The LEAInfo SIF Object is a single record per district, as are most PowerSchool installations. In the case of Super Districts, however, the SIF Agent can be configured to handle multiple districts, and then publishes data accordingly. Super Districts must be configured in PowerSchool and enabled in the SIF Agent.
Add Events
LEAInfo Add Events can be published from the SIF Agent. This is not an automatic progress and must be done manually within the SIF Agent.
To publish Add Events:
- Open the SIF Agent console and click the zone for which you want to publish Events.
- Click Tools > Advanced > Generate Events and select LEAInfo.
- Click OK.
Change Events
Change events for LEAInfo are not published by the SIF Agent.
Delete Events
Delete events for LEAInfo are not published by the SIF Agent.
Element Mappings
LEAInfo for a Single District
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | MA Field | Business Rules |
| @RefId | M |
[Prefs] DistrictNumber | LocalId | M |
| The SIF Agent will pad up to 4 0's at the end of this number to make it 8 digits if needed. |
[Prefs] DistrictNumber | StateProvinceId | M |
| The SIF Agent will pad up to 4 0's at the end of this number to make it 8 digits if needed. |
[Prefs] DistrictName | LEAName | M |
[Prefs] Superintendent | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name[@Type="04"]/FullName | O |
[Prefs] Superintendent | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PositionTitle | O |
| Hardcoded to Superintendent. |
[Prefs] SuperintendentEmail | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/EmailList/Email[@Type="Primary"] | O |
[Prefs] SuperintendentPhone | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O |
[Prefs] SuperintendentFax | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"/Number | O |
[Prefs] DistrictPhone | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O |
[Prefs] DistrictFax | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"/Number | O |
[Prefs] DistrictAddress | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Street/Line1 | O |
[Prefs] DistrictCity | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/City | O |
[Prefs] DistrictState | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/StateProvince | O |
[Prefs] DistrictCountry | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Country | O |
| Hardcoded to US. |
[Prefs] DistrictZip | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/PostalCode | O |
LEAInfo for a Super District
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | MA Field | Business Rules |
| @RefId | M |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Number | LocalId | M |
| The SIF Agent will pad up to 4 0's at the end of this number to make it 8 digits if needed. |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Number | StateProvinceId | M |
| The SIF Agent will pad up to 4 0's at the end of this number to make it 8 digits if needed. |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Name | LEAName | M |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name[@Type="04"]/FullName | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PositionTitle | O |
| Hardcoded to Superintendent. |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Eml | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/EmailList/Email[@Type="Primary"] | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Phn | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Superintendent_Fax | LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"/Number | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Phone | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"/Number | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Fax | PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"/Number | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Address | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Street/Line1 | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_City | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/City | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_State | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/StateProvince | O |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_State | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Country | O |
| Hardcoded to US. |
[CST_SubDistricts] SubDistrict_Zip | AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/PostalCode | O |