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PowerSchool SIF Massachusetts SMP Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-245432StudentSchoolEnrollment: Add CivicsProjectCompleter

The StudentSchoolEnrollment object now includes CivicsProjectCompleter. The default value is 500.

PSSR-243164Update Student Attendance Summary with Remote Attendance

Student Attendance Summary now sends Remote Present and Remote Absent data. This data comes from having an attendance code with the category of "Remote" assigned to the code. If attendance is entered on the SAS page, there are two new fields added to this page to enter Remote Attendance and Remote Absent. These fields are published when a SAS record is used.

PSSR-243163Add Instruction Mode to StudentSchoolEnrollment

StudentSchoolEnrollment now publishes Instruction Mode. If there is a Students Learning Preferences record, the record is used to determine the Instruction Mode. If there is no record, the school level default value is used.

PSSR-241524StudentSectionEnrollment: Add PathwaysCourse Extended Element

The StudentSectionEnrollment record now includes the PathwaysCourse extended element. This value is pulled from the Course Information and defaults to 00.

PSSR-239753Use Special Codes Grading Scale When Associated with Current Grading Scale

The MA SMP now uses the Special Codes Grading Scale that is associated with a standard grade scale to determine the state code when publishing the DOE012 value.

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