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Student Setup


To complete the tasks required for Student Setup, you must be permitted to work with school or district-level data. For further information, see Help > System Help > Sign In to PowerSchool.

To enter student information:

  • To add a new student, click Enroll New Student on the Start Page in the left panel. The Enroll New Student page appears.


  1. To open an existing student record, click the Student tab and search for the student.

  2. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for Massachusetts State Reporting. For information about general staff setup, see Help > System HelpFor more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering General Demographics


Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student’s name. Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName. The only punctuation allowed in the name fields is hyphen, apostrophe and period.

Note: The long first name and long last name fields were deprecated after the core field lengths were increased. The long middle name is extracted if specified on the SIMS Data Elements page; otherwise, the names entered here (Demographics) are extracted.









SIMS Data Collection


SSDR Extract

Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix)

This field overrides student name on state reports. This field is only required if legal name does not match preferred name.

If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name.









SIMS Data Collection


SSDR Extract

Student Attendance Summary (SAS)


Enter the student’s address.

Note: This value is used to determine a city code; otherwise the value for DOE14 City/Town of Residence on the SIMS Data Elements page is reported.






SIMS Data Collection


Home Phone

Enter the student’s home phone number.



Required Setup


Enter the student’s date of birth.



SIMS Data Collection


SSDR Extract

Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino?

Select Yes or No to indicate if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino.

This value is used to calculate the Race/Ethnicity field (DOE010) on the SIMS Data Element page.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Race: What is the student’s race?

Select the checkbox for each race that applies to this student.

These values are used to calculate the Race/Ethnicity field (DOE010) on the SIMS Data Element page.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

This field contains the race code previously assigned to this student.



SIMS Data Collection

Father’s Day Phone

Enter the father’s daytime phone number.



Required Setup


Choose the student's gender.

Valid values:

  • Female (F)

  • Male (M)

  • Non-Binary (N)

Note: The Non-Binary (N) option was introduced in PowerSchool 12. Upon upgrading to PowerSchool 12, students who have DOE009 Gender on the General Demographics page (State/Province – Massachusetts > SIMS Data Elements) selected prior to the upgrade, automatically have their Gender and Legal Gender updated to Non-binary (N).



SIMS Data Collection


Legal Gender

This field overrides student gender on state reports and is only required if legal gender does not match preferred gender.

If the student's legal gender matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. If the student's legal gender does not match the student's preferred gender, choose Female, Male, or Non-Binary.



SIMS Data Collection



Enter the guardian or parent with whom the student resides.



Required Setup

Mother’s Day Phone

Enter the mother’s daytime phone number.



Required Setup

Student Number

Enter the locally assigned student number.

Note: This is used as the LASID if Alphanumeric LASID is not defined.



SIMS Data Collection


Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Modifying Information

Modify Information

Home Room

Enter the student’s homeroom.



Required Setup

Part-Time Student Indicator

Select the checkbox if the student is part-time.

Note: The SIMS report extracts “KP” for kindergarten students with this checkbox selected.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Current Team

Choose the team currently assigned to this student.



Required Setup

State/Province – Massachusetts > General

Exclude this student from State Reporting

Select the checkbox if you want this student excluded from all state reporting.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)


Include this student in the SIMS Report

Note: This flag is no longer used and has been removed from the UI.

This checkbox is selected by default. Deselect the checkbox if you do not want the student explicitly included in the SIMS report.

Note: The SIMS report has an option for restricting students to those with this flag selected.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Include this student in the SASID Report

Select the checkbox if you want this student explicitly included in the SASID report.

Note: The SASID report has an option for restricting students to those with this flag selected.




Entering Massachusetts State Information

Defining SIMS Data

State/Province – MA > SIMS

DOE001 Alphanumeric LASID

Enter the Alphanumeric LASID if the LASID contains alphanumeric characters.

Note: The report uses the Alphanumeric LASID if specified, otherwise the locally assigned student number is reported Demographics page.



SIMS Data Collection


SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

DOE002 State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID)

Enter the State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) obtained state.



Grades Fact

Grades GPA Fact

SIMS Data Collection

SSDR Extract

SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

DOE003 First Name

The student's legal first name from the Demographics page displays in this field. If the legal first name is blank then the student table value is extracted. The long first name field is no longer used since the core first name field was expanded to 50 characters.




SIMS Data Collection


DOE004 Middle Name

The student's legal middle name from the Demographics page displays in this field. If the legal middle name is blank then the student table value is extracted.

Note: This value is reported if specified, otherwise the middle name Demographics page is reported.





SIMS Data Collection


DOE005 Last Name

The student's legal last name from the Demographics page displays in this field. If the legal middle name is blank then the student table value is extracted. The long last name field is no longer used since the core last name field was expanded to 50 characters.




SIMS Data Collection


DOE008 City/Town of Birth

Enter the student’s city/town of birth.

Note: Do not use punctuation or abbreviations in this field as stated by the DOE. Punctuation causes errors in MDCS.



