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PowerSchool SIF Oklahoma SMP 21.4.1 Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-227451DisciplineIncident: Add Support for Events

Event support has been added for Incident Management changes.

This requires PowerSchool State Reporting release for events to be generated within the PowerSchool application.

PSSR-254550Half-Day Attendance Not Always Sending Correctly Through SIF

If a student has a 1/2 day remote absence and a 1/2 day remote present on the same day, only the 1/2 day remote absence will be published to comply with SIF Spec and state requirements. Previously, both records were trying to publish to the state for the day, and the data on the dashboard randomly showed one value or the other.

PSSR-252602Improve Performance of Student Daily Attendance

The performance for Student Daily Attendance is improved to allow for faster requests and events. Previously, Student Daily Attendance requests for a whole district, especially larger districts, were not completing due to performance issues.

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