School Setup
To complete the tasks required for School Setup, you must have the permissions to work with school-level data. For further information, see Help > System Help > Sign In to PowerSchool.
To navigate to the School Setup page:
- On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
- Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
- Under Setup, click School. The School Setup page appears.
Note: The following information describes the setup required for Connecticut State Reporting. For information about general school setup, see Help > System Help. For more information on code values, see the Appendix.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
Adding Attendance CodesAttendance Codes > New/Edit Attendance Code | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code abbreviation. | [Attendance_Code]Att_Code | N/A | Required Setup SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Presence Status | Select Present or Absent as the presence status. Note: For the Attendance and Tracking Notification function, you must set up attendance codes to track unexcused absences. The presence status for unexcused absences is Absent. | [Attendance_Code] Presence_Status_CD | N/A | SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Code Categories | Select one or more checkboxes to associate the attendance code with attendance code categories. Note: Attendance codes associated with the Unexcused Attendance Code Category are included in the Unexcused Absence calculation. | [Code_Entity]CE_Code = Unexcused (Present, Excused, etc.) | N/A | SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
This attendance code earns ADA credit | Select the checkbox to include this attendance code in attendance calculations. | [Attendance_Code] Calculate_ADA_YN | N/A | Required Setup |
This attendance code counts toward membership | Select the checkbox to include this attendance code in membership calculations. | [Attendance_Code] Calculate_ADM_YN | N/A | Required Setup |
Defining Attendance Code CategoriesAttendance Code Categories > New/Edit Attendance Code Category Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a school year, and are copied from year to year. | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code category abbreviation. For the Attendance Tracking and Notification function, you must set up one attendance code category to track unexcused absences. | [Code_Entity]CE_Code | N/A | Required Setup |
Name | Enter the name of the attendance code category. Note: Verify that an attendance code category of Unexcused is set up for each school calculating unexcused absences. | [Code_Entity]External_Name | N/A | Required Setup |
Setting Up Attendance ConversionsAttendance Conversions > Edit/New Attendance Conversion | ||||
Name | Enter the attendance conversion name. For more information, see the PowerSchool Help. | [Attendance_Conversion]Name | N/A | SIMS Data Collection |
Defining Attendance Tracking and NotificationAttendance Tracking and Notification > Attendance Mode Setup > New/Edit | ||||
Attendance Mode Value | Choose the attendance mode used as the default for your school:
| [Gen]Value=MPTD, MTTD, DCTD, or DTTD [Gen]Name=UEAT_Mode [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Refresh Attendance Tracking Data Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Setup > New/Edit | ||||
Tracking Category | The page displays Unexcused to indicate that the attendance code category selected will be used to track unexcused absences. | N/A | N/A | Refresh Attendance Tracking Data Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Attendance Category | Choose the attendance code category dedicated to tracking unexcused absences from the pop-up menu. Attendance code categories can only be used once, so the pop-up menu displays all attendance code categories set up for your school, except for those already associated with an unexcused reporting category. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Name=UEAT_Category [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Refresh Attendance Tracking Data Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Status | Select Absent to indicate that this unexcused tracking category is used to track absences. Tardy may be used for local purposes, but only Absent is used for state reporting. | [Gen]Value2=Absent [Gen]Name=UEAT_Category [Gen]Cat=Unexcused | N/A | Refresh Attendance Tracking Data Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Adding Full-Time EquivalenciesFull-Time Equivalencies (FTE) > New/Edit FTE Code | ||||
Name | Enter the FTE name. | [FTE]Name | N/A | SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Default Attendance Mode | Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE from the pop-up menu. | [FTE]Dflt_Att_Mode_Code | N/A | SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Default Attendance Conversion | Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE from the pop-up menu. | [FTE]Dflt_Conversion_Mode_Code | N/A | SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Setting Attendance PreferencesAttendance Preferences | ||||
Attendance Recording Methods | Select the checkbox to enable the appropriate methods of attendance. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name= ATT_RecordModeMeeting [Prefs]Name= ATT_RecordModeDaily | N/A | Required Setup |
Count these codes for period conversion | Choose Absences or Presents from the count these codes for period conversion pop-up menu. Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name= ATT_CalcCntPresentsAbsences | N/A | Required Setup |
Setting Up Bell Schedules and CalendarsBell Schedules | ||||
Bell Schedules | Define bell schedules for the current school. For more information, see PowerSchool Help. | [Bell_Schedule] | N/A | SIMS Data Collection Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Calendar Setup | ||||
Calendar Setup - Name of School Year | Assign days to membership types and schedules. For more information, see PowerSchool Help. | [Calendar_Day] | N/A | SIMS Data Collection SASID MSR Student Attendance Summary (SAS) |
Calculating Class RankClass Rank > Class Rank Methods > Class Rank Method Create and manage class rank methods for calculating class rank for students based on GPA calculation methods. Review additional information about class rank. | ||||
Description | Enter a description for the class rank. | [ClassRankMethod]Name | N/A | Required Setup |
GPA Calculation Method | Choose a GPA calculation method to determine the class rank. The GPA calculation method determines which grades are used to determine the class rank. | [ClassRankMethod]Value_x | N/A | Required Setup |