SIMS Data Collection


DOE009 Gender on the General Demographics page

The value of the Gender field from the Demographics page displays in this field irrespective of the value of the Legal Gender field. For example, if the Gender value is Non-Binary (N) and Legal Gender value is Female, the value N is displayed in this field.

Select the checkbox if a Nonbinary Gender should be reported instead of the above Student Gender.

Note: This checkbox was removed in PowerSchool 12 and replaced with a Non-Binary (N) option for the Gender and Legal Gender fields. Upon upgrading to PowerSchool 12, student's who have this checkbox selected prior to the upgrade, automatically have their Gender and Legal Gender updated to Non-Binary (N).


[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] NonBinary_Gender_TF


SIMS Data Collection

DOE010 Race/Ethnicity

Run the SIMS Student Data Update Report to calculate the student’s race-ethnicity value using the Federal Race codes selected on the Demographics page.

Click the Race/Ethnicity link to modify/view the Federal Race codes entered on the Demographics page for the student. For more information, refer to Federal Ethnicity and Race Codes.

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] EthnicityRaceCode


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE011 Reason for Reporting

Choose the reason for reporting.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE012 Enrollment Status at Time of Data Collection

Choose the student’s enrollment status at time of data collection.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE013 Reason for Enrollment

Choose the student’s reason for enrollment.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE014 City/Town of Residence – Student

Choose the name of a city if the city on the Demographics page does not have a code associated with it in the SIMS Data Standards Handbook.

Note: This value is reported if specified, otherwise the city on the Demographics page is used to determine a code.



SIMS Data Collection


DOE015 School Code

Enter the 4-digit district number followed by the 4-digit school number for the 8-digit school code.

Note: The school code is no longer automatically entered. You may leave this field blank.



[Prefs]value where [Prefs]Name = DistrictNumber + [Schools] Alternate_School_Number


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE016 Grade Level

Part-Time Student Indicator

Full-Time Kindergarten Tuition Payer

The student’s grade level is extracted in current enrollment on the Transfer Info page.

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is KP or KT (kindergarten tuition payer).




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Grade Level Pre-Kindergarten

Select the Pre-Kindergarten Grade Level from the following values:

  • Blank

  • PK1 - Pre-Kindergarten Part-day, free

  • PK2 - Pre-Kindergarten Part-day, tuition 

  • PK3 - Pre-Kindergarten Full-day, free

  • PK4 - Pre-Kindergarten Full-day, Full tuition

  • PK5 - Pre-Kindergarten Full-day, partial tuition

The value that the user selects here is also transferred to the current enrollment record.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE019 Low Income Status

Choose the student’s low-income status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE020 Title 1 Participation

Choose the student’s Title I participation.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE021 LEP Students in their first year in U.S. schools

Choose the student’s limited English proficiency First Year status value.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE022 Immigrant Status

Choose the student’s immigrant status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE023 Country of Origin

Choose the student’s country of origin.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE024 First (Native) Language

Choose the student's native language.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “267”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE025 Limited English Proficiency

Choose the student’s limited English proficiency status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.

Valid values:

  • Student is not an English Learner (00)

  • Student is an English Learner (01)

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] LimitedEnglishProficiency


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE026 English Language Learners Program Status

Choose the student’s English language learners program status.

See English Language Learner Status Codes for valid values.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] LEPProgramStatus


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE027 Alternative Education Program

Enter the student’s 8 digit alternative education program number.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00000000”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE028 Seal of Biliteracy

Choose whether or not the student earned the state Seal of Biliteracy

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - N/A

  • 00 - Student does not have the Seal of Biliteracy

  • 01 - Student has earned the Seal of Biliteracy

  • 02 - Student has earned a Seal of Biliteracy with distinction



SIMS Data Collection

DOE029 Military Family

Choose :

  • 00 - No, not a member of a military family

  • 01 - Yes, child of active duty member

  • 02 - Yes, child of members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired for 1 year

  • 03 - Yes, child of member who died on active duty



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE030 Non-Instructional Title I Targeted Assistance Services

Choose the value that best describes the Title I non-instructional services this student receives.

See DOE030 – Non-Instructional Title I Targeted Assistance Services for a list of valid values.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.

[S_MA_STU_SIMS_X] NonInstructionalTitle1Services


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE031 Career & Technical - Technical Competency Attainment

Choose the student’s career and technical competency attainment status.

Valid values:

  • 500 - Does not apply to student

  • 01 - Chapter 74 Certificate

  • 11 - Completed Non-Chapter 74 Program

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.

[S_MA_STU_CTE_X] TechnicalCompetencyAttain


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE032 Special Education Placement, Ages 3-5

Choose the student’s special education placement code for students ages 3-5.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Evaluation Date

Enter the date the student was evaluated for special education placement.



DOE033 High School Completers Plans

Choose the student’s post-graduate plans.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE034 Special Education Placement, Ages 6-21

Choose the special education placement for students between the ages of 6-21 (inclusive).

