CRDC Report (2020-2021)
The 2020-2021 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) report returns a zip file with two PDF files and three Microsoft Excel files that you can use to audit your data. The zip file also contains four .csv files for submission.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting on the student's state information page.
- The student must not be excluded from CRDC reporting on the student's Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) page.
- The school must not be excluded from state reporting on the Schools/School Info page
- The school must have an SCH ID populated on the Civil Rights Data Collection section of the Schools/School Info page.
Run the Report
Note: The Fall Count Date and the IDEA Count Date may or may not be available for your report.
- On the Start page click System Reports.
- Click the State tab and open the CRDC Report (2020-2021).
- If you are running the report from the district, select which Schools to Include in the report.
- In the Fall Count Date field, enter October 1 or the closest school day to October 1.
- Choose the appropriate School Year.
- If your school uses block schedule classes, enter March 1 or the closest school day to March 1 in the Spring Count Date field.
- In the IDEA Count Date field, enter the date used to count students who were enrolled in IDEA. If you do not select a date, the system defaults to the Fall Count Date.
- Select which output files you want included in the zip file.
- Click Submit.
Verify the Data
The PDF files contain detailed information of your CRDC report output. The format is aligned with the ORC's LEA and School forms. Use these files in conjunction with the audit files to verify your data before submission.
- CRDC Report - LEA
- CRDC Report - Schools
The three Microsoft Excel files contain fully disaggregated student, school, and class information that you can sort or filter to compare aggregate data against the PDF files.
- CRDC Class Audit
- CRDC School Audit
- CRDC Student Audit
Use the Report Output to reference the PowerSchool SIS data source for the report data elements. Visit the LEA-level Table Layout and School-level Table Layout pages on the Civil Rights Data Collection Resource Center website to view the mapping of data element names between the PDF and .csv files.
Submit the Report
Once you have validated that your information is correct, upload the following files to the CRDC Survey Tool:
- CRDC LEA.csv
- CRDC School 1.csv
- CRDC School 2.csv
- CRDC School 3.csv
After you submit the .csv files, navigate to the CRDC portal and update data not collected by PowerSchool SIS.
- DISC- 1a through DISC 2
- DISC-4 through DISC-7b
- DISC-8a
- DISC-10
- OFFN-4
- HIBS-1c
- HIBS-2c
- RSTR-1a through RSTR-3
Report Output
Unless otherwise noted:
- Student counts include students in grades K-12, or the ungraded equivalent.
- Staff counts include all staff for schools that serve students in preschool and grades K-12, or the ungraded equivalent.
- Counts by race/ethnicity and sex are unduplicated counts.
- Students counted in the race and ethnicity subcategory may also be counted in the Students with Disabilities (IDEA), Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only), and Students who are limited English proficient (EL) categories.
Some data in the CRDC report are disaggregated into subcategories of race and ethnicity, sex, English Learner, and disability.