GPA result is | Choose whether to assess the rank numerically, such as giving the student with the highest GPA the rank of 1, or to assess the rank alphabetically, such as giving the student with a GPA of A the rank of 1. | [ClassRankMethod]ValueLi3 | N/A | Required Setup |
Only include grades (that count in class rank) | Select the checkbox to exclude grades for courses or sections excluded from the class rank. | [ClassRankMethod]ValueLi | N/A | Required Setup |
Exclude students (that are excluded from class rank) | Select the checkbox to exclude grades for students who are marked to be excluded from class rank. | [ClassRankMethod]ValueLi2 | N/A | Required Setup |
Include early graduates? | Select the checkbox to include students with an “early graduation exit code” assigned to their school enrollment record. The exit code is defined in the following field. | [ClassRankMethod]ValueR | N/A | Required Setup |
Early graduation exit code | Enter the exit code used to identify students who graduated early. | [ClassRankMethod]Value2 | N/A | Required Setup |
Class Rank > Recalculation Frequency | ||||
Recalculate current class ranks | Choose a calculation frequency for calculating the class rank. Click Recalculate now to immediately calculate the class rank for all class rank methods. | N/A | N/A | Required Setup |
Name | Enter the name of the grading period. | [StoredGrades]StoreCode | N/A | Required Setup |
Defining School DepartmentsDepartments > Add/Edit Department | ||||
Department | Enter the name of the department. | [Department]Description | N/A | Required Setup |
Defining Course SectionsSections > select course > select section > Edit Section | ||||
Course Number | Enter the course number. | [Sections]Course_Number | N/A | Required Setup |
Term | Select the term for this section from the pop-up menu. | [Sections]TermID | N/A | Required Setup |
Room | Enter the room number where this section meets. | [Sections]Room | 5 | Required Setup |
Section Number | Enter the section number. | [Sections]Section_Number | 12 | WAR Record Builder SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) |
Maximum Enrollment | Enter the maximum number of students that may enroll in this course section. | [Sections]MaxEnrollment | 3 | Required Setup |
District Where Taught | Enter the District ID where this section is taught (if taught at a different district). | [Sections]WhereTaughtDistrict | 4 | Required Setup |
School Where Taught | Enter the School ID where this section is taught (if taught at a different school). | [Sections]WhereTaught | 4 | Required Setup |
Team | Select the team for this section. Teams are defined at the district level. | [Sections]Team | N/A | Required Setup |
Entering State Section InformationMassachusetts State Information | ||||
Exclude from State Reporting | Check the box to exclude this section from state reporting. | [S_MA_SEC_X] State_ExludeFromReporting | 1 | EPIMS Work Assignment Record (New) WAR Record Builder Student Course Schedule (SCS) |
Course Term | Choose the code that identifies the length of this course from the pop-up menu. See Course Term for valid values. | [S_MA_SEC_X]CourseTerm | 2 | SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) WAR Record Builder |
Course Level | Choose the code that identifies the level of this course from the pop-up menu. See Course Level for valid values. | [S_MA_SEC_X]CourseLevel | 2 | SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) |
Mark is not required (55) | Select the checkbox to mark as not required. Note: When checked the value of 55 will be extracted for those courses that are designated as ‘Mark is not Required’ | [S_MA_SEC_X]MarkNotRequired | 1 | SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) |
This is an Ungraded Section (66) | Select the checkbox to mark section as ungraded | [S_MA_SEC_X]Ungraded | SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) | |
Students receive a mark for this course but do not receive a percentage (i.e. Pass/Fail). | Select the checkbox to mark the course as a Pass/Fail only course. | [S_MA_SEC_X]NoPercent | 1 | SIMS Student Course Schedule |
NCES / CIPS Code | Enter the NCES or CIPS code that corresponds to this course. For a comprehensive list of all valid values, visit the Department of Education website to download the most up-to-date list of NCES codes: | [S_MA_SEC_X]NCES_CIPCode | 1 | CRDC EPIMS Work Assignment Record (New/Legacy) SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) WAR Record Builder |
Medium of Instruction | Select the delivery medium from the dropdown list. This field is also used for the Work Assignment Record Extract. If a section is set to value 0608 – Virtual/Online Distance Learning, the WAR Extract will replace Job Classification Codes 2305 (Lead Teacher) and 2306 (Co-Teacher) with values 2307 (Virtual Lead Teacher) and 2308 (Virtual Co-Teacher). | [S_MA_SEC_X]MediumOfInstruction | 4 | SIF EPIMS Work Assignment Record (New) |
School Identification Number | If this course was an on-line course, enter one of the following:
If this course is a college-level course, enter the following: CLBR####, where #### is the college institution code Previously selected college-level course codes display in the School Identification Number field. You must add the “CLBR” preface to each college-level course. | [S_MA_SEC_X]OverrideSchoolCode | 8 | SIMS Student Course Schedule (SCS) |
Entering Work Assignment RecordsSections > Work Assignment Records Sections > select course > select section > Edit Section | ||||
The fields on this page are documented in the Staff Setup section below. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Defining Years & TermsYears & Terms > New/Edit Terms | ||||
Name of Term | Enter the name of the term. | [Terms]Name | N/A | Required Setup |
First Day of Term | Enter the date the term begins. | [Terms]FirstDay | 10 | Required Setup |
Last Day of Term | Enter the date the term ends. | [Terms]LastDay | 10 | Required Setup |
What portion of the school year does this term represent? | Select the relevant from the drop-down list. Valid values:
| [Terms]Portion | 1 | Required Setup |
Suppress Classes For This Term From Parent/Student Users | Select the checkbox to suppress classes from users, if required. | [Terms]SuppressPublicView | 1 | |
State Course Term Code | Select the term to identify the duration of the course. For more information, refer to Course Term. This must be mapped to ensure it is published for the SIF agent. | S_MA_TRM_X.State_Course_Term_Code | 2 | Required Setup |
Final Grade Store Code | Enter the store code where the final grades are stored for a class of the selected term. | S_MA_TRM_X.Store_Code | 3 | Required Setup |