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE035 Career & Technical - Type of program

Choose the type of career and technical program.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”. State values that have been discontinued will show as “Discontinued”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE036 Special Education - Nature of Primary Disability

Choose the special education nature of primary disability.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE037 Graduate, completed MASS Core Curriculum

Choose the student’s graduated status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE038 Special Education – Level of Need

Choose the special education level need of services.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE039 504 Plan Status

Choose the student’s 504 plan status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE040 Special Education Evaluation Results

Choose the special education evaluation results.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update


Select Yes or No to indicate if the student is an English Language Learner Student with Limited or Interrupted formal Education.



SIMS Data Collection

DOE042 Career & Technical - Special Populations

Choose the career and technical special population.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE045 High Quality Career Pathways Program Type

Choose the type of industry the student works in through this career pathway program.

Valid values:

  • 500 - Does not apply to student

  • 01 - Innovation Career Pathway

  • 02 - Early College

  • 03 - Early College Promise

  • 04 - Innovation Career Pathway and Early College

[S_MA_STU_SIMS_X] HighQualCarPathwaysProgTyp


SIMS Data Collection

DOE046 High Quality Career Pathways Program Participation

Choose the career pathway program in which the student participated.

Refer High-Quality Career Pathways Program Participation Codes for valid values.

Note: When the user selects 01 - Innovation Career Pathway for DOE045, only then the codes 11, 31, 51, 52, 62, and 01 are visible.

[S_MA_STU_SIMS_X] HighQualCarPathwaysProgPart


SIMS Data Collection

DOE047 Industry Recognized Credentials

Enter the Safety industry-recognized credential that the student earned or click the IRC Safety Codes link and click the relevant safety code.

See Industry-Recognized Credential Safety Codes for valid values.



SIMS Data Collection

DOE048 Industry Recognized Credentials

Enter the additional industry-recognized credential that the student earned or click the IRC Codes link to open a comprehensive list of industry credentials. and select the code for the credential to automatically populate this field.

See Industry-Recognized Credential Codes for valid values.



SIMS Data Collection

DOE049 Industry Recognized Credentials

Enter the additional industry-recognized credential that the student earned or click the IRC Codes link to open a comprehensive list of industry credentials and click the code for the credential to automatically populate this field.

See Industry-Recognized Credential Codes for valid values.



SIMS Data Collection

DOE050 Early Childhood Experience

Choose the early childhood experience program in which the student participated.

See Early Childhood Experience Codes for valid values.



SIMS Data Collection

DOE051 Zip Code

If the student's zip code is different from the student's home address zip code on the General Demographics page (displayed below), enter the override zip code here.




SIMS Data Collection

DOE053 Civics Project Completer

Indicate whether the student has completed a civics project.

Valid values:

  • 500 Does not apply (default selection)

  • 00 Student has not completed civics project

  • 01 Student has completed civics project




Note: The Supplemental Low-Income Indicator is shifted to the Housing/Sheltering Information page.




Defining Housing/Sheltering Information

State/Province – MA > Housing/Sheltering Information


Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is homeless.



Required Setup

Foster Care Flag

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is in foster care.




Dwelling Arrangement

Choose the type of dwelling arrangement.

Valid values:

  • [Blank]

  • Doubled Up

  • Hotels/Motels

  • Shelters

  • Unsheltered

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] DwellingArrangement



Unaccompanied Youth

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is an unaccompanied youth.




Supplemental Low-Income Indicator

Select the relevant value from the drop-down list.

Valid values:

  • 00 - District not submitting student for supplemental low-income process

  • 00 - District confirms student meets supplemental low-income criteria




Defining Information for the Student Attendance

State/Province – Massachusetts > Student Attendance Summary

Use the Student Attendance Summary page to track student attendance information on a student level for SIF purposes. You can add, update and delete student attendance records in the Student Attendance Summary table.

School ID

Enter the ID number of the school in which the student is enrolled.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Start Date

Enter the first date the student was present in the school.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

End Date

Enter the last date the student was present in the school.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

School Year

Enter the school year of the absence data.

Enter the first year of the school year, such as 2011 for 2011-2012.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)


Enter the number of membership days for this student during the specified date range.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Days Attended

Enter the number of days the student attended the school during the specified date range.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)


Enter the number of days the student was absent school during the specified date range.

[StudentAttendanceSummary] DaysTransportedEligibleStAid


Student Attendance Summary (SAS)


Enter the number of unexcused absences the student accumulated during the specified date range.

[StudentAttendanceSummary] UnexcusedAbsences


Student Attendance Summary (SAS)


Enter the number of excused absences the student accumulated during the specified date range.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Start Day

Enter the numeric value that represents the first day of the student’s enrollment record, calculated using the student’s Entry Date (usually 1).



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

End Day

Enter the numeric value that represents the last day of the student’s enrollment record, calculated using the student’s Exit Date.

For example, if the student entered school on 9/15 and their last day was 9/30, then enter 15.



