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PowerSchool SIF Massachusetts SMP Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-270889Update Discipline Incident With New Action Codes for Referral to Law Enforcement

The MA SMP has been updated for publishing the new Referral to Law Enforcement codes. If the value is Court Referral, then MA61 should be the action other code. If the value is Ticket/Citation, then MA62 should be the action other code. If the value is Court Referral + Ticket/Citation, then two actions will be published. One for MA61 and one for MA62.

PSSR-270888Rename CivicsProjectCompleter to CivicsProject on StudentSchoolEnrollment

The extended element for CivicsProjectCompleter has been renamed to CivicsProject on StudentSchoolEnrollment.

PSSR-270809Adjust Job Roles for Virtual Teachers

When publishing the Staff Assignment record for teachers, if the class is virtual (medium of instruction is Virtual/Distance Learning), the Work Assignment Records page shows the job roles of 2307 and 2308, but these values are not publishing in SIF automatically. An adjustment has been made to the logic of the SIF Agent so that if the class is virtual, the job roles of 2307 and 2308 will be used instead of the default 2305 and 2306.

PSSR-272790Adjust Dates on StaffSectionAssignment Based on Hire Date

StaffSectionAssignment has been adjusted so that if the assignment date on the section is before the staff’s hire date, then the hire date will be the start date of the StaffSectionAssignment to align with the StaffAssignment record.

PSSR-270887Add New Charter Only Elements to Student School Enrollment

The new elements for Offer Date and Sibling Preference have been added to the Student School Enrollment object.

PSSR-270886Add Beginning Educator Mentor to Staff Assignment

Beginning Educator Mentor extended element has been added to Staff Assignment.

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