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EPIMS Reporting in SIF

Missing Data Report

The Missing Data report on the SIF Dashboard provides information on each staff member that the Exit Date is blank or the Exit Date is within the current year and data they are missing. Records with missing data will not publish through the SIF agent. To access the Missing Data report, navigate to the SIF Dashboard, choose Review next to Staff Personal, and choose Missing Data. Each time you visit the report, click the Clear Cache button in the bottom right corner to refresh the report with the latest changes.

Each field that contains a value of No needs to be fixed for the student's data to publish. Once the data is fixed, click Clear Cache to see the updated results.

Static Records

Static records are designed for staff who have the same role from year to year. These include staff like superintendent, principals, secretaries, etc. Dates of static records are used to generate WAR records. If a date is not within the current year, the agent will not send the record. Exit dates can be put into the future to have a WAR record span multiple years. In multi-district mode, exited staff must have a WAR record with the start and end dates as the first day of school so the SIF Agent knows what district(s) the staff is associated with.

To assign a staff member to a school or the district, they must have a record on the Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations page for the school in question or for the district office. The assignment does not have to be active and does not need to be the home school, but the staff member must have a record.

Set up the following:

  • Assignment State Date - This should be the first day of the assignment or the first day of school. The Assignment Start Date does not have to be in the current school year.
  • Assignment End Date - This should be the last day of the assignment or the last day of the school. The Assignment End Date can be in the future to span multiple years.
  • WA06 - Choose the District / School of the Assignment. The staff must be assigned to the District Office or the individual school on the Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations page.
  • WA07 - Choose the Job Role.
  • WA08 - Leave blank, except for 2310 and 4100. Refer to Year Long 2310 and 4100.
  • WA09 - Leave blank, except for 2310 and 4100. Refer to Year Long 2310 and 4100.
  • WA10 - Leave blank, except for 2310 and 4100. Refer to Year Long 2310 and 4100.
  • WA11Leave blank in all cases
  • WA12 - Enter the FTE for this Job Code
  • WA13-WA17 - These values are not reported and are ignored.

Dynamic Records

Anyone who is a teacher (2305, 2306) must be associated with a section and have a dynamic record to be reported. Static records with a value in the WA11 (Class Section) field are not reported.

FTE is auto-calculated based on the teacher role (2305, 2306, etc.) and how many classes they teach with that role. You can override the value of the FTE by entering a static record with the correct Job Code. No values other than the Job Code and FTE should be entered. This is not a recommended situation but is available. If needed, values like an FTE can be changed in the state Single Edit mode after freezing the report.

Year Long 2310 and 4100

Report year-long 2310 and 4100 records as static assignments. If the record is not year-long, the staff member must be assigned to a class and the dynamic record overridden with the correct Job Code.

Create Static Records with the same set up as above, with the following differences:

  • WA08 - Choose the Assignment Code.
  • WA09 - Choose a grade.
  • WA10 - Enter the NCES ID that should be reported for this assignment.
  • WA11Leave blank in all cases

WA08 Auto Calculation

The WA08 value for a teacher is auto-calculated based on the following rules:

  • If the Course NCESID = 00000 or 99999, then 000 is published.
  • If the Core Course Indicator is checked on the Course and the NCES ID is five or more digits, then 001 is published.
  • If the Core Course Indicator is checked on the Course and the NCES ID starts with C or is less than four digits, then 002 is published.
  • If the Core Course Indicator is NOT checked on the Course and the NCES ID is five or more digits, then 212 is published.
  • If the Core Course Indicator is NOT checked on the Course and the NCES ID starts with C or is less than four digits, then 213 is published.

FTE Calculation

FTE is role-based when publishing in SIF and is calculated for dynamic records based on the following:

  1. The Max FTE from the Information page is gathered. 
  2. Any Static Record FTE's that apply are subtracted from the Max FTE. 
  3. The total number of classes are calculated per job role (2305, 2306), and the remaining FTE is divided per job role based on the number of classes.

For example, a staff member's Max FTE field is blank. When this occurs, we assume their Max FTE is 1.0. They have a static record of a 4100 with an FTE of 0.6. The remaining FTE that we have to work with is 0.4. They also teach classes as a lead teacher (2305). We assign the remaining FTE of 0.4 to the 2305 job role. If a staff member has a Max FTE of 1.0 and a static record of 1.0, that will leave 0 to be assigned to any dynamic records and can cause an error.


Core Work Assignment (WA08) Not Applied as Required

This means that either the WA08 field or the NCES ID field is not aligned correctly. You may need to talk with the state about what the codes should be. See WA08 Auto Calculation section for more information.

Working Staff (SR09=01) Must Have at Least One Work Assignment Record Reported in an Active Term (WA17=01)

This means that the WAR record of the staff has not been published. Review the Static and Dynamic WAR records sections above. 

Staff Attendance Cannot Be 0

Attendance for Staff is publishing on the Staff Assignment SIF object. This value is based on the WAR records for a staff member. Review the Static and Dynamic WAR records sections above.

Record Reported More than Once in SR File

This can be caused by duplicate staff with the same MEPID in your system. Verify that any duplicate staff members are marked to be excluded. If the error persists, contact the state to have your data re-pulled.

Principal/Superintendent/SPED Director Job Classification (WA07) Required

This is due to either missing data or WAR record. Verify the staff is not on the Missing Data report, and that they have a WAR record for the current year. Additionally, verify that staff members are associated with the correct school on the Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations page.

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