Student Attendance Summary (SAS)


This field is populated by the Student Attendance Summary Report based on the value selected for the Resident field on the Edit Current Enrollment page (Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment).

Valid values:

  • Yes - student is a resident of the school district

  • No - student is an out-of-district student

  • Unknown - student’s residency status is unknown


 Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Civil Right Data Collection (CRDC)

State/Province – Massachusetts > CRDC

Access the common CRDC page.

Verifying General Attendance Information



Verify that attendance data is entered for the student.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.



SIMS Data Collection

Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Adding/Editing Stored Grade Records

Historical Grades > New/Edit Stored Grade

School year (Term)

Enter/verify the term associated with the grade record.



Required Setup

Store Code

Enter/verify the store code assigned to the grade record.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Historical Grade Level

Enter/update the student’s grade level at the time the student earned the grade.

See Grade Levels for valid values.



Required Setup


Enter/update the student’s letter grade for this course section.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS

GPA Points

Enter/update the GPA points the student earned for this course. GPA points are used to calculate a student’s cumulative GPA.



Required Setup


Enter/update the student’s numeric grade for this course section.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Earned credit hours

Enter/update the credit hours earned by the student.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Potential credit hours

Enter/update the maximum credit hours that the student could potentially earn.



Credit Type

Enter/update each type of credit earned by this grade, separated by a comma (,).



Teacher Comment

Enter/update the teacher’s comments.



Exclude from State Reporting

Select the checkbox to exclude this stored grade record from state reporting.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Mark is not required (55)

Select the checkbox to mark as not required.

Note: When selected, the value of 55 will be extracted for those courses that are designated as ‘Mark is not Required’



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

This is an Ungraded Section (66)

Select the checkbox to mark section as ungraded



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Students receive a mark for this course but do not receive a percentage (i.e. Pass/Fail).

Select the checkbox to mark the course as a Pass/Fail only course.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Entering Truancies



Enter the truancy date.

Note: The report uses truancies to determine student truancy.



SIMS Data Collection


Enter the number of truancies for this date.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Adding Discipline Log Entries (This activity is not required as discipline incidents are captured using Incident Management)

Log Entries

Log Type

Choose Discipline as the log entry type.



SSDR Extract

Defining State Information for Discipline Incidents

Log Entries > Massachusetts State Information (Log Type = Discipline)

Exclude from State Reporting

Select the checkbox if this record should be excluded SSDR report.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] State_ExcludeFromReporting


SSDR Extract

Incident ID

If this entry is connected to an incident, begin entering a previously generated Incident ID number. As you type, an auto-fill list appears. Choose an ID number list or enter a number. If one or more students has that Incident ID, each student's name displays and links to the student's log entry page.

If this is a new incident, click Auto Generate Incident Number.



SSDR Extract

Offense Date

Enter the date the offense occurred.



SSDR Extract

Program Status Code

Choose the program status.



SSDR Extract

Incident Description

Enter a description for this incident.



SSDR Extract

Offense 1

Choose the first offense.

See Offense Type Codes for valid values.



SSDR Extract

Offense 1 Description

Enter a description for this offense.



SSDR Extract

Offense 2

Choose the second offense, , if applicable.

See Offense Type Codes for valid values.



SSDR Extract

Offense 2 Description

Enter a description for this offense.



SSDR Extract

Offense 3

Choose the third offense the , if applicable.

See Offense Type Codes for valid values.



SSDR Extract

Offense 3 Description

Enter a description for this offense.



SSDR Extract

Offense 4

Choose the fourth offense , if applicable.

See Offense Type Codes for valid values.



SSDR Extract

Offense 4 Description

Enter a description for this offense.



SSDR Extract

Offense 5

Choose the fifth offense , if applicable.

See Offense Type Codes for valid values.



SSDR Extract

Offense 5 Description

Enter a description for this offense.



SSDR Extract

Number of Student Victims

Enter number of student victims.



SSDR Extract

Number of School Personnel Victims

Enter number of personnel victims.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] SchoolPersVictimCount


SSDR Extract

Number of Non-School Personnel Victims

Enter number of non-school personnel victims.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] NonSchoolPersVictimCount


SSDR Extract

Number of Unknown Victims

Enter number of unknown victims.



SSDR Extract

Number of Student Offenders

Enter number of student offenders.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] StudentOffenderCount


SSDR Extract

Number of Non-Student Offenders

Enter number of non-student offenders.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] NonStudentOffenderCount


SSDR Extract

Number of Unknown Offenders

Enter number of unknown offenders.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] UnknownOffenderCount


SSDR Extract

Physical Injury

Did this offense result in a physical injury?

If left blank, an X is extracted for this field on the SSDR Discipline Extract.



SSDR Extract

Did this offense result in an SSDR disciplinary action?

Select Yes if the offense resulted in SSDR disciplinary action.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] DisciplineActionIndicator


SSDR Extract

Discipline Action Taken

Select the discipline action that was taken.

See Discipline Action Taken for valid values.

Note: Only select options 4 and 5 if the student is SWD.



