StaffPersonal records are published for each staff member who is assigned to a school that is part of the zone and for which an evaluation has been populated. There is one StaffPersonal record per staff member. For a Super District, a staff member must be assigned to one of the schools that is part of the district to be published. For non-Super Districts, a taff member can be assigned to the District Office, as long as the District Office is part of the SIF Zone.
Required Fields
- MA_Mepid must exist, be 8 digits and all numbers.
- First_Name
- Last_Name
- MA_ERCode
- Email_addr
- Hispanic flag set to Yes or No
- At least one Race code checked
- Exclude from EPIMS set to No
Events for StaffPersonal are published based on the Dependencies above having data and the staff member being assigned to a school within the zone. For more information, see SIF Events in Publishing Data.
Element Mappings for StaffPersonal
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | MA Field | Business Rules |
| @RefId | M |
[Users] TeacherNumber | LocalId |
| SR02WA02 |
[Users] SIF_StatePrId | StateProvinceId | M | SR01WA01 |
[S_MA_USR_X] LicenseCertificationNum | OtherIdList/OtherId[@Type="0399"] | C | SR03 |
| Name/@Type | M |
| Hardcoded to "04". |
[S_MA_USR_Demographic_X] StateOverride_FirstName OR [Users] First_Name | Name/FirstName | M | SR04WA03 |
[S_MA_USR_Demographic_X] StateOverride_MiddleName OR [S_MA_USR_X] State_Middle_Name OR [Users] First_Name | Name/MiddleName | C | SR05WA04 | The SIF Agent determines if there is a value for at MA_Middle_Name. If not, then the agent will check Middle_Name for a value. If there is no value there either, then NMN is published. |
[S_MA_USR_Demographic_X] StateOverride_LastName OR [Users] Last_Name | Name/LastName | M | WR06WA05 |
[TeacherRace] RaceCD | Demographics/RaceList/Race/Code | M |
[S_MA_USR_X] EthnicityRaceCode | Demographics/RaceList/Race/OtherCodeList[@Codeset="StateProvince"]/OtherCode | M | SR08 |
[Users] FedEthnicity | Demographics/HispanicLatino | M |
[UsersCoreFields] Gender | Demographics/Gender | M |
[UsersCoreFields] DOB | Demographics/BirthDate | C | SR07 |
[Users] Street | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Street/Line1 | O |
[Users] City | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/City | O |
[Users] State | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/StateProvince | O |
[Users] State | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Country | O |
| This is hard coded to US. |
[Users] Zip | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/PostalCode | O |
[Users] Home_Phone | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O |
[Users] School_Phone | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0350"/Number | O |
[S_MA_USR_StaffRoster_X] DegreeType[1-3][S_MA_USR_StaffRoster_X] DegreeInstitution[1-3][S_MA_USR_StaffRoster_X] DegreeSubject[1-3] | SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name="MADegreeInfo"] | C | SR18-SR26 | This is a concatenated value of the three degrees. The agent combines each of the groups with a colon (:) between the values and then a tilde (~) between the different degrees. |