Aggregate Element | Data Source |
Race and Ethnicity | StudentRace.RaceCd Students.FedEthnicity |
Sex | StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_Gender or Students.Gender |
EL | [S_MA_STU_Demographics_X]LimitedEnglishProficiency [S_MA_STU_Demographics_X]LEPProgramStatus |
Students with Disabilities (IDEA) | [S_MA_STU_SPED_X]PrimaryDisability [S_MA_REN_SPED_X]PrimaryDisability |
Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) | [S_MA_STU_SPED_X]Sec504PlanStatus |
LEA (District)
Item # | Data Element | Description | Data Source |
SSPR-1 | Count of Students | The overall student enrollment for the LEA as of the snapshot date, including students both present and absent, excluding duplicate counts of students within the LEA or students whose membership is reported by another LEA. Includes all students who are the responsibility of the LEA, including those served in a non-LEA facility. | Count of students enrolled in the LEA on the snapshot date. |
SSPR-2 | Count of Students Served in Non-LEA Facilities | The number of students enrolled in the LEA, who are served in non-LEA facilities only. This includes students in preschool, grades K-12, and comparable ungraded levels. An LEA that contracts with another LEA to serve one or more students should consider the contracted LEA a non-LEA facility. Students served under this arrangement are included in this count. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.NonLEAFacility_YN |
SSPR-3 | Count of Schools | The number of public schools under the governance of the LEA, including all facilities where students attend, for example, charter schools. | A count of schools that have the SCH ID populated on the Civil Rights Data Collection section of the Schools/School Info page. |
SSPR-4 | Preschool Program Provided by the LEA Indicator | Indicates if the LEA provides one or more preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5. Includes programs and services provided by non-LEA facilities that are contracted by the LEA. | Prefs.CRDC_PreKGAge3to5_YN |
SSPR-5 | Preschool Children Served | The number of children ages 2 through 5 served in the LEA’s preschool service(s) or program(s), including those served in a non-LEA facility. | Students.Grade_Level Students.DOB |
CRCO-1 | Civil Rights Coordinators Indicator | Indicates if the LEA has appointed one or more Civil Rights Coordinators for the specified civil rights category. | Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_YN Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Race_YN Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Disability _YN |
CRCO-2 | Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information | The contact information for the Civil Rights Coordinator(s) for each of the specified civil rights categories. Contact information is reported only for one Civil Rights Coordinator for each civil rights law. If the LEA has more than one coordinator for a specific civil rights law, the reported contact information is for the Lead Coordinator only. | Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_FirstName Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_LastName Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_Phone Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_Gender_Email Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _FirstName Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _LastName Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _Phone Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _Email Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _FirstName Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _LastName Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _Phone Prefs.CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _Email |
CRCO-3 | Desegregation Order or Plan | Indicates if the LEA is covered by a desegregation order or plan. | Prefs.CRDC_DesegOrderOrPlan_YN |
HIBD-1 | Harassment or Bullying Policy Indicator | Indicates if the LEA has a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students based on sex, race/color/national origin, and disability. | Prefs.CRDC_HarassmentBullyingPolicy_YN |
HIBD-2 | Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link | The hyperlink for the harassment or bullying policy. | Prefs.CRDC_HarassmentBullyingPolicyURL_YN |
DSED-1 | Distance Education Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if the LEA has any students enrolled in any distance education courses. | S_STU_CRDC_X.Distance_Learning_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.Distance_Learning_YN S_CRS_CRDC_X.Distance_Learning_YN |
DSED-2 | Distance Education Enrollment | The number of students enrolled in any distance education courses. Distance Education Enrollment value acts as an override to the section, which acts as an override to the course. | S_CRS_CRDC_X.DistanceLearning_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.DistanceLearning_YN S_STU_CRDC_X.DistanceLearning_YN
HSEE-1 | High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Provided by the LEA Indicator | Indicates if the LEA provides one or more high school equivalency exam preparation programs for students ages 16-19. Includes programs provided by non-LEA facilities that are contracted by the LEA. | Prefs.CRDC_GEDPrepProgram_YN |
HSEE-2 | High School Equivalency Exam Preparation Program Student Participation | The number of students, ages 16-19, who participated in one or more high school equivalency exam preparation programs provided by the LEA, including in non-LEA facilities. Includes students who participated in one or more programs regardless of whether they took the programs’ high school equivalency exams. | S_STU_CRDC_X.GEDPrepProgram_YN
Item # | Data Element | Description | Data Source |
DIND-1 | Directional Indicator - Instruction Type | An indicator of the type of instructional at the school. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.InstructionType
DIND-2 | Directional Indicator - Virtual Instruction | An indicator of the type of virtual instruction for the school. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.VirtualInstructionType
SCHR-1 | Grades with Students Enrolled | An indicator of all grade levels offered at this school where at least one student is enrolled. | Schools.Low_Grade Schools.High_Grade S_SCH_CRDC_X.ProvidesUngraded_YN |