SSDR Extract

Did this incident result in a referral to law enforcement?

Select if the incident resulted in law enforcement involvement.



Severe Bodily Injury Offense

Applies to SWD Students only and program status code must be set to has IEP

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] SevereBodilyInjuryOffenseInd


SSDR Extract

Start Date

Enter the start date of the Disciplinary action



SSDR Extract

Discipline End Date

Enter the date of the last day  Disciplinary action



SSDR Extract

Date Returned to School

Enter the date the student returned to school.



SSDR Extract

Date Eligible to Return

This field is discontinued as of the 2017-18 school year.

Enter the date the student is eligible to return.

Note: Date Returned to School and Date Eligible to Return, can both be populated. If populated the SSDR will extract the “Date Returned to School”. If not populated the SSDR will extract the “Date Eligible to Return”.





SSDR Extract

Number of school days missed due to disciplinary action

Must be value between 1 and 200, whole numbers only.



SSDR Extract

Extra Suspension Days

This field is discontinued as of the 2017-18 school year.

If this was an emergency removal, enter any additional suspension days added beyond the emergency removal.



SSDR Extract

Appeal Code (Did the student appeal the suspension/expulsion to the Superintendent)

This field is discontinued as of the 2018-19 school year.

Select Yes or No



SSDR Extract

Alternative Education Indicator

This field is discontinued as of the 2017-18 school year.

Select Yes or No to indicate if alternative education was provided





SSDR Extract

Alternative Education Provided Codes

Choose the alternative education provided.

See Alternative Education Provided Codes for valid values.



SSDR Extract

Alternative Education Not Provided Codes

This field is discontinued as of the 2018-19 school year.

Choose the reason the student did not receive alternative education services.

See the Appendix for valid values.

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] AltEdNotProvidedCode


SSDR Extract

Alternative Education Other Specification or Explanation

This field is discontinued as of the 2018-19 school year.

Enter an explanation or alternative specification for the Alternative Education provided. Required when Alternative Education Provided Code = 2, 3, or 8 or Not Provided Code = 7

[S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X] AEOtherSpecExplanation


SSDR Extract

Student Offense 1 (for action taken)

Specify what the first offense was that resulted in the action taken.



SSDR Extract

Student Offense 2 (for action taken)

Specify what the second offense was that resulted in the action taken.



SSDR Extract

Student Offense 3 (for action taken)

Specify what the third offense was that resulted in the action taken.



SSDR Extract

Student Offense 4 (for action taken)

Specify what the fourth offense was that resulted in the action taken.



SSDR Extract

Student Offense 5 (for action taken)

Specify what the fifth offense was that resulted in the action taken.



SSDR Extract

Adding Restraint Log Entries (This activity is not required as restraint incidents are captured using Incident Management)

All Restraints Log Entries

Log Type

Choose Restraint as the log entry type.



Restraint Extract

Defining State Information for Restraint Incidents

All Restraints Log Entries > Massachusetts State Information (Log Type = Restraint)

Exclude from State Reporting

Select the checkbox if this record should be excluded from State Reporting.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] State_ExcludeFromReporting


Restraint Extract

Out of District (OOD)

Select Yes or No to indicate if the restraint took place in a setting outside of the district.



Restraint Extract

OOD Agency Name

Only visible if OOD is ‘Yes’. Enter the name of the agency the student is placed in.



Restraint Extract

OOD Program Name

Only visible if OOD is ‘Yes’. Enter the name of the program the student is in.



Restraint Extract


Select Yes or No to indicate if the student was on an Individualized Education Plan at the time of the restraint.



Restraint Extract

Restraint Date

Enter the date the student was restrained.



Restraint Extract

Restraint Start Time (HH:MM AM/PM)

Enter the time the restraint started.



Restraint Extract

Restraint End Time (HH:MM AM/PM)

Enter the time the restraint ended.



Restraint Extract

Extended Restraint Explanation

If the restraint was applied for more than 20 minutes, enter an explanation of why the restraint was extended past 20 minutes.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] RestraintDurationExplanation


Restraint Extract

Name of Principal or Designee Informed or Approver for Extended Restraint

If the restraint was applied for more than 20 minutes, enter the name of the person informed or the person who approved the extended restraint time.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] ExtendedTimeApproverName


Restraint Extract

Title of Principal or Designee Informed or Approver for Extended Restraint

If the restraint was applied for more than 20 minutes, enter the title of the person informed or the person who approved the extended restraint time.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] ExtendedTimeApproverTitle


Restraint Extract

Name of Person Who Verbally Reported the Restraint to an Administrator

Enter the name of the person who verbally reported the restraint to an administrator.



Restraint Extract

Title of Person Who Verbally Reported the Restraint to an Administrator

Enter the title of the person who verbally reported the restraint to an administrator.



Restraint Extract

Site of Restraint

Enter a description of the location where the restraint took place.



Restraint Extract


Select the subject or period the student was in when the restraint was applied.

See Restraint Subject/Period for valid values.



