you just created in step 8 above.
  3. Click the down arrow on the selection box next to Import Into and select S_MA_USR_STAFFQUALSUBJAREA_C as the destination table.
  4. The Field Delimiter and Character Set fields will appear. Select the delimiter (Tab or Comma) used to delimit the columns in the import file and the character encoding set the text editor used to created the file.
  5. Click Next to proceed to the Map Columns screen. Map the fields/columns in the file to the corresponding fields in the database table. You can choose to save the new mapping as a template (click Save Template and following the on screen prompts) before proceeding or just click Next to proceed to the Select Options screen.
  6. On the Select Options screen, if you are using headers, check the box next to Check to exclude the first row (contains headers). Make sure, Do not process record, is selected for If a record in the import file matches an existing record in the database, how would you like that record processed?. Also, ensure the box is not checked for Check to confirm that records should be deleted if blank rows exist in the import file. All columns in a table must be present in the import file.
  7. Click Import to process the file and import the data into the table. Note the import status and ensure that all records were imported successfully.
  8. Verify that the certifications/qualifications and subject areas are now present for the staff members by navigating to Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Information > Subject Area Qualifications.

Create Static (Non-Teaching) Work Assignment Records

To create static work assignment records, navigate to Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Information and scroll down to the Additional Information section on the bottom of the page. Click on the Work Assignment Records link (not Legacy Work Assignment Records). The Work Assignment Records page will appear. The page contains two grid boxes: Static Work Assignment Records and Dynamic WAR Report Records for Selected Year. To add a new static work assignment record for the selected staff member, click the NEW button in the Static Work Assignment Records grid box. The New Static Work Assignment Record page will appear.

The Assignment Start Date, Assignment End Date and WA12 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) fields are required fields and must contain a value before the record can be saved. Values should also be entered for WA06 Assignment Location and WA07 Job Classification Code. If the WA06 Assignment Location field is left blank, the record will not be extracted by the work assignment record report since the report can't determine which district or school the record belongs to. If the WA07 Job Classification Code field is left blank, the record will be extracted in the work assignment record report but the record will be rejected as invalid by the state. All other fields on the page are optional but the fields should be completed if the field is applicable to this assignment. Fields, other than those listed above, which are left blank will be extracted on the work assignment record report with the appropriate "Not Applicable" value.

Once a static record has been created, the record can be edited or deleted by clicking the Edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the screen for the record you want to edit or delete.

Edit/Override Dynamic Work Assignment Records

Once the appropriate setup is completed as outlined above, the system will generate dynamic work assignment records for each course section the teacher is assigned to teach providing the Default Job Classification Code and State Reporting Indicator are set for the lead/co-teacher role for the section. To view the generated dynamic work assignment records, navigate to Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Information and scroll down to the Additional Information section on the bottom of the page. Click on the Work Assignment Records link (not Legacy Work Assignment Records). The Work Assignment Records page will appear. The page contains two grid boxes: Static Work Assignment Records and Dynamic WAR Report Records for Selected Year. The system generated dynamic work assignments will appear in the lower Dynamic WAR Report Records for Selected Year grid box.

All of the data that initially appears in this grid box is derived by the system from various setup and data entry fields. However, there will be circumstances where the system derives an incorrect value for a field. For this reason, all of the fields on the records displayed can be overridden manually. To override a field value on a given record, click the Edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the screen for the record you want to edit. The Override screen will appear. Enter or select the new value for the field or fields you want to override. An entry is only required in the fields you are changing the value for. All other fields can be left blank and the system will continue to derive the values for those fields. When finished editing, click the Submit button to save the new value(s). Fields that have been overridden will appear in bold italic text. Note: you can also use this screen to clear all previously overridden values by clicking the Clear All Overridden Values button and then clicking Confirm Clear All Overridden Values.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Staff Selection

  • The staff member is one of the Currently Selected Staff members.
  • The staff member is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The staff member does not belong to a school that is excluded from state reporting.

Work Assignment Records – Static Record Selection

  • Assignment Start Date and Assignment End Date are part of the Currently Selected Term Year for the District.
  • Record is not Excluded from State Reporting.
  • Assignment Location is at one of the selected schools.
  • The school the record belongs to is not excluded from state reporting.
  • Assignment Location is at the selected District (or Regional District) and user chooses to include District-level records.

Work Assignment Records – Dynamic Record Selection

  • Section is offered during the Currently Selected Term Year.
  • Record is not Excluded from State Reporting.
  • The course associated with the record is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The course is not an online college level course (CLBR).
  • The section associated with the record is not excluded from state reporting.
  • The section associated with the record is offered at one of the selected schools.