SCHR-2 | Ungraded Detail (only for entirely ungraded schools) | Indicates if the ungraded school has mainly elementary, middle, and/or high school students. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.UngradedDetail |
SCHR-3 | School Characteristics | Indicates if the school is one of the listed types. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.ForDisabilities_YN S_SCH_CRDC_X.MagentSchoolOrProgram_YN S_SCH_CRDC_X.CharterSchool_YN S_SCH_CRDC_X.AlternativeSchool_YN |
SCHR-4 | Magnet School Detail (only for magnet schools) | Indicates if the entire school population participates in the magnet school program. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.AllMagnetOnly_YN |
SCHR-5 | Alternative School Detail (only for alternative schools) | Indicates if the alternative school is designated to meet the needs of:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.AlternativeSchoolAcademic_TF S_SCH_CRDC_X.AlternativeSchoolDiscipline_TF |
PSCH-1 | Preschool Enrollment | The number of preschool enrollments of students 3 to 5 years old. Includes children who are 2 years old who are allowed to enroll in preschool at the start of the school year because they will turn 3 years old sometime during the school year. | Students.Grade_Level
ENRL-1 | Overall Student Enrollment | The count of overall student enrollment. |
ENRL-2a | Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students | The number of students who are EL students. This includes all EL students regardless of whether they were enrolled in EL programs. |
ENRL-2b | Enrollment of English Learner Students – EL Students in Programs | The number of students enrolled in EL programs. |
ENRL-3a | Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA Only | The number of students with disabilities served under IDEA. |
ENRL-3b | Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only | The number of students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA. |
PENR-1 | Gifted and Talented Programs Indicator | Indicates if the school has any students enrolled in one or more gifted/talented programs. | S_STU_CRDC_X.GiftTalent_YN |
PENR-2 | Gifted and Talented Student Enrollment | The number of students enrolled in gifted and talented programs. | S_STU_CRDC_X.GiftTalent_YN
PENR-3 | Dual Enrollment Program | Indicates if this school has any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program. | Students.Grade_Level S_SCH_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN S_CRS_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN S_STU_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN |
PENR-4 | Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs | The number of students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program. Student dual enrollment value acts as an override to the section, which acts as an override to the course. | Students.Grade_Level S_STU_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN S_CRS_CRDC_X.DualEnrollment_YN
COUR-1a | Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes | The number of Algebra I classes offered at the school with grades 7-8 or ungraded middle school age students. | [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-1b | Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes Taught by Certified Teachers | The number of Algebra I classes with grades 7-8 or ungraded middle school age students taught by Certified Teachers. | [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode [S_USR_CRDC_X]CertifiedGeneralMath_TF [S_USR_CRDC_X]CertifiedAlgebraI_TF |
COUR-2a | Grade 7 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if the school has any 7th grade (or comparable ungraded level) students enrolled in Algebra I. | Derived as Y or N value based on whether COUR-3a has a value greater than zero. |
COUR-2b | Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if the school has any 8th grade (or comparable ungraded level) students enrolled in Algebra I. | Derived as Y or N value based on whether COUR-3b has a value greater than zero. |
COUR-3a | Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 7 | The number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7 or a comparable ungraded level. | [Students]Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-3b | Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8 | The number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-4a | Grade 7 Students who Passed Algebra I | Count of students who passed Algebra I in grade 7 or a comparable ungraded level. Only students who are reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-3a are counted. | Students.Grade_Level S_FinalGradeStoreCodes_CRDC_S.StoreCodeList [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-4b | Grade 8 Students who Passed Algebra I | Count of students who passed Algebra I in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level. Only students who are reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-3b are counted. | Students.Grade_Level S_FinalGradeStoreCodes_CRDC_S.StoreCodeList [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-5a | Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if the school has any students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level. | Derived as Y or N value based on whether COUR-5b has a value greater than zero. |
COUR-5b | Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8 | The number of students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-6a | High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10 | The number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grades 9-10 or comparable ungraded level. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-6b | High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12 | The number of students enrolled in Algebra I grades 11-12 or comparable ungraded level. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-7a | High School Students who Passed Algebra I – Grades 9 & 10 | Count of students who passed Algebra I in grades 9-10 or comparable ungraded level. Only students who are reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-6a are counted. | Students.Grade_Level S_FinalGradeStoreCodes_CRDC_S.StoreCodeList [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-7b | High School Students who Passed Algebra I – Grades 11 & 12 | Count of students who passed Algebra I in grades 11-12 or comparable ungraded level. Only students who are reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-6b are counted. | Students.Grade_Level S_FinalGradeStoreCodes_CRDC_S.StoreCodeList [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-8 | Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School | The number of mathematics classes for students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded level. