StudentSectionMarks records are published for each section enrollment for a student within the school year for which the agent is configured. StudentSectionMarks are based on the CC records for a student. If there are grades stored in the StoredGrades table, StudentSectionMarks uses these grades to determine some of the values.
When retrieving grades from the StoredGrades table, the agent first finds the term related to the Section that the student is enrolled in and then will use the final store code associated to the term ([S_MA_TRM_X] Store_Code) to find the final grade expected for that section. If a final store code is not found, Y1 is used as a default.
Required Fields
- [CC] MA_Exclude_From_SCS – Enrollments must be marked to be included.
- [StoredGrades] MA_Exclude_From_SCS – Enrollments must be marked to be included.
Depends Upon
- StudentPersonal
- SchoolCourseInfo
- SectionInfo
- TermInfo
- StudentSectionEnrollment
Events for StudentSectionMarks are published based on the fields above having data. For further information, see SIF Events in Publishing Data.
Element Mappings for StudentSectionMarks
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | MA Field | Business Rules |
| @RefId | M |
| @StudentPersonalRefId | M |
| @SectionInfoRefId | M |
| @TermInfoRefId | M |
| @SchoolInfoRefId | M |
| IsFinal | M |
| MarkList/Mark/@MarkInfoRefId | M |
Based Upon: | MarkList/Mark/Letter | M | SCS12 | The following is the logical order in which the agent processes this value: |
Based upon: | MarkList/Mark/Percentage | M | SCS13 | If either the Course, Section or Stored Grade have the NoPercent checkbox selected, then this will be null. |
[StoredGrades] EarnedCrHrs | SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name="MACreditsEarned"] | M | SCS11 | Defaults to 0 if no value is found. |