Hierarchy for WA06 - School ID

  1. Sections -> School Identification Number (8 characters)
  2. Courses -> School Identification Number (8 characters)
  3. If Schools/Schools Info -> EPIMS School Code (4 characters) is populated then precede it with the District Code, determined by fields in the following order:
    1. SubDistrict District Number (4 characters)
    2. District Info Page -> EPIMS District Code (4 characters)
    3. District Info Page -> District Number (4 characters)
  4. Schools/Schools Info -> Alternate School Number (8 characters)
  5. Schools/Schools Info -> School Number (8 characters)

Hierarchy for SCS03 - School ID

  1. Sections -> School Identification Number (8 characters)
  2. Courses -> School Identification Number (8 characters)
  3. If Schools/Schools Info -> EPIMS School Code (4 characters) is populated then precede it with the District Code, determined by fields in the following order:
    1. SubDistrict District Number (4 characters)
    2. District Info Page -> EPIMS District Code (4 characters)
    3. District Info Page -> District Number (4 characters)
  4. Schools/Schools Info -> Alternate School Number (8 characters)
  5. Schools/Schools Info -> School Number (8 characters)

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options:

If sub-districts are not enabled:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If sub-districts are enabled:

  • Select Sub-district Select sub-districts to include in the report. To select a single sub-district, click that sub-district. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each sub-district to be included.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Selected Staff

Indicate which staff records to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected (N) Staff Only – Run the report for only the staff in the current selection.
  • All Staff – Run the report for all staff in the selected schools or the district.

Whether you are running the report for single staff, or group of staff, select the records prior to running the report.

Historic Report Date

Enter the historic report date.

This field is optional. Use the Historic Report Date parameter to force the report to run FTE calculations for currently inactive assignments from earlier terms that would have been or were active on the historical date.

Report Date

Enter the date you want the report to use for determining which staff assignments are active or should be included in the report.

Include District-Level Assignments

Select Yes or No to include or exclude district-level assignments in the report. Default is Yes.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length



The MEPID of the staff member. This field is entered on the Edit Information, Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information > MEPID Assign Record > SR01 MEPID.

[Users]SIF_StatePrId or [S_MA_USR_X]MEPID




Local Employee Number

The staff member’s employee number assigned by the school or district. This field is entered via Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information > MEPID Assign Record > ID07 Local Employee Number.





First Name

The first name of the staff member. This field is entered via Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information > Name.





Middle Name/Initial

The middle name of the staff member. This field is entered via Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information > Name.

If Extended Middle Name is entered on the Staff Roster Record, that value is extracted.

[S_MA_USR_Demographic_X] StateOverride_MiddleName or [Users]Middle_Name




Last Name

The last name of the staff member. This field is entered via the Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information > Name.





District/School ID

The 8-digit code for the district and school

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = ‘MA_District_Num’

OR [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]name = ‘districtnumber’) concatenated to [S_MA_SCH_X]OverrideSchoolCode

Or [Schools]Alternate_School_Number

Or [Schools]School_Number

If entered manually [MA_WAR]WA06




Job Classification

The job classification code assigned to this staff member

Must be entered manually [MA_WAR]WA07




Teacher/Paraprofessional Assignment

The teacher/paraprofessional assignment associated with this staff member

Must be entered manually [MA_WAR]WA08





The grade level this staff member current teaches


If entered manually [MA_WAR]WA09




Subject Area/Course

The subject area of the courses that the staff member teaches


If entered manually [MA_WAR]WA10




Class Section

The class section that the staff member teaches

[Sections]Course_Number + “-“ + [Sections]Section_Number

If entered manually [MA_WAR]WA11




Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

The full-time equivalency percentage for this staff member.

The WAR Extract is updated to output FTE value as expected even if staff member left before the end of report date.

Must be entered manually [MA_WAR]WA12


5 with 3 decimal places



Instructional Paraprofessional Qualification (Discontinued)

The instructional paraprofessional qualification of this staff member.

Always extract 99 for this element.




Highly Qualified Status (Discontinued)

The code identifying the staff member as highly qualified.

Always extract 99 for this element.




Subject Matter Competency (Discontinued)

The staff member’s competency in the subject matter taught by that staff member.

Always extract 99 for this element.




Course Term

The course term assigned to this work assignment.

[S_MA_SEC_X]CourseTerm or

[S_MA_YearTermMapper_S]TermID for the associated [Sections]TermID

If entered manually [MA_WAR]WA16




Term Status at Time of Data Collection

The code identifying the course term status at the time of data collection.

Must be entered manually [MA_WAR]WA17



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