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-9 | Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Teachers with a Mathematics Certification | The number of Mathematics classes for students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded level taught by certified teachers. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-9a | Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Algebra II. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-9b | Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Advanced Mathematics | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Advanced Mathematics. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-9c | Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Calculus | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Calculus. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-9d | Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Geometry. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-10 | Classes in Science Courses | The number of Science classes for students grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels. Includes the following classes:
| Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.CourseTypeBiology_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.CourseTypeBiology_YN S_CRS_CRDC_X.CourseTypeChemistry_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.CourseTypeChemistry_YN S_CRS_CRDC_X.CourseTypePhysics_YN S_SEC_CRDC_X.CourseTypePhysics_YN |
COUR-11a | Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Biology | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Biology. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-11b | Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Chemistry. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-11c | Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Physics | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Physics. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
COUR-12 | Single-Sex Academic Classes Indicator | Indicates if this school has any students enrolled in one or more single-sex academic classes. | [S_MA_CRS_CRDC_X]SingleSexCode S_SEC_CRDC_X.SingleSexCode |
COUR-13 | Single-Sex Academic Classes Detail | The number of male-only and female-only classes, grouped by:
| [S_MA_CRS_CRDC_X]SingleSexCode S_SEC_CRDC_X.SingleSexCode S_CRS_CRDC_X.SubjectCat
COUR-14 | Classes in Science Courses in High School Taught by Teachers with a Science Certification | The number of Science classes for students grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels taught by certified teachers. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-15 | Classes in Computer Science Courses | The number of Computer Science classes for students grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode |
COUR-16 | Classes in Computer Science Courses in High School Taught by Teachers with a Computer Science Certification | The number of Computer Science classes for students grades 9-12 taught by certified teachers, includes classes with ungraded high school age students. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode [S_USR_CRDC_X]CertifiedCompSci_TF |
COUR-17 | Student Enrollment in Computer Science Courses | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in Computer Science. | Students.Grade_Level [S_MA_CRS_X]NCESCode [S_MA_SEC_X]NCESCode
APIB-1 | International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme | Indicates if this school has any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. | Students.Grade_Level S_STU_CRDC_X.IBDiplomaProgram_YN |
APIB-2 | Student Enrollment in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. | Students.Grade_Level S_STU_CRDC_X.IBDiplomaProgram_YN
APIB-3 | Advanced Placement (AP) Program Indicator | Indicates if this school has any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) courses. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea |
APIB-4 | Different Advanced Placement (AP) Courses | The number of different AP courses the school provides for students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea |
APIB-5 | Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self-Selection | Indicates if enrollment via self-selection by students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels is permitted for all AP courses offered by the school. | Students.Grade_Level S_SCH_CRDC_X.APSelfParticipate_YN |
APIB-6 | Advanced Placement (AP) Student Enrollment | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in at least one AP course. | Students.Grade_Level
APIB-7 | Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels at this school are enrolled in AP mathematics. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea = ‘MT’ |
APIB-8 | Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in at least one AP course in mathematics. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea = ‘MT’
APIB-9 | Advanced Placement (AP) Science Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if this school has any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) science courses. | S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea = ‘SC’ |
APIB-10 | Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in at least one AP course in science. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea = ‘SC’
APIB-11 | Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Enrollment Indicator | Indicates if this school has any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) courses in Computer Science. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea = ‘CS’ |
APIB-12 | Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science | The number of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels that are enrolled in at least one AP course in Computer Science. | Students.Grade_Level S_CRS_CRDC_X.APSubjectArea = ‘CS’
EXAM-1 | Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT | Count of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels who participated in the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT), the ACT Test (ACT), or both. | Students.Grade_Level S_STU_CRDC_X.SAT_YN S_STU_CRDC_X.ACT_YN