Restraint Extract

Location of Restraint

Select the location where the restraint took place.

See Restraint Location for valid values.



Restraint Extract

Hold Used

Select the type of hold used on the student.

See Restraint Hold Used for valid values.



Restraint Extract

Why Restraint Hold was Chosen

Enter an explanation for why the hold used was chosen.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] ChosenHoldExplanation


Restraint Extract

Justifying Behavior

Enter an explanation of the student’s behavior that justified the use of restraint.



Restraint Extract

Description of De-Escalation Technique and Alternatives Attempted

Enter a description of any alternative or de-escalation techniques used or attempted to try to prevent the escalation of the situation.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] DeescalationTechnique


Restraint Extract

Antecedent Activity

Enter an explanation of the activity that the restrained student, or others involved, were engaged in prior to use of physical restraint.



Restraint Extract

Description of Child’s Demeanor and Well-Being and How Monitored

Enter a description of the student’s demeanor and well-being and how the student was monitored after the restraint.



Restraint Extract

Description of Disciplinary Action

Enter an explanation of any disciplinary action taken against the student as a result of this incident.

Note: Suspensions or expulsions also require a corresponding SSDR Discipline Log entry.



Restraint Extract

Was Anyone Injured?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not anyone was injured during the application of the restraint.



Restraint Extract

Who was injured?

Only displayed if injury = “Yes’’ Select one of the following:

  • (1)   Students

  • (2)   Staff

  • (3)   Students and Staff



Restraint Extract

Description of Injuries/Medical Care Provided

Enter a description of the nature and extent of any injuries sustained, the medical care provided and any follow-up medical attention which may be needed.



Restraint Extract

Name of Person Completing Form

Select or enter the name of the person completing the form.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] PersonCompletingFormName


Restraint Extract

Title of Person Completing Form

Enter the title of the person completing the form.

[S_MA_LOG_Restraint_X] PersonCompletingFormTitle


Restraint Extract

Person to Contact

Enter the name of the person that the parents of the student should contact if they wish to discuss any aspect of the restraint.



Restraint Extract

Note: When creating a new restraint log entry, you MUST save and exit the Log entry when you reach this point. When you return to the log entry, there will be additional fields presented to enter additional details that may be required for the Restraint or Restraint Injury reports.

People Involved: Click ‘Add New Person’ to enter details about the people involved in this incident


Choose the person’s role :

  • (0)   Other

  • (1)   Observer

  • (2)   Person Injured

  • (3)   Person involved in Administering Restraint

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C] PersonRole


Restraint Extract


Enter the name of the person involved.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C] PersonLastFirst


Restraint Extract


Enter the title of the person involved.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C] PersonTitle


Restraint Extract

Received Training: Complete In-Depth Restraint Administration.

Select the checkbox if this person received complete, in-depth restraint administration training.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C] HasInDepthRestraintTraining


Restraint Extract

Received Training: Restraint Prevention/Behavior Support

Select the checkbox if this person received restraint prevention or behavioral support training.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C] HasRestraintPreventionTraining


Restraint Extract

Report Order

If there are multiple people involved, enter the order they should be selected for the report(s).

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintPersonRole_C] ReportOrder.


Restraint Extract

Notifications: Click ‘Add New Notification’ to enter details about who was notified, how and when.

Notification Date

Enter the date of the Notification



Restraint Extract

Notification Time

Enter the time of the notification (HH:MM AM/PM)



Restraint Extract

Method of Notification

Choose the method of notification.

See Method of Notification for valid values.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintNotify_C] NotifyMethodType


Restraint Extract

Method of Notification – Additional Detail

Enter any additional details necessary about the method of notification.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintNotify_C] NotifyMethodDesc


Restraint Extract

Contact Type

Choose the contact type  :

  • (1)   Department

  • (2)   Parent/Guardian

  • (3)   Other



Restraint Extract

Contact Name

Enter the name of the person notified.



Restraint Extract

Contact Phone

Enter the phone number of the person notified, if applicable.



Restraint Extract

Written Notification – Address

Enter the address the notification was sent or delivered to if the notification was written.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintNotify_C] NotifyWrittenAddress


Restraint Extract

Language of Notification

Enter the language of the notification if something other than English



Restraint Extract

Results of Discussion

Enter the results of any follow-up discussion that was had with the person notified.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintNotify_C] DiscussionResults


Restraint Extract

Name of Person Who Completed the Notification

Name of the person who completed the notification



Restraint Extract

Title of Person Who Completed the Notification

Title of the person who completed the notification.



Restraint Extract

Justifying Reasons: Click ‘Add New Justifying Reason’ to enter details about why the restraint was justified.

Justifying Reason

Choose the justifying reason for the use of the restraint.

See Justifying Reason for valid values.



Restraint Extract

Cessation of Restraint: Click ‘Add New Cessation of Restraint’ to enter details about why the restraint was stopped.

Cessation Reason

Choose the reason the restraint was ended.

