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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-236259Add Retaliation to the SSDR Reporting

A new Incident level attribute Retaliation^ and is added to the Attributes of an incident in the Incident Management.

PSSR-211587Create Repo-Schema Script for Incident Management

A Repo-Schema script is created for the Incident Management codes and subcodes required for state reporting.
A new Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status field is added to the State Information section on the Start Page > District Setup > District Information page.
Note: After installing this release of the product, the district must initiate the loading of the codes. Navigate to District > District Info and click the Load Codes/Subcodes link. The new Incident Management codes will be added to the database after either a) the hourly process runs, or b) PowerSchool is restarted.

PSSR-234694Dynamic Records should Display Section Values when Applicable (WA10)

The Course Code (WA10) in the Dynamic Work Assignment section will now display the section NCES code if this is populated. Otherwise, the Course NCES code will be displayed.

PSSR-236257MA: Add New Element on Create New Course Section

A new Field Pathways Course is now added in the Massachusetts State Information section on the Course Page.
The new field will display as a select list with the following drop-down values:

  • Non-Pathways Course (00)
  • Pathways Course (01)
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