STAF-1 | Teachers - FTE Count and Certification | The number of FTE teachers. FTE teacher counts include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTETeachers |
STAF-2 | School Counselors Number FTE | The number of FTE school counselors. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTETeachersCert |
STAF-3 | Support Services Staff Number FTE | The number of FTE support services staff. FTE support staff count includes:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTENurses S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTEPsychologists S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTESocWorkers |
SECR-1 | Security Staff | The number of FTE security staff present at the school at least once per week to perform his/her duties. FTE security staff counts include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTELawEnforcement S_SCH_CRDC_X.NoOfFTESecGuards |
RETN-1 | Student Retention Indicator | Indicates if any students were retained in any of the applicable grades within the school. | Students.Grade_Level |
RETN-2 GRK | Retention of Students in Kindergarten | Count of students in kindergarten who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR1 | Retention of Students in Grade 1 | Count of students in grade 1 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN- GR2 | Retention of Students in Grade 2 | Count of students in grade 2 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR3 | Retention of Students in Grade 3 | Count of students in grade 3 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR4 | Retention of Students in Grade 4 | Count of students in grade 4 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR5 | Retention of Students in Grade 5 | Count of students in grade 5 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR6 | Retention of Students in Grade 6 | Count of students in grade 6 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR7 | Retention of Students in Grade 7 | Count of students in grade 7 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR8 | Retention of Students in Grade 8 | Count of students in grade 8 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR9 | Retention of Students in Grade 9 | Count of students in grade 9 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR10 | Retention of Students in Grade 10 | Count of students in grade 10 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR11 | Retention of Students in Grade 11 | Count of students in grade 11 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
RETN-2 GR12 | Retention of Students in Grade 12 | Count of students in grade 12 who were retained. | Students.Grade_Level
ATHL-1 | Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Indicator | Indicates if this school has any students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels who participate in single-sex interscholastic athletics. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschAthletics_YN |
ATHL-2 | Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Sports, Teams, and Participants | Count of students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels for each of the following:
| Students.Grade_Level S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschSportsM S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschSportsF S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschTeamsM S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschTeamsF S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschParticipantsM S_SCH_CRDC_X.InterschParticipantsF |
DISC-1a | Preschool Suspensions and Expulsions - One or More Out-of-School Suspension(s) | The number of preschool students who received an out-of-school suspension. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-1b | Preschool Suspensions and Expulsions - Expulsions | The number of preschool students who received an expulsion. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-2 | Preschool Instances of Suspension | The total number of instances of out-of-school suspensions for preschool children. A preschool child may be counted more than once if the child was involved in multiple offenses and received multiple out-of-school suspensions. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-3 | Corporal Punishment Indicator | Indicates if the school used corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes during the school year for students in preschool and grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.CorpPunishment_YN |
DISC-4 | Preschool Corporal Punishment | The number of preschool children who receive corporal punishment. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-5 | Preschool Instances of Corporal Punishment | The number of instances of corporal punishment for preschool children. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-6 | Instances of Corporal Punishment | The number of corporal punishment instances for students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-7a | Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Corporal Punishment | Count of students without disabilities who received corporal punishment. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-7b | Discipline of Students without Disabilities - In-School Suspensions | Count of students without disabilities who received one or more in-school suspensions. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-7c | Discipline of Students without Disabilities – Only One Out-of-School Suspension | Count of students without disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 2=Out of school suspension
DISC-7d | Discipline of Students without Disabilities - More than One Out-of-School Suspension | Count of students without disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspension. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 2=Out of school suspension
DISC-7e | Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational Services | Count of students without disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 3=Expulsion Explusion with educational services – [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]AltEdProvidedCode = 2 (Yes)
DISC-7f | Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions without Educational Services | Count of students without disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services.
