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PowerSchool SIF Massachusetts SMP 23.2.2 Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-301448Update Staff Roster Data for SubdistrictsWhen a PowerSchool instance has sub-districts setup, data related to the Staff Roster will now use the sub-district override if available. This will allow unique data per sub-district. If there is no sub-district record, then the primary record data will be used.
PSSR-311912Student's Re-Enrolled into the Same Class

Previously, when a student was enrolled into a class, dropped the class, and then later re-enrolled back into the same class, only the most recent class enrollment record was published. This can cause issues with October SCS reporting if the student dropped after the October deadline. This has been corrected to ensure all enrollment records are published with corresponding dates.

PSSR-314604Remove Restriction on Race

MA DOE has allowed us to remove the restriction on race codes being required before publishing a student. This has been done and now an error appears on the state side if a student does not have a race value.

PSSR-313755DOE032/DOE034 Fields Logic Change for Students Who Are 5 years Old and in KindergartenIf a student is 5 years old and in kindergarten, the SPED value will now be published from the DOE034 field to match state requirements.
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