See Cessation Reason for valid values.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintCessation_C] CessationCode


Restraint Extract

Additional Description

Enter any additional information about the reason for cessation of the restraint, if applicable.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintCessation_C] CessationDescription


Restraint Extract

Further Future Action: Click ‘Add New Future Action’ to enter details of any future actions to be taken.

Future Action

Choose the future action   list.

See Future Action for valid values.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintFutureAct_C] FutureActionCode


Restraint Extract

Additional Description

Enter any additional information about the future action, if applicable.

[S_MA_LOG_RestraintFutureAct_C] FutureActionDescription


Restraint Extract

Editing an Enrollment Record

All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record


Verify the course and section number.




SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Enroll Date

Enter the date the student enrolled in the course section.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Exit Date

Enter the date the student exited the course section.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Excluded from State Reporting

Select the checkbox if you want to exclude this student enrollment record Student Course Schedule extract or other state reports.

[S_MA_CC_SCS_X] State_ExcludeFromReporting


SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Course Enrollment Status

Choose the student’s enrollment status in this course.

Leave this field blank to calculate the student’s course enrollment status.

See Course Enrollment Status for a list of valid values.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Audited Course

Select the checkbox to indicate the student is auditing the course for this enrollment.



SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)

Defining Special Program Enrollments

Special Programs

Note: The report uses special programs to determine career and technical Chapter 74 and Non-Chapter 74 program participation.

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the special program.

Note: This date is the first day of the student’s special program enrollment.



SIMS Data Collection

Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the special program.

Note: This date is the day after the last day of student’s special program enrollment.



SIMS Data Collection

Exit Reason

Enter the exit reason for the special program.

Note: This field is not used in state reporting.



Not Required

Grade Level

Enter the grade level for the special program.

Note: This field is not used in state reporting.



Not Required


Choose the program type for the special program.

Note: Choose special programs with the Chapter 74 or Non-Chapter 74 checkbox selected to count towards the appropriate special program enrollment. Special programs are set up at the district level (Start Page > District Setup > Special Programs).



SIMS Data Collection

Editing a Current or Previous Enrollment

Transfer Information > Edit Current/Previous Enrollment

Note: Enrollments are created during the End-of-Year process and at the following locations:

Start Page > Special Functions > Enroll New Student

Start Page > Student Selection > Functions

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment.

Note: This date is the first day of school enrollment.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)


Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Entry Code

Choose the entry code for the school enrollment.

Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments.





Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment.

Note: This date is the day after the last day of school enrollment.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS)


Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment.

Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.

This field is not used in state reporting.




Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment.





Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence.




SIMS Data Collection


Choose Yes, No or Unknown to indicate whether the student is a resident of the school district.




Student Attendance Summary (SAS)

Summer Graduate

Select the checkbox to flag this student as a summer graduate.

Note: The value 555 is extracted for DOE017 (Days In Attendance) and DOE018 (Days in Membership) for summer graduates.




SIMS Data Collection

Summer Dropout

Select the checkbox to flag this student as a summer withdraw.

Note: The value 555 is extracted for DOE017 (Days In Attendance) and DOE018 (Days in Membership) for summer dropouts.




SIMS Data Collection

Summer Transfer

Select the checkbox to flag this student as a summer transfer.

Note: The value 555 is extracted for DOE017 (Days In Attendance) and DOE018 (Days in Membership) for summer transfers.




SIMS Data Collection


Choose ‘Full Time’ or ‘Part Time’.






Select Yes or No to indicate if the student is homeless.




Required Setup

DOE011 Reason for Reporting

Choose the reason for reporting.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE012 Enrollment Status at Time of Data Collection

Choose the student’s enrollment status at time of data collection.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE013 Reason for Enrollment

Choose the student’s reason for enrollment.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE014 City/Town of Residence – Student

Choose the name of a city if the city on the Demographics page does not have a code associated with it in the SIMS Data Standards Handbook.

Note: This value is reported if specified, otherwise the city on the Demographics page is used to determine a code.




SIMS Data Collection


DOE015 School Code

Enter the 4-digit district number followed by the 4-digit school number for the 8-digit school code.

Note: The SIMS report extracts the school code if specified, otherwise uses the following:

District number + school number;

Collaborative program codes, to get more detailed information on students attending collaborative programs with more than one program;

Private school code for the students receiving only special education services district, being educated elsewhere at private expense.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Grade Level Pre-Kindergarten

Valid values:

  • Blank

  • PK1 - Pre-Kindergarten Part-day, free

  • PK2 - Pre-Kindergarten Part-day, tuition 

  • PK3 - Pre-Kindergarten Full-day, free

  • PK4 - Pre-Kindergarten Full-day, Full tuition

  • PK5 - Pre-Kindergarten Full-day, partial tuition

The value that the user selects here is also transferred to the SIMS data record. 

Note: If the student is transferred out and then reenrolled, the value that was there in the current enrollment record is populated during reenrollment. The user can change the value if required.


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

Nonbinary Gender

Select the checkbox if a Nonbinary Gender should be reported instead of the above Student Gender.