| [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 3=Expulsion Explusion without educational services [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]AltEdProvidedCode = 1 (No)
DISC-7g | Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions Under Zero-Tolerance Policies | Count of students without disabilities who received an expulsion under zero-tolerance policies. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 3=Expulsion Expulsions under zero-tolerance policies – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Exp_Zero_Tolerance_TF
DISC-8a | Transfer to Alternative School for Students without Disabilities | The number of students without disabilities who were transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-9a | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Corporal Punishment | Count of students with disabilities who received corporal punishment. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken [Log]LogEntryCustom
DISC-9b | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - One or More In-School Suspension | Count of students with disabilities who received one or more in-school suspension. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 1=In-school suspension
DISC-9c | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Only One Out-of-School Suspension | Count of students with disabilities who received only one out-of-school suspension. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 2=Out of school suspension
DISC-9d | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - More than One Out-of-School Suspension | Count of students with disabilities who received more than one out-of-school suspensions. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 2=Out of school suspension
DISC-9e | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational Services | Count of students with disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 3=Expulsion Explusion with educational services – [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]AltEdProvidedCode = 2 (Yes)
DISC-9f | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions without Educational Services | Count of students with disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 3=Expulsion Explusion without educational services – [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]AltEdProvidedCode = 1 (No)
DISC-9g | Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions Under Zero-Tolerance Policies | Count of students with disabilities who received an expulsion under zero-tolerance policies. | [S_MA_LOG_Discipline_X]ActionTaken and [Log]Consequence 3=Expulsion Expulsions under zero-tolerance policies – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Exp_Zero_Tolerance_TF
DISC-10 | Transfer to Alternative School for Students with Disabilities | The number of students without disabilities who were transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary purposes. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
DISC-11 | Instances of Suspension | The total number of out-of-school suspensions. A student may be counted more than once if the student was involved in multiple offenses and received multiple out-of-school suspensions. | [Students]Grade_Level
DISC-12 | School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension | The number of school days that were missed by students due to one or more out-of-school suspensions. | [Students]Grade_Level
ARRS-1a | Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - Referred to Law Enforcement Agency | Count of students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official. | Referred To Law Enforcement – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Referred_Law_Enforcement_TF
ARRS-1b | Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - School-Related Arrest | Count of students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest. Disaggregated by:
| School-Related Arrest –[S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]School_Arrest_TF
ARRS-2a | Discipline of Students With Disabilities - Referred to Law Enforcement Agency | Count of students with disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official. | Referred To Law Enforcement – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Referred_Law_Enforcement_TF
ARRS-2b | Discipline of Students With Disabilities - School-Related Arrest | Count of students with disabilities who received a school-related arrest. | School-Related Arrest –[S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]School_Arrest_TF
OFFN-1 | Offenses – Number of Incidents | The number of documented incidents that occurred at the school. Incidents include:
| [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Offense_Category |
OFFN-2 | Firearm Use | Indicates if there has been at least one incident at this school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt). | S_SCH_CRDC_X.FirearmUse_YN |
OFFN-3 | Homicide | Indicates if any of the school’s students, faculty, or staff have died as a result of homicide committed at the school. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.Homicide_YN |
OFFN-4 | Offenses - Number of Incidents Committed by Student | The number of documented offenses committed at the school by a student. Offenses include:
| Manually enter into the CRDC portal. |
OFFN-5 | Offenses - Number of Incidents Committed by School Staff | The number of documented offenses committed at the school by a school staff member. Offenses include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffRape S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffSexAsslt |
OFFN-6 | Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement) | The number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at the school that were followed by resignation or retirement. Allegations include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffResignOrRetdRape S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffResgnOrRetdSexAsslt |
OFFN-7 | Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible) | The number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at the school where the determination is that the staff member was responsible. Allegations include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffDetdRespRape S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffDetdRespSexAsslt |
OFFN-8 | Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible) | The number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at the school where the determination is that the staff member was not responsible. Allegations include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffDetdNotRespRape S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffDetdNotRespSexAsslt |
OFFN-9 | Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determination Pending) | The number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at the school where the determination of the staff member's responsibility is pending. Allegations include:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffDetdPendRape S_SCH_CRDC_X.IncStaffDetdPendSexAsslt |
HIBS-1a | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - Sex, Race, Color, National Origin, and Disability | The number of allegations of harassment or bullying reported to responsible school employees (such as teachers and school administrators). Allegations include:
| Sex – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Allege_Harassed_Sex_TF Race or National Origin –[S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Allege_Harassed_Race_TF Disability – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Allege_Harassed_Disability_TF |
HIBS-1b | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - Sexual Orientation and Religion | The number of allegations of harassment or bullying reported to responsible school employees (such as teachers and school administrators). Allegations include:
| Sexual Orientation – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Allege_Harass_Orientation_TF Religion – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Allege_Harass_Religion_TF |
HIBS-1c | Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – By Religion Type | The number of allegations of harassment or bullying reported by students to any staff member. Reported by religion. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal. |
HIBS-2a | Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Sex | The number of students reported to a responsible school employee as harassed or bullied based on sex. Disaggregated by:
| Sex – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Report_Harassed_Sex_TF
HIBS-2b | Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Race, Color, or National Origin | The number of students reported to a responsible school employee as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Disaggregated by:
| Race or National Origin –[S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Report_Harassed_Race_TF
HIBS-2c | Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Disability | The number of students who were reported to a responsible school employee as harassed or bullied based on disability. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
HIBS-3a | Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Sex | The number of students disciplined for harassment or bullying based on sex. | Sex – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Discipline_Sex_TF
HIBS-3b | Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Race, Color, or National Origin | The number of students disciplined for harassment or bullying based on race, color, or national origin. | Race or National Origin – [S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Discipline_Race_TF
HIBS-3c | Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Disability | The number of students disciplined for harassment or bullying based on disability. | Disability -[S_MA_LOG_CRDC_X]Discipline_Disability_TF
RSTR-1a | Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Mechanical Restraint | The number of non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
RSTR-1b | Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Physical Restraint | The number of male and female non-IDEA students subjected to physical restraint. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
RSTR-1c | Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Seclusion | The number of non-IDEA students subjected to seclusion. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
RSTR-2a | IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Mechanical Restraint | The number of IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
RSTR-2b | IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Physical Restraint | The number of IDEA students subjected to physical restraint. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
RSTR-2c | IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Seclusion | The number of IDEA students subjected to seclusion. | Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
RSTR-3 | Instances of Restraint or Seclusion | The number of instances of the following:
| Manually enter into the CRDC portal.
JUST-1 | Justice Facility Type | An indicator for the specified type that best describes the justice facility. Justice facility types:
| S_SCH_CRDC_X.JusticeFacilityType |
JUST-2 | Days in Regular School Year at Justice Facility | The number of days that make up the justice facility’s regular school year. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.JusticeFacilityDays |
JUST-3 | Justice Facility Educational Program Hours per Week | The number of hours per week that the educational program is offered during the regular school year. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.JusticeFacilityHours |
JUST-4 | Justice Facility Educational Program Participants | The number of students who participated in the credit-granting educational program during the regular school year at the justice facility for the length of time specified below. Includes elementary, middle, and high school-age students who participated in the educational program. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.JusticeFacilityType Students.Entry_Date Students.Exit_Date |
INET-1 | Internet Access and Devices | Indicates the school's technology access and configuration:
Includes preschool and grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.SchInternetFiber_YN S_SCH_CRDC_X.SchInternetWiFi_YN S_SCH_CRDC_X.SchInternetSchDev_YN S_SCH_CRDC_X.SchInternetStuDev_YN |
INET-2 | Wi-Fi Enabled Devices | The number of enabled Wi-Fi devices provided by the school to students for classroom or student learning use. | S_SCH_CRDC_X.WiFiEnabledDevices |