SectionMarkInfo records are published for each section that is assigned to the current school year for schools that are part of the zone. This object is related to the Term in which the Section is taught. This object contains no specific Massachusetts data, but is related to TermInfo, SectionInfo, StudentSectionEnrollment and StudentSectionMarks.
Required Fields
SectionMarkInfo is dependent on SectionInfo having all of its data available.
Depends Upon
Events for SectionMarkInfo are published based on whether the dependencies above have data, and whether the section is in the current school year and assigned to a school within the zone. For more information, see SIF Events in Publishing Data.
Dependent Objects
- StudentSectionEnrollment
- StudentSectionMarks
Element Mappings for SectionMarkInfo
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | MA Field | Business Rules |
| @RefId | M |
| @SectionInfoRefId | M |
| @SchoolInfoRefId | M |
| TermMarkLists/MarkInfoList/@TermInfoRefId | M |
| Used to relate to the TermInfo object to populate WA16 and SCS07. |
| TermMarkLists/MarkInfoList/MarkInfoRefId | M |
| MarkInfoRefId is the same for all records and is the same as the LEAInfoRefId. |