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] NonBinary_Gender_TF


SIMS Data Collection Extract

DOE019 Low Income Status

Choose the student’s low-income status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE020 Title 1 Participation

Choose the student’s Title I participation.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE021 LEP Students in their first year in U.S. schools

Choose the student’s limited English proficiency First Year status value.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE022 Immigrant Status

Choose the student’s immigrant status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE025 Limited English Proficiency

Choose the student’s limited English proficiency status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] LimitedEnglishProficiency

[S_MA_REN_Demographic_X] LimitedEnglishProficiency


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE026 English Language Learners Program Status

Choose the student’s English language learners program status.

See English Language Learner Status Codes for valid values.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.

[S_MA_STU_Demographic_X] LEPProgramStatus

[S_MA_REN_Demographic_X] LEPProgramStatus


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE027 Alternative Education Program

Enter the student’s 8 digit alternative education program number.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00000000”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE028 Seal of Biliteracy

Choose whether or not the student earned the state Seal of Biliteracy

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - N/A

  • 00 - Student does not have the Seal of Biliteracy

  • 01 - Student has earned the Seal of Biliteracy

  • 02 - Student has earned a seal of biliteracy with distinction



DOE030 Non-Instructional Title I Targeted Assistance Services

Choose the value that best describes the Title I non-instructional services this student receives.

See DOE030 – Non-Instructional Title I Targeted Assistance Services for valid values.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.

[S_MA_STU_SIMS_X] NonInstructionalTitle1Services

[S_MA_REN_SIMS_X] NonInstructionalTitle1Services


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE031 Career & Technical - Technical Competency Attainment

Choose the student’s career and technical competency attainment status.

Valid values:

  • 500 - Does not apply to student

  • 01 - Chapter 74 Certificate

  • 11 - Completed Non-Chapter 74 Program

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.

[S_MA_STU_CTE_X] TechnicalCompetencyAttain

[S_MA_REN_CTE_X] TechnicalCompetencyAttain


SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE032 Special Education Placement, Ages 3-5

Choose the student’s special education placement code for students ages 3-5.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE034 Special Education Placement, Ages 6-21

Choose the special education placement for students between the ages of 6-21 (inclusive).

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE035 Career & Technical - Type of program

Choose the type of career and technical program.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”. State values that have been discontinued will show as “Discontinued”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE036 Special Education - Nature of Primary Disability

Choose the special education nature of primary disability.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE038 Special Education – Level of Need

Choose the special education level need of services.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE039 504 Plan Status

Choose the student’s 504 plan status.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.



SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE040 Special Education Evaluation Results

Choose the special education evaluation results.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “00”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update


Select Yes or No to indicate if the student is an English Language Learner Student with Limited or Interrupted formal Education.




SIMS Data Collection

DOE042 Career & Technical - Special Populations

Choose the career and technical special population.

Note: If not defined, the report extracts “500”.




SIMS Data Collection

SIMS Update

DOE0043 Career & Technical Education – Chapter 74 Program Participation




SIMS Data Collection

DOE0044 Career & Technical Education – Non-Chapter 74 Program Participation




SIMS Data Collection

DOE045 High Quality Career Pathways Program Type

Choose the career pathway program in which the student participated.

Valid values:

  • 500 - Does not apply to student

  • 01 - Innovation Pathway

  • 02 - Early College

[S_MA_STU_SIMS_X] HighQualCarPathwaysProgTyp

[S_MA_REN_SIMS_X] HighQualCarPathwaysProgTyp


SIMS Data Collection

DOE046 High Quality Career Pathways Program Type

Choose the type of industry the student works in through this career pathway program.

See High-Quality Career Pathways Program Participation Codes for valid values.

[S_MA_STU_SIMS_X] HighQualCarPathwaysProgPart

[S_MA_REN_SIMS_X] HighQualCarPathwaysProgPart


SIMS Data Collection

DOE047 Industry Recognized Credentials

Enter the Safety industry-recognized credential that the student earned or click the IRC Safety Codes link and click the relevant safety code.

See Industry-Recognized Credential Safety Codes for valid values.




SIMS Data Collection

DOE048 Industry Recognized Credentials

Enter the additional industry-recognized credential that the student earned or click the IRC Codes link to open a comprehensive list of industry credentials and click the code for the credential to automatically populate this field.

See Industry-Recognized Credential Codes for valid values.




SIMS Data Collection

DOE048 Industry Recognized Credentials

Enter the additional industry-recognized credential that the student earned or click the IRC Codes link to open a comprehensive list of industry credentials and click the code for the credential to automatically populate this field.

See Industry-Recognized Credential Codes for valid values.




SIMS Data Collection

DOE050 Early Childhood Experience

Choose the early childhood experience program in which the student participated.

See Early Childhood Experience Codes for valid values.




SIMS Data Collection

Defining Scheduling Information

Scheduling Setup

Next School Indicator

Choose the student’s next school